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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall

The dress was perfect.

It was as simple as Xania asked for. Beige colored, slightly darker at the bottom, from a fabric that looked rough but was soft to the touch. It covered her whole, from bottom to the very head, covering it with a hood, save for her completely open arms. This dress was so plain and simple it couldn't be worn for such grand party. But the dress wasn't the main thing Xania wore.

Her open arms were completely covered in jewelry of all kind. Mostly bracelets made of crystal, they clicked and tingled with her every step. But there wasn't only crystal: masterfully carved wood, precious stones, even some metal. If there was a bright light source in the Dragon Hall her arms would gleam and shine as towers of Sado in midday. But light here was soft, streaming from myriad paper lanterns, yet it was enough to make some of her bracelets shine.

As she strode past the announcer speaking her name into the hall, visitors had finally had a look at her back. It was open, and right in the middle dangled a single red crystal, hanging from her neck on a thin chain. A red star shining in the middle of dark blue sky.

Xania looked around, raising her chin. Mask on her face covered it whole, white at the top and crimson at the bottom. It had some colored feathers on it, and little elongated beak with thin eye openings: a face supposed to resemble a hummingbird. She smiled underneath, making her way deeper through the Hall.

OOC: Xania's dress concept [leftmost picture] http://i.imgur.com/OkD5HWW.jpg

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"Relisai, Toroshu of Clan Vilda."


The Toroshu entered the Hall gracefully, her long dress swaying from side to side behind her as she walked forward. The costume was resplendent in glistening feathers, collected over two years as they fell from molting birds on Oki. It was utterly unique at the party, and probably in the Empire; few Dasaka could have collected so much of the natural treasure so as to create a blouse, let alone an entire dress. Thus, despite the beak-like mask hiding her Kanohi, Relisai's identity was readily available to other party-goers who had any knowledge of the clans of the Empire.


A young but well-trained Soulsword walked by Relisai's side, no true guest but a guard. The Soulsword knew her post well; she was not to talk to anyone, merely fulfill her duty and ensure her Toroshu's safety. Being at a party full of nobles was honour enough for her.


Relisai made her way to a table and grabbed a small glass of wine, taking a small sip and well aware of envy she invoked in the other guests.


She smiled slyly.



​Soraph led Mako to the centre of the room, taking the opportunity to survey the room for important names and figures. They had arrived a little late so most of the guests were already there, meaning the two Vilda would have to find out the hard way who everyone was. Costumes were only so helpful in determining identity, and in some cases absolutely useless.


"Well Mako, here you are. Surrounded by the Toroshu and First Sons of the Empire. Don't be insulted if nobody knows, and certainly don't do anything to insult any of them. These are the most powerful people of Kentoku, and neither your status as a Datsue nor Kama can save you from their anger. Do you think you can go and get me a drink while I take look around?"


The Vilda princess's words rang like music, and she had no doubt Mako would accept her simple request. Her distinguishing features were hidden by a low hood that hid her face, but her natural beauty was still evident to anyone that came close enough. The black and red dress she wore hugged her body to accentuate the feminine form, and the snake pattern invited onlookers to be mesmerized as they followed it from foot to shoulder. Soraph had no doubt more than one First Son would approach her for conversation; they usually did. But the most beautiful woman in the Empire had little desire to engage in petty gossip with pompous males of nobility. Soraph had a much more refined taste.



"Kulrik, First Son of Clan Vilda and Herupa Seigyo."


Walking side by side with his personal aide, Kulrik crossed the threshold into the Dragon Hall. All around were Toroshu and First Sons dressed up in all manner of costumes. Some were extravagant and expensive whilst others were less so; a reflection the of the fortunes of each person's clan, obviously. Kulrik himself was dressed in the hide of magnificent Rahi native to Oki, whose numbers had risen recently thank to Vilda efforts. The fur was golden in color and wrapped around his entire body, the creature's hands and feats reaching roughly to his own. Kulrik's head was engulfed in the Rahi's maw, shadows and the Hall's dim lighting the only obstacle to his identity. He'd left strange crystal sword at his temporary apartment on Sado, under guard. Rumors had likely already reached the capitol of his mysterious blade, and Kulrik did not want it stolen by a a greedy Dastana.


Kulrik gulped down one drink from a passing waiter's tray, then another. He even encouraged Seigyo to take drink for herself. They wander edaround the venue, looking for anything of interest. Kulrik looked for a familiar face in the crowed, but found none. As far as he could tell, Kilanya had yet to arrive. He sighed ; he hoped to meet her and restore their fragile friendship. Kulrik did however spy a small throng of First Sons, talking to several woman one after another. Kulrik almost laughed. They must have banded together in an effort to find the Chojo in some deluded attempt to win her heart. The Vilda First Son thought them foolish and misguided ; what man in their right mind would want to associate with the heir to the Empire? Toroshu in general were dangerous beasts, and the Chojo moreso; not only were fickle, but they were powerful as well. Oh, a man might gain their trust and love for a while, but eventually the women will change their mind and affection will turn to hatred. At that point, heads would fly.


No, Kulrik thought to himself, he would avoid meeting the Chojo at all costs. And with so many people at the party, the chances of them meeting was exceedingly slim.


Kulrik saw a pair of women seated at a table in one of the wings adjoining the main hall. One was dressed like a Teshi Hawk, the resemblance uncanny to Kulrik who, as a Vilda knew the animal well. The other Dasaka wore a decidedly more revealing costume with the likeness of a dragon, her body entwined in silky purple cloth.


"Hello ladies" Kulrik said with a gleaming smile, taking a seat opposite the two at the table. "I don't suppose you two masters of the skies would mind the company of a mere landlocked creature such as myself?" he asked in a deep, purring voice.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Soraya [soraya's Practice, pre-party]


Soraya sized the Dasaka up for a moment. The way she carried herself and the shape she was in suggested that she was on top of things a good 90% of the time - and that said things never involved needing nice clothes.


She smiled, and there was a bit of honest friendliness in it. First Akone, now this woman; it was nice to be reminded customers outside the imperial song and dance still existed. "Step right up; I'll take your measurements. Party prep, I take it?"




IC: Soraya [Dragon Room, the night of the party]


Soraya gave a soft chuckle. "Hey, no need to get so out of sorts. I'm just curious what you play. And lookin' for someone as out-of-place here as me, I guess."

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

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BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

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OOC: Wut

IC: Akone

Akone did not even bat an eyebrow as she jumped after Noshima to the nearest tree beside the one Noshima was on. Living under the Toroshu when they were younger gave Akone a perspwctive of Noshima which was clearer than others.


She got ready to use her Soulsword ability to form a rough landing pad in case she or Noshima fell.


Of course, Noshima could probably take care of herself, but just in case.

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IC: Noshma (pre-party)


Noshima dropped gracefully to the ground, the impact of her feet against the ground barely sending any dust into the air or making too much noise. It was an unorthodox exit from the balcony, true, but it was a quicker one, and it would not do for the Hogo to arrive late at her liege's party. Such were the constraints of the upholding the clan's reputation and honour, but she did not believe that it adversely affected her life too greatly.



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IC: Noshima - Dragon Hall


Noshima stood at the doors of the Dragon Hall, dressed beautifully in her chosen clothing and awaiting the attendant's confirmation that they could enter. Kamari had definitely done a good job with security from what the Toroshu could see, and she was proud of her friend for doing so. If all went according to plan, there would be no interruptions to the party, preventing any damage to be done to her clan, or her liege's, reputation.


She gave one last nod to Akone, who stood at her side, and walked into through the doors.


"Noshima, Toroshu of Clan Hogo."

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


There's something to be said about being me when you're walking through a forest of people who you mostly just reach to the hips, maybe the gut if you're not so lucky.


Soraph had been completely correct in assuming I'd oblige her, because Soraph is a bona fide jewel the finest quality and I'd be a fool to think otherwise.


I smiled just a little to myself as imagined how I had to be looking stalking through the crowd in my getup. Vilda "The Wolf" Mako was certainly living up to his namesake tonight.


And that's when I was interrupted by my girl Kama chirping to get my attention. She was looking at a nearby Dasaka who had a distinctly Avian getup, I smiled.


"Nice Costume, Ma'am," I said to her, "my girl Kama likes seeing her feathered fellows being appreciated".


I gestured briefly to the Janu Bird on my shoulder.

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IC (Tazera)


:Look at that, your belly's getting you some attention already,: Taz continued relentlessly as they were approached by a fur-clad male.


"Oh, you've nothing to fear from a poor wee Teshi like me," she said out loud, continuing the male's game. "Try and catch me, though, and I'll flit away into the sky."


She glanced cheekily at Ayiwah.


"My friend here, though...she eats big cats like you for breakfast."


IC (Dakte)


Tazera was not the first Ageru to arrive for the party. One green-clad Dasaka had been present since the preparations, overseeing the Dashi moving musical instruments into the hall and setting up the small dais on which the various performances would take place. Among the instruments lugged in, none was more magnificent than one great, ornate wooden box. Keys of crystal and ivory lined one end. It was the Umbralines' finest harpsichord, and an instrument so fine deserved an equally excellent player.


The Ageru Dasaka was tall and unmistakably male in physique. His costume was a humble one, with no noticeable motif: an emerald-green coat or jacket, embroidered in with silver patterns, and long at the back so that it reached down to the backs of his knees. He wore a masquerade-mask to match. At his cuffs were crystal likenesses of musical clefs.


He now approached Amaki and Soraya as the myriad guests arrived, recognising the former as a fellow musician.


"Good afternoon, ladies," he greeted them.

Edited by Ghosthands





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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


Xania turned to approached Datsue and politely nodded to him.


"Thank you," she answered, holding both of her hands on belly level. Her bracelets slightly clicked as she changed her weight from one leg to another. "Though, I think I'm not the only one."


One of the waiters passed her by and she snatched two glasses of wine and offered one to Datsue.

Edited by Demitsorou
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:Lieutenant Ageru Tazera, the only breakfast I'll be eating are your roasted Teshi legs if you keep this up.: Aya shot back but immediately realized her mental retort sounded much more silly than threatening.

She glanced at Tazera who had a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, before turning her attention to the fur-clad Menti. She was not a big fan of the animal-hide costume. She felt ridiculous enough in her own outfit, even it did look good on her on the outside, so the fur came across as somewhat corny in her eyes. But the rest of the male was quite handsome and his attire was far from cheap. Putting those two things together gave her a good guess that they were dealing with the first son of clan Vilda here. She managed to put on a small smile, which was luckily accented by the dragon-teeth of her mask.

"On occasion." she said, following up on Tazera's jab, before standing up; the silky cloth of her dress elegantly falling into place around her toned legs. She emptied the rest of her drink, placing the empty glass on the table. "Though usually I hunt on the open seas."

She took a quick glance down from the dais and onto the main floor of the hall, then back at Tazera and Kulrik. "Looks like it's that time where the guests begin to mingle."


Ayiwah's and Tazera's outfits.

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)

"Thanks," I muttered as I accepted the glass from Xania, "you made my job easier"

I spotted the waitress disappearing in the crowd, though not before I secured myself another glass with a quick application of my Mindarm skills.

"Pleasure to meet you. Name's Vilda Mako"

Edited by Gyro Gearloose

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"It would appear so; that it is the whole point of these little parties, or so I'm told" Kulrik replied.


The First Son ignored the small quips made at his expense, knowing they carried little weight. Women of the Empire all too often liked to reassure themselves of their gender superiority, even during these short moments. Kulrik wondered who the two Dasaka were. The Hawk's identity was a complete mystery to him, although the Dragon's comment about the open seas seemed odd. Perhaps the Dragon was a member of one of the fishing clans? Well, it was a masquerade, so finding these things out was half the fun.


Kulrik lifted himself from the table, rising so that he now stood a little taller than the Dragon.


"Would you like to play a mingling game? It's called 'I've never.' One person says they've never done something, and if you have, you take a sip of some wine. Or something a little stronger, if you prefer."

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Xania | The Dragon Hall


:Umbraline Xania,: she lightly nodded again as her thoughts entered Mako's mind. "Pleasure is all mine."


She slightly lifted her mask and took a sip of wine, rolling it on her tongue before swallowing. It was too sweet for her taste, but the overall flavor left a nice impression.

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IC: Vilda Mako (Dragon Hall)


I nodded briefly, taking note of what I could spot of Xania's figu... err, physique under her costume. A good look was enough for me to tell that she was a Mindarm, like myself, and I do like being one.


Only the Mindarm has the advantage of leverage on both the physical and mental plane. All the other Menti Disciplines can take a hike... well, except for Willhammer I guess.


:I'm glad to hear it,: Mako replied, :you Umbralines are pretty par for the course on that sort of thing. Makes you reliable:

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IC: Soraya [soraya's Practice, pre-party]


Soraya sized the Dasaka up for a moment. The way she carried herself and the shape she was in suggested that she was on top of things a good 90% of the time - and that said things never involved needing nice clothes.


She smiled, and there was a bit of honest friendliness in it. First Akone, now this woman; it was nice to be reminded customers outside the imperial song and dance still existed. "Step right up; I'll take your measurements. Party prep, I take it?"



"Yes," Nihi replied, a little bit relieved that she'd been asked a question she knew how to answer, and been asked it with a smile. The friendliness emboldened Nihi enough to say more about her purpose. "I'm... someone's guest, and she gave me this to buy an outfit." Here, Nihi raised her heavy sack of dragons, and passed it over to Soraya, who received its weight with a slightly raised eyebrow. "What will this get me?"


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"We're so ######," Arsix fretted quietly, in the four seconds before their names were called.


"Oh, would you relax? We're diving headfirst into an Umbraline banquet," Jasik drawled, though under his breath and not after a quick look around with his amber eyes. "By definition, we're surrounded by people who don't deserve crowns." He finished just in the nick of time.


"Arsix, heir to the Clan Dastana, escorted by her brother. Jasik, First Son of the Clan Dastana, escorting his sister."


When they were children, despite their bickering, Arsix would sometimes squeeze Jasik's hand, digging with her fingers until it felt that she must surely have drawn blood. They had not been children for years, but Jasik's smile had been the same all his life, a dry smile full of dry confidence. He'd never been afraid; when he was born, he had been thrice as loud as his sister, yet often his mother was fond of telling that her son's wailing cries had sounded more like exhilarated laughs. The prospect of controversy could not cow him, no more than death, tradition, or Umbralines.


Their names had been heralded; their time had come; for a heartbeat, the twins put aside their conflict and Arsix squeezed Jasik's hand. When his hand wrapped back around hers, they became extensions of one larger person, and stepped forward in time.


From the neck down, nothing rang particularly amiss; the twins had dressed after each other in a fashion and the result was uncanny, with both of them hand in hand; they were resplendent and bright, like a pair of twin suns. They wore orange coats buttoned and slashed with gold, and around their arms coiled crystal snakes that glinted gold in the lighting of the Dragon Hall. One of Jasik's gilded handkerchief was tied around the throat of each Dastana's throat, and another on their right wrists, the knots tied in the shapes of dragon heads. It was their masks that truly drew the attention - they were not truly masks at all, but rather like the crests and visors of helms. The masks were crystal, too, artificially tinted reddish-gold to make their topaz eyes pop, but as their masks drew back on their temples they rose up and up and up, forming a pattern that everyone in the hall could recognize.


On their noble, identical brows, Jasik and Arsix Dastana wore crowns of orange crystal. They had come dressed as Rora and consort.


Jasik had worn two masks when he walked into the hall; now, one of them broke into a smile.



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The Chojo's party was proving to more than meet what had been expected; A glance about the hall was all that was needed to understand the influence of the beings gathered within. Beneath the lights, attendees danced about in attire that one from a lower caste would need a lifetime to be able to afford. The sounds of mirth and enjoyment filled the air, and even filtered onto the mental plane where a close observer could discern bits and pieces of countless conversations; Conversations that mixed seamlessly with those on the physical plane. Truly, the party represented the very highest order of Dasaka society. Many of those in attendance had been waiting a long time for such a celebration, and they were wasting no time in enjoying it.


"Toroshu Nihonei, of the Clan Eiyu."


The leader of the Eiyu smiled faintly at the announcement, slipping easily into the hall while it rang through the air. A few heads turned to look as she did, and a few eyebrows raised under masks. It had been a long time since she ventured into the elites' social scene, so her presence was a rather unusual occurrence.


Not, the Toroshu reflected wrly, that she had had any choice. When an invitation is extended from the royal family, it was not wise to refuse. And so she had reluctantly consulted her library, searching out inspiration for her dress. Relaying the specifications to an artisan had been much easier; She had gone in person, as being a Sighteye made relaying what she wished for much easier. The result was worth the effort that had gone into obtaining it. The garment was varying shades and tints of blue, in places carefully mized with faint traces of green; The colors conjured to mind images of the sea, and it was, in placs, difficult to tell where her skin ended and the dress began. Her back was left bare until midway down her spine, bar a single length of fabbric died to match her skin that looped around her back near her neck. Roughly at waist level, the fabric took on an unusual pattern; Threads, cold in color, stitched into the dress in a pattern like scales; The dress split at the sides just above the knees, leaving her free to move about despite the fit of the outfit, before continuing on. At the very bottom, just aove her ankles, the color changed to a sea-green with stitching patterned to make it resembled fins. Over her Kanohi she wore a mask with an indentical scale-like pattern to her dress that flared out into fins at the sides, colored the same dark blue as the ocean.


Though it was far outside her usual attire, Nihonei rather enjoyed it, despite herself. The dress fit well, and the quality was enough to justify how many dragons it had cost her. Attendance to the party may have been all but mandatory, but perhaps it would be fun. That thought in mind, she ventured into the crowds, idly looking for anyone that was familiar.


OOC: Toroshu Nihonei open for interaction.


(Also next time I'm going to Soraya's shop and making GSR deal with coming up with the dress)


(That was hard)



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: I have returned.




A party. This, this is just what we've needed. A nice break from the monotony of day-to-day life.

Rida really should have come, but she decided to stay back on Iki to avoid being social. Lots of people, therefore, would be appalled that I, her brother and bodyguard, have decided to go, but it's not like she's the Rora. Few, if any, people would have any reason to harm her, so I figured going out for one night wouldn't be an issue.

Getting a costume was far from simple, but every clan uses Mamoru's crystal for something, and thus members of just about every clan pass through our markets. By striking some deals, I managed to get rather well-made costume, resembling a dark brown wolf.

This'll be fun. It's been awhile since the last party I went to, let alone one hosted by the Chojo herself.


"Moeru, brother of the Toroshu of Clan Mamoru."


Smiling slightly, I stride into the room.


Yep, this looks promising.


OOC: Moeru open for interaction. Also, you can use your imagination on specifically what the costume looks like. I didn't have any clear idea myself.



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I told you before that you could trust me. Trust me when I tell you this: Kuno didn’t do it.


But I’m getting ahead of myself.


Kuno’s shoulders were, as was their wont, knotted stones as I fixed his cloak – velvety black, with just enough dark red trim and embroidery as not to be outrageously controversial – over them. Stress, resentment, and despair had only tightened my master’s back; it was easy to imagine that at some point, the cords of his muscles would become so taut that they would snap like the strings of an overexerted lyre, whip out and hurt all the people close to him. These were flagellations I knew I would have to bear.


Tonight was an important evening: tonight, Kuno would do what he could to set into motion his third plan. This time, though, his plan was simple, and not of his conception. Tonight’s scheme was ordained by Toroshu Nera: tonight, Kuno merely had to present himself in as eligible a fashion as he could, to remind the world – and the Chojo – that he was a suitable match for her. The mundane domesticity of his night’s duty rankled on Kuno; his mother had no faith in his ability to do anything of value, other than be paired off for political gain. He had lost all her respect with his failures, and there was nothing he could do now but play his part in her game. All this could be read in the tendons of his neck.


For the masquerade, Kuno was dressed as the sea itself. He wore a long, heavy cloak, the fringe of which was cut in a wave pattern, several interior layers that were draped like falling water over his body, and a towering mask that looked like foam breaking on rock. His garb was almost entirely black; aside from borders and thin embroidery of various sea creatures in Fursic red, he wore black velvet, in turn accented with onyx shaped like sea-smoothed pebbles. The darkness was a bold statement; black was seldom worn for anything but events of highest ceremony, such as the crowning of a new Rora, or a funeral, or the matching of two Dasaka. Kuno’s garments’ color had, like everything tonight, been Nera’s decision; perhaps she’d been hoping to remind the world of Kuno’s status as a male and a partner.


Beside Kuno, a pair of silent Dashi shadows was dressing Toroshu Nera. Her costume was made to match Kuno’s: she was disguised for this event as the sky. Where Kuno wore black, she wore white; like Kuno, she wore only tinges of red. Her mask was a great cloud, and tiny diamonds accented her face as they dangled from its edge. Despite the size and boldness of Nera’s costume, her diminutive frame wasn’t lost in it; unlike Kuno, Nera wore her controversial attire with pride. The shadows tied Nera’s mask last; with that final touch, the Fursic Toroshu and First Son were ready to make their entrance.


“Straighten your spine, Kuno,” Nera ordered as she dismissed the shadows with a wave. Her voice, as usual, was bladed. “You must not slouch. You must be proud of yourself, proud for our family.”


“Yes, Toroshu,” Kuno obeyed, pulling up his sternum to remove the smallest of slouches he’d fallen into.


“Call me ‘mother,’ tonight,” Nera smiled coldly. “We must not let them see your weakness.”


“Yes, mother,” Kuno replied. As I straightened Kuno’s cloak for the last time, I pressed my thumbs into Kuno’s shoulders, trying to ease some of the tension from them.


“Ikori, make yourself ready,” Nera sniped. “You delay our entrance.”


“My apologies, ma’am,” I bowed. I quickly assumed my own costume: I was a coral reef, garbed simply but elegantly in pink-orange, with a mask cut from real coral. Nera did not wait; she ushered Kuno to stand next to her as they began to walk, in step, towards the Dragon Hall’s grand arch. I caught up and followed, skillfully unassuming, behind them.


“Toroshu Battlemaster Nera, of the Clan Fursic; First Son Kuno, of the Clan Fursic,” the announcer called as Kuno and Nera entered the hall.


The spectacle that met the eye was incredibly rich. The Dragon Hall itself massive, with a high, vaulted ceiling and spacious alcoves all around. Dozens of tables were arranged on rising platforms all around the central floor, where the centerpiece of the immense chamber – a gigantic ice sculpture in the likeness of a Kanohi Dragon – resided. Over the ice sculpture was a balcony, elevated high above the rest of the party, and large enough for just a few Dasaka to stand upon it. This platform was reserved for the Rora and her retinue, and was used to address the entire hall, for its placement was acoustically ideal for filling the echoing chamber.


Kuno and Nera, as they made their way slowly down the steps and into the hall, drew many gazes. The announced arrival of the most important members of one of the eldest clans on the Archipelago was bound to solicit at least a cursory glance from anyone; but the way the Fursics were dressed held those glances and inspired mutters that drew still more eyes. Nera’s decision of white and black attire (the red of which, from a distance, was almost invisible) had been a bold choice indeed. The two Fursics descended, and almost everyone in the hall watched them come. A Dasaka in orange, the Dastana’s First Son, chuckled to himself at the sight of the Fursic pair. Kuno did not slouch, even under the pressure of the party’s stare; he was well trained.


Once Kuno and Nera made it down into the throng, though, the spell was broken, and the other guests returned to their conversations, probably now giving a few words to the sea and sky costumes. Nera, seeming supremely unconcerned with the stir she’d caused, promptly approached a Dasaka I didn’t recognize, and Kuno and I followed.


“Sheika, dear,” Nera smiled, her wizened face lupine. “Good evening. It’s good to see you out, for once.”


Sheika, the Dasaka, turned at the sound of Nera’s voice. She was of average height, but incredibly thin, almost skeletal. Her joints, especially her knuckles, were sharp and bony, and her limbs were ropy with undisguised lean muscle. There was something about her face that vaguely reminisced a Taajar; like the rest of her body, Sheika’s visage didn’t have an ounce of fat anywhere, granting her scimitar cheekbones and enhancing – or creating – her striking face, with its narrow eyes and full mouth. She was not attractive in any conventional sense, but there was a paranormal, precarious beauty in her lithe, slim appearance, which was enhanced by her feline motion. Sheika wore Dastana yellow, and was masquerading as a snake, which suited her.


“Nera,” Sheika drawled, holding out her glass as the Fursic Toroshu approached her. “I could not avoid coming.” She hadn’t addressed Nera with any title; this was odd familiarity.


Nera didn’t seem to mind it, though; she chuckled a bit, and gestured Kuno forward. “This is my son Kuno,” Nera introduced. “I don’t believe you two have ever met. Kuno, Sheika is the Dastana’s Battlemaster; she’s hardly ever about in social situations like these… Too busy to give the likes of us her time!”


“Self-improvement is a consumptive task,” Sheika answered with a lazy half-smile. She extended her long-fingered hand to Kuno, and he took and bowed to it politely. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, First Son Kuno.”


“And you, madam Sheika,” Kuno answered automatically.


“Madam?” Sheika asked Nera with false incredulity as she pulled her hand away from Kuno. “Am I now a madam?”


“Polite company makes us all feel older, darling,” Nera grinned. “But you are still in the peak of youth; not like me. And you look beautiful tonight!”


“Thank you, Nera,” Sheika said, her half-smile returned dryly. “I do what I can.”


“Ikori,” Nera snapped. “Fetch Sheika and me wine.”


I gave Kuno a glance; he did not stop me. “It would be my pleasure, ma’am,” I bowed, before going to one of the fountains to fill two glasses.


It would be a long evening.

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IC: Noshima


"Lady Nihonei, it is a pleasure to interact with you once again."


Noshima quietly walked up to the aforementioned Toroshu's side, her mask finally having been put on, its patterns much like those on the shell of a dermis turtle.


OOC: Taking Nihonei up on that, Krayzikk.

Edited by Fabulous Sunshine
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IC: Soraya [soraya's practice, pre-party]


The merchant took a peek into the bag and whistled. "Someone's guest. Right. She could've just told you to put it on the tab." She closed the bag and handed it back to her customer. "That'll get you whatever you need, and let's leave it at that."


She gestured for the Dasaka to step forward and grabbed her measuring tape from the counter. "Two questions for ya: what's your name, and what's a favorite animal?" Something told her this wasn't going to be a case where the customer had a whole dress idea lined up from the get-go.




IC: Soraya [Dragon Room, the night of the party]


Soraya wished very badly she had a drink to be choking on; she settled instead for turning her laughter into a coughing fit. It was one thing to serve up imperial realness, but dressing as the Rora and consort - well, that was practically a new art form right there.


She turned back to her two conversation partners, who were giving her that particular look halfway between confusion and concern. "Er. Ah. Sorry 'bout that, bit of a cough lately. Drums, then! Any particular songs you're shootin' for tonight?"

Edited by GSR

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"It would appear so; that it is the whole point of these little parties, or so I'm told" Kulrik replied.


The First Son ignored the small quips made at his expense, knowing they carried little weight. Women of the Empire all too often liked to reassure themselves of their gender superiority, even during these short moments. Kulrik wondered who the two Dasaka were. The Hawk's identity was a complete mystery to him, although the Dragon's comment about the open seas seemed odd. Perhaps the Dragon was a member of one of the fishing clans? Well, it was a masquerade, so finding these things out was half the fun.


Kulrik lifted himself from the table, rising so that he now stood a little taller than the Dragon.


"Would you like to play a mingling game? It's called 'I've never.' One person says they've never done something, and if you have, you take a sip of some wine. Or something a little stronger, if you prefer."





:Did he just suggest what I think he did?: Ayiwah asked her companion mentally. She felt the mental equivalent of a nod as Tazera replied: :I think he did.:


:You know what this means, don't you?:




The commodore's polite smile widened into a rather genuine expression. Now this was something to do at a high-class party like this that she could enjoy - and enjoy it she would. Her eyes met Kulrik's.


"Very well then, let us play."


The Menti waved towards one of the numerous servers, who smoothly and without interrupting any of the guests in whatever they were doing, were bringing out drinks at a fast pace.The Dashi moved over quickly and respectfully bowed her head.


"How can I be of service, ma'am?"


Ayiwah motioned for her to come closer, then leaned forward and whispered the order in her ear. The server nodded again and hurried away. Ayiwah continued to smile slyly. The Vilda first son did not know it, but this was a rarity for her and she knew that Tazera was aware of the fact.This would be interesting.


"Since I have chosen the drink, it is only fair if you have the first move." she said to Kulrik. A question flickered in his eyes; the drinks had just been ordered and not served yet. But the expression on Ayiwah's face was confident. A few seconds later the Dashi returned, formally bowing her head again. "One bottle of Bumboo, made with the finest rum available." she said, playing a bottle of rather intimidating size along with the matching crystal glasses on the table.


The commodore turned up her palms in an encouraging gesture.


"Shall we?"




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Kulrik grinned happily. He knew Bumboo well, having sneaked a bottle of it into the Training Yards when he was still learning his Menti Disciplines. It was a deliciously warming drink, with rich tones that surpassed it's insane price. Naturally, it would flow freely at this Umbraline function.


He reached for the bottle of liquid amber, pouring it into three glasses and offering one each to the women. He picked up his own cup and brought it near his face, quaffing the expensive alcohol.


"We shall" Kulrik said, lowering the cup so that he could properly face the Dragon and the Hawk.


"Let's start with something easy. I've never worn pink."

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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"Good evening, Lady Noshima." The Eiyu Toroshu turned to regard the other leader, garment shifting slightly as she did. It had been quite a while since Nihonei had made more than a brief visit to Sado, but Noshima's mannerisms were unmistakable.


"It has been a while. I hope you've been well?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: pre-party

"My name is Nihi," said Nihi. "My favorite animal..." She remembered to just a few days ago, when she'd seen a flash of many colors flit around the layers of the Gardens, and how the sight had made her smile. The bird she'd seen had also, though she hadn't known it at the time, heralded the arrival of the Chojo. It was the natural choice for Nihi to make.


"I like Janu Birds."


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Ayiwah took a sip of her drink, letting the liquid play over her tongue to savor the taste before swallowing. It was a much more sophisticated drink than what they had in stock aboard the naval vessels, outside her cabin and it made it's way down her throat with as much ease as her morning tea.


"I used to have an armband of that colour, back when I was a mere twenty years old." she admitted freely.


Her turn. Still going easy.


"I have never overslept on a work day."




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Kulrik raised the cup to his lips as if admitting defeat, but stopped just before his mouth touched the crystal rim. He moved his hand, and the glass, back down. He smiled mischievously after the short ruse.


"Neither have I. I've made it a point to watch the sun rise ever since I've completed my Menti training, so I never wake up late." That, thought Kulrik, and as a First Son he had very little work.


Kulrik lightly swirled the contents in his cup. Perhaps something a little more difficult?


"I've never used my position in the Empire to get what I want."


He waited a moment, then the First Son took a long, filling sip of Bumboo.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Noshima


"It is for I to state that the health and wellbeing of both your humble companion and her clan are not in any danger," she replied, nodding. "Thanks are given for the concern."


The Hogo Toroshu had always gotten along well with the members of the Eiyu, being somewhat of a scholar herself.


"May I ask how your wellbeing is? It has been long since our last meeting."

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One drink in and we're starting the mind-games.


The commodore's cup remained still in her hand. She had indeed never used her clan affiliation or rank to pursue personal interests. Her rank and reputation were built on well over three centuries of hard work, discipline and combat experience. A clan's reputation was based on it's member's efforts and accomplishments. Flaunting one's clan name without putting in the effort to add to that reputation was quite disrespectful. Nepotism did not mesh well with Zuto-Nui's virtues.


"I've never had a Menti studying under me fail their training."




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OOC mobile; no linking, will fix


IC Seiryu

"Fortunately, I brought this along." Seiryu had brought along with him when he left the university a book on herbology to read and some unfinished paperwork. Putting the book aside, he almost buried his head in his papers, but something caught his eye. Namely, costumes of everybody else. "Hm..."


OOC Commence first person.


IC Seiryu (first person)

What a spectacle. Truly, truly, my fellow compatriots in the nobility have most... Creative tastes in masquerade. Let us see...


The Chojo: simple enough. A stylish dress and headdress bearing the likeness of the magnificent dragon.


First Son Fursic: black as night, deep as the sea. Are those murky vestments intended to be reflections of yourself? Watch where you step, for you tread tradition's fine line in terms of color.


Dastana Twins: ... ... ... ... ... Doth you wish to get sued?


Toroshu Vilda: ... I have never beheld so many feathers in one place at one time. That is my only comment.


Toroshu Eiyu: a surprisingly stunning adaptation of the form of the fish. Whatever unlucky soul was cursed to the fate of designing that dress, however, must have been pushed to the breaking point of exasperation.


Toroshu Hogo: ... Art thou aware that this is a masquerade? Nevertheless, the simple but elegant pattern doth catch eye.


Toroshu Daikura: ... ... Art thou sure of the wisdom of donning one of your ancestral artifacts to a gathering such as this?


I took a sip of water (the very thought of ingesting a mind-altering substance-and a depressant at that-horrified me) and continued to shift my gaze around the chamber. "What an odd visage this is..."


OOC First Son analysis coming next

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Kulrik's hand stayed absolutely still, the Dragon's question meaningless to him. He had never trained another Menti; his duties as First Son of Clan Vilda consisted mostly of caring for Oki wildlife or perfecting his skills as a fighter. Recently political envoy had been added as well, which was why he'd been sent to Odaiba and had visited the Ageru, but otherwise he had little duty to speak of. Eventually he would have to produce an heir for his clan, but that task need not be fulfilled for some time. Until then, he was as free as any male in Kentoku could be, which is to say not very much.


"I've never lost a duel to a woman since I've finished my Menti training."

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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