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So at work i doodle when not on shift, which as summer break grew closer I found I had more time off in between shifts then actually working. This gave me plenty of time to do some drawing (but rarely did i finish one in just one 4-5 hour period). When not drawing things related to my A Rude Awakening project, I tend to draw Romans. Who is surprised? No one i think. If you know me, I tend to focus more on the periods after the Third Century Crisis, after which the status of a world super power dwindled (with times of rekindling) until it barely be called a true empire. First up are emperors Phocas and Heraclius. Phocas is drawn good, but IMO Heraclius is a personal achievement of mine. Don't say you can't shade with a ballpoint pen. X next tot he first Phocas means that's not right, check means it is approved. And just so you all know, I drew this based off of previously done art I found on the internet. Oh, and see those feathers on Heraclius' crown? Yeah, they were a PAIN IN THE BEHIND TO DRAW. Here, i have an unfortunately historically inaccurate depiction of Justinian II Heraklius (the last of Heraclius' dynasty) standing before the Automata Throne of Solomon in Constantinople. It is inaccurate because this remarkable feat of engineering was built during the reign of the Makedonian dynasty, which is a century or two after the death of Justinian II and the fall of House Heraklius. It was fun drawing this, but had I known that the throne was in the wrong time period, I would have opted for the much more simplistic Throne of Justinian, and htus been easier on my hands. And yeah, i messed up on the stairs. A shame, because the rest is pretty good (not perfect). And here is Justinian II 'Rhinotmetus' Heraklius. This is like a poster concept of the The Alexiad, the epic saga of Alexios I Komnenos, written by his daughter Anna to hopefully restore her some honor after a family scandal involving her husband that led to her being put in house arrest. There is an air of propaganda to it, but I still find it reliable. This drawing could have been done better, but I still think i did good on it. Alexios is not the perfect savior that his daughter painted him, but there has to truth to a lot of his deeds (perhaps not character) because considering all the crud he had thrown at him, the empire should not have survived, and yet it would for a few more centuries. (Alexios I Komnenos is currently my avatar)
That is how many consecutive years I have worked at my job as of today. Wow, that feels like a really long time. I started out as a regular attendant at the beginning, but I've worked my way up over the years and became a manager. Now I help run my department. It's been a good six years. Here's hoping the next six will be just as good.
It's been a while since my last life update. So, I've started working at a volcano over the summer as a baker. I started as an assistant baker, but after about three or so days, our lead baker walked out on us, presumably for another job. Out of the two assistants left, I was the only one with experience and special training, so I got promoted to the lead baker. It meant a little more work and some new experiences. I'd never been a supervisor before, and managing an assistant turned out to be manageable. It involved training someone with little experience on the job, and it turns out I can be pretty good in a leadership position in my field. Then about two weeks ago now, my assistant quit on the spot. They decided to go travelling with two other employees who also walked out. So that leaves me with a lot of baking to do each week. I do get help on Fridays now. The issue there is I get someone with zero experience and I have to train them while also trying to get work done. It's a bit of a challenge, but so far the past two weeks, my work has been getting done on time. The good news is, I have only one more week of working on my own until I get some help. Two more people have been hired and are on their way. I will have to train them when they get here, but give me a week and I'm sure I can get them up to speed with everything. The past two weeks have been a lot of work, but it's always worth it to send out good desserts made from scratch. And actually I love that I get to make things from scratch again instead of baking off factory-made dough. It's been a good experience all things considered. Even so, I have been pretty tired the past couple of weeks from more stress and working so hard. It's gotten kinda rough and there are times where I feel like I hate it here. Actually that attitude started over the past couple of weeks. I mean life up here isn't perfect (employee meals don't always have the best food, there's really slow Internet and no cellphone service, mice are all over the place and TV rooms are either occupied constantly or have a broken TV. So all there is to do is hike which gets exhausting after working on my feet all day. I only hike on my days off), but I honestly didn't mind all that stuff until recently. I'm hoping it's just the bit of bad news that made me feel this way. That actually does sound like me. I'm one of those people where if something goes wrong it puts me in an entirely sour mood. So, here's hoping things start picking up after this next week. I feel exhausted. Blarg. ~Lapis Lazuli
So the tide came in really hard today at my job, which happens to be an amusement park right on the water. The whole section where I work, which is basically the rides section of the park, went underwater. It wasn't anything too bad, as I imagine the deepest spots were probably no more than a foot deep. But it was enough to set the rides down early. And the rest of the park soon followed afterwards. However, as a manager of the Cash Office at my job, I didn't get to leave until after midnight, when the work of myself and coworkers was completed. Thankfully, our building was just high enough to not get any flood water in it. I did have to walk through the waters a few times though, but aside from getting my shoes, socks, and feet extremely wet it wasn't that bad. But still, it look as though the waters from the bay that connected to the street, with the whole ride section of the park between it. In the on and off eight years I have been working at this park, I've never seen the water get this high before. And it may be staying around at least through tomorrow, as there is a good chance of rain hitting where I live all day tomorrow. I just hope that once it's gone, it will be a long time before it ever happens.
It's been over a month since I started working at McDonalds, and it's been going well. I seem to be doing better than some of the kids that work there. I've also been living with a friend, and I'm really excited to move into my own apartment. It'll be fantastic to finally have a space for my cat, and to once again have my own room. Getting sick and tired of living in other people's places. But personal space issues aside, living with the roommate is overall a lot of fun. You know those Monopoly cards that McDonalds does every year? Most of them are the collectible properties, but some are free food. Well, my roommate eats at McDonads a lot, and saved up seven cards for free medium fries...So we did the obvious thing and redeemed all seven at once. And a diet coke of course. 2/10 do not recommend. That pretty quickly began to taste like just a heap of salt and starch.
I have an interview scheduled for next week. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GET OFF MY LAWN! ~Tekulo <3
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- Work
- I want this
(and 1 more)
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- is an album of the work I have done in photoshop over the past week or so. I'm still learning, but I think what I have so far is decent. What do you guys think? Constructive criticism is appreciated. If you do like what I've made and want me to make you something, PM me. - Draven
Funny how many customers who I've never met assume I'm asking about their well-being and reply, "I'm good," when I'm merely saying "good morning" to them as they come into the bookstore. And by golly the amount of snark I repress could fill a swimming pool. (Or a book...hehe.) And no, we're not going out of business. (And even if we were, what are you going to do about it?) -CF
Life is pretty much school, school, school, work, work, work, and try not to be sick right now. I have less than a year before I am finally done with college. Work is really great though. My health might not be the best right now, and I'm on multitudes of medications... yet I am still able to keep up my full-time work schedule. I haven't had to call off or go into work sick. *knock on wood* This upcoming April marks my second year work with Best Buy, and I just had my annual review. I pretty much do everything above and beyond my job, and know I'll be getting another raise beyond the slight increase you typically get. My manager sat down and talked to me, and wanted to discusses further development options for my future career. Right now out of all the Best Buy stores, the store I work at and my department is in the top ten. That's the top ten of all the Best Buy stores. We currently rank at fourth. That's pretty darn amazing. While we were doing my review, he talked about how the other store managers had to contact him to find out what we do differently to perform so well. He continuously talked about me and talked me up to them. He ranted and raved so much, that the other stores were asking him to send me to their stores to help train staff. Like whaaaaaat, seriously? He then went on to say that he could easily see me being a supervisor or manager. Not in the future. Not down the road. Right now. I could go into another store and easily do the job. I have been pretty sick lately... taking two different kinds of immunosuppressants really wrecks your system. This week has been pretty good though! Finding out how highly we rank in the company out of all the stores, having my annual review and getting such high praise (I scored a 4 out of 5, 4 is considered the high mark because 5 is like just flawless perfection and most people get a 3 if that). You get a 2 just for doing your basic job duties. Today was the best day though. Tomorrow is payday and because of the performance... we got a huge bonus. Typically I might see an extra $50-100 on a check if we bonus. I am not going to post the exact bonus amount, but I'm safely able to pay off all my monthly bills, buy my cosplay materials, and put aside money for vacation. Such is life. It might not be the best at the moment, but there are some pretty good things going.
- crohns
- crohns disease
(and 3 more)
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Well this morning Family Dollar called me and asked if I still wanted a job I'd applied for last month. So I told them I did and they told me to come to the store for a job interview as soon as I could, which I did. The job interview went quickly and easily and I got the job. This surprises me because 1) I had forgotten about my Family Dollar job application until today and 2) I didn't know the job interview would be that easy. So I'm going to begin work tomorrow. It really did come out of nowhere, but hey, I have a job now, so who am I to complain? UPDATE: Looks like there was some misunderstanding. They haven't actually hired me yet, but I had another, slightly longer job interview with the manager today and he said he'd call me to tell me if I got the job or not. I have a feeling I will, since he said they really needed the help, but sorry for speaking too soon. Will update again if I'm actually hired this time. -TNTOS-
There was so much information today that I feel I am on the verge of overload. There were a lot of customers today for the Easter rush. I talked to so many people today... I got my blue Best Buy shirts too! Plus I sold two 8gb Ipod Touch, an all-in-one Dell touchscreen PC, and a Xoom. I even got someone to apply for a Best Buy credit card! This is all some pretty big stuff. Today was also my first and only day of register training, besides what I observed when shadowing. Oh man... This job is a lot funner than my previous one, and I like it a lot more. There is just so much to download.
Did I mention I have a new job and it is absolutely awesome?
Orientation for my new job is this Saturday. I went out and got a new shirt just for it. I'm pretty excited about it and can't wait. The best part is I get out of working my shift this weekend at the deli for the first time... since I can't remember. PiCtUrE LiNk
I haven't been around a lot lately, but I have a perfectly good reason. I've been reading every book on interviewing and getting a new job I can. For the past six months my employer has been a small food store, and in my time there I've reached the pinnacle of my position. Within four weeks of being hired I was responsible for opening and closing the store. I decided I want out of the deli because I have all the experience I will ever get from there. I want to move on to a new place where I can learn and grow more, and still have two days off a week and get a raise. The places I interviewed at are different but my experience applies to both, I applied at a bank and Best Buy. I only mention these two places I applied at because I have had interviews with both already. I'm waiting for the bank to make a decision, and I have a final interview with the Best Buy manager this Sunday. I also just had a telephone interview to volunteer at a camp for kids with Crohn's disease. I was a nervous wreck though and the questions. >_< Camp Counselor < Bank < Best Buy I can't even begin to tell you how awesome Best Buy was. I was awesome there. They called me the day after the interview to set up the final interview. Back to videogames... Oh and I start school April something... fourth maybe?
My uncle and aunt split up a while back, but they’re still married. She got an apartment during the split and my uncle just got around to getting his own new place. He’s gone through a lot and is getting older, so he can’t do all the lifting and bending for the belongings he has boxed up. I worked on un-boxing, cleaning and putting away knickknacks and moving a few cabinets. The entire place needs cleaned but it is sort of hard to give it a once over scrub job when there are things everywhere. I pretty much stuck to the one room and organized most of the boxes of stuff I didn’t go through. He paid me forty dollars for around four hours of work so that’s not bad at all. I don’t even make that much for a day’s work at the deli. There’s a lot more to do but I made a dent in it. Plus I found a couple gifts for some people I’ll be meeting later this year.
Today resulted in me cutting and cleaning three gallons of peppers and stuffing ten pounds of said peppers. The Superbowl has not even arrive yet and I'm up o my ears in peppers.
I got my first formal complaint at work today from over the weekend. Saturday was the day I had to work with my mom, and it was just the two of us. When we got there only a little bit of ground beef was in the deli case for sale. The guy who makes the sausage usually makes grinds up the tube of beef, but this day he didn’t. \\ There wasn’t much interest in the ground beef when the day started so I didn’t worry about it. A few people came in and bought the remaining beef, but we ran short when other people started asking for it. I know how to grind up the eye of round, but I figured there was some reason they didn’t have it prepared in advanced and there wasn’t much interest in it. I wasn’t going to grind up five pounds of beef just to have it sit over the weekend. Today when I went in the boss told me about it. She pretty much just told me what to do if we need it and that we’ll grind it up if people ask for it. If it’s right before closing, then obviously you can say we’re out. It wasn’t that bad… We had a rather busy day and I was cutting on the slicer all day practically. I never really had the time to stop and grind up beef. For the first formal complaint a customer gave my boss in my five-six months working there, I’d say that’s pretty good. I'm just wondering if it was the old-man at the cooler, the middle-aged woman at the checkout, or the woman on the phone.
I start College Math (MTH1010) Thursday. The course runs five and a half weeks until my winter break (yay!). While I am familiar with what I'll be learning, I can't help but shudder at the thought of math. Math, math, math, mathmathmathmathmathyuck. I suppose I'm just anxious and paranoid, like the majority of people that say: "I'm not good at math." I'll take the course and do my best, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will be pleasant.
A lady who works at the deli Saturday’s is leaving, so I am filling in for her. She has multiple jobs and can’t handle the deli. Although she isn’t leaving permanently she isn’t going to be there every Saturday anymore. However, I will be working with her alone on an upcoming weekend. From what I had heard about her, the other employees said I probably knew more than her. Gossipers. I met her today and she jabbered nonstop. There wasn’t a customer who didn’t hear something about her personal life. She said “you’re so quiet, you hardly say anything” and other permutations so many times I lost count. When I work, I go to work to work, not to talk up a storm. I do my business and I learn my position. Today I learned how to make sandwiches that I had never made before. Just because I am quiet or don’t talk much does not mean I don’t talk at all. I do my job and ask the customers what they need, and get what they want for them. That is, assuming I know how to perform the task essential to obtaining what they want. The only thing I do not actively do is slice meat and cheeses for customers present. I have ran the slicer to make hoagies for pick up and for pre-made hoagies sold in the deli. Saturday’s are supposed to be hectic and crazy nonstop. Today was so slow and boring, that at one point we were all sitting down in back. I thought the lady wasn’t working today and I would just be with the bosses’ son but the three of us worked. Probably due to the fact I’ll only be working with her one weekend instead. They were talking at one point and said “He doesn’t joke around.” I do my job and get it done, which is precisely why I am looking to buy a new flat screen TV.
Did you know there is a page about the BZPower Staff with pictures and descriptions of them? Well if you didn’t know before you do now! The reason I’m posting this blog is because I’ve changed my biography to “All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy.” I’m looking for one lucky person to write a new entry describing me. The best description chosen by the masses, polling, or whatever means will be featured as my new bio. See my old description below for reference.
is my current course. I was quite nervous about it because I haven’t had any general education courses since high school. I’m proud to say, despite my paranoia, I received full marks on all my assignments and wrote a pretty good essay.
Today was my first day of work at the deli. When I showed up they had no idea I was the person who was there to work. Once they figured it out they were glad to have the help though. I: Ran the register multiple timesCut lunch meatMade stuffed pepper-thingysCooked pattiesBagged nutrollsDid dishesSwept the floor after closingHad lunch for freeThe day was pretty great and went well. I didn’t do too much involving lunchmeat besides cutting it once. Most my time was spent bagging all the nut rolls for a catering party and preparing all the peppers by cleaning out the seeds and then stuffing them all. Right off the bat I learned how to run the register. I even learned how to use it for a customer paying with a credit card. Besides one time where I messed up everything went rather smoothly. This one lady was talking to me. She wanted to know if I went to high school here, and then when I told her no and what college I went to. She said her sister just graduated from there etc. Needless to say I rang her out twice because I forgot to enter she paid with a twenty and not exact change. Oh and I made a two dollar tip. Some lady bought four hoagies and a big container of pasta for almost thirty dollars. She took the loose change and told me to keep the dollars. I work the afternoon shift again tomorrow. I’ll be meeting two other new people and working with them. The one lady who trained me today was pretty nice. She had me doing so much stuff I never really even talked to the other lady working there. She also mentioned something about me working Saturday. I have no idea because I’m not on the schedule yet and only knew I had Tuesday and Wednesday for work. They close at 2:30 on the weekend so I imagine I’d have to work an early shift. Besides some doubt instilling questions down in my twitter feed the first day was great.