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Alex Humva

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Blog Comments posted by Alex Humva

  1. I personally think it should be a premier only perk, mainly because image hosting is so taxing on a server it's not funny. Premier members have obviously given their support to BZP to they can upload pictures.


    If that can't work, I'd say have normal members have an upload cap of per picture to be 200KB (plenty of room for a one to two megapixel picture) with a upload count cap of ten, while premier members can send in 700KB picture (enough for an eight megapixel picture) and a cap of twenty pictures. That's, what, a maximum of 2 meg per regular member and 14 per premier? Seems about right, as if you assume a thousand people are active (I doubt that, honestly), and ten percent are premier, that's 1.8 gigs of data for regulars and 1.4 gigs of data for premiers. A lot of data for streaming but shouldn't be too bad, assuming you have a good server deal and there's some sort of image flood control.

  2. [Alluding to filtered words isn't allowed either -Takuma Nuva]


    Because, this is BZP. The staff promise a word filter upgrade for ages and don't do it. I'm sure they have their legitment reasons all the same.


    It is rather annoying, not being able to use a simple insult. And it doesn't even need to be insulting. There's been so many times when someone is being such a person, and the word would be perfect. Stop being an *insert*, if the guy is actually being an *insert*, then it'd be fine.


    But alas, because people misused it early on and BZP's word filter hasn't been truly upgraded in years, it's banned because... people misused it. It was back in the early days of BZP though, when the authority system was rather odd. I just wish someone would remove the archaic stuff; not to mention, it only covers American English insults. Queens English isn't covered at all, so I could conceivably insult someone using Queens English to my heart's content until someone who actually knew it came along and reported me. Considering the amount of UK and Australians we have on this site, probably wouldn't be long.

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