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Everything posted by --V--

  1. I always thought the :K was the walrus (or Lolrus is you so choose) smiley..
  2. --V--

    My Final Entry

    i wish you a safe trip in your time away from this blog good sir.. *cheers n' such*
  3. *is considering making stop motion film of mata-nui singing that song*
  4. After a quick trip to the local Toys R Us, the Combine found the newest addition to their armed forces.
  5. i do not recommend a leather trench-coat, while stylish and awesome, they are extremely easy to ruin and weigh a ton, a leather duster would work out much better
  6. --V--

    I Am Worried

    well the definition of plagiarism is "the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work." so i suppose that even though there's a difference in the two words, there's enough resemblance for it to be mistaken as plagiarized work. While you didn't intend it, just to be safe i would recommend changing the name (such as Raezahk, or something similar so its still close to your original idea, but different enough from the other one to not be mistaken for plagiarism) just to be safe. That's my opinion on it.
  7. i've gotten a free-fall and an ambulance ride in the same day
  8. if only blizzard would hurry it up with star-craft 2..
  9. Ipod's are the only good thing that Apple makes.. and for some reason my ipod says it's "arging" when its CHarging..
  10. --V--


    already started the schoolyear X_X
  11. and what of the traitorous ladle and tongs?
  12. what is the circumference of a moose?
  13. Article 135- Aye, seems reasonable Article 136- Aye Article 137- Aye Article 138- Nay, a canon makuta exists Article 139- Aye, alternative dimensions are always fun. Article 140- Aye, an interdimensional war, while highly improbably does make the "light vs. dark" more entertaining. Article 141- Aye, sounds like a difficult task for that amount of information, so it seems fair. Article 142- Aye Article 143-Aye
  14. Article 119- AYE, i wont be sending a response to the makuta letter because of limited computer acess, and i have nothing to add to it. Article 127- AYE Article 128- AYE, seems reasonable Article 129- AYE Article 130- AYE, so long as it was only used once, had no major influence in the timeline, and was destroyed soon after it seems alright. Article 131- AYE, the mask seems very powerful, but since its one of a kind and requires great concentration, it balances out.. Article 132- AYE, although some explanation may be needed Article 133- AYE Article 134- AYE, sounds interesting.. ----- Kind of off topic, but i will be away from computer acess until the 21st of July due to a surprise vacation my father has planned. I appologise and will be back as soon as i can with my proposals. --V--
  15. Article 120-NAY The tribe seems unnecessary Article 121-AYE Article 122-AYE Article 123-AYE So long as the mask has a limited use period or full concentration from the user (such as the tyrna) it doesn’t seem overpowered.. Article 124-NAY The whether control I am okay with, but the control over seismic events as well gives the mask an almost great spirit like power over all of nature itself. If the power were toned down quite a bit it would be much better. Article 125-AYE Article 126-NAY It seems to be a supped up Tyrna without the need for total concentration, the control over the dead is far too much power for any being (short of the great spirits and such) to control, and the ability to draw life force from any creature is very unreasonable.. Also just a quick question, if we have an article for submition, do we send it in a message to Toa Ausar? V
  16. Article 113- AYE Article 114-NAY I just have to say that a civil war lasting two millennia seems a bit odd; I think that any war occurring between two factions of the same type (a civil war) would’ve killed both sides or drastically reduced their numbers after that time span. Article 115-AYE Article 116-AYE Article 117-AYE Article 118-AYE Article 119-AYE I think that a society like the makuta would’ve evolved to a point of telepathic communication, but I suppose for larger flows of data a communications network would be to their advantage.. V
  17. we could be classier and have piano cat play him off
  18. yup.. i think we're done here.. play him off keyboard cat
  19. --V--

    I Collapsed Nuhvok-kal!

    he appears to be suffering motion blur.. but i guess you could call it colapsing
  20. serval seems like the mata-nui set, too small of a head for an awesome body. sadly i must say.. the ocelot!!
  21. --V--

    New Hobby:

    try a camera phone some time.. those things are really fun >
  22. Pre-mature Exploitation of Terra-formed Annomalies. i need to stop playing halo..
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