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Everything posted by -Sidorak-

  1. QFT When people complain, there's usually a good reason. For example, take the large Mata Nui set. I think it's a piece of garbage. Looks like absolutely no effort was put into it. I hate it. What's wrong with saying that? Nothing. Will it still sell well? (4x double l's) Unfortunately. Everyone's happy: we get to voice our opinions and LEGO still gets their profits. But "just imagine" how many more copies of that set LEGO could sell if it had correct proportions, a solid build, and a uniform color scheme.
  2. This is just a perfect example of what's wrong with education in America: too much power is given to the wrong people. We will bend over backwards for criminals and illegal immigrants in our society but when this kids blows a kiss to his mom he doesn't graduate. America is in trouble. Sorry but no. -Omi
  3. I thought there already was a store in Paramus. I'll be there this August, and it would be awesome to be there for the grand opening, but if there's no online information on it yet, I wouldn't count on it opening in August. Though I can always dream...
  4. Well, his other art might be suggestive and innapropriate for BZP, but it's nothing graphic or explicit. Anyway... that's quite a change of style.
  5. -Sidorak-


    If anyone watched Conan O'Brien tonight... the people who were wearing the "COCO" shirts sitting in the front row are some of my friends. B) They were the ones who got the murderer's Neil Diamond jacket.
  6. BEG TO DIFFER Beg to agree. Beg to differ with the agreement to differ. I pulled an all nighter on a Sunday night/Monday morning. During Monday I felt fine, but later in the week I felt bad.
  7. -Sidorak-

    Very Hot

    I saw the title and thought you were talking about me...
  8. Liuzhangli Station Taiwan World War II Adolf Hitler Too easy.
  9. Heh. I hate all-nighters. The day afterwards doesn't feel so bad, but later in the week it catches up with you...
  10. -Sidorak-

    What Time Is It?

    How loud are your thoughts? It's not worth getting all bent out of shape. I live right outside LA, and there's a LOT of people who cruise around listening to rap loudly here. It's never bothered me. I don't particularly care for the music, but there's nothing I can do about it and it probably will never change, so why bother? There are more pressing issues to focus on.
  11. -Sidorak-

    A Little Story

    Yeah. I've contemplated becoming a lawyer before, and it's not their fault that the system allows this to happen, it's the legislation. Also, he shouldn't have taken the gun to the bully's house. I've never been in a situation like that, and hopefully never will, so I can't fully understand the stress and fear that must have overtaken him, but that was still the wrong thing to do. After going to the school office multiple times, couldn't he see that they were doing nothing? Why not call child services? The police? You should go to the higher authorities in these types of situations.
  12. -Sidorak-

    What Time Is It?

    If that's how they want to enjoy their music, fine. I'm indifferent. It doesn't bother me. Plus (at least in my neighborhood), the guys who drive around blasting rap are usually going 90 MPH anyways so bystanders only have to hear them for like 2 seconds. EDIT: And maybe part of my indifference stems from the fact that I'm used to it. The Game lives one street over from me.
  13. -Sidorak-


    Maybe that was intentional... in a really sick, double-jointed way.
  14. "In the year 3000, the 3 biggest time-wasting websites will form one super-site: YouTwitFace." - Conan O'Brien
  15. Wow, amazing set-posing and photography. Mata Nui and Ackar look great. LEGO should talk to you about posing the sets. Whoever posed the titan Mata Nui did an atrocious job (though the fact that the set itself sucks doesn't help much).
  16. -Sidorak-

    Conan's New Set

    Haha, yeah, that was the funniest (strangest?) bit on his show tonight. The only other joke that was funny was the "Shalom, amigos" one.
  17. I hate procrastination. Every time I procrastinate I promise myself I won't do it anymore, then a week later I'm in the same situation. EDIT I've gotten a little better at it, but still put off a lot of stuff till the day before... at one point it was so bad I disconnected my internet. And Tool... I've never get in a different mood when I listen to them, but I sometimes do when I listen to other music, so I kind of know what you're talking about.
  18. Congrats! Getting a call from LEGO must have been a nice surprise.
  19. Heh, I'm reading Oliver Twist right now.

  20. -Sidorak-


    That is a strange coincidence. Then again... there are no coincidences. ... but it's understandable that you wouldn't have one. You're probably like me, a casual collector that saves a nifty coin if you find one. It's understandable that you wouldn't have a buffalo nickel because they're hardly ever seen in circulation. Anyway, cool story.
  21. -Sidorak-

    A P Chemistry

    One more thing: you need to do more than simply memorize the concepts. Knowing what Hund's Rule is won't help you at all if you don't know how to apply it.
  22. Nice to see another Leno fan on BZP. I'm sad he's leaving the Tonight Show but he'll be back in September.

  23. -Sidorak-

    The Grand Update

    Boy, these pretzels are makin' me thirsty...
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