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Everything posted by Caliga

  1. Dakker haz the gud grads!
  2. I might be wrong, but don't you have a Mac?
  3. Then... then why would you blog?
  4. It was just hailing here for like two minutes. It was weird.
  5. I agree. This guy really needs to stop.
  6. You're cruisin' for a bannin'

  7. Way to completely insult the people who were just trying to make you feel welcome.

  8. I've never had particularly bad grammar because of my iPod. I'll probably need a new one too. The battery is horrible. It can be fully charged when I leave for school, and it'll be dead when I get home.
  9. Caliga

    Name Change

    You're abandoning your food-name people?
  10. Caliga

    Marty Is My Hero

    Winter Contingency is da bomb.
  11. Caliga

    Just For The Record

    I'm doin' it right B)
  12. Caliga

    Marty Is My Hero

    I don't blame you. The Halo games have probably had some of the best music for a video game.
  13. Mega Bloks did Halo. I guess their policy could be different, but still... I think they did it better than Lego could anyway, TBH.
  14. ^ Yes except his new ones are better than his few first ones
  15. Don't discuss banned members. This goes for you last entry as well.
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