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Everything posted by E(rik)

  1. Heay now, al'ry called thar spot via steamchat.
  2. my real name is ben Ben and Kate... BK!
  3. Wha- Oh kate you quadruple posting boy.
  4. E(rik)

    Blood Test

    The first or second?
  5. E(rik)

    Video Games

    The graphics for Bioshock 2 on the PS3 are supposed to own. And the game itself is awesome. Oh and littlebigplanet.
  7. Is it out for Mac yet? If not, our PC has a useless graphics card and the monitor stopped showing the color red and it would be pointless. I think in... May (I think) steam, the source engine, and all valves game are coming to mac. Either May or June.
  8. XD But why the heck are you playing portal flash when you can get the real game + 4 other awesome games fro 30$?
  9. E(rik)

    Guys A Question

    Nihilina. It could mean "Cares of nothing" or something.
  10. E(rik)

    Rejected By Science!

    Pretty sure it's called the Higgs-Bison, not Boson.
  11. E(rik)

    B B C C 58

    Yeah, this. I mean, couldn't you picture some amazing AFOL with a 4-foot long SHIP join just for this contest and wreck everyone's chances?
  12. -9001 rep Hey now, be nice to my waifu. ~EW~ Sorry. It's just that hearing that song 50 times a day makes me wanna puke every time I hear it.
  13. Or you could just be wearing a kilt. =3
  14. woa all our avvies are the same i just &*^$ bricks
  15. It's that green llama thing in thwee-dee. Also known as bunchy, bunchzorz, and Green Jesus Llama.
  16. E(rik)

    Hah Hah

    "...Cake and premier membership will be availible after these tests"
  17. I still regret not saving that scoreboard where I had 114 kills, 67 assists and 23 deaths as scout. >.<
  18. Replace the ketchup with mustard and you have a win.
  19. Personally, I have always found the scout to be good for getting rid of these kinda people. Cuz' they're too busy trying to get a high score to notice a little red/blue blur spinning around them before they get scattergun'd.
  20. I still pee myself at Siren Alley where the first time you see the spider splicer is when it crawls across the ceiling and stops for a second to stare at you. D=
  21. E(rik)

    Name Choices

    66.666% ORGANIC LOL
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