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Alex Humva

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Blog Comments posted by Alex Humva

  1. I would only let him operate him on me if, Martha was with him, or another companion and K-9 were there to help him. He might be smart but he isn't always the sharpest tool in the shed medically speaking. Afterall, when he gets hurt he heals and has the ability to regenerate. The Doctor doesn't really need a doctor.

    I don't know; almost all the classic regenerations were crazy and nearly killed the Doctor in the process, and Ten's regeneration was pretty explosive. Now, Nine's regeneration was a break from the whole crazy regenerations, but he wasn't actually wounded. Then again Ten was actually wounded either, but it could be he was holding back the regeneration as he did his fairwells, so it was released after building up for a while.

  2. For the record, the only exclusive that 360 has is Halo, so unless you're big into the "REINVENTION" of the shooter, or not a fan of the only controller that has survived almost twenty years now, the PS3 is vastly superior.


    That and Best Buy'll give you 50$ in gift card format if you purchase one!

    I'd like to see the specs that make the PS3 outweigh the Xbox 360, because otherwise it's simply a matter of opinion.


    That and then I couldn't play Necro on Live [/selfish]

  3. I've had a 20GB model for about three years now, and I'm only now running low on space. Granted, I don't download that much stuff, but I'm still surprised it's lasted this long. Worst comes to worst, you can just get a USB flash drive and use it for extra storage space.

    I've never installed a game from the disc onto the hard drive, and frankly I don't see why anyone would, it just takes up unnecessary space.


    You must play the Assassin's Creed games, they are amazing. Well, AC2 and Brotherhood, at least. AC1 is still enjoyable though.

    As me and my cousin have talked about in the past;


    "Good lord dude what do you do to your disks?"

    "Eh, I toss them in a pile."

    "Dude this is fifty bucks that go down the drain if you stretch it up too much."

    "Ya, but I have no space."


    Sure, taking good care of your disks can keep this away, but I'd definately say go with something bigger than four gig; it's basically a piece of junk that gets used up if you play more than five games. I can't even play Firefight on Reach because of it.

  4. Don't forget the upcoming Mass Effect 3.


    But ya, looking into a harddrive is certainly something you should do; my cousin got a four gig Xbox, and he isn't that serious of a gamer, yet I'm constantly getting yelled at by Reach that his harddrive is almost full. Maybe Xbox save files are bigger or something, but four gig apparently isn't that great.

  5. Also, while they aren't RPGs, the Halo titles are still very much worth your while, considering that while they are FPSes, they also have a thick story so I'm sure they'd appeal to you.


    Also, De Blob 2. Great 3D platformer.

  6. For extreme cases like this, I suggest ditching C4 and getting a cruise missile.


    Honestly man, I'm not sure what you can do; emulators might only get you so far. I think Boot Camp might work, but that'd require a Windows disk, soooo... unless you're willing to drop fifty minus dollars for an XP disk, I'm not sure what will work.

  7. Whenever I get sick, I tend to do a few things that practically always get me cured within a day or rarely two.


    1~Force myself to puke; it gets everything out of my system and while distasteful, it works.

    2~Go eat a can or two of chicken noodle soup to replenish me no longer having anything in my stomach.

    3~Take some pain pills

    4~Lay in bed.


    Next morning, bam, I'm feeling great.


    Of course I get sick like once or twice a year, so it might just be me. :\

  8. Considering all the reviews I read put play time from twenty hours all the way to forty hours to complete the main plot, I was just as amazed that people beat the game in a day. xD


    They could of been using a trick my brother once showed me back in the golden days of G/S/C; battle using only your starter Pokemon. This may seem like a bad idea, but the thought is that it'll be a high enough level it can take down stronger types without dying. I used the water poke from Gold to beat the entire game, including the Elite Four. But when Emerald came out I used a more... mature strategy. :P

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