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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Ziko

  1. Wow, that looks awesome. Water is a hard thing to do. Looks kinda odd in that shape, though. Overall, very nice work. Way better than anything I could've done. XP
  2. It doesn't seem like you're rebutting their actual argument to me... They're not talking about the movie in a general sense, they're referring to its effects on writing. Your first point doesn't appear to me to relate to the quote. It doesn't say you're making up stuff, just that there's little info. Second point is kinda odd sounding to me. They're talking about the movie's effect on fan fiction. Part of writing is the great opportunity to make the imagery of a story out of nothing, and use your vision of an area or character in it. It's all completely your own, in particular, when you're writing about topics with very little info, or that have never been solidly formed in a video/picture. Once something exists in a physically visible sense, you can't really write about it when whatever you came up with is so much different. Sort of a larger version of going to watch a movie based on a book you read, and everything looking nothing like you thought it would. As for your third point, it looks more like just some catchy slogan-ish thing to end a statement with. Though the person in question might consider the Multiverse bad, I don't know. Certainly a harsh generalization though, which seems to work against the rest of the quote. I agree with you there. --- I don't pretend to talk on behalf of whoever wrote that. I don't even know who said person is. That's just my take on it. Personally, I think this movie is an interesting concept. If it gets pulled off, it'll likely be really awesome. It'll take a whole lot of work though... EDIT: Wow... that came out bigger than I expected. O.o
  3. Ziko

    Join Our Staff

    I must remember to do that. Homework... meh. >.> Is there a deadline for it, or is it just based on whoever gets there first? EDIT: Comic Reviews, by the way
  4. Me too... bizarre.

  5. Yes, I've played them. They're amazing. I love the story.
  6. It's another awesome Jiigoo Sig! =o

  7. Ziko


    Very accurate. I really hated when we moved, because I had a lot of friends where we were before. Here it's just... different.
  8. Ziko

    My Desktop

    I don't have it. =P I didn't mean it was bad, I meant it was awesome.
  9. Ziko

    My Desktop

    You have After Effects. )= But it's a win desktop. EDIT: Grammar Hammer
  10. Whoa, that was a lot of questions. I liked 99. =P A lot of the other ones were interesting too. Cool about the rule changes... (And Vons)
  11. That's both seriously bizarre and awesome at the same time. But it's also a really good piece of art.
  12. I think you can name search engines, or at least I've seen a lot of people do it (And I probably should of thought of that. XP). Looked at the medals, and they're pretty awesome looking. Interesting wavy shape, and they're a lot thicker than they looked.
  13. *Kills* No, I actually kinda get it. But I've used GIMP for a while, so I'm used to it. You normally use Photoshop, right?
  14. Ziko


    It takes some getting used to. One of my favorite things about it vs. Photoshop is colored brushes. And I know it a lot better and can do about ten times more awesome stuff in GIMP, but that's because I have more practice. I have no problems with the interface though. I suppose it would be nice for it to be one window.
  15. My parents watch that sometimes, but I've never really had time. Seems interesting. And that'd be cool to have an Olympic medal. I've been trying to get a good view of the Vancouver ones, but the TV people don't seem to want to give a good view. Or I'm probably just watching at the wrong time. X\
  16. The text is everything. >=D

  17. Pssst! Koth! What's your av/personal pic?

  18. I think I'd be creeped out of I saw Awesomeface staring at me from the sauce bowl. =P
  19. Ziko

    Nmq&a Stupidity

    YES Especially the Proto and Forum View topics.
  20. This bugs me so much. >.> This Blog entry is awesome.
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