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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

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[iki, Geyser Field]

I put my bow at the ready, nocking an arrow again.


“Get behind me then.  Anybody who tries to get at you will get an arrow in the face."


I extended my mind ahead of us, searching mentally for any surprises.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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ooc: This dungeon was going to last a while longer, but for the interest of the event on Sado (which I think you guys are pretty eager for), I'm speeding it up.


Shuuan probed the tunnel ahead in search of potential enemies, but any such persons had died decades earlier. There was no presence around but the three Menti themselves.


As the group moved onwards the tunnel slowly descended deeper and deeper below the surface of the earth, curving at some times to the left and some times to the right. The walls become increasingly studded with large crystals, and Kulrik had to dim his Soulsword to keep the glaring reflections from blinding them. Whatever else, this place had been a mine for the Children of Zataka Kulrik thought, a potential avenue for the wealth that had helped them build these enormous and intricate structures. 


The tunnel opened up into a circular cavern that dwarfed the Menti. The ceiling was over thirty feet high at it's highest point, in the middle, with crystal stalactites descending almost to the floor. Other tunnels left the cavern at various points, though one in particular was bigger than the rest and could accommodate three wagons side by side. But what drew the eyes of all three Menti was the statue  next to the portion of wall opposite the tunnel they'd used to arrive here.


It was roughly Menti height, cut from a single piece of flawless crystal, and was the most beautiful peace of art any had ever seen. It depicted  a single female Menti dressed in royal clothing and a banner in one arm, an upraised sword in the other that pointed to the largest exit. Despite the inorganic material she appeared wholly lifelike, and if Kulrik could say, attractive too. The Vilda First Son almost wanted to walk over and plant a kiss on her crystalline even if it made him feel foolish. Her necklace interested him the most - it took a discerning eye to realize it hadn't been fashioned from the same crystal as as the statue.


"The next Key" Kulrik whispered, as if too loud a sound might turn everything here to rubble.



From the corner of her eye Robalta saw one of the Mashtet - Maripi? Somei? oh, her memory wasn't what it once was, and names especially had always been difficult for her - tense up and ready her weapons again. The Vilda Datsue had to try and defuse the situation, she hated fighting.


"Perhaps you might then know we could find your First Son Jasik? We've come a long way to speak to him or sister, and any help would be much appreciated?"

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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[iki, Crystal Cave]

While Kulrik was busy ogling the statue, I stepped forward carefully, my arrow sweeping in a wide arc.  Maybe they would decide the spike traps of death were a good idea here, or a collapsing floor.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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The floor didn't collapse, and no spikey death traps sprang to kill anyone.  


"With the last Key there weren't any traps. I don't think we have too much to worry about here" Kulrik told Shuuan. Even as the words left his mouth, a worrying idea came to the First Son. Why was finding all these Keys so easy?

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Arsix Dastana - Sado


The Rora of the Dastana Republic looked out the caravan window and up at the prison walls.


Coming to Sado was not the first thing on her list since she declared the clan’s leaving the Empire, but Sheika’s invitation was compelling. The content of the message was discreet, and details were left undefined.

Arsix wondered if Sheika was in trouble. Just what she needed. Tensions between the Empire and the Republic might not have been as volatile as they were just weeks ago, but that didn’t mean Arsix wanted to deal with her Battlemaster in duress.


She cursed inwardly. Jasik was the one who knew Sheika well. That woman was not somebody she wanted to be dealing with. Not since the party. Her intentions were not clear to the world at large, but Arsix and Jasik knew. They didn't need a mask to dissect the truth to know where her allegiance lied: With the fattest purse.


Part of the danger was that while Sheika was employed by Arsix, Sheika still commanded the fleets herself. Of course, the twins could pull her funding for repairs and training, but it wouldn't  matter. Sheika’s power goes to the next highest bidder, and Arsix would rather keep the woman close to her breast instead of sending her to some other Toroshu with a trigger finger or Zuto Nui forbid, Yumiwa.


It was better than the alternative, but it certainly wasn’t ideal. Jasik had his own fears to deal with, but Arsix had them too. Political nightmare was no longer just an expression for Arsix.


With a knock on the caravan door, it opened and inside stepped the Tajaar woman Sheika.


“I see you got my message, Toroshu,” Sheika said coolly with a little bow, and a small smile on her lips, “Or should I say, Rora?”


“Battlemaster Sheika,” Arsix began, “I did get your message, although it seems you left out why it is I was to come see you with such urgency.”


Sheika sat fully upright again and gave a nod, “I will explain.” The Battlemaster turned and glanced out the window, “The Archipelago is in an unusual position. You may no longer belong to the Empire but without official word from Rora Yumiwa, you are in limbo,” Arsix mentally cringed at the mention of ‘you’, but let Sheika continue, “I’ll admit, when you declared secession instead of war, I was surprised. I thought the anger over your mother’s murder would have pressed you to exact revenge.”


“My mother was not killed by a physical weapon. Yusanora died at the hands of a condition the Rora’s death caused,” Arsix said with ice in her voice, “I can’t fight conditions beyond my control.”


“Very wise Arsix,” Sheika said, “I understand that like the Empire, you are in an interesting position yourself.”


Arsix remained unblinking and said to Sheika dead-pan, “I’d prefer if you didn’t pretend I put myself there on my own.”


“A condition beyond your control, yes,” Sheika was calm. Calmer than Arsix. Jasik should be here, “You’ve committed no crime, which Rayuke so kindly confirmed, and yet you are on the cusp of starting a civil war anyways.”


“I’m glad you brought up responsibility Sheika. Many in the courts are asking,” Arsix said, leaning forward; on the offense, “If it wasn’t Jasik that killed the Rora, who was it? Nobody seems to know, even though everybody seems to have their own theories.”


Sheika was quiet for a moment, the ever-present in-control smile she wore didn’t waver, and she responded calmly, “What do you think?”


“What do I know would be a more apt question.”


Sheika gave a chuckle and waved her hand, “Just like you said. Everybody has a theory.”


Arsix sat back in her seat, and began looking out the window again. The pair was silent for a moment until Arsix looked back at the Battlemaster and said, “Why did you bring me here?”


Sheika gave no physical response but said, “Where could we have a safer discussion than outfront the second most well guarded place in the Archipelago?” Arsix scowled and Sheika opened the door again and stepped outside. Arsix started to protest but was interrupted by two sounds: To Arsix’s left the door slamming, and to her right the prison wall exploding.


Wide-eyed and shocked, Arsix could feel the heat surging forwards into her carriage. She quickly realized what was happening and kicked the space above the seat opposite her, “Go! Quickly!” Slam slam slamming her foot on the wall did nothing to hurry up the Soko trainers up front. Arsix was about to instead kick the door down to force her entourage forward, but before she could, somebody outside yanked it open, and two masked women tossed a Dasaka inside.


"What is this? Some plot from that brat Yumiwah to get rid of me in private?" She turned her gaze to Arsix sitting across from her. Her scowl turned to a pleasant grin.


Arsix pressed herself up against the seats and three realizations dawned on her:

First, that her driver had abandoned her. And second, that the Dasaka in front of her was Toroshu Relisai of clan Vilda. And third, that Relisai was just broken out of prison and pushed into Arsix’s caravan.


"Oh, I'm sorry. I was expecting someone else, and an exit a little less explosive. Regardless, it's a pleasure to meet you. I think it's best if we get of here, quickly, before her spoiled princess realizes what we've done."


Arsix heart screamed in anger, and her mind began to race.


This can’t be happening. This can not be happening. I’m being framed. I know exactly what this looks like. I’m going to be executed. This can’t be-




It was happening. That was her reality. She took a deep breath and quickly began to do something about it.


“Toroshu Relisai," she began, speaking quickly. Arsix was in too deep. To abandon the Toroshu would mean nothing to the hundreds of witnesses on the other side of the street at this point. “You are likely confused and disoriented,” Blast that Battlemaster, “And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit too,” She sat up and put her hand on the door, “But I need to go.” Arsix pushed open the door and jumped outside.


Relisai poked her head out the door looking one way, then another. With a smile of satisfaction, she followed after Arsix as guards from the prison poured out into the street. "It'll be both our heads if either of us caught. I think I'll throw my lot with you, the richest Dasaka in the Empire."


Arsix wanted to turn around and scream into Relisai’s face that she wasn’t responsible for this. But she couldn’t. Nothing would change which was already set into motion. Sheika had won, "Fine," Arsix said with sharpness on her tongue. She knew her chances of escaping would be higher if Relisai was there to help - or be used as a distraction if Arsix's hand was forced, "But you'll want to keep up."

They began running, shouts and projectiles behind them.




Toroshu Relisai of the Vilda clan has just been broken out of prison by a certain somebody and her associates. Arsix has been set-up to look like she planned it. The pair are about to try their way through the city of Sado and it's up to other players to aid or help them. Where are Arsix and Relisai moving towards? They haven't figured that out yet!


There will be rewards for a successful capture or escape.


Happy hunting team.


Companion GD post with some additional information:



to continue in what hopefully will be a tradition of real interesting things happening in kentoku, arsix has been set up to take the fall for the quasi-successful prison break of the vilda toroshu! any characters in or around the imperial palace who would like to respond positively or negatively, feel free to do what you can here! as palm detailed, there's reward opportunity for a successful capture or escape - you can come to me about that, if you decide to help one side or the other


happy hunting!



Edited by Palm
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IC: Kaede

Prison break?


Kaede had heard the news over Ideatalk. Apparently the Vilda Toroshu had been broken out of prison, and Dastana Arsix was somehow involved


Kaede's mind went from lazy mode to work mode.


Disturbance to the peace. Must eliminate.


Activating her Huna, Kaede ran towards where the commotion seemed to have been centered. She knew she couldn't do this alone, however...

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IC: Somei smiled. .: I apologize, my memory of people and their masks has gotten muddled with age. Although I must say, you're a dead ringer for Jasik; one would think there are Dastana triplets running around! :.


Rifling through the corpses, Askha pocketed a pouch of Dragons. She became aware of the maid giving her a disdainful look. "What? They don't need it!"


"Maybe, but I should think its dishonorable for a Menti to steal from a foe."


"Dishonorable? Listen, girl, they would be doing the same, maybe worse, to you and your mistress there if we weren't with you. Besides, its not stealing if they attacked you first. Then it's procurement in the field. And, I'm leaving their masks; I... lost my mask on Oki, and I could replace it with this Hau. But for now, I'll suffer with this worthless Dashi's mask until I can get my real one back. All so this psychopath can get a proper burial." Askha said this as she was dragging the corpse behind one of the abandoned merchant stalls.


"I... guess that makes sense"


Askha dropped the body, and wiped her hands off on the wooden table. She sighed seeing Maripi. .: Cut that out. We look intimidating enough. If you want to be useful, start doing something with these corpses. Like hiding them; you're good at that, right? :. Askha walked back to flank Somei and Robalta, but stopped midway, cocking her head, as if listening to something. In truth, she was listening, both to the Ideatalk and sounds of chaos elsewhere in Sado. This was no mere skirmish.


Raiyo looked between the Datsue and Askha. "What's wrong?"


"...I'm not sure, but I think things just got a lot more complicated for us."

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Higashi


One moment she was finishing off her miso at a ramen stand, the next Higashi found her ears ringing from some explosion close by. Near the prisons down the street, to be precise. Probably a prison break or something, which meant that Hogo Higashi would have to get to work. Instead of relaxing because everyone had forgotten she was supposed to be on duty in the Palace. Going for a bite in such a public place was such a pain.


"Screw Noshima, and screw the Imperial City," she grumbled, dropping a few dragons onto the stand before making her way towards the last reported location.


She moved quickly. Members of the Hogo had to if they wanted to seem omnipresent and therefore always guarding. There were little of them, after all.


Her body moved into position at the end of the street, training her eyes upon the fleeing duo running towards her position.


"Where d'ya think you're going?" she called out to the two Toroshu (or higher-ranked nobles; they were really the same thing to pretty-much-gentry like her), assuming a defensive pose. "Stop running and I'll think about not hitting ya!"


She was on a roll of disrespect today.

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Robalta looked worryingly at the source of the sounds of screaming and explosions. It was coming from the area of the capital's Prisons. 


"She wouldn't have secured her escape without me, would she?" Robalta said quietly to herself. "Oh, but she always had the patience of Kanohi Dragon when we were younger." She sighed, as much from exasperation as concern. She turned towards the Dastana to ask him if he would help, but he was suddenly gone.


"We need to hurry there" the Datsue told Raiyo and the Mashtet. "I think you all might be getting bonuses." 



Kulrik nodded and flew over to the statue, lifting up the necklace from around her neck and held it up the light of his Soulsword. Surrounded by invaluable crystal pieces on either side, a single dusky stone lay in the centre. A bit smaller, it greatly resembled the stone that was inlaid in his own crystal sword Key.


"That could be our ticket out of here" he told the others while pointing to the largest tunnel exit. "It looks the part."




Relisai snarled at the Menti that deigned to try and stop her escape.


It was a Hogo guardswomen, one of her stupid little pets that were little better than mindless gnats. 


"We're trying to get past what's happening back there" she yelled to the Hogo while hiking a thumb towards the jail. "Some prisoners have escaped and are causing a bit of trouble. Best you do your duty by running to the Rora and making sure she's safe" she said over the din of the ruckus. 


She didn't stop running, keeping stride with the Dastana Toroshu as they made their escape. 


More quietly, she spoke to her partner in crime. "We can go through the Gardens to reach the lower levels of the city where we'll be loss amongst the commoners. From there we escape to the docks and leave her wretchedness' city."

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Askha started making her way with the others towards the commotion. "You said you were just here for some business on Sado! What kind of business involves explosions? I mean, we'll do it, yeah, but we need some objectives, now."


Somei huffed while she tried to catch up. .: I'm still exhaused from that skirmish we had back there. I would just slow you down. :.


Stopping, the Mashtet Menti turned. "We should probably keep from Ideatalk for now. But she has a point, if we want to be fast, we're not doing ourselves any favors bringing along a tired Datsue and a maid-"




"... so what's the plan?"

The times, they are a-changing...



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[iki, Crystal Cave]

I extended my mind into the tunnel, armed and ready, but personally I doubted there would be a trap now.

“You know, Kulrikky dear, have you ever considered that someone wants these keys to be found?”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Dastana Arsix - Sado - Near the Prison


The Dastana had her own ideas about escape, but she decided not to say anything yet until they passed the Menti in front of them. As far as the warrior went, Arsix said nothing, hoping Relisai's plan to trick the Hogo guard would work. She wasn't disguised, and had left her own cloak at home so the faster the message moved through the city, the more likely they'd be caught.


Arsix could feel her anxiety growing about the situation at hand.

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[sado, Aristocratic Quarter]


After the debacle at the palace, Morie had taken a well needed hot bath.  Now, clean and dressed again in cotton mourning robes, she gave the order for her youngest daughter, Chiyo, to be summoned up to the chambers.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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[sado, Aristocratic Quarter]


“You may rise and sit, Chiyo,” Morie said.  Honestly, while she admired her youngest daughter’s politeness, she wished the girl would display some initiative once in a while.  Well, it was a good thing she was the youngest.


“Tell me, daughter, how was your visit with Toroshu Kilanya?”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Higashi


"Yeaaaaaah, about that ..."


Her soulsword materialised, the strange, glowing fist appearing beside her head as she readied herself for the possibilty of an attack.


"Ain't my juridistiction, and you graces look like you're involved in this entire hullabaloo."




"Um, excuse me? Miss?"


Standing behind Higashi, one finger raised as if she was about to ask a question, Zyla Dastana came to the sudden realization that years of working beside the firebrand-of-a-Dashi Daijuno had resulted in her apparently losing all sense of self-preservation.





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A black coat, fringed with red gold and cast aside without thought, languished unworn in an unnamed gutter.




99 years ago...




The guards looked pained when they began to repeat their refusal. "Battlemaster Sheika has requested--"


"My brother is in there dying!"


"--brother agreed readily, and your mother has been duly informed to let him rest after--"


"--thirty one hours!? Let me in! My brother is First Son! You're going to let that stringy ###### tear him ap--"


"She can enter," a lazy whip of a voice echoed from behind the door. Painful seconds went by before the guards complied and stepped aside from Arsix. When the older Twin stepped inside, she realized why with an angry, hissing gasp. Her brother's workout clothes were in tatters from the knees down and the waist up, shredded with Soulsword burns, fresh bruises, and fierce cuts. His knees looked fit to turn to dust underneath his forward-slouching stance, there was more maimed tissue than muscle left to his arms, and every knuckle was swollen from checked and failed blows, but Sheika had left the cruelest impression of all on his face, for it had not been maimed in the slightest. Jasik's excruciated look resembled his sister's perfectly.


"Run," her brother croaked. "###### is cr--AAGH!"


His face twitched in exertion; Sheika's hand quivered, and Arsix realized again with horror that they had been at this routine for thirty one hours.




Jasik, First Son of Clan Dastana. His duty was to prolong the family name.


Carry the family banner.


And protect the Toroshu.


What have you done Arsix


Give her his life.


This wasn't in the plan


No. His life was already hers. It had been since she was eight seconds old.


Sheika, you--




99 years ago...


"--heinous ######," Arsix shouted angrily. "I'm going to tell Mom, and Mom will send her away. She has to send her away! The ###### does she think she's playing at, torturing the First Son and Zataka knows what else before--"


"It was nothing I didn't earn," Jasik croaked weakly. "First Sons are supposed to spend time on Sado, and apparently I'm not 'capital material.' Dress too differently, talk too loosely, don't smile enough, too close to you--"


"You are not!"


"She says I am."


"Who the ###### is she!?" Arsix cried.




Who the ###### was she? Why defend Sheika? There were other Battlemasters. Not as high caliber, but Sheika was no legend. ######, the Chojo herself could have taken her.


Who was Sheika to Jasik? Battlemaster. Personal tutor. Aunt figure. Terrifying.




99 years ago...


Jasik sank to his knees in exertion, chest heaving with dry heaves and hateful curses in languages not spoken in centuries, as Sheika pulled his head back--


--he threw a punch--


--she checked his arm effortlessly, she threw him one better and then bent down--




Ideatalk noise was getting louder in his head, fighting with memories he'd sworn he would repress. Wounds scabbed over. Smiles forced. Secrets kept, even from the one who he spent every second of his life--


--No. He would carry out the duty impressed upon him from birth. First Son of the Clan Dastana. That much, he could take seriously.


For her, everything. She had saved him. Loved him. If the Rora was Zuto Nui's chosen on Earth, was Arsix a Rora?


Did it even matter? ######. It didn't even matter. She was the Toroshu of the Clan Dastana, and he was her brother, her best friend, her closest companion. Her First Son.


She had saved him. Loved him. Saved him.




99 years ago...


"Hey, you purebred #####s! Where are you taking my brother!?" Arsix Dastana yelled angrily as she stormed towards the congregation at the Iki docks with all the force of a stampede and eyes like heat rays. "Jasik! Hey! Look at me, what the ###### did you get into?"


"Being a male," he said glibly, forcing a smile and tilting his head towards his silent mother. "Off to Sado, sister. Yomiken says it's time for me to start acting like a First Son, and even Sheika's had...more of me than she can chew. They say I should've been shipped off years ago--"


"###### them! Listen to yourself already! You don't even sound like you!" Arsix barrelled her way through the guards and slapped her brother so hard his neck cracked. "Come on, come back to the compound with me. I'm being tutored here to assume the role of Toroshu, surely there's some precedent for being a homebound First Son."


"If there was precedent, I would have found it." For the first time in his life, Jasik Dastana's eyes had haggard purple bags underneath them. "I searched the library top to bottom thrice, Arsix. There's no way I can stay."


"There's no way you're leaving," his sister insisted furiously, waltzing over to her twin brother and wrapping her arms around him so tightly that he felt his still-fragile ribs creak and sob under the layers of bruised skin disguised by his coat. "There's precedent for Toroshus who study away from home, everyone knows that."


"You'd be ridiculed, both of you," their mother said through angry, pursed lips that made her look as though the air she breathed had turned to citrus.


"No one ridicules like you can, Mother," Jasik drawled quietly, blowing his mother an exhausted, halfhearted kiss. "I'll have Arsix your face over every Menti, and it'll feel just like home."


"No one is going to be able to stand him without me," Arsix continued. "And we're not letting go of each other, Mother, so you can either let us go back to the compound or you can kiss our ###### goodbye, because if anyone's going to watch Jasik get his ###### beat up and down the capital I'm gonna be there to watch it."


Through the platoon's worth of wounds that stung at him from the neck down--




--Jasik, First Son of Clan Dastana, smiled at the memory.


You owe her. You protect her. You love her.


That much, he could do right. Despite every wound that plagued his psyche, every crack in the facade, every attempt at being the antithesis of the Kentoku male...Jasik Dastana would love his Toroshu.


He just had to find her first.



Edited by Aikuro Mikisugi
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[sado, Aristocratic Quarter]


Morie frowned as she received the mental transmission from her daughter.  This was not good news.  Even from the scraps of facial expression she was receiving from Chiyo’s memories she could tell that the Ageru Toroshu was avoiding making too direct of a statement.  That was unfortunate.  More than unfortunate, coupled with the Toroshu’s lack of committing her loyalty to the Empress.


She needed to contact the Empress, warn her of Kilanya’s act of commitment.  The Ageru’s loyalty was crucial to the stability of the empire.


“Thank you,” she said to Chiyu.  “You may go--wait.”


Chiyo stopped.


“What happened to your mask?”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Robalta looked the Mashtet ladies. 


"That mess is coming from the prisons, and while I don't know if my sister is involed, I do know she would take advantage of the situation to try and escape. That's why I came here to Sado - to negotiate with the Dastana's for Relisai's release."


The Datsue shuddered - she had no stomach for all this intrigue and backstabbing. She didn't understand why Relisai and the Rora couldn't have just made up and be over with this mess.


"We need to go and help her. Guards are probably instructed to kill prisoners first and ask questions later, so we must hurry. I assure, you'll be well rewarded, either by us the Dastana or both. Now go! Me and Raiyo will try to keep up, but there's only so much we can do." A look of desperation and pleading was in her eyes. "Please, save my sister."




"That doesn't make any sense" Kulrik said with a shake of his head. "If that were true, then why did those fanatics attack us outside of here? Why not just tell us outright where the Keys were and how to reach them? There's too much we don't understand here, too much darkness with not enough light. What we need is more information."


Kulrik stroked his chin.


"For that, I reckon we need to listen to what this second Key has to tell us. And for that, we need to get back to Sado and find a reading room in the library."


He motioned for Jiyu and Shuuan to follow him, and they did just that. The party of three exited through the widest tunnel, following it in a fairly straight path until it ended abruptly at well furnished pool. It was constructed from marble, with a mosaic decorating the edges and steps. Kulrik carefully descended into and found it deep; he couldn't find the bottom. He instructed the other to join him, explaining that they likely would have to swim out of here. Seconds after the other Menti entered the water grew unexpectedly hot, and all three were sucked downwards into an underwater jet stream. 


Nearly a minute later they were deposited on a nearby beach, Kulrik coughing up water and Ideatalking to have Seigyo come find them.


The Vilda stared out at sea to their next destination: the ferry to Sado.



ooc: Timeskip to the ferry entering Sado's port, if you want.



​Relisai saw the Dashi appear, a Dastana by all appearances.


"I hope you have a bigger rescue party coming" she whispered to Arsix. 

Edited by Toa Fanixe

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Askha nodded. "Just Ideatalk us a picture. If we're going to rescue her, we'll need an escape line. In this case, getting out of the city. Somei, can you see if you can charter a ship out of here?"


The Datsue nodded. "Might not want to fly the colors on this one. Give me your robes, and meet me on the north docks later."


The Mashtet Menti nodded, and started squirming out of her robes. Taking a glace at Maripi, she knew that she would be fine; Askha's robes were the Mashtet clan colors, so she might as well lose them on this one. She tossed the bundle of cloth at Somei, who caught them with Mindarm. She looked quickly at Robalta. "We'll be there with Relisai in tow. You can count on us."

The times, they are a-changing...



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[sado, Aristocratic Quarter]


Morie was decidedly unamused.


“That was a rare mask, Chiyo.  A rare, expensive mask.  If you want to practice sparring, there are plenty of menti in our clan that would be happy to engage you and aren’t so buffoonish as to break your mask.  Now-”


A distant explosion sounded in the distance.


“Go find out what’s going on,” Morie said.  “Your older sister will be here soon, let us hope she is more careful with her mask.”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC (Enali)


Enali had been wandering through a quiet street of Sado after a day's lessons at the Yards, mulling over that conversation she'd had with Kagesu a few weeks back, when she heard it: a 'boom' booth deeper and louder than any boom had any right to be on Sado. These were exciting times (to put it optimistically), what with the expedition and the new Rora and the Dastana and Zuto knew what else, so there was clearly something exciting and/or dangerous going on.


So Enali did what any curious young Menti-in-training would do upon hearing something exciting: she scampered along in the direction of the boom.


By luck, she happened to be on the same side of the Imperial Prison on which Arsix and Relisai were making their escape, so when she heard the sound of running footsteps and raised voices coming from the street ahead, she peeked around the corner to watch the goings-on.





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[Oki, Plangori Compound, A Week Previous]


Plangori Akiyo rested her cheek on the bamboo desk, arms spread out in front of her.  She still looked beautiful despide the awkward pose.  She wasn’t striking like the Dastana twins, or as regally formed (yet standardized) like the Vildas.  Rather she was--fairylike, with a face that called to mind paintings of flowers and a smile that spoke of adventures among things unknown.  There was just enough seduction in her whimsical gaze to draw, but never enough to scandalize.


She pouted.


“Ah, it’s not fair.  My sister gets to go of galavanting to Sado because she’s mother’s favorite, and I’m stuck here contemplating mangoes.”


It was amazing really, the lack of venom in her voice.  It sounded like lighthearted teasing, with just the right amount of mopiness to be genuine.  That was how Akiyo operated, of course.  Only the lightest of touches, hardly even a touch at all.  But she always knew how to press--press where it hurt the most.


Yukie adjusted one of the tricolor jeweled buttons on his jacket cuff, the obsidian one. He really ought to stop doing it, it was one of the nervous habits that his older sister picked up on so easily.


“I’m sure you would find Sado less than ideal,” he said in a similar light tone of voice.  “It’s all a bit chaotic, now that there’s a civil war brewing, and I know how you hate mess.  Not to mention all the fashion has gotten a bit drab since the Rora’s death.”  For all she was, he had learned from her.  It served him well these days.  The way she played--well, most nobles seemed practically obvious in comparison.


She lifted her head, sighing.


“But still...maybe they could use my charms to smooth things over.”  She looked out the window.  “What do you think, sister?”


Yukie grinned in response, forcing his shoulders to relax.  “Think positively, dear sister.  The way you’re going, you’ll have conquered the Vildas by the time I get back.”


Akiyo’s smile was positively angelic.


“Maybe I will.”


[sado, Market District, Present Time]


The distant explosions had turned the streets into a bustle of movement.  Yukie was forced up against the wall close to the stalls, and he ducked into a side street to avoid the growing crowds.


There was a coat in the gutter, and well, being a child of Plangori he couldn’t just let it lay there.


Yukie felt the material as he wove back into the throng--living in jungle had given him a great awareness of space and movement, thankfully.  It was fine silk, possibly woven with a little wool to keep its stiffness.  The thread had been dyed previously, probably by one of the side workshops his clan had on Sado or Oki.  It was an expensive coat--in a rather unusual shade.  The sumptuous embroidery certainly indicated a rather young wearer, the bold golds and reds were all the rage these days.  Money and blood, how appropriate.


Dastana maybe?  It seemed like something one of their clan would wear.


OOC: Open for interaction.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Robalta heeded the Menti's instructions and projected a picture of her sister via Ideatalk to the surrounding Mashtet. The image of Relisai wasn't perfect- Robalta still thought of her as her little sister, and the mental image reflected that - but it was close enough. 


"Go, me and Raiyo will keep up if we can, catch up if we can't."


She exhaled deeply, the course of events taking a toll on the aging Datsue. She placed an arm on her maidservant's shoulder to steady herself.


"Come now my little dove, didn't I tell you we'd have an adventure?"



The ferry was just pulling into port while Kulrik and the others stood on the bow. He gazed at the capital city so many had fought over, bled over, died over. Sad was such a little bit of inconsequential land. It held no natural resources,  it had no strategic military value. And yet, it lay at the heart of the Empire, and so at some point along the way it had embodied the heart of the Empire's soul. All because of a silly little throne.


Kulrik would never sit on it. If history had gone differently, perhaps. An idea floated in his mind that males had once ruled the clans, or something. Truth to tell, he hadn't been paying very much attention to the material when he was being taught - the instructor had cut such a striking figure in her battle armour.... Yet now Kulrik was risking his life to secure a dangerous weapon that threatened the very system that confined him in social chains. He almost laughed aloud at the thought. He couldn't imagine any other male, let alone a First Son, would be so thick-headed.


Speaking of which, what exactly were Jiyu's intentions on joining this little party? Kulrik still didn't fully trust the one-eyed giant. He also didn't forget Jiyu's attempt to kill him in a duel of honour. The Vilda First Son had a feeling that before all the Keys were found, he and his Herupa counterpart would be butting heads again.


The captain started barking orders at her crew, cutting sails and turning hard to port. The ferry docked with thud and plank was laid connecting the boat to the island. As the four Menti descended from the ferry onto Sado, Kulrik marked the time. The captain was pretty, and had reminded Kulrik what exactly he was fighting for.


"I guess we should head to the Gardens so Jiyu can have his arm properly sorted out?" Kulrik suggested. "Oh, Shuuan, do want to hold onto the necklace? I don't think it's the best idea for me all the Keys to be on any one person."

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: "You did, but the events of this morning have proven to be quite an adventure already..."


Askha shot off a quick salute, and began running. The Menti vaulted over a table into another market lane; more and more people were beginning to appear. Whether going towards or away, the way towards the prison was quickly becoming crowded. "Maripi, you figured out that Kakama yet? If you could cover the distance and find them, you could guide them to a place we can all regroup."

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Maripi - Sado

A salute? Really?

"I haven't worked out how to use it subtly yet," I reply, running alongside my clanmate. "I can only use it imprecisely at full speed, but I'll do my best." I continue concisely. "Where will you meet us?"



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OOC: Open for interaction.


IC: Masome (Sado, Market District)


"Excuse me, m'lady" Yukie heard someone say to him. The voice was frail and weak, although it could be considered adorable and soft. It belonged to a short and stocky Dashi, uncertainty glaring from her eyes that looked at him. After examining Yukie more, she quickly added "Or m'lord, excuse me if I was wrong". She only managed to maintain eye contact for a short moment before looking elsewhere. "What just happened? I heard an explosion. Is there a riot again? Where should I go?" She nervously rubbed her hands together and stared at the black pillar of smoke rising from the prison.

Edited by Daniel the Finlander

still alive somehow

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IC: Chiyo

"Yes, Toroshu."


Mother was mad at her.


This was bad.


As Chiyo left the room, she began to panic inwardly, wondering what this would mean for her in the future.


She had tried to be a good girl, but no, she had to go and mess up. And now she was going to get it.


"Mom is mad, mom is mad..."


Some time later...


Striding in the market district, Chiyo had dove into the growing throng of people, slicing rather than snaking her way through the forest of Dashi and Dasaka. Her inward turbulence had subsided, replaced with single-minded purpose.


Gather all knowledge of the situation.


Report back to mother.


Serve the clan.


Serve mother.


Soon, she noticed two figures, one familiar, one... Not.


"Yukie. Dashi of unidentified clan. Well met. Do you know of the cause of the explosion?"


OOC: Chiyo interacting with Yukie and Masome.

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