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Alex Humva

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Blog Comments posted by Alex Humva

  1. I find it hilarious I've almost beat the game in what, four hours, while others have barely got to chapter three in that time.


    Some of those puzzles can be tricky -the three lasers in the lategame, for instance-, but they're all obvious answers and you just have to relax, drink some mountain dew, and think with portals.


    Am I the only one who wants a Forge like thing for Portal 3, so you can craft your own test chambers and play with people online with them?

  2. I think a system is needed where points don't really matter. In fact, do away with them completely.


    Just build a community were we all review each other's stories and give out tips to help each other. There's nothing like knowing that you've got five plus people who'll help you out.

  3. It depends on the topic - If the said topic is artwork or a story or something it's important to let your repliers know that you care about their suggestions and will take them into consideration. Whereas if the topic is some generic thing you see in GD everyday like "What was your first set?" then replying to each post is very impractical and rather, as you say, "lame".

    Basically what I was going say only I was too lazy.

  4. Honestly, I've lost almost all faith in the COT RPGs. There was once a glorious day and age when COT was filled with them. Now? As if that wasn't enough, I still don't entirely agree with the system that approves them, as I honestly feel it's too prone to bias, but I've made my complaints and received the response; nothing to gain rehashing them.


    I've got a nice idea, and I could probably write up a nice RPG that some would play, but after seeing the bureaucracy that happened when Exo suggested RPG, I lost most of my faith. The community was rallying behind that thing; it made me more giddy than any other RPG, even Outbreak. And a few Judges said they didn't like it, and suddenly a project that could of, no, would of been the next big hit was stopped in it's tracks.


    In other words, I sometimes feel the Judges are the MPAA; they exist for a purpose, they've done a lot of good, but occasionally, IMO, they mess up big time.

  5. I know absolutely nothing about Bleach, so I don't know how the characters match up, but I do quite like the style. You've improved since the last time you showed me some drawings of yours, so that's always good. One of them look familiar, though, so I think one of them might of been something you showed me a while back.


    As to Matt, it is glorious. Simple as that. Toss in the mercury-silver skin, some white eyes, and this is the Matt I've always imagined. I'll have to show this to H-D, if you haven't already.

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