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  1. Well, this should be okay to revive a bit, just because 1.3 came out! I'm going to start working on coding the Toa Armor without powers, and I'll work on the Matoran. Anyone want to help?
  2. For Mechafizz's Skull mask, I think that Faux Death or Suffocation would work best. Definitely seems immoral. Also seems like a mask you would use for your profile Bones. :DAnd for my masks:Perception: Great, it's approved! For the name, alternates maybe Displacement (sounds like a different mask), Flow Sense (seems like something you would come up with ), or something like that.Featherweight: That's fine, just leave that one then.Contact: Yeah, I guess it's the same as scrying. Maybe just a connection between two objects that share common attributes (ex: two mirrors, two pieces of furniture by the same craftsman). Elda and Rode users can "see" the connection as well. I'm still not sure about this one though. I'll have to rethink it and repost it later.Retrieving: Well, it's practically limitless, but the user has to know it's approximate location, and it will have some travel time. Basically, if you want to transport a Kanoka from Enlightened to Warzone, it would have to first hit Bluespace, and thus destroy the object. If you try to get a full factory machine from Wiki-Nui to BZ-Koro, it would take a lot of focus and would travel extremely slowly, taking hours or days to get to your location. And maybe, if the mass is changed or something, the user breaks concentration and needs to refocus on the object.Decision: Okay then. I guess we have plenty then.Need: I guess it depends on what's available, it could harden nearby sand into a tool, or draw stone up, or maybe it would just generate. The user has no control over the mask, and it will only create the most basic thing that would satisfy their needs. So, no fancy dish if they are starving to death, or a Cordak Blaster where a simple blade would work. One thing at a time would make sense. I guess it is hard to limit this mask since it's basically a minor Mask of Creation. :DEmphasis: That's fine. Whatever works.Identification: Okay, so like OoMN members could guard against it for example. Sounds great!And, I quickly modified my mask to make something more feminine, Makuta-like, and like Mechafizz's (which still looks very nice, it has a lot more depth to it.). How's this for Anaana's mask?As for my other one, I think that would make a nice Noble mask.
  3. Okay, due to the request of flameman, I removed my remade version of his MOC and made a new topic for it. So, without further ado, here it is!Basically, flameman made his original Gahlok Bohrohicle here, and I decided I wanted to rebuild it in Red for my own collection, and I thought I'd share the results:MainIt's red!FrontMy rider's supposed to be a Krana-infected '03 Matoran, with some more posability and armor. Also, the head is the result of a few modifications to a Metru head (cutting off the sides of the mouth piece), and a Krana (narrowing the bottom area)SideI switched out the Zamor Cartridges for Avtoran backpacks, since I'm using all my Zamor Cartridges on other MOCs, and I kind of like this better.BackSorry, it's a little dark. I also tried for a "gear assembly"-like back with a metru red Nuva Armor.BottomAlso a little dark. I just duplicated the bottom photo of yours pretty much.TopKind of an awkward way to do it, but ah well. I just added in some pieces connecting the front and back of the seat that held it better than I could figure out how to. Pose!Freestylin'! It took me forever to balance this.Vehicle insideYeah, I did my best with it. I couldn't figure out how to attach those larger gears on the back, so I just used a lightsaber blade, which didn't turn out as nice as I hoped it would.Rider armorlessProbably didn't need this shot, but it also shows the modifications to the head and Krana I made. Quick and messy.So, how is it?
  4. Perception: A tad vague, but works.Featherweight: Doesn't the Mask of Gravity allow for this?Contact: Hmm, maybe...Retrieving: If it works like the Accio, maybe,,,Decision: Somewhat vague.Need: What if I "need" a Nui Stone? Or a Olmak Totem?Emphasis: Hmm, maybe. Could point out details in the environment that are important to the wearer's destiny or something.Recognition: Cool power, but might be better as "Identification".Quoteception.Perception: How about this: Heightens the user's awareness of small changes in flows of air, water, etc. that the user is in contact with. Can be used to find if a door is opened or a sea creature is swimming.Featherweight: Yeah, I wasn't sure about that one anyways.Connection: Actually, it's based on a combination of the Crystal Continuum of Looking Glass Wars and Harry Potter Portkeys. Just picture something like that.Retrieving: I'm pretty sure others have suggested this, but this is my solution to the problem. It has limits based on unforeseen obstacles that may halt the flying object, speed based on mass of the object, and it can't pass through impenatrable areas like an enclosed fortress or Bluespace.Decision: Basically, when the user is confronted with a decision or an obstacle, the mask activates to give them time to react, and then it speeds up their decision process so they can execute the course of action they choose. If the user would agree with it, the mask also slightly impresses on them the best course of action.Think of it this way: A Toa is speeding through a desert on some kind of transport. An enemy drops an object in their path, so the mask activates to speed up their reaction time (usually a few seconds, now almost instantaneous), and their decision process, giving them an edge in deciding whether to stop, go around, or over the obstacle. The mask recognizes that they will probably not have time to stop, and the vehicle doesn't have enough propulsion to go over, so it influences the Toa to go around the obstacle, changing a potentially deadly situation into one easily handled. How's that work then?Need: Well, the user themselves wouldn't need a Toa Stone, considering they would need to be a Toa or Turaga to use it. If the user needed quick transport, though, the mask would just generate them a Mask of Quick Travel or something. I guess there should be a power limit on the generated objects. They also should dissolve once their use has been fulfilled.Emphasis: That seems like a good idea.Recognition: That makes sense, sure.
  5. Actually, I got two of the blue legs and the white legs from the Bohrok Va (but I'm not sure I want to trade those. ), and then I got the other blue foot, the spare Jaller foot, and Hewkii's foot in a trade. I have absolutely no idea where the spare white arm came from.
  6. Okay, I finished, and even gave it a little rider. I built it the best I could, and added in some interior shots to see if I did it right.EDIT: Due to flameman's request, I moved my version here.
  7. A few more mask designs I thought of a while ago that I wanted to try out, since everyone else is. :DMask of Perception: (Not sure about the name) Notice any displacements in water, air, etc. currents, like sensing something swimming underwater or notice when a door is open and air flows in.Featherweight: (I think this might already be a power) Make objects (or user) lighter.Connection: Create a link between two objects on contact, can travel between or see surroundings of other object when touching the first.Retrieving: (I think might also be a power) Basically Harry Potter's Accio charm.Decision: Accelerates Reaction time and decision making process, and also slightly influences to make the user pick the best course of action.Need: (Maybe a little over powered) A mask that's always active, and when the user is in need of something, it creates it, as long as the user can hold up the object. For example, if a user is caught in an ambush without a weapon, the mask will materialize the best weapon for the enemy.Emphasis: Kind of difficult to explain, it "points out" important elements of a scene based on the user's current goals. For example, shows a small piece of evidence in a crime a user is investigating, or shows the weak points of a structure for a constructor or a sabatour. Some consider it immoral due to its latter use.Recognition: Identifies any being in the user's range of sight using slight telepathy powers, as well as their element, species, power, etc. Also boosts the user's mental capacity to deal with overload of information.
  8. Okay, my total of McToran pieces adds up to:1 Kongu (sans mask)2 Jallers (sans masks), and one extra yellow foot.1 Nuparu (sans mask)3 Blue feet2 White feet1 "Peanut Butter" foot (From Hewkii)1 White throwing armHow's that?
  9. lol thanks, and one thing, it's supposed to be gahlok, not gahdok, the krana is orange and grey because gahlok's krana is orange, and grey because i don't have any other blue, so i just find some neutral color, and yes i feel like putting something on the krana's back like the 03 matoran but gear somehow looks weird on it soDang it, I should have known that. They're just one letter apart! Guess I can remove my self-proclaimed title of canon master. :PToo bad you don't have at least Gahlok's (fixed ) arms to fix the grey, it would really improve the MOC. I already started on reverse engineering this MOC in red, with some alterations, but I'm having trouble with the front and bottom. Could you post a pic of the bottom and/or instructions ? Thanks!EDIT: Neverm ind, I didn't see the MOCPages link. Expect the red one tomorrow!!
  10. Phew, I thought you stole my idea right from my head for a second there. I've also been thinking about an Alternate Universe with the Bohrok (who also have been a theme here for a while now), and I was relieved it was just the Boxors! That secret's safe for a while. :DAnyways, for the MOCs:WRESTLAR: The armored body looks very cool, and a Pakari was a good choice here for the mask, as it just flows with the lines. The Matoran could easily be a part of the WRESTLAR. The legs are also very cool, it's nice to see you really did use a lot of Bohrok pieces to make it seem like it's built from them. Really, the only complaints I have for this MOC are the ball joints sticking out on the legs, which I think should be covered by something, and the arms are not quite what I'd expect. The function looks like it works very nicely, and I see what you were going for, I just think it's a little thin, and could be bulked up. The attachments also bug me for some reason, although I half think it looks fine. Still a very cool MOC!BOXOR 3.2: I can really see the similarities with the original Boxor here, and it looks good. The new color scheme works well. The covering looks very nice over the Matoran, and I really like those feet with the Bohrok teeth. The levers for the Matoran are definitely my favorite part, just because it's a nice small detail. Do they do anything? The only thing I'm not sure about on this MOC is the thinness of the arms and legs. Either make them shorter, or bulk it up a lot. Even something like Inika thigh armor might do the trick.Krana Guy: Actually, not as bad as you might say. The color scheme is very cool, and I really like the body design. Maybe some larger arms would be nice, and space out the waist a bit more.A very nice series of MOCs, I can't wait to read your story. By the way, to do Spoiler tags, you need to click "Special BBCode" in the upper left corner of the post editor. (It looks kind of like an image with a green bar across it). Just go down the list until you see Spoiler.
  11. Okay, like I said in the Nui-Rama Topic (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, you should check it out!), I'm clearing some shelf space, and thought I'd post my MOCs. So, this is part two of that, revealing my larger MOCs that don't quite deserve their own topics. Mutant Muaka First up, is a Mutant Muaka. This originally came into my mind while thinking about more story ideas, and I thought of an escaped Vortixx that had a team of Mutated Rahi to follow her/him. I came up with one per element, like a canister release, but only the Muaka really deserved being built.Unfortunately, only one picture really came out well out of the bunch I took, but you get the idea.Front ViewFun facts about this guy include that his head design was remodelled from a HF villain idea I had, just now with teeth and ears. I also tried to keep true to the set, but I had limited yellow and black, so I changed to Keetorange and Grey, but a bunch of other colors snuck in. I have liked his tread design enough to reuse it though, so look out for it on other MOCs! Toa of Radiation This guy is actually a revamp of an older MOC, designed to show off my Radiation color scheme. I eventually gave him a story in my epic called Fractures, as an EM Agent. Anyways, here he is:Old versionYeah, not very impressive. I only built him so my Matoran of Radiation would have a Toa companion, so I decided to remake him.Front ViewHuge improvement, now he has more armor, completely custom torso and limbs, and he just looks cool. I used a few different approaches here, like on the shoulder pads, but all in all, it turned out pretty cool.Back ViewHere you can see the improved articulated waist and the leg design. It's not quite as clean on the other side.Don't make me press it!Yes, he has a button. His original element was Nuclear Radiation, but Radiation just flows better. I didn't change it until I thought of Nukes, and big red buttons to set them off. Mostly a private joke with my friends. Charge!I thought I'd throw in another pose while I'm doing it then. It took forever to balance. Function Toa This guy was just a proof of concept for a theme idea I was thinking about putting on Cuusoo. Basically, I wanted a line like Bionicle, but with more functions and streamlined pieces. This guy was a test for a punching function I thought of (based on this Power Miner set's drill function), and I had fun trying to make a bending elbow with that. It turned out great, and the function works at any rotation possible with the joint.Front ViewHey, even though he's a prototype, doesn't mean I can't make him look cool. Arm MechanicsI took off the Technic curved pieces to show more detail of the gears. Feel free to borrow it if you would like to.That's all for now, but I have a few more MOCs to show off later, and since there's a "Larger MOCs" topic, there has to be a "Smaller MOCs," which I'm better at. For now, Comment, critique, and enjoy!
  12. So, I need to clean off my shelves of Bionicles a bit, and I need to get some pieces from them , so I decided to just take pictures of everything I've got, and just post them in a few topics, so expect to see a lot more from me!So, first off is my Nui-Rama Revamp. The Nui Rama set is my second favorite set of all time (after any Bohrok), so I had to revamp it. This is my pride and joy, and definitely staying for a long time. It was originally going to Brickfair, but I missed the deadline, but ah well.Anyways, you don't want to hear me talk about it, so here's the MOC!Side ViewI'll skip front view for now, since it wouldn't show much anyways, so here's the side. A little thin in some places, but I really like that stinger! (I apologize for the blue rubber band, and the fact that there's one there at all )Basically, I saw those Ninjago swords, and thought: Nui-Rama revamp, here we come. Comparison ShotThis thing is big, bigger than the Nui-Kopen Combo model. Probably my most successful large MOC.Not only does it look cool, but I also added in two functions!WingsIn action: 1, 2With a relatively simple set up involving Technic pieces and rubber bands, I got the wings to flap alternately at the press of a button.StingerIn actionI'm not going to lie, this function took a while to figure out, but with a few 4 tooth gears and a lightsaber, anything can happen. It went through a lot of trial and error, but finally, this one works perfectly. Did I mention I love that stinger?So, that's it, for now, comment and critisize away!
  13. I don't think voting really applies here, considering it's a "Why?" kind of topic. I think that just when someone suggests a name, we put their reasons under it, and then keep listing reasons that others come up with. If someone has some good reasons why someone isn't the GB, then we put those reasons in red or something. Maybe put all of this under Spoiler tags so we don't have a page-long first post.
  14. That looks very cool. I'll just critique them separately:The Vehicle: Very, very cool, I really like the streamlined look to it, and it really looks like it was built from a Bohrok (and a Rahkshi, that somehow got two Zamor sphere launchers and a Nyrah Ghost Blaster ), and the "Bohrok" looks very nice on it. In particular, the seat is very clever. It just is the right shape for some small being to fit on it.The "Bohrok": Okay, I can tell it's supposed to be a Gahdok, but I just don't see why it's just grey and orange. Could you make it a little more colorful, or does it just "blend in" too much with the vehicle? If so, I'm fine the way it is. The body design looks very nice, and the trans-orange looks cool. Is the Tridax pod on the back inspired by the gear assembly on the 03 Matoran? That's just what it reminded me of. The chest armor looks cool too.Very awesome MOC that looks very nice together, I have to try something like this sometime. I really love Bohrok related MOCs .
  15. You know, it might be possible that Takadox is the murderer. He has motive (for Tren Krom): (From Federation of Fear) And for the others, he wants to regain his kingdom, so annihilating the beings of power would make sense.He could have hypnotized Lesovikk to kill Karzahni, thus framing him, and just killed Tren Krom as revenge for his "favorite pawn."Basically, Takadox has some pretty good reasons to be the killer.
  16. Vakama knew the water spout was going too fast, and so he didn't put on the Vahi, and lost it into the ocean again, where Voporak swam down to get it. The Vahi cracked again, and Voporak's and the Vahi's time field met, causing the apocalypse.Unless you mean the second time, the OoMN member saw the time field in effect, and decided it would be stupid to melee fight Voporak. He ran off to find someone with a power that could fight Voporak, and found Kongu, who suffocated Voporak (again), and accidentally killed him. Kongu banished himself in shame, and the Vahi was Vakama's again.The Toa Metru enter Metru Nui to find the ruined city.
  17. Although, from the Jaller face, we can assume what they look like.
  18. Well, I've already started MOCing the Inika Matoran and their vehicles. I have Jaller, Hahli, and Matoro almost done, and Jaller has a cool little dune buggy with turning wheels and a Zamor Sphere launcher on the front. Matoro's ice sled is in progress, and i have ideas for everyone else. Just thought I'd post that in the topic that gave me the idea.
  19. Probably should at least post some map progress so this doesn't get closed. And I could help with my moderator I'm working on, and maybe voice acting, although isn't Biocraft already doing this?
  20. Okay, sorry for the confusion everyone, I think this is what I was thinking of, although I could have sworn that someone had confirmed it. :/ Yes, a Baterra set was planned on, but never made, and I would definitely want to rectify that. This is actually kind of what I would think of. Functions, yet posability, although not neccesarily the Mata and Bohrok, because then Greg would have to struggle to incorperate that into the plotline, and it would just get messy. Personally, a return of the Chronicler's Company would be awesome, and it could be done with few links to the previous story. Um, this isn't really a voting kind of topic. I considered it, but it's much more fun to see the different ideas than "Do you want Bionicle to return like a. Remade 01 sets, b. Sets from story that didn't get made, or c. Complete throwaway of canon."
  21. I think this sounds like a great idea, as long as the first post includes:-Possible candidates-Disqualified candidates-Reasons for each-Confirmed qualities of the GB
  22. I get eaten ( ), and Mata Nui regrets his decision to turn Metus into a snake, so he uses the Vahi to travel back in time to tell himself to kill Metus as soon as he leaves the crater, thus leading to getting himself lost on Bara Magna for many years until he stumbles upon Malum, who convinces him to destroy the Glatorian and Agori to "clean" Bara Magna before merging the planet. Malum decrees himself Warlord, leading to many brutal years of slavery of the MU inhabitants, for the loss of a Beetle. :PPiraka enter the Zone of Nightmares
  23. You know, someone should compile a list of suggested Beings, and repost it every page, so we'll stop going in circles. Let's see, the ones I remember:1. Velika: Likely canidate, lots of reasons for him.2. Kazi: Fairly likely, about as much as Velika3. Keetongu: Some very interesting evidence brought up for him4. Darkness: He sits there, all day, observing TSO.5. The Recorder: He just records various things and has many chances to observe with TSO.6. Pewku: A joke, really.7. Roodaka (I think somewhere): She's a girl, so extremely unlikely.Anyone want to look through the 15 pgs. and figure out the rest of the list?
  24. Me? I guess, if you want it. Do you have anything else from the list I posted above? I could also use a Silver Hagah shield, and yellow throwbot feet.
  25. Somehow, the rest of the Makuta get there first, and they hijack all the vehicles, escaping Karda Nui and leaving the Nuva in the Codrex, where if you leave, they fry. Tahu never arrives to stop the Rahkshi at the Battle of Bara Magna, and many Glatorian are easily killed, leading to a brutal war between the MU and SM.Vahki Prototypes (Krahli) are built.
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