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Blog Comments posted by WriterofReapers

  1. For whatever it is worth, I might as well toss out my opinion in here...


    I think the biggest draw to characters like Kopaka is their self-confidence. As humans, we are often plagued with insecurities, and having the confidence to stand against well... anything life throws at them is a trait many might end up envying.


    Even when that confidence is offset by less desirable traits, the fact that it is there is enough to inspire others towards emulation. The problem arises when instead of emulating just the self-confidence (if such a thing is even possible to actually pull off), people try to imitate the entirety of his behavior. As you said, for all of the fondness some of us may have for him as a character, having to deal with a person like that in real life would be less than ideal.


    So yeah. We all want to be a Kopaka. XD

  2. INTJ here as well. Perhaps it is a result of the type's inclination towards not caring about societal norms and being open-minded enough to simply appreciate the merit of something without having to factor in any of the "baggage".


    Then again, that could probably go for more types than just the one, and it's simply the first thing that popped into my poor, sleep-deprived mind, so I'm probably pretty far off of the mark. XD

  3. My school is selling/handing out these things called Valentinegrams, and I used the one I purchased to tell myself exactly what you have said in this entry. Hopefully future!me will listen to past!me's advice...


    ...Although I guess it is even sadder that I ended up sending something to myself...? Ah well.


    Anyway, well put, and I couldn't agree more.

  4. That is exactly what I have been doing, actually. Of course, driving for a few minutes, getting out, killing everything in sight, getting back into the Mako, and repeating the whole process all over again certainly gets tiring after a while.


    Which is one reason I am really looking forward to this third playthrough of mine. I only need about 6,000 more XP points, so I figure I can just take it easy and use the cannon as much as I want.


    Except for Thresher Maws. Somehow I enjoy fighting those on foot. XD

  5. My real name.


    I was incredibly cheap when I picked my power, but at least I wouldn't have to spend much time worrying about my family ever being in danger. Unless... Oh no! What if my archenemy has a similarly-cheap power? Hmm...


    What if I just refuse to give my name and let the world decide upon a name for me? They can only call me that-teen-who-randomly-appears-and-beats-all-the-bad-guys for so long before it just gets to be too much of a hassle. I may or may not like their idea, but at least it wouldn't be official.



  6. Squidlips Spike Holystone?


    Yeah. That's a name that will be feared across the seven seas. Maybe I'll just go by my middle name... XD


    Also, literally finished watching Baccano! ten minutes ago, so that's kinda weird... Just like most coincidences are.

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