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Bionicle Mafia VIII: The Sound of Darkness


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It must be within the first few posts, though. So, we must scour the first few posts, and see who said what.


this will be fun



looks like the only one who posted between the PMs being sent out, and me dying was Taka. Going to check to see if anything in her post matched up with her recent ones.


Or maybe, just maybe, the night killer decided to go with a phrase from BEFORE the Pm's got sent out, and it was directed at me.


I must look even harder, though this would absolve SH from it since he only posted once before the roles were out, and not at all between, and it wasn't directed at anyone.


I shall search harder.

Edited by The X


Steam name: Ehksidian

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All that looking for nothing.


I suspect the NK functions like the Mafia, killing a certain person via PM.

Which makes them REALLY hard to trace, especially with no phrases or irrational behavior to trace.

Other than, you know, all three barely talking. And the killer being silent.

And crazy.

And killing me round one and i will find a way to kill you next game i swear on it you will die like i did you horrible monster.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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Unfortunately not. I knew Portal wouldn't let us off that easy. :P The NK does not function like a nighttime Siren.


Wait! How did you know this? Portal, stop killing all the red herrings! And about that 19...


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Unfortunately not. I knew Portal wouldn't let us off that easy. :P The NK does not function like a nighttime Siren.


Wait! How did you know this? Portal, stop killing all the red herrings! And about that 19...


Portal didn't tell me anything until after I looked through the posts and realized that nothing was said to The X between roles being sent out and the games beginning.

I will continue to try tricking him into sharing the NK with me, although if he does it means I will simply cackle at the voting from afar.

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Out of curiosity, why did you not make NK like the Siren?

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If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



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Because the Siren was so different from any other Role I had ever seen, I needed to test it. I didn't want to have two of the same basic role in the game, as well.


On top of that, the most posts in the topic come during the voting period. This means that it became more plausible that the Siren would actually use the powers. As well, the Siren was also kinda inspired by the amount of voting skewing that was happening in TK's game, and I wanted to see how a killer that actually voids the victims votes during the day actually worked.


In other words, the fact that the Siren was a day killer was built into every part of it. My final diagnostic about the role has basically been "Dangit I love this role it is really cool". It kinda helps that Lloyd was it as well, if it is okay with him I will have to share the PM conversation we had after the game. It was kinda super cool, because up until like, last night, he rhymed everything he said as we worked on what his phrase would be. It was freaking awesome.



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Gosh, that's hard, really really hard, because in a way both Pulse and Shadowhawk seem suspicious to me, for different reasons:


Pulse for all the claiming to be innocent, and pretending to be the medic last round. I know it might all have been a plan to protect the actual medic, but somehow it didn't quite work out. Also, this:


Canis, I told you to protect yourself for a reason.... *facedesk* Pulse back under suspicion, now. The plan was between him, Canis and I.


Annd a few observations of Pulse's strategies in previous mafia games.



Shadowhawk mostly due to the constant mentioning of shadows. The silence bit I am not so certain about, becuase going back through the pages, I realized that out of the 3 remaining players I've actually posted the least. On the other hand, he did try to lead suspicion towards me several times (okay, twice) and Pulse (at least twice, too).




What irks me the most is the constant 'not-talking' of the killer. Problem is, neither Hawks nor Pulses talk much. ^^" The mention of shadows would point towards Shadowhawk, yes, but then again, if that's the case it would be rather blatant and not really what I consider a subtle hint. On the other hand, hawks are silent killers. But that would be way too easy again.


So, since technically I still have time left for voting I'll think this over again and see what I finally come up with.


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Well, since it looks like either the Pulse or the Shadowhawk is going to be the unfortunate lynch-ed individual, I'm going to put my vote on Pulse and leave Taka Nuvia to make the final, tie-breaking call. :)


At this point, I think it all comes down to gut instinct. I suspect both Pulse and Taka, but of the two, the arguments posed in favor of lynching Pulse seem a bit stronger. Hence, my decision to shift the entire burden of responsibility onto Taka. I'd very much like to live, seeing as how I know I'm one of the two innocent villages, but I'm honestly at a loss as to who is the other one, and... well, I'm gambling that it's Taka. Which means that Pulse is the serial killer, and should be killed.


But the choice is hers.


EDIT: I don't think voting Null is a good idea at this point, Burnmad. This has been an awesome game, but it's gone on long enough, methinks. :P

Edited by Shadowhawk
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Tell me why you killed them.


I don't lie to trustworthy people, Shadowhawk. I did not lie to Blade when I told him I was a villager at the start, and although he lied a bit about being a villager, he did help with taking down his own mafia. Can't exactly remember why he did it. I did not lie to others either. I've played a mafia game with you, where you were part of it yourself eventually. You were quite bloodthirsty and accepting of that role. Yet you can be silent, cold, and also very good at hiding your true self. Earlier on it seems the killer was not quite right in the head, then they became more silent and deadly in their attacks. Sound familiar?

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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...so if I withhold my vote, both of you would get lynched, yes? :P Which of course I won't do because then probably you both would change your vote and I would die with a certainty of 100% which is a lot. xD


So. Decision.


Gut feeling time, I suppose. And I'm definitely leaning towards Pulse more, so that's my vote. I just hope it's not a mistake. D:


 My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)

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You could always null. I would revert to my earlier choice of Shadowhawk, but I'm not so sure if Shadowhawk would change or not. You're most definitely a villager, and I'm not even sure about Shadowhawk. I would say that I am a villager, yet to many suspicious of me, of course I would say that, for by some am I believed guilty... to me, the winning situation? Let both myself and Shadowhawk die.


Reverting vote back to Shadowhawk. Just in case Taka changes her mind. I doubt it.


...thanks, Onarax. Even if that doesn't work, I owe you.

Edited by Pulse

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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Pulse was cleared when Canis explained his death - Canis did not even pm Portal for this round. I would advise either Taka Nuvia or Shadowhawk to revoke their vote and allow for a double lynch - if Taka is the NK, good job because you've actually won the game. If it's Shadowhawk or Pulse... we win either way.

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This is rather vexing. The loud sound in the second-to-last scene could mean Pulse, a pulse being a single vibration or short burst of sound, electric current, light or some other wave. However, it was said to be a shriek, which could point to Shadowhawk.


That would be quite confusing, were it not for the following; in the scene where I died, there was another noise... and that noise was more rhythmic. Steadier. Yes, I am fairly certain the culprit is Pulse. As such, both of you must vote for him, or he may weasel his way out of it.


- :burnmad:

Edited by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

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Burn, you were 'fairly certain' that Zakaro was the culprit. Just saying. I jsut wanted to point that out, and mention where that got us the last time. Zakaro was no more guilty, than I am of flying to the moon. KSP can back that one up. =P

Edited by Blade: #XIII. Roxas
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Well, to be fair, Zakaro didn't help himself out much. =P


Edit: That's twice now you mafiosi have defended Pulse, too. =P


Edit #2: Ohai I have a Faxon and stuff.


- :burnmad:

Edited by Burnmad: Toa of Emoticons

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I'm leaving my vote with Pulse. So, that's one vote each for the Pulse and the Shadowhawk, one vote for Null?


By now, as per Burnmad's little 'mafia defense' remark, I'm 99.99% certain Pulse is the serial killer. So much, in fact, that I'm willing to heroically lay down my innocent life without protest in a double lynching.


Well, okay, maybe a little protest. Actually, maybe a big protest. I'd honestly rather like to be still alive and kickin' at the end of the game. But again, that's up to Taka Nuvia. :P


Whatever happens, I agree with Chro. This is going to be an interesting ending!

Edited by Shadowhawk
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