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Bloody Nine

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Everything posted by Bloody Nine

  1. Bloody Nine


    Happy Trolls Day, everyone~ <3
  2. Bloody Nine

    Friiiday Friiiday

    For a sec, I thought this was about that video with Rebecca Black. And I was ready to kill someone.
  3. I hear good things about oxygen, but I can't get enough of nitrogen.
  4. D:

    Is it beautifully glorious!?

  5. Hah, nice name change.

    For a sec, I thought you were Wrack, considering that I don't load images.

  6. Bloody Nine

    On The Subject Of Swearing

    Okay, if you don't like it when people swear, fine, whatever. It's your choice. But when you start judging people as being offensive and whatnot, then why shouldn't I judge you as, hiding behind a veneer of sophisticated calmness and culture with a hint of politeness, simply being butthurt when your tender ears get violated? They're words. They can be used for emphasis as well. And it's hardly a sign of 'mental laziness' if I swear when angry or something. They're, again, only words. That people use.
  7. Bloody Nine

    On The Subject Of Swearing

    It's just words, man. Who cares? Swearing doesn't mean, by any association, stupidity or any such nonsense. If you have a problem with someone swearing, then you ask them to knock it off. If they don't, then that's their problem.
  8. Bloody Nine


    Spoilers: Second season was horrible and nonsensical. I realize that now... ended up watching it for the Storm of Orange's Loyalty
  9. Why thank you kind sir.

  10. Bloody Nine

    3ds In 15 Days

    Probably is the disk and packaging and transport, actually. That's why you'll never see Mass Effect 2 discs on sale for 20 bucks any time in the near future, while Steam can pop that up every now and then.
  11. Not observant at all.

  12. Gummy anything is perfectly fine.
  13. All I want for my birthday and christmas is this [You may not post images containing the name of a site with inappropriate content. -Shine] Whoops, wrong pic [same] This. Or Or [same]
  14. Okay! Here you go. *hands EW a medal*
  15. Tchh, lame. My condolences. *Gives you a nice hat*
  16. *Dusts blog off* Seriously, enough of this SINGLES AWARENESS DAY nonsense. You're not being grimdark nor edgy by proclaiming your singleness, or how you've seen the 'light' of corporate consumerist bull. You're just being obnoxious and irritating. Let the lovebirds have their day. I'm single, and even I know this. /endrant
  17. What, you want a medal or something? Because... honestly. I don't see the point of this entry.
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