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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Click

  1. So, could we draw an enemy to fight Tahu, or would that count as a background?
  2. 1.Do you have throwbot feet in yellow? As seen in Muaka and Kane-Ra?2. I think I'll take the purple Mata hands, but I'm okay with the brown.3. I just got most of Idris in a trade, but I've been thinking about Karzahni. Depends on your offer, and I'm okay without the trap.4. I might want to do Jaller.5. I'll consider it.6. Neck piece, and a dozen would be great, especially if it's the ones open on both sides.7. This Vahki waist8. Okay, if you can find any, great, but I can do without.9.&10. Yes, I saw them. Just wondering about the price.
  3. Okay, some things I would like to know if you have them:1. Any Yellow pieces (in particular, throwbot feet and bionicle hands)2. Any Brown and Purple pieces3. Karzahni's set (I see the thighs and Idris's mask)4. 03 Matoran pieces5. Keetorange Bohrok pieces (arms, headpiece, etc.)6. Hordika heads, ball joints7. Vahki waist pieces8. Throwbot wings (long or short)9. Mctoran masks (Yellow Hau, Teal Miru, Blue Huna, Light Brown Kakama)10. Noble MasksHow much would you like for each of those?And how much would I cover with a few Black Cherry Fresca cans? And would that be just an empty can, full can, or as much of the filled/empty ones as possible?
  4. Added Vakama Please comment, critique, and vote!
  5. It would be a ssssshame if ssssomething were to happen to it. :PYep, I'm jealous. You have awesome drawing skills, I'll have to try out a few ideas based off this sometime. I really like the whole flow of it, from the boxy, mechanical mask to the small details on the joints and sword. That's just awesome. It's going to be a tough contest!
  6. Okay, next entry with the correct DPI. Maybe I stand a chance since Uncle K didn't enter this one. Member name: ClickEntry Category: TuragaEntry URL: EntryThumbnail URL: ThumbnailTopic: Topic
  7. Click

    The Builder

    Entry 2…My type is Pahrak-Ro, a special unit in the Bohrok Swarms designed for rebuilding the Swarms after each mission into more effective forms. Sometimes, Gahdok calls me “Onuku,” which means “builder” in her tongue. I am honored by this name.Speaking of honors, as my service to the Swarms continue, I have been pronounced a Swarm Commander, and had my fitting of the Krana today. Usually, this ceremony is unheard of, but as I am a popular figure among the Swarms, all of them attended, not like they have anything else to do. As the old Krana Za was replaced with the Xa, I had those same feelings of escape, and that I didn’t belong there. Cahdok looked worried and hurried to put the Krana on my face, putting an end to the ceremony.With my new Krana, I could feel new power sweeping over my old worries. Complex plans and strategies came almost instinctively, and I knew I had to build. With a wave of my hand, a small group of Nuhvok Va followed me to my residence.
  8. Well, all we know about that rock layer is: BS01 So, it sounds like part of the Camouflage system, which would make sense if it was organic so it would "grow" into place to cover Mata Nui. That would support the Hard Organic Theory, but we'd still need Greg to confirm it.
  9. You find yourself in the game, and in your excitement, you do meet a Pit, only you fell in, and died. Luckily, you respawn, but your respawn point is now in that Pit. :PI wish I had a 3D Printer.
  10. Okay, I guess I didn't look too much through the EM guide, but now that I did, I didn't see it. It must be one of the contest winner masks, which aren't back up yet.For Scrying, I'm thinking a blurry image of the background, but enough that you would know the place if you had seen it. And yes, what is happening to that thing at that moment. Yes, approved masks! I guess the Mahiki could do it, but I was kind of thinking you project your thoughts for only certain selected beings. It's kind of a more fine-tuned Mahiki, so I would be fine if it didn't get approved. Hmm, maybe like Redirection? I thought Orbit would work, considering the object stops and begins to orbit around the user. Yes, three masks, and I think there's a Kanohi of Bluespace, and looking through the guide, I can see that it can do that. Okay, and yes, the name is clunky, which is one reason why I simply chose stress instead of Stress Detection. Okay, that name should work. Great! I'm thinking Plasma should be one of them, maybe like Magnetism and Plasma? It would make the Shards contest easier. Well, I got the original power from the Repair Nektann in VNOLG, and I guess I got the Debuff Nektann stuck in my head, which has an opposite effect. Perhaps Statistics, Body, or something. A mutation would work, since it is a very different kind of element, probably the one I'm most proud of.And I wasn't sure about Electronics, since that really does seem like a Mask Power, and the only thing unique is the EMP burst.So, do you want me to do some sketches of the approved ones? Namely maybe Scrying, Sense Throwing, Strength Distribution, Orbit, and Stress Detection. I have some for most of the masks.And now that I look through your Paracosmos masks, I realize that I had a lot of similar mask designs. The Mask of Puzzles helps pinpoint the solution to problems, like telling you the code to a lock, the Mask of Quests helps you find your way to something, Mask of Endurance is like the Mask of Stamina, Mask of Sustinance similar to your Mask of Reverse Breathing plus Mask of Nutrition, and I really like the other powers.
  11. What? I was talking about how legal Custom parts are, not whether you like them or not. Well, that's another thing, would selling them be okay?
  12. So, this is a question that I've seen come up a lot. Would it be legal to make your own Lego/Bionicle parts using 3D Printing? How about selling those parts?I've seen different sources say yes, and no, so I want to ask if any of you guys know.
  13. You, sir, deserve my sincere kudos. -Gata Yes, ditto. That cake better not be a lie, because it's Lego Portal Cake!!I really hope it passes, the pieces used are brilliant (especially those rounded 1x2s and the Turrets!), and I can't wait to get my hands on that Lego GLaDOS!! I had no idea that Team Jigsaw was on BZP, and they better thank Valve for posting that on Steam. That's where at least 6,000 of their supporters saw it.
  14. What do you have in yellow? In particular, hand pieces, throwbot feet, and maybe a Hau?And if I'm lucky, Jaller(or Takua) 03's body?And what Noble masks do you have left?You know, other pieces that would be nice are any colored 03 Matoran upper legs/Visorak jaw Middles, Kopaka Nuva's weapons, ball joints, hordika heads, Keetorange Bohrok headplate and limbs, any other throwbot feet, and maybe Turaga Nuju's and Onewa's staffs. Have any of those?
  15. I think we could probably finish this by PM, but maybe 4 plus Vahi, and then some extra money? Unless you would like sets, parts, or something else.
  16. I've got:Dormant Gahlok ZaActive Lehvak ZaActive Pahrak BoActive Pahrak ZuActive Nuhvok YoDormant Kohrok CaNuhvok Ca-KalInterested in any? If not, how much do you want for it?
  17. Hmm, anything else you would like to trade then? That's disappointing. What are you looking for?
  18. Um, let's see, I have: 2 Kaukau Nuvas (I've got enough, definitely would like to get rid of it)1 Pakari Nuva1 Miru Nuva (kinda like this one, but I would be okay with parting with it)1 Hau Nuva (let's just say I don't like many Nuva masks )1 Akaku Nuva 2 Pakaris (orange and black, one of my more favorite masks, so I'm more reluctant to trade)1 Kaukau (brand new, not trading )2 Akakus (sand blue and white, not really wanting to trade)3 Haus (2 Yellow, 1 grey, I do have enough Jaller Mctoran, but not his 03 form )3 Mirus (I use them occasionally, one is bent)1 Kakama (also new) 2 Noble Hunas (Orange and black-silver blend)Something like 4 Noble Rurus (all transblue)1 Noble Mahiki (white-silver blend, haven't seen it for a while) 1 Mask of TimeAnything seem interesting? I would most like to give away the Kaukau Nuvas, some Mirus, and most of the rest of the Nuva masks.
  19. Okay, thanks. I'm building a Jaller MOC, so whatever you can find would be great. What would you like now?
  20. Well, a lot of heroes are called "battle scarred," and many descriptions (although many of them from fan-fic) describe scratched, dented, rusted, or scarred armor, so I'm thinking that the metal (or at least armor) doesn't naturally heal, but the organics can. I don't know though, it could be a kind of "organic metal." We've seen stranger things in the MU.
  21. Bionicle hands, and how much would you like for Jaller and the grey Matatu, as well as any yellow bionicle hands? Any particular masks you're after?And, just so I know, is it just this kind of foot, this torso mechanism, and the Yellow Hau (of course, all in their correct colors)? That's all that's missing?
  22. Okay, I think I'll take it. Out of curiousity, do you happen to have any yellow hands? They're rare, and I only have one surviving from an old throwbots
  23. My jaw literally dropped when I saw this contest. $1,000 for building with LEGO Bricks, and appearing in a movie!? I definitely should enter!!
  24. Okay, here's the review topic for my newest epic, The Builder. Feel free to leave comments and critism here.
  25. Click

    The Builder

    Okay, it's been a while since I've written, and now that Onewa7 made my PBZP, I thought I'd share his story... The Builder By: Click Entry 1…I had another one of those dreams. It began the same way it always does, with a living suit of black and gold armor furiously gesturing at a wall of carvings I can’t quite read. As I try to convey my lack of understanding, he starts yelling at me and gestures even more. As I peer at where he’s pointing, the carvings almost…absorb me, and I find myself falling into darkness, surrounded by letters.I open my eyes to find myself in a blurry room with five other beings, all of us clustered around a small tablet. One by one, they step back into the darkness, and I am left alone.Alone, as an icy wind cuts through into the dark cave I’m standing in. I attempt to peer outside into the fierce winds, and as my eyes squint against the storm, it reveals a large, yellow cat…I snap awake in a dark cave, thoughts of running and escape filling my mind, until the familiar embrace of the organic creature on my face brings me back to sane thought. The Krana reminds me I am in the Bohrok nest, among friends, and my thoughts of escape are just the products of another bad dream.Except this dream was different, I remembered a word that made it all feel real.Chronicler.The name brings to mind a previously unnoticed being sitting in the corner, furiously scribbling on a tablet in the first part of the dream. He was writing…history, I think. Then I determined that the Swarms need a Chronicler, and since Bohrok Va don’t have the best handwriting, I will take this duty upon myself, and that is how this record starts. Review Topic here
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