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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Voltex

  1. What is the location of a 2x2 Lego brick that goes by the name Samantha?




    Don't know

    and he dead yo






    Anything? all right then...


    What's your presidential campaign?


    I promise to give everyone who votes for me a slice of cake.

    Everyone else also gets cake.


    Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup?


    Turtwig obviously. Not even a question.


    why do people write like this


    i know its been going on for a while


    but i never figured out why


    please enlighten me


    because why not


    Okie-mcdokie. Is there a place on Earth that you would like to vist just to see the natural landscape? For me, it'd be the Eurasian Steppe.




    Do you know the name of the man that created the evil that goes by the name of pie?




    What is one of your favorite songs?


    Hmm, that's a tough one. I'd probably have to go with Contact by Trocadero.


    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?



  2. I thought it was a delightful trip down memory lane.


    -sips tea-


    what trip? there was a bunch of zooming in and out of random frames from random games with really cliche "hey guess what feel NOSTALGIA NOW" music that didn't sound like pokemon at all


    that's about it

  3. What are the other ones?


    (also, fmab)


    I'm trying to follow along (and catch up to) the guys from Rooster Teeth doing their new anime-centric "Fanservice" podcast, so basically all of those at some point.


    Started with Erased, and I caught up to Konosuba as well. I think the next two on the list are Gate and this other one called BBK/BRNK.

  4. I thought this was gonna be an entry about how you suddenly have amnesia and need our help to restore your memory. I've never been more disappointed in my life.

    if I had amnesia and forgot about this website I probably wouldn't come back tbh

    • Upvote 4
  5. Your boring Mary Sue shark god is weak and I eagerly await the day to see him crushed beneath the heel of another fighter.


    Or, in the event it's a RoboRider who defeats him, run over.


    if the glorious meme that is nick bluetooth defeats pridak, we will all be ok

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