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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

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IC: Esaika (Sado Market)

The darkblue clad Dasaka walked through the market, inspecting many of the wares thoroughly without actually approaching any of the stands. She decided to stop by one of the food stands and stock up on supplies, since hers were running out.


OOC: Esaika is open for interaction.

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IC: Soraya (Sado Markets)

"That's no surprise. People around here tend to be awfully stuck-up and rude for some reason. I should know - only been a couple months in town myself. Name's Soraya." She stepped from the stall and fell into step with the bird as it meandered down the street.


If the Tajaar knew half a thing about her trade, she'd almost certainly marked Soraya as a potential customer; she hoped she wouldn't be too disappointed when it came to light that she'd be hard-pressed to afford even a single earring at the moment. The ringti had a rule: don't carry money you're not planning to spend, and tonight she was looking for good conversation and maybe a bit of sightseeing, not for an opportunity to blow half a job's earnings on traveler's trinkets.


"So, Tajaar, merchant, giant bird... you're certainly making an entrance. Don't suppose I could get a name, or at least a caravan location? I could use a change of pace."

Edited by GSR

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC: Eiyu Ankora (Imperial Library)


"Semantics have never been my strong suit" Ankora said in agreement as she followed Gotsoko's lead.


"And I certainly hope the retelling of the ancient times have not changed too much since the original recordings were written" she said mostly as a joke, amendments or changes to the records were exceedingly rare, to the point of being nonexistent, something both of them knew very well.


"I was mostly wishing to find any information on the old masters, there is something the recent discussion in the market place has reminded me of"


IC (Gotsoko)


"Of course," said Gotsoko. "Follow me. Kwaiya, you may accompany us."


The Lorekeeper led them on a weaving course through the aisles of bookshelves until they reached a staircase heading down into the lower levels of the library. Before long, their way was barred by a large, solid-looking door. Gotsoko took a set of crystal keys from her robes and one click of a lock later, the heavy door swung open.


"On which topic particularly do you seek information?" she asked Ankora as they walked along the lightstone-lit corridor.

Edited by GhosthandsOfChristmasPast





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IC: Eiyu Ankora (Imperial Library)


"I recall, vaugely, records of an old Datsue council that theorized about the possibility of life beyond Kentoku, but I have not read them in centuries. Something about "imperfect reflections" of the Dasaka themselves" Ankora said as she followed Gotsoko through the door, her face now scrunched by deep thought.


"My thinking was, with the discovery of Mata Nui and its inhabitants, maybe there was something more to these theories than merely that"

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[sado, Market District]


“Entrances are unavoidable,” Hatchi said, keeping a tight hold on Myzru’s reigns. The bird was tense in a way he usually was before he decided that her companion might be peckable.


“Our caravan is stationed in the Kari district,” she continued. “I’m afraid, however, that we are mostly closing for the night. We have come upon great good fortune and tonight we shall celebrate with feasting. Perhaps you would like to see what humble wares we still are selling however, or perhaps try a little kaoliang?

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Soraya (Sado Markets)


Now that was more like it. "Well, if you'll have me, sounds like it'll be quite the time. It's been too long since I've dealt with Tajaar, and I do make it a point to get to know the local - or at least currently local - businesses." Granted, accepting this invitation meant that she'd have to buy at least one or two small things - you couldn't do much better at burning bridges than showing up to someone's caravan, drinking all the booze, and sauntering off - but she preferred to think of it as buying an evening's entertainment.


Soraya gestured ahead of them with one hand. "Lead the way!"

Edited by GSR

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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OOC: I've got me salsa music on to keep me going. Totally not in a "writing mood" right now, lol.


IC: Kwaiya


"You mean," Kwaiya asked, "that our ancestors had prior contact with the eastern island?" She blinked away the light spots from a nearby lightstone. Kwaiya disliked the dark, and the lower levels were graciously illuminated enough to see her feet. But not much more. The idea of something creeping down behind them had plagued the bookbinder down the winding stairwells and now, standing amidst the ancient archive of crystal texts she almost felt as if she could hear the collective voices of her pursuers. Or were the books so crowded they were pushing into her mind, a mind devoid of psionic potential?


IC: Koga


:I would expect the more powerful houses,: Koga admitted, :but the paero field is not the busiest place lately. With luck there'll be a decent turnout.:


He smiled and waved softly before turning to leave. :I have to go but it was good to see you!:


OOC: Short, painful, but moving forward. I'll post a decent Koga Paero opening sooN!

Edited by Hatachi
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IC: Celis (Sado, Markets)


Celis watched the Dashi run off and smiled softly


Such simple arrogance

However she traveled on through the markets seeming to be searching for something now


OOC: Alright I got to ask.. Would there be like a restaurant or something in the markets? I would assume Dasaka culture would still have taverns or similar things


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC (Gotsoko)


"It is possible, Kwaiya," said the Lorekeeper, stopping and turning to face her fellow Eiyu. "Long before our time, it was theorised that certain ancient legends suggested that we were not alone in this world. The legends told of beings like us, and yet unlike us...'imperfect reflections', as Ankora so aptly put it. The philosophers' theories were dismissed as fantasies, and largely forgotten about...until now."


She peered over her spectacles at Ankora.


"I ought to have guessed that this was the subject you were after," she said, "and you ought to have told me, for we will not find these texts here."


Gotsoko smiled wryly.


"I realised this connection myself as soon as I read the expedition report, and have been studying the theories and legends personally ever since. I already have all the relevant books in my quarters."

Edited by GhosthandsOfChristmasPast





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IC: Eiyu Ankora (Imperial Library)


"You always did have a talent for catching onto this sort of think quickly, Gotsoko" Ankora replied with a mild smirk.


"What else is to be expected of a Librarian?"


"Then let us go to your quarters and collect them, shall we? This ginormous door is best kept closed whenever it could be"

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Relisai looked out her window at the pristine island that was her domain. She was Oki's protector, it's guardian and representative in the politics of the Empire. It was a difficult job juggling her many duties, but Relisai relished the demands of her position. They were as much a sign of her excellence as the ring on her finger or her throne in Castle Vilda. Her duties were what separated her from the masses.


She spied her elder sister on the ground far below in the distance, picking flowers and tending to one of the Vilda's many gardens. Does she really thin that she can fool me, pretending to busy herself solely with her silly plants. I know that even now she is plotting, envisioning treacherous plans on how to betray me and take the throne for her and her daughter. I will not allow that.


A smirk widened on Relisai's face. Only a few days ago Relisai had finally thought up a way to unveil her sister's traitorous intrigues. Relisai would be leaving tomorrow for Sado to deliver another shipment of specimens to the Gardens, to make a public appearance and to politick. During her time away, Relisai had arranged for Robalta to assume command of the Vilda, with Relisai's trusty Warden as an aided. The moment Robalta attempted any sort of resurrection, any grab for true leadership, Robalta would be detained by the Warden and finally destroyed as a political threat.


Now, all Relisai had to do was wait for her sister to slip up.


"Are all the invitations in order?" Relisai asked without removing her gaze from the window.


"Yes, your highness, just as you asked" replied the servant at the door.


"Good. Make sure they are packaged properly. I don't want them getting ruffled while I travel to the capitol."



"Thank you, Toroshu Kilanya, you have been most gracious. Perhaps later, when you are less busy, you could give me a tour of your lands? I find a leader's thoughts and opinions of her dominion are especially enlightening. Other than that, I'll now get out of your way so you can run your clan, and look forward to taking full advantage of the Ageru's renown hospitality."


Kulrik waited for the Ageru Toroshu's reply, eager to find his room and take a hot bath after the long journey to Odaiba. From what he heard, Ageru was one of the many clans that actually had servants rinse and bathe it's upper class. The practice was too arduous and unnecessary for the clans on Oki, but Kulrik was happy for the opportunity to lie down and simply relax.


Soraph crooned to one of the creeping vines in the Gardens, a practice the Vilda had adopted manes years ago after discovering it helped the plants grow. It set the Vilda princess's mind at ease, ignoring the intrusions of thoughts of Koga and his bird, Hane. She sighed, out of breath and finished her duties for the day. She took a long stroll as she exited the Gardens, taking the precious moments to admire the oasis of peace and calm in the colossal crystal city of Sado.


She stopped by a stream near the exit, washed off the dirt that had found its way onto her hands and arms, and proceeded to leave the Gardens.


ooc: Soraph free for interaction.

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IC: Mako (Sado)


I don't usually like coming to Sado, I feel like I got my fill of it back when I was young, strong and handsome, accompanying noblewomen to and fro like I an obedient pet. I swear, the next time I hear a First Son berate his position, I'm gonna trounce him.


If they think they have it bad, they're just being whiny sods, I know what it's like to have every waking hour of your life be subject to someone else, never, ever getting to do what you yourself desired aside from a few precious minutes here and there, and on top of that you had "reproduction" duties to attend to, whoo boy, don't get me started on that, did you know there was one ti... no.


Not touching that one, changing the subject matter.


I don't know whether or not I hated it and didn't show it, or whether or not I think I hated it in hindsight, regardless of the why and the how, let me tell you: retirement is a dream come true.


I can go wherever I want, no consequences, I can do and say almost anything and expect no repercussions. "Respect your elders" they say, well, show me respect or I'll waterboard you and steal your wallet.


Nah, I'm just kidding, or maybe not? I haven't tried pick-pocketing yet, now there's an idea...


A caw from my shoulder brought my attention back from my internal ramblings as I spotted none other than the Vilda heiress herself prowling the grounds of Sado. Well, what a delightful surprise.


"Hello, Soraph, how's today going for you?"

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Soraph paused, momentarily confused as she heard her name called out from someone nearby. The voice was masculine and yet oddly familiar; could it have been Koga? If it was it would be a pleasant surprise, but -


Ah, she thought as she finally caught sight of the man seeking her attention. That is no First Son. Still a pleasant surprise, though.


"Mako! I'm well thank you, just finished my job in the Gardens for the day. But how are you? What brings you to Sado?"


Unofficially exiled to Sado by her aunt Toroshu Relisai, Soraph rarely saw a member of her own clan on the crystal island. It was a genuine pleasure to encounter one of her kinsmen, especially Mako, who was known for his wonderful companionship and conversations. A male bodyguard didn't go very far without those skills.

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IC: Vilda Mako (Sado)


I'm not going to pretend like I haven't liked Soraph since time immemorial, but then again, I have a strong feeling that a lot of other males think the same thing, and I'm not exactly trying to stand out.


But even with admirers and suitors flocking to her like the opposite of the usual gender balance, she still hasn't mothered a child, which still surprised me to this day.


Nevertheless, she was always such a precious little gem, wasn't she? And maybe that's why I feel it's right of her to take her time, she deserves nothing but the best, definitely someone better than an old Datsue like myself.


No, the only girl I need in my life is my dear little Kama. And she sent a welcoming chirp at Soraph.


"I won't be staying long, but I'm here to hear the latest news and pick up a few supplies. Travelling ain't as cheap as it used to be"

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Soraph sang a note back to the Janu bird, projecting a feeling of warmth and kindness across the mental plane to Kama.


"Well, that really depends, doesn't it Mako? For someone fulfilling the duties of our clan, travelling costs are covered by the dear Umbralines. For some old man bumbling about the Empire looking for bird food, then yes, I suppose the expenses do add up" she said with a small chuckle.


"Seriously though, what news have you been hearing? How are things on Oki? I haven't had chance to return what with all the work that has to be done here in the Gardens."

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IC: Vilda Mako (Sado)


"Not much, I'm afraid, although I have heard that our Toroshu will be arriving here in Sado soon to make a public appearance, I was thinking of catching that"


"Yeah, right," I said to myself, "like I'd wanna listen to anything that witch has to say. Still, keep your friends close and your enemies closer"


"And you best watch your mouth, or I might decide to peg you for my first try as a pickpocket" I said jokingly.

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"Oh?" Soraph asked slowly, careful not let Mako sees her amazement. Toroshu Relisai rarely left Oki, let alone for Sado, so her coming had to have some ulterior motive, some hidden design.


Also, Soraph had not seen her aunt since Relisai had sent her to Sado on her current, quasi-permanent assignment. Given how much Relisai hated her, Soraph wondered what new punishment the Vilda Toroshu had in store for her.


But that was not for a few days.


"You would stick your clumsy hands into the pants of a distinguished Lady of the Empire, and a member of the Vilda royal family, for a few dragons? Old man, I hardly think that would end well for you" Soraph said with a smug smile.


"You would fare much better if you accompanied said Lady to a First Son Paero game and regaled her with wild stories of your youth, I think."

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IC: Vilda Mako (Sado)


"Clumsy hands?" I retorted with mock irritation.


From beneath my robe, a shining blue flicker shot forth, rushing past Soraph and slicing a weed protruding from the ground clean in half. I caught the crystal Chakram in my hand, twirling it with a triumphant sneer.


"You would be wise to rephrase that, my dear"


"Either way; a First Son Paero game?" I asked inconspicuously as I tucked the chakram away again.


"Now there's a surprise, I would be interested to see that. See how the more fortunate whippersnappers amuse themselves"


"Yes, I'll join you, but I'm bringing Kama"

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"Of course Kama is coming along, old man. She's much too jealous to let you run off in the company of a woman as beautiful and distinguished as myself."


Soraph held out her arm, waiting for Mako to grab hold and accompany her to the Paero field.


Soraph enjoyed going to sports games played by men of the Empire; mistakes were often made by both teams as unfortunate players paid more attention to her than the ball. It was a funny thing, really, that in a society that held it's males on the tallest pedestals, a woman could still bring members of that gender to their knees.


"Try not to slow me down, Mako. And why don't you begin that story?"

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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IC: Vilda Mako (Sado)


"I'm not going to pretend like I'm some old gasbag who can't keep up with you youngsters, but you'll humor an old man if he prefers a slightly slower pace" I replied as we linked arms. Kama ascended from my shoulder and followed by air.


"Now, stories, you say? Well, I guess over some several thousand years one or two has indeed manifested themselves"


"I don't suppose any of the many times I've stopped an assassin would suit your fancy?"

Edited by Geardirector

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"An assassin, you say?" Soraph asked, her curiosity piqued.


"As a matter of fact, I would love to hear one of your stories about assassins. We have a long walk ahead of us, so don't go cutting corners with me on the details. I love the details."


She led herself and Mako down one side street and then another, a series of shortcuts that also happened to be a significantly quieter than the main roads. Soraph didn't want to miss a thing in Mako's stories.

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IC: Vilda Mako (Sado)


I cleared my throat, taking on a mock booming voice as I began.


"It was a dark and stormy night" I said dramatically, letting the suspense build with a pause.


"Well, actually it was a rather nice evening," I corrected myself, popping the balloon of suspense like an anticlimactic footnote.


"But it was dark and quiet, and the moon was shining like a crystal spire in the... moonlight"


"OK, that one could use work" I noted to myself as I kept up the momentum by continuing.


"I was standing outside my Lady's chamber, and Kama was perched on the windowsill, keeping me alert to the outside"


"Now, the Lady was an extremely influential Scholar who possessed a rare artifact from the olden days, some sort of antique, and she already been approached by prospective buyers, despite her clear intention not to sell. I had never seen it myself, but I'd been present during several heated negotiations about the item, someone wanted that badly"


"And before you're asking why they decided to kill instead of simply steal... well, it turns out she was keeping the artifact in a secure safe with a lock attuned to her mind that would only allow her entry, so in order to get at it, she had to go"


"I believe we should take a right, here" I added quickly at the next crossroad.

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"Thank you, Toroshu Kilanya, you have been most gracious. Perhaps later, when you are less busy, you could give me a tour of your lands? I find a leader's thoughts and opinions of her dominion are especially enlightening. Other than that, I'll now get out of your way so you can run your clan, and look forward to taking full advantage of the Ageru's renown hospitality."


Kulrik waited for the Ageru Toroshu's reply, eager to find his room and take a hot bath after the long journey to Odaiba. From what he heard, Ageru was one of the many clans that actually had servants rinse and bathe it's upper class. The practice was too arduous and unnecessary for the clans on Oki, but Kulrik was happy for the opportunity to lie down and simply relax.


IC (Kilanya)


Kilanya's eyebrow moved back up a notch. So Kulrik wanted to 'take advantage of their hospitality'...once again the Vilda's First Son had phrased himself with a little less tact than one might expect. The Toroshu doubted it was deliberate; his gift and manner had been almost perfect. His words, to her mind, probably indicated a self-centredness that surfaced in spite of his intentions.


"Of course," she said. "My attendants will see to your needs."


She gestured to a couple of the Dashi who stood respectfully near the door, and they bowed to the Vilda and stood ready to follow him.


"Until we meet again, Vilda Kulrik," said Kilanya with a gracious nod as her visitors were led away to more comfortable quarters.


Once the door was shut, an aide came forward to continue the day's briefing.


"To continue the agenda, My Lady..."


OOC: I'll play any NPC attendants you need, Fanixe :)





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"Actually, we must continue straight for another three blocks, then turn right" Soraph corrected the elderly Vilda. "You can take this street though if you'd like, but you'd be walking into a caravan carrying manure to Sado."


Soraph led Mako onwards, laughing at the Datsue's attempts to enliven his story with theatrics. It was endearing of the old man, even if wholly unnecessary. She hoped that the rest of Mako's story would prove just as entertaining, and enlightening, for her.


"I'm sorry, but if the lock required contact with your Lady's mind to open, wouldn't killing her make retrieving the object immensely more difficult?" Soraph asked. It seemed to her like a gaping hole in the plot Mako was telling her. "And this Lady wasn't a Vilda, was she? Because I can't for the life of me recall any such story in all the gossip I've heard in our clan."



Kulrik strode down the hall following his Dashi attendants, Seigyo in his lee. The Ageru servants led him to another wing of the Mahuika Hall, and down two flights of stairs. Kulrik found the Ageru castle much more to his liking than the buildings on Sado. In the capitol the royal buildings were immense monuments composed almost entirely of stone and expensive crystal; here on Odaiba, the ancestral home of the Ageru was much more organic, incorporating tapestries and wooden panels into the architecture. The Vilda First Son though it a pleasant compromise between the industrial Sado and his native, untouched Oki.


The cluster of Dasaka eventually reached his living quarters, whereupon Seigyo unpacked their supplies and, with much debating on Kulrik's part, left to sleep in her room down the hall. He argued that there were more than sufficient guards in the palace, that it would be insane for anyone to attempt to assassinate him here and now, and that above all, Seigyo needed to rest if she wanted to protect him properly. Also, she was required to do anything he demanded, which was a card Kulrik played delightfully.


With Seigyo gone Kulrik took a look at the chambers he'd be living in for the next indeterminate amount of time. There were three rooms; the main atrium that opened into the hallway, a bedroom to the door on the left and a bathing room on the right. There was also a door that led from the bedroom to a balcony with a magnificent view of tha valley Mahuika hall overlooked. All the rooms were resplendent with dark wood, intricate designs carved into the edges. The bedding was black, as befitting a First Son, and Kulrik was satisfied to find a number of exquisite outfits in the wardrobe in the bedroom.


Kulrik walked into the bathing room and found two Dashi already there, standing on either side of a deep depression on the ground filled with steaming water. Kulrik didn't see any buckets, so he assumed the water was heated through natural underground vents, not uncommon on an island formed by a now mostly-extinct volcano.


The Dashi undressed him and waited patiently as he entered the hot bath, then began washing and scrubbing the First Son. Kulrik allowed his mind to wander as his body was cleansed from the dirt accumulated on the road, and his nose filled with the sweet scent of the soap and bubbles in the bath. Kulrik leaned back and let the attendants take over and do their job.


"That's quite enough, thank you" Kulrik said to the Dashi. "You can leave now, I'll dress myself." The Dashi nodded curtly before leaving the room and then apartment. Kulrik lifted himself out of the natural bathtub, wincing as he did so. The brushes the Dashi had used were regrettably coarse, rubbing his skin raw in some places.


They are known for their farming; I suppose they're thicker skinned and used to such treatment he thought.


Still unclothed and dripping wet Kulrik walked to the main door, opening it a crack to peer into the hallway. There were two Dasaka guards outside with their backs to the entranceway, their presence a natural courtesy of the Ageru. One was obviously a Mindarm, the other either a Soulsword or Willhammer. Kulrik realized that the Mindarm was the same guard he'd been whispering to before talking to Toroshu Kilanya. She was unusually cute for a guard, who were normally trained to be be awfully gruff, and Kulrik remembered how she'd blushed and positively squirmed under his attention earlier. He opened the door a little more and leaned out.


"Excuse me" he whispered into the Mindarm's ear, who trembled in surprise. "Do you think you can help me? I'm trying to bathe but there's only so much a Dashi can do with a brush; I much prefer the touch of a Mindarm."

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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IC: Vilda Mako (Sado)


"The lock was both attuned to and powered by her mind, so if she went, the lock could simply be picked, done. She was a member of our dear patron clan, by the way; the Umbralines"


"She was a Sighteye herself, and if I remember rightly she was wearing a Kanohi Rau.. or was it a Ruru? Not really important which one, it was some power that wouldn't be worth two dragons in a fight."


"Anyway, I was standing outside the door, watching, waiting, and that was when I thought I saw something in Kama's vision, a flicker, something, and I could actually feel Kama tilt her head, which told me she was sure she'd noticed something and was trying to get a better view"


"Without hesitation, I turned and opened the door, and at a distance I used my powers to close the window. I closed the door, too, if someone was in here, they'd have to go through me if they wanted out."


"My Lady was still sleeping, by some miracle of unlikely turnouts, and I soon felt in a very real way that there was someone else in the room. It hit me, very hard, in the back of the head"


"So there I was, sprawled on the floor, with some unknown presence looming behind me, fixing to finish me off so they could do their job in peace. Well, I wasn't about to let that happen."


"I used the speed granted to me by my Kakama, and dragged one of my chakrams into a swing, knocking my opponent's soulsword away before I just as easily got the other Chakram pressed against her neck, with only a quick little cut being all that I needed to finish her off."


"Then the Lady awoke, and her scream was so high-pitched I'd swear she'd swallowed a tuning fork at some point, certainly threw me off balance, letting the assassin get the better of me. My gut was positively violated by her fist, and she knocked me to the ground again, before she brought her soulsword back and prepared to finish me off."


"I saw her loom over me, her eyes focused and determined, and the grave opened up before me like a... big hole in the ground"


I paused for a second or two to let Soraph pitch in.

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"She used a Soulsword? Interesting. I suppose its the weapon of choice for an assassin, isn't it, so that there's no way to leave any evidence. And a real weapon would be cumbersome if you needed to climb into a targets room..." Soraph's words trailed off as she thought about assassinations and killing. Suddenly she laughed, a beautiful sound as clear as crystal and that danced between different notes.


"I'm sorry," she apologized as she returned her attention to the conversation. "I was just thinking how hilarious it was that a trained male, proficient in two techniques of the mind, bearing a battle-ready Kanohi and with the extra perception granted by a bird, was nearly killed by some assassin. Whoever was hired to kill your Lady must have been an expert, and I wonder if you were grossly underpaid.


"Please, continue" Soraph said, turning herself and Mako to the right around the corner and walking down another street.

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IC: Vilda Mako (Sado)


Hearing Soraph laugh is without hyperbole one of the most beautiful things you'll ever hear, let me just say that right now.


Hearing Soraph laugh at your expense is slightly less pleasant, but only slightly.


"Well, you know, that was still fairly early in my life, some slip-ups are bound to happen, it was my first time guarding someone that high-profile"


"Anyway, I was saved by my girl Kama, who made her way through the window and well near gouged her eyes out right there, which I didn't disapprove of, mind you, but the assassin knocked her away before that could happen."


"By this time, other guards were arriving to check on the commotion. Realizing I had to act quickly to prove my worth, I drew my own sword, and immediately set out to duel the assassin. She was fast, and she had more technique than me, but I was of course faster still thanks to my mask, and there is something be said about my Willhammer skills playing a part as well."


"So I knocked her down just as the guards barged in to see, well... that I'd done that"


"All told, it was a nice boost to my reputation, and Kama and I would go on to repeat the feat a few more times over the years."

Edited by Geardirector

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"You repeated the feat of almost dying while protecting your charge? I can hardly believe that that boosted your reputation. Perhaps you had some other quality that gained you fame... but I certainly can't tell what it is " Soraph playfully added.


The two Vilda were about halfway to their destination, and now they passed through a marketplace. Vendors were selling everything from food to charms to small crystal daggers. There was a cacophony of sound as Soraph and Mako were surrounded by dozens of conversations and advertisements.


"What happened to the assassins you barely thwarted? Were they all executed, or were some simply imprisoned?" Soraph asked Mako. "Oh, would you like a snack? My treat." They had neared one small wagon who's owner was selling grilled pieces of meat on a stick. Soraph knew that despite his age and status Mako didn't have access to the same funds as she, and thought it a small expense for the company of an old friend and some knowledge.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Vilda Mako (Sado)


“Hey, watch where you’re going”


“Apologies, old one, this lowly one did not mean to be in your way”


“You there, watch those darn things; you almost startled my Janu Bird”


“Please to forgive, Datsue, I meant no disrespect”


I huffed, snorting right in the Ringti’s face wearing my best "disappointed grandpa" frown.


“I’ll let that pass this time,” Mako said, “but don’t let it happen again or I’ll have you arrested for disrespecting your elders, missy”


"Anyways, what was I saying?" I asked as I turned my attention to Soraph. Hassling commoners was fun, but they couldn't beat Soraph as a conversationist.


"Well, she was imprisoned, probably executed, I wasn't informed, though. I was simply told she'd be "dealt with", typical bureaucracy swill"


"And yes, I would very much like something to eat, thank you, this will do nicely"

Edited by Geardirector

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IC: Kwaiya

“You mean to say we came all this way only to now have to climb all the stairs to your office?” Kwaiya blurted out before realizing what she had said. As it dawned she squealed and buried herself into the folds of her scarf, making a hasty reply with a bow. “My apologies Lorekeeper, but I have never been fond of stairs. I took a plunge down a flight with a cart of books when I was first starting as a bookbinder. Please forgive my boldness of tongue.”

OOC: Koga post coming soon.

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Soraph reached into her pocket and withdrew a few dragons, paying the street vendor for the sticks of meat and handing Mako his share. The meat was hot and juicy, fresh off the grill and still steaming. It's rase had the hint of honey and various spices, all of which Soraph recognized from her frequent association with plants. She munched enjoyably, and Mako for his part also seemed to like the afternoon snack.


"If you wanted to though, you could find out, couldn't you?" Soraph asked, opening her bright eyes wide. She had learned during her Menti training that because of her beauty, a look and and a few words were wall it took to turn a man to her interest.


"I mean, surely a Datsue with a reputation as illustrious as yours must have accumulated quite a contact list, and if you wanted to you could find these assassins, or others, if you were so inclined?"


An idea had formed in Soraph's mind, an idea that was small and undeveloped, but an idea nonetheless. It still needed much nurturing so she kept it to herself down deep within her mind, so deep no Willhammer could discover it.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Vilda Mako (Sado)


Oh, there she goes, using her own little magic tricks on me.


The worst part isn't even that it was working (which it most certainly was), more the fact that I was distracted from my eatery, which to be quite frank was delicious.


"It happened close to sixty thousand years ago now, Soraph, and on top of that I don't really see why I'd want to track down an assasin that in the best case scenario would be locked away in the deepest recesses of the imperial dungeons"


"Buuut, assuming we did try, I might indeed have a few people I could ask"

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"That is interesting..." Soraph said, ending the conversation about assassins and death. It was for another time, and another place. Looking ahead, Soraph saw that they were nearing the Paero field where the First Son game would take place.


"Goodness Mako, and here I thought you were just some rambling old man that struggled to keep up with me and the youth of today. As it turns out you're still a rambling old man, but I've learned that you've still got some adventure in you."


Soraph spoke to Kama's mind, beckoning it come near. The bird flew over and landed on the Vilda's arm. Soraph withdrew a berry from her pocket and held it in front of Kama who nipped it up quickly, and sang thanks to the Vilda princess.


"And thank's to Kama, people can even tolerate to be around you. Are you sure you'll only be staying on Sado a few days? I could find you somewhere to stay and some work in the Gardens if you'd like to stay longer; it's so nice to have another Vilda to talk to."

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Vilda Mako (Sado)


I looked at Kama, she looked at me, with a gaze that clearly said "you know it's true" with half-mockery and half-sincerety, I smiled as I waved her over to me, stroking her feathers as she was perched on my arm.


"I don't see why not" I replied, grinning.


"Any excuse to spend more time with the most beautiful woman in the empire is good enough for me"

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Ooc: Nia and I made a jam a while back but i totally forgot about posting it. Here we goooo!


Ic: I knew what my lady was talking about, what Inokio had asked of her; it was something that I had to do as both her bodyguard and, when she wished it, her advisor. I knew many things and kept careful observation, all to better serve her. Yumiwa's responsibility was not only an awareness of her surroundings, though, it was also a understanding of her kingdom and of her people. I had no doubt that with repeated attempts and training it would become second nature to her. Yumiwa was capable of a great deal and while at the time, when stray thoughts tugged at her mind. When she felt the weight of marriage on it's way. While I had my responsibilities in service to Yumiwa. She had responsibilities to her subjects, she had to focus, keep consideration of it all.

"It has always been that way my Yumiwa, my Chojo. Such focus, especially that is required of one of your stature is never easy. However I had had the pleasure of serving you for a very long time, I grew up with you. This will become second nature to you soon. You are so devoted to becoming better with each passing day. You are inspiration in your drive towards succeeding, you always succeed my lady, even if today had happened exactly perfect."


"Um, Hana?"


"Yes, my lady?"


"Hana, my dearest honeysuckle kumquat pineapple meringue pie," I rattled off affectionately, "with a cherry on top, you're my handmaiden but you're also my best friend. So whyyyy on earth do you cling to being so formal? Like, you're so prooooper like you're perpetually at court."


It is hard to shake it, being formal like this, I like to drop it when it's just Yumi and I, to speak without such stiffness, to let words roll off the tongue with ease. I relaxed, I tried to keep the two sides separate, the public side and the private side. One that only two people were really privy to: Yumi, and her sister Desde, one of three people I had every felt at ease in my life.

"I'm sorry Yumi. It's part of the training, etiquette and all that. To just shake it off isn't so easy. As you know it is easier for me at other times." I smile, making a note in my head.


"I know," I reassured Hana. "I was raised with the same stuffiness and protocol, probably more so than you albeit less, ehhh, structured, I guess." I cast a quick looked behind the two of us at the other two handmaidens and the Hogo mooks around us. The servants knew who my favourite was; there was no point showing otherwise. "I've all but tossed those formalities out the window except at court or doing chojo stuff, but in cases like this? We're just Yumi and Hana against the whole wide world, and I'm not fighting with my rapier so you shouldn't, either. Kay?" I said and poked Hana playfully in the shoulder.


"Kay! I replied, let out a little giggle. I felt good, not bottling it up inside. Only Yumi or Desde could break down the wall, it was really only them I felt I could let it down to. "So didn't you have something else on your mind? You were hinting at it earlier." My shoulders relaxed a bit. With Yumi's permission, with her encouragement maybe I'd do this more often.


"As a matter of fact, I do," I said. and quickened my pace to stay a little better out of hearing range with the others. It's not that I don't trust them, since they're still technically handmaidens of mine and all, but I value Hana's opinions and advice much more than theirs and wanted to ensure the talk was straight.

"There was more than a lesson on focus in the Market today. There's one Menti who proposed to the whole of the Market that we are cowards and we should expand to that new island to the west, Mata Nui. Inokio declined to comment on the matter and thought it wiser to bring it up with you." I sighed. "There were at least six nobles of First Son and toroshu rank there, your brother included. Hana, even Admiral Ayiwah was there! Many eyes were set on me having something to say. I delayed comment and remained neutral, as my mom wants me and the Clan to, but I need your advice for when this becomes a bigger issue."

I sort of glowered at the spire that held the court itself. Intrigue. Politics. Powerplays. As crown princess I'm supposed to live and breathe the stuff, and when I become empress, whenever that is (Zuto Nui be with my mom forever and ever, but... well...) I can't expect to be the greatest rora of all time and remain neutral. I have to have opinions, and who better to give me an idea of what I'll be facing than Hana. "And it will. So. I need your counsel."


This was one of those moments that I had to think carefully, to be honest political counsel was the part of my handmaiden duties that I disliked. It was a duty nonetheless but it wasn't one I was exactly excited about. I mulled through the options in my head. Having the Menti dissenter executed would reflectively negative on the Umbralines, so that option was already out of the running. While expanding would bring us great riches and new land under our control, it meant a war on the people of Mata Nui, and there was a lot of blood in war. Peaceful negotiations with the Mata Nuian people, that to me was the best course of action, learning more about them, understanding them.

"My opinion is that we send another group of Menti to learn more about the island of Mata Nui. With better understanding of the Mata Nuian people, we can decide whether we should go to war, or try to work peacefully with them."


"I was hoping you'd say that," I cheerily said. "I was thinking the same thing. We need more intelligence about the island, the people, their culture, their powers even. There are too many unknowns."


"Who would we send for the excursion, if there is going to be one?" I asked, wondering what my best friend and future empress was thinking.


"I don't know," I replied. It was true; I didn't. It wasn't my call, either. I could influence things, be a face for the royal clan and the court, talk to my mom about it and everything, but in the end I knew that I was a princess and not a general. "Commodore Ayiwah, maybe some of the Hogo troops -- it won't be my choice anyway.

"Look, Hana, that kind of expedition would require military might in addition to diplomatic representation. It'll be diverse and encompassing every field to accomplish every goal set for it. But in the end, anything military falls to the toroshu and every clan will have something to contribute to the expedition. My mom may do the court stuff but it'll be the toroshu who decide who goes because they have everyone that needs to go. Although..." I trailed in thought.

"What are you thinking, Yumi?"

"My mom does have something the other clans can't contribute: Me." The corners of my lips curled into a clever smile. "How would you like to go to Mata Nui with me? We could be at the center of the diplomatic front."


The idea of traveling to a new island, learning more about this new culture, about the people who lived there -- I was positively bursting with excitement of it. I smiled a little wider, and responded to her cheerily.

"I would love to Yumi."


"Excellent!" I chirped. If there was going to be any expedition to explore Mata Nui more thoroughly then I wanted to totally be a part of it, and if I went then Hana would need to be by my side all the while. I decided to bring my option to the table with my mother later on but I wouldn't even be able to get an audience with her until evening, so with the break in tension I set my sights on more everyday aspects of my life. After all, we were in the Gardens now.


Ooc: If anyone at all's in the Gardens I'm open for interaction.

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As they walked and chatted happily through the Gardens, Hanako took a deep breath and smiled at the beautiful day she was sharing with her charge and best friend - the midday sun was a gift from Zuto Nui and there was a mild breeze in the air that carried with it the soft, wafting hint of rose fragrance. Two such flowers plucked themselves gently from a nearby bush and floated into their path, one blue, one purple - they fell to Hanako and Yumiwa respectively, perfectly cultivated and beautiful to the eye, with the final prismatic drops of dew catching the sun and reflecting it onto their crystal armor. In that armor, when Yumiwa looked down, she saw a tall figure, slender as the stem of the rose itself, advancing towards them, hands raised to her sides and held out like she was beckoning. "Sister. Hana. I never thought that a day like this could be outshone, but both of you look so beautiful that the climate never stood a chance."


"Afternoon, Desde," I said with eyes focused forward as I sniffed gently at the purple bloom. For an instant I almost snapped a quip at my sister for escaping her tower prison, but with the one mutual bond Desde and I shared -- Hanako -- present with us there was no chance at it without hurting feelings. So instead I opted for a return of cordiality. What to say, then? How about, "Thank you. And you, you look more" --pale? fragile? anorexic? stick-faced?-- "delightful and beautiful than ever, sister," I complemented. (Though even that improvement wasn't exactly enough to free my sister from being a complete oddity.) "Truly."

I gently slipped the flower onto the side of my Kanohi and wafted forward to embrace her. "What brings you into the Gardens today?"
"I fancied fresh air in my lungs, in lieu of dust bunnies, and I prefer a fresh rose to a dozen dead daisies. Between prisoners dead in the dungeons and me out here in the Gardens, Mother should really find the time to invest in some proper cages," Desdemona quipped. "How were lessons?"
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IC: Amaki


Amaki strolled the streets of the marketplace.


OOC: Open for interaction.

IC Seiryū, Ni

"It was just here..." The Menti stared at the empty stall where an herb shop used to be. "I was here two days ago, and it was here..."


Ni hurriedly ran through the marketplace, net over her shoulder. Boudnding through the streets, she suddenly skidded to a stop when she saw a heavily cloaked figure standing in front of an empty stall. "Ohtheshopkeeperleftyesterdaytakingtheshopwithhimhe'sonOdaibakaybye!"


"... What was that?" Seiryū was barely able to understand what the random Dashi passerby had said. He turned in the direction she had gone, but she had already disappeared. Sighing, he headed off in the other direction, before bumpijng into somebody (Amaki).

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Ic: Our short hug didn't accidentally snap Desde like a twig, which was good since even i think that would be utterly tragic. Her mention of 'prisoners dead in the dungeons' made me make a mentally query, though. My urges told me to just say something about that and find out what my skeleton-in-the-closet of a sister (in more ways than one) (orrrr was she technically 'out of the closet' right now?) meant by that. However, by reflex I switched to wit first. "Perhaps a toroshu or two should be shaken down and told to fix security, then," I said with a gentle, imperceptible shrug, referencing the fact that mom didn't have all that much power over these sorts of things. The pie of leadership was already well divided and everyone was so defensive over their part.

"Lessons were fine. Why not walk with us?" I invited and gestured further down the garden. "Tell me what you meant by the dead prisoners." Desde may have been a creep but she did have a knack at knowing things around the palace.


"Oh, Hana didn't tell you?" Desde asked curiously, ignoring the subtle security jab - the specific reference to the Rora had gone over Yumi's head a little, but that was okay. "Assassination attempt on a minor Toroshu affiliated with the Clan. I had the handmaiden responsible caught, detained - and come morning, she was dead. Not a scratch on her. The two of us are investigating."


I glanced at Hana for an instant. "No, we have just been catching up on a lot of things as we went." Did Hanako leave Inokio's house when I was away? I couldn't really blame her considering how long I was gone, and if Desde had called for her already then it would have been entirely possible for her to steal away, visit my sister and return with ample time before I came back from the Market. I was okay with that.


This death, however, was suitably mysterious, even at the superficial glance afforded to me so far. It was rightly up Desde's alley, too: Creepy, strange, unsettling... "I suppose this is as good a time as any to tell me, though."

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[sado, Market District]

Hatchi nudged Myzru to a fast walk, briefly glancing behind her to check that the Plangori ringti was following her. She wasn’t expecting anything particularly momentous to come out of their meeting, but having a good word in with one of the richest clans in the islands wouldn’t hurt.

Soraya held herself with a kind of swagger that would have been more appropriate for either a first son or a cattle driver on Oki, certainly not for a ringti. She’d heard that Clan Plangori tended to blur the lines between classes, and this chatty dashi certainly fit the type, somehow between an artisan and a merchant. Between is good zie though for a moment, before pushing the thought out of her mind.

As they picked their way through the markets, the last bit of the setting sun disappeared below the horizon, leaving the buildings the color of a healing bruise. The lightstone lanterns, softly muted by sheets of colored paper, added their own lights to the steadily arriving night. The Sado market didn’t go to sleep. Already, patrons filled the bars and noodle shops with raucous laughter, and the twang of imperial instruments echoed in the alleys. It all made Hatchi very nervous. This was not a place for a lone Taajar to be if a few drunk menti decided to have a little fun. She urged Myzru into a trot until the storefronts gave way to the meager tenements of the Ifi district, and then to the sad-looking public gardens of the Kari district.

They stopped at the gate to the outside of the city. The Menti guard gave them a once over.

“Pretty odd couple to be leaving the city at this hour. What might your you business be?"

Hatchi bowed. “I am simply leading this generous lady to my humble caravan.” She kept her head empty, visualizing the click of rosary beads.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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