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You just lost the game

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Everything posted by You just lost the game

  1. IMO, the more detail the better. The only thing I'd ask to stay nearly the same, is face details. They're fine the way they are. lol
  2. 1. DC and Marvel Superheroes 2. BIONICLE 3. Power Miners and Mars Mission 4. Star Wars 5. Lord of the Rings
  3. The Sinner A former Toa who was tasked with the capture and imprisonment of Dark Hunter members. After brutally murdering someone he thought was a Dark Hunter, (Who in fact turned out to be an innocent bystander that was caught in a fight with a real Dark Hunter) he was stripped of his title, name, and power, by forces unknown. Not truly caring to redeem himself, he seeks vengeance on the Dark Hunters by any means necessary. He wishes to believe that the Dark Hunters caused his fate, and that they purposely made him believe the citizen was an agent. But deep down, he knows the truth. Deep down, he knows it was his own foolishness that led him to break his oath as a Toa. But, rather than come to terms with himself, he buries it deep inside. To be forgotten. IMO, this seems like the perfect scenario for your character. There's an explanation for the name, a reason for his hatred of the Dark Hunters, and a little inner turmoil. Obviously, it's your story, and you can make it as you see fit, but this is just my suggestion.
  4. Check the homepage for any relevant news. Go to GD Then LD Then BD Then BST And then I leave if nothing else interesting has been posted. lol
  5. The mask of undeath isn't "useless". It's more like a very weak, basic-level necromancy mask. lol Now the Rau, that's a useless mask.
  6. No, the tribes still existed. Remember, the six Protectors from each tribe came and found Ekimu's body shortly after the big kaboom. Why would there be six Protectors if there weren't six tribes to protect? Vakama made Kanohi, but Matau didn't. In G1, it was a skill, not a power. Why should it be any different in G2? Ekimu and Makuta would have had to learn the skill and practiced at it. They're just the only ones on Okoto skilled enough to make fully-functioning masks of power. This is G2, not G1. Also notice how I said that Ekimu and Makuta made masks of power. I never said the other tribesmen couldn't make masks, but it seems they can't imbue them with power. So far, there is no instance in which any islander creates any type of mask, aside from Ekimu and Makuta.
  7. If the original Vahi was only half of a full mask, why was it usable by Vakama? Or anybody else for that matter? Also, you can't argue that both masks had the exact same power, because what would be the point of splitting it into two? There is only one Vahi.
  8. IMO, I think Ekimu has no element. He and Makuta are simply unique, as they seem to be the only ones who can create masks of power. Because of their unique abilities, they transcend the division of the tribes and are more individualistic.
  9. I've talked to a couple of my buds about Bionicle, back in the day. I actually even managed to get a couple of them into Bionicle! After it ended though, their interest faded.
  10. I always thought that Mata-Nui was exactly what he was called: A great spirit. I thought he was more of a formless god. A giant robot works too. TBH, I didn't mind the reveal of Mata-Nui's true form. It was actually kinda cool. Until we found out exactly what Mata-Nui truly was...
  11. For looks: The Kanohi Olisi. For power: The Kanohi Avohkii.
  12. To be honest, I have no idea where the "story" will go, but I just want it to go somewhere. The "story" so far is a barebones bore-fest. All we know about anything right now, is that 6 warriors land on a mysterious island, to fight "mysterious" enemies, to save a "mysterious" mask maker. Oh, and the entire island seems empty so far. Back in G1, we had 6 mysterious warriors that emerged from canisters, knowing little of what they truly are. They slowly unlock their powers with the help of 6 elders from each of the different tribes that live on the island. Even they had their own secrets. Little was known of the island, or how the villagers got there, but all we knew was that evil needed to be vanquished. Oh, and we had that awesome Makuta statue, to make everything seem dire and foreboding.
  13. Gen 1. It's a three-way tie between the Avohkii, Ignika, and Olmak. Gen 2. The Mask of Creation. It is a well designed mask.
  14. I was only 6 or 7 when I got into Bionicle, so the details are a little fuzzy. From what I do remember, I was watching TV and the Piraka commercial came on. I was instantly hooked after that. The Toa Inika commercial definitely cemented my love for the theme afterwards aswell. I guess you could say the entirety of the 2006 theme got me totally hooked on Bionicle.
  15. What is that creature that you call an avatar? It deeply disturbs me...

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk
    2. Sumiki


      It's Burger Thing.


      (credit to VampireBohrok)

  16. Artistically and story-wise, I loved the Ignition series. It felt very gritty and mature compared to the rest of Bionicle. My least favourite was the Glatorian era. Very boring and bland. This is why I wanted Lego to let Greg finish his work properly. The Glatorian world could have gotten fleshed out so much more in 3 years. Alas, it didn't happen.
  17. I was never really interested in the Glatorians, I would have rather had a new or old Toa in that series. Also, whenever Lego decided to discontinue Bionicle early. For my least favourite singular moment? When that water Glatorian girl from BLR said "woohoo". So cringe...
  18. 3/5 You get an extra point for liking good music. On a sidenote, I'm not sure if you truly thought those were my only interests. I'm not "interested" in typing down my interests, probably because it doesn't really matter. Plus, I just found my 3 choices to be amusing. Still do.
  19. As much as I loved Exo-Force, I think you'll be waiting a long time if that's your condition for when an Exo-Force reboot would be possible. As of this year, Ninjago is an evergreen theme like LEGO City, and according to the LEGO Group's employee magazine their plans for it extend at least ten years from now. Well, considering they both have a Japanese style, I thought it would make more sense for one to end first before adding another one. Either way, I'd love to see Exo-Force come back.
  20. I'm hoping for an Exo-Force reboot after Ninjago fades away. A Castle reboot would be great as well! (The one with Skeletons, Orcs, and Dwarves) Power Miners and Mars Mission are also things I hope Lego would consider to reboot.
  21. My list in no real order: The Piraka turning into an Irnakk rip-off. The portrayal of "god" characters near the end of the story. Mata-Nui being a spacefaring explorer, Makuta originally being a type of peace keeper, and the Great Beings seeming less "mystical". The Toa Mahri getting brainwashed by the Piraka-Irnakk rip-off. The Skrall being more of a plot device instead of a legitimate group of villians. Lego discontinuing Bionicle too early while Greg still had another 3 years of story to tell.
  22. Matoro for me. He only did one interesting thing, and then proceeded to die. I don't understand the "hate" for Vezon though. IMO, he was a great character, even if a little overused. I also don't understand why people mention Teridax in this thread. I thought he was a great villain, especially in the pre-2007 lore. Even after he became more prominent and less "mystical" and "mysterious", I still felt he was a good villain. Those are just my thoughts though.
  23. It looks like an MOC, tbh. To my knowledge, Megabloks has never dipped its toes into the "buildable figurine" market.
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