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Alex Humva

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Blog Comments posted by Alex Humva

  1. From what I've read thus far you'll at least play it for a month.


    But yeah, the monthly payments are terrible, especially for someone like me who doesn't have a stable income. I mean, from everything I've seen the game looks great and it's worth the initial 65 bucks.


    Typically though MMOs come with, like, a free first month from what I understand. I know WoW did that; figured TOR would do that as well.

  2. #####


    The above well tell me whether or not it's pounds or cool dude.


    But yeah, those situations can be uncomfortable. I find the best option in those cases is to just try to leave the vicinity as quickly as possible. If your stuck there, though, then I have no clue how to avoid it.


    EDIT: Yeah, it's pounds, not cool dude. Cool dude is the i word, which I'd say with a zero but then B6 would pop up and I'd have bold do not bypass the filter text.

  3. Plasma, while it does have ionization, will not hold itself together if given a free medium to disperse in -read; space-. Now, one can subject the plasma to a magnetic field before it launches, but the moment it hits the hull unless you have reeeeeeeally good electromagnetics it's going to break apart and do absolutely zilch.

  4. I'd like to point out, plasma is near impossible to weaponize in space. Why is this? Because plasma, while sci-fi portrays it was a sort of goo, is closer to gas than it is to liquid (it does go solid>liquid>gas>plasma after all). So while the ionization will keep it together for some time the moment it hits the hull it breaks apart and becomes a mini nebula. It's going burn the hull that's for sure, but other than messing up the paint job it's just not going do that much. I suggest using plasma fusion weaponry instead.

  5. Two people are trapped in a room and given a choice; hit a button that will kill the other person and set them free, or hit a button that will kill them both.


    Or for something less morbid, a first person story with romance without ever giving away the main character's gender.

  6. If you're willing to go fifty dollars over you budget, grab this one quickly; it's got a 270 dollar discount going on. I don't know your zip code or state so I don't know if you'll have to pay tax, but for me I'd pay twenty bucks for ground shipping (3-7 days), no tax. So once you add in that shipping, it's about 450. An extra fifty bucks admittedly, but such specs are hard to come by, and its usually seven hundred, so yeah. Tiger Direct is a pretty reliable spot -my dad's used them numerous times-, so I trust them to deliver the stuff intact and operational.

  7. Even though we haven't even reached a full half-year, I'm fairly sure Portal 2 is going to get at least in the top three games of the year.


    Seriously, nothing planned this year, not even Mass Effect 3, Battlefield 3, Gears of War 3 -is it just me, or is there a lot of threes?-, could surpass Portal 2, though arguably they're entirely different genres.

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