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IC: Masome (Sado | With Askha)


Masome gasped when she was pulled by an invisible force and stumbled. After regaining her balance she looked at Ashka, her expression a mix of anger and confusion, but didn't say anything. She followed the Menti into an alley and said "I never thought I would meet another Mashtet, m'lady. Sorry if I interrupted anything. I just.. got a bit excited, that's all. I'm also nervous, because.. Erm, do you know what that explosion was? I heard that it might've been the prison blowing up. Do you know anything about it?"

still alive somehow

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IC: Askha turned on the dashi. "I never thought I'd run into another survivor. I'm Askha, leader of the survivors I've found, two others. We're working as... independent contractors, and currently our job has a lot to do with that explosion. If you want to join us, you can do one of two things. You can come with me, where I will likely be heading directly into danger, or you can go meet Somei. She's a Datsue, and she's at the north docks getting a way out of the city for us."


The menti looked over he shoulder before looking back. "What d'you say?"

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Masome (Sado | With Ashka)
Her eyes widened after she heard the name 'Ashka'. After the Menti finished talking by asking a question, Masome hastily bowed in respect. "Lady Ashka, I've heard your name before! And only good things along with it." She paused for a moment. "Oh and I almost forgot, it's an honour to meet you, eh, m'lady." She still hadn't made eye contact with her and rubbed her hands together nervously. "So, uh, as for your question, I.. I think it might not be very legal to blow up a prison in the first place, so I'm not sure what to do. If I help you, m'lady, others might think I'm a criminal, but.. I haven't seen any members of my clan in a very long time. And you said Somei is alive? The masterful crafter of our clan? I'd be.. I would like to meet her. But like I said, I don't want to get into trouble because of this. Can you, uh, m'lady, promise that I'll be safe?"

Edited by Daniel the Finlander

still alive somehow

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The Rora is Zuto Nui’s chosen. The latest in a long line. Her mother was Zuto Nui’s chosen before her, and her daughter would be the chosen after her. Always, somehow, her chosen was the next in that family line.


I don’t believe that.


I do not believe that there is a single thing that separates the nobility from the lowest castes. People like Yumiwa are not better. They are not more important. They’re luckier. Fortunate enough to be born into a life that will pamper them, train them, and give them all the resources that a poorer caste cannot. A life that will tell them that they are superior, better than their fellow man. And it is this attitude that has perpetuated throughout countless centuries.


I am quite familiar with it.


I am not a somber person. I am not a serious one. But standing here in this hall, listening to the Rora give her speech, I don’t feel like joking. I don’t even feel like quipping to myself. I am here because, in the Lord Rayuke’s extended sabbatical, I have been tending to the day to day necessities of the office of my charge. I gather the mail, listen to minor complaints, all of the things that Rayuke would normally tend to when he had time. It was probably easier for me than for him; everyone pays attention to him, the massive Umbraline Lord, but I can slip through the Imperial Palace with ease. No one pays much mind to where the blind assistant travels. And so it was that my duties brought me here, to bear witness.


I cannot see the Rora’s face. Her expressions, the color of her features, the color of her surroundings, all of this is lost on me. But I can hear her tone. I can hear the authority with which she imbues it, the earnestness behind her words.


Which only makes it worse to know just how flawed it is. The simple fact that she doesn’t understand. She speaks of granting the Taajar full citizenship, but what will that accomplish? She has created countless more Saihoko and Ringti, in the eyes of our great empire, and they are already looked down upon by all. She says she will address the concerns of even the lowliest Saihoko, but will she, raised in the arms of the royal family, be able to do that? To answer the wish of the lowest classes, the wish to be able to stand as an equal?

I don’t have to ask. She sits upon her throne, addressing the nobles that make up her court with bold words and new ideas, while those that truly resent her are outside her safe haven. The nobles don’t care. It is the Saihoko, the Ringti, the Dashi, the common men and women who are fleeing her empire by the dozens.


And she addresses those who drove them out.


She says that she will never whitewash what has been done, she decries the old enmities that divide us, and yet I have never seen a Fursic within her circle. Yet Inokio, slayer of the defenseless, stands as her advisor. She means well. I can hear it in her voice, the desire to do the right things.


But this bed has been crafted for generations. Generations of hate, abuse, and enmity, held together only by belief in the Rora. It was not all her fault, and she did not deserve the sins of her mothers revisited upon her; but it was her bed to lay in, now.


She cannot fix this Empire while the very Saihoko she claims to speak for bring her crumb cake after crumb cake. She cannot stand against injustice, while her sister suffers injustice. She cannot stand for the end to old enmities when she herself is the product of it. The pride of the nobility is not so easily assuaged, nor humbled.


Even a blind woman can see that.




I need some air.


Without a word to anyone, I slip out of the door, only moments after our Empress ceases to speak.

Edited by Riku Tryon
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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Askha knelt down to Masome's eye level, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about us, we take care of our own. If you go to Somei, you should be safe. I'm sure she's love another Mashtet to talk to, and she can explain things better than I can. But right now, I have to go, Maripi needs me. Somei can keep you safe, but she might need your help."


Askha stood again, and surveyed the alley, then started walking away. "Get there quickly! I can't guarantee anything else." Askha broke into a run, continuing towards the near the prison. Her hand went to her forehead.


.: Maripi, any sign yet? :.

The times, they are a-changing...



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[Odaiba, Mahuika Hall, Just Inside Side Entrance]


Hatchi got to her feet, albeit shakily as soon as the figure walked in.  She bowed deeply, motioning for her companion to do the same.


As soon as she lifted her head, however, nervousness settled like a pit in zir stomach.  No, she needed to be calm.  She had been within this week, addressed by both the Anstyzyr Jahagir and an extremely precocious member of a clan that usually wouldn’t look at her twice.  The toroshu of clan Ageru was just one more.


“Great lady, these humble servants would normally not requesting something so intrusive,” zi-she sad in her best formal imperial.  “However, we grow wary of the violence that we left behind, and winter is coming, bringing with it the cold rains.  There are children among our number, and think first of their safety when bringing this unusual request.”


IC (Kilanya)


The Toroshu inclined her head in acceptance of the two Taajar's bows. As she listened to their request, the smile did not leave her face, but a thoughtfulness crept into it. When Hatchi finished speaking, there was also a hint of something like sadness in her eyes.


She drew up a simple wooden stool like those her guests had risen from, and seated herself, motioning for them to do the same.




She clasped her hands in front of her, and paused for a moment before she spoke.


"There are many in the Empire who would never give a Taajar so much as the time of day. I am not one of them," Kilanya said, gently, "and although some of my predecessors may have been...harsh...in their treatment of your people, I do not intend to be. To refuse you passage would be petty and insensitive, especially given that you ask this out of need and not desire.


"I will grant your request, and though I do ask something in return, it is something that (I hope) is simple and easily given. I would like to know what you, and your people, think of the events that are unfolding around us: the turmoil surrounding the death of the Rora and the secession of Clan Dastana."




[sado, Market District]


Well, thought Yukie as the dasaka tumbled to the ground, there goes any element of surprise I had.


He extended a hand to the figure on the ground.


“I am sorry for startling you, miss, but I mean no harm.”


He smiled sheepishly.  “Need a hand?”


IC (Enali)


"I'm ok!" Enali squeaked, and scrambled somewhat haphazardly to her feet.


The young Dasaka hesitated for a moment, as most of her instincts told her to run the Karz away from the fights and explosions and quiet people tapping on shoulders, but eventually (and as usual) her inquisitiveness got the better of them.


"Do you know what's going on?" she piped up. "With that loud boom, and those two Toroshu running around, and...everything?"





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[sado, Market District]


“Unfortunately not,” Yukie said.  “I just trying to find out mys--wait.”


His eyes narrowed.


“Two toroshu?”


[Odaiba, Mahuika Hall, Just Inside Side Entrance]


Hatchi looked at Kilanya, searching the Toroshu’s face for any sign of deception.  She was a politician, that was clear, and far harder to read than the average Imperial, but Hatchi had been a merchant for a long time, and she seemed completely genuine.  Hatchi could already feel zir facade crumbling, as it did when zi was exhausted and had not been given time alone to meditate.  Zi had been working to the bone these past few days, and the Toroshu’s question provided such a welcome relief--zi was tempted to just pour out zir feelings for the past few days.


Yet, no matter how genuine the Toroshu’s intent, that would have unknown consequences.  Hatchi did not want to call attention to the caravan now.


She composed herself, sitting down slowly on the stool.  The zrupgar remained standing, still tense.


“This one cannot speak for my people, great lady.  We are numerous and widespread, and among us there are many different opinions as leaves on a tree.  As for the quivering of my own mind--I am hardly able to comprehend it myself, but there is a saying we have: ‘Imperials cut, Taajar bleed,’ my people will suffer no matter how the dice falls.”


Throughout the entire exchange, she kept her eyes on the floor.


“This one is a simple caravan leader, great lady.  If you wish to speak to one of your own standing, please ask of my Toroshu--Ilykaed.  She has more right to speak of the tremblings of the empire than I do.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Masome (Sado)


She stood there for a moment. She had never worked with criminals or taken unnecessary risks. Would Ashka and her companion keep her safe from harm? She hadn't been promised anything regarding that. Wouldn't it be wiser to just continue living the life of a bard? She'd come to this market to buy food before heading to other islands to sing songs to people. Why should she abandon these plans? Should she care about her clan members if they're criminals?




She turned around and headed towards the docks. Somei was a Datsue who was hopefully wearing the colours of her clan, so she shouldn't be too difficult to find. The journey lasted for a while, but trying to find the Datsue took almost as long. After breathing a sigh of relief, she approached her, stopped, bowed and said "Uh, greetings. Ashka sent me here. I assume you're Somei?"

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"Vilda Relisai, I urge you to return to your confinement."


IC: Zyla - Sado


"Yeah," the Dashi said, slowly getting back to her feet and brushing dust from her clothes, all the while stewing at her (un)glamorous and (un)heroic fall to the earth. "Whatever she said."





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IC: Dastana Arsix - Sado - Streets


They don't want me?


For a moment, Arsix felt elated. It was only temporary. Sheika set her up. Even with the knowledge that Sheika was involved pointed even further to Arsix. This was one of the few times she wished Rayuke was here.


She had to weigh her options again. Fortunately, she should be able to remain still on the ground where she was and seem to remain innocent... until the Umbraline's made it around the corner.


Arsix took a deep breath and Willhammered towards Relisai, :When you said you expected somebody else, what did you mean?:

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IC: "Ma'am, really, I can make it worth your while-"


The Saihoko tried to hide a sneer. It didn't work. "With what? The Mashtet have no land, and if we're going to prolong our voyage, with the trouble going on in the city, its going to cost something serious, up front."


Somei sighed. It was no use arguing with this one. "I'll show myself off the boat." Quietly, she left the ship, ponder her options. She had tried a few of the vessels anchored at the north docks. None had inclined to stick around to wait for other passengers. Several had left already. She noticed the dashi (in Mashtet colors!) walk up to her and bow. The Datsue was light of breath; another survivor? She smiled, but quickly hid it as she looked Masome up and down. Remember what Askha said, her mother said, the Torushu had said. Don't trust anyone outside the Clan. It was time to find out where this little dashi lied.


"Yes... I am Somei. Mashtet Somei." The Carver retrieved her clan token, and showed it; the tree in rebirth's bright moving colors almost flashing in the almost dreariness of the docks. "You are Mashtet as well?"

Edited by Necrocybermancer

The times, they are a-changing...



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"Hold on!" Kulrik shouted. "You still have the necklace - when are we going to meet up again?"


He didn't bother asking why Shuuan was opting to go with Jiyu over his own handsome self. Judging by his strange jealousy over her, the world had proven to be insane today.




:That's not entirely possible at the moment: Relisai replied via Willhammer to Maripi. :Some of her royal obnoxiousness' blind followers are intent on keeping myself and the Dastana Toroshu confined on the street. Hurry up and get here!: There was an urgency in her voice and thought's as she transmitted a picture of her location to the Mashtet. If she weren't in such a deplorable condition, Relisai would have met the 'helpful Menti' with suspicion. As it was, the Vilda Toroshu had few options and so had to trust the Mashtet on her word. The only bit of relief was that Relisai's conniving sister had been under watch of the Warden, one woman that Relisai DID trust. 


She refocused her Willhammer energies on replying to Arsix. :Before I was imprisoned I was able to send a message, which put into motion certain protocols. Some of these pertained to my rescue.  One included petitioning your clan to aid in my release, either through political means or otherwise. Regardless of how it was accomplished, I didn't think you would so personally take a hand in these events, or with such a commotion. It changes some things, but not to worry - that's what backup plans are for.


"My confinement no longer exists" Relisai said loudly to the Eiyu big-headed scholar. "M'lady no longer saw any use for it" she added with a nod of her head towards Arsix. "Now we'll be on our way, but thank you for your concern. It's so heartwarming to see the conditioning of our Empire's finest."


Relisai spread her senses around her, searching for other minds on the mental plane. One assailant had already proven to carry a Huna, but that mattered little - the Kanohi might cast a shadow in the physical world, but the mind behind burned brightly in the world unseen. Relisai could feel it 'standing' resolute not far behind her. Relisai kept herself ready - at any moment, the battle might begin again.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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OOC: It should be noted that this event started before the Rora's address, so I'm treating it as before. Or at the very least at such a time that news has not yet spread. :P



"You mistake a directive for a request, Relisai." The measured response, nevertheless, carried the total absence of her respect for the Vilda. The Menti used her first name, devoid of titles or honorifics, and without intent to use them. Her torso was clad only in the robes of the Eiyu, with small pieces of crystalline armor here and there, but she nevertheless managed to exude an aura of immovable fortitude. "You will return to the custody of your jailers. Otherwise, I shall return you to them."

"Lady Arsix," Hanabe addressed the Dastana Toroshu, giving to her, in contrast, a small bow. "You are free to go. Neither the Rora nor my Toroshu has handed down any directive that necessitates your capture. I am, however, distressed by the truly repugnant company you are keeping today."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Hey! HEY! ARSIX!"


A Dasaka, clad in black with only the faintest hints of Dastana brass-gold at shirt collar and wrist, bowled past two Hogo and slid to a halt along the street. His momentum carried him all the way to Arsix before he planted his feet, left slightly cocked and positioned ahead of the right, in a defensive stance before his sister.


.:You and me both, sweetheart.:.


His left hand reached back, wordlessly, to grab his sister's wrist and squeeze it reassuringly. In the other, an infamous ball of light grew from a pinprick to the size of a large fruit, swirling in his hand and pointed at Relisai.


"Sixty seconds," he said aloud. "I don't know who wanted you free, or who you bought, but sixty seconds is all you have to get out of Willhammer distance from my twin before I paint the streets with you, you old ."



Edited by Aikuro Mikisugi



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[sado, Market District]


“Unfortunately not,” Yukie said.  “I just trying to find out mys--wait.”


His eyes narrowed.


“Two toroshu?”


IC (Enali)


Enali simply pointed to the street she had been peeking out into, where the voice of a male had now joined the general commotion.





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Outside, in the fresh air, I breathe freely again. The Gardens are wonderful for that. Even if I can't see them, I can smell them, and the scent is very relaxing to me. Enough to help me filter the irrational anger that filled me listening to Yumi.


OOC: Masa open in the Gardens.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Zyla - Sado


Even though Zyla had fairly little to fear from the Dastana First Son (never thought I'd ever think that!), the venom in his voice and the sight of the Soulsword orb in his hand was enough to send the Dashi scurrying for cover behind the resident Eiyu.


Oh, what did I get myself into here?





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IC: Kaede

As more and more people began arriving on the scene, Kaede deactivated her Huna, letting herself be seen. The Hogo guardswoman stared at Relisai with an unforgiving look.


Upon Jasik's threat, Kaede inched forward ever so slightly, sword in perfect jodan-no-kamae, as if to goad the Vilda Toroshu back to the prison building from which she had escaped.

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[Odaiba, Mahuika Hall, Just Inside Side Entrance]


Hatchi looked at Kilanya, searching the Toroshu’s face for any sign of deception.  She was a politician, that was clear, and far harder to read than the average Imperial, but Hatchi had been a merchant for a long time, and she seemed completely genuine.  Hatchi could already feel zir facade crumbling, as it did when zi was exhausted and had not been given time alone to meditate.  Zi had been working to the bone these past few days, and the Toroshu’s question provided such a welcome relief--zi was tempted to just pour out zir feelings for the past few days.


Yet, no matter how genuine the Toroshu’s intent, that would have unknown consequences.  Hatchi did not want to call attention to the caravan now.


She composed herself, sitting down slowly on the stool.  The zrupgar remained standing, still tense.


“This one cannot speak for my people, great lady.  We are numerous and widespread, and among us there are many different opinions as leaves on a tree.  As for the quivering of my own mind--I am hardly able to comprehend it myself, but there is a saying we have: ‘Imperials cut, Taajar bleed,’ my people will suffer no matter how the dice falls.”


Throughout the entire exchange, she kept her eyes on the floor.


“This one is a simple caravan leader, great lady.  If you wish to speak to one of your own standing, please ask of my Toroshu--Ilykaed.  She has more right to speak of the tremblings of the empire than I do.”


IC (Kilanya)


A little disappointment brushed across the Toroshu's face, but she smiled gratefully nonetheless.


"I...understand what you mean, though I think it I would be unwise to consider only the opinions of the powerful," she said. "In the same vein as your proverb, do the common folk not bleed when the powerful cut? Ah, but I will not press you for more. You have said much in few words, and I believe you have spoken with truth and wisdom, and for that I thank you."


Kilanya did indeed believe that: she had suspected that the Taajar might have an impact on events to come (there was word of the Rora courting their loyalty) but she had not considered the converse: that, for all their apparent isolation from Imperial culture, its power struggles might hurt them too.


Already her decision to seek all sides of the situation seemed to be paying off, in greater understanding.


"Now I shall uphold my side of our bargain," she said, rising from the stool and walking over to a low table in the corner that was stacked with sheets of paper, quills, ink and wax. She took one quill that looked to be made from the bright green tail-feather of a Janu, dipped the nib in an inkpot, and wrote out a letter of permission. Kilanya's script was as graceful as she was: the quill flowed from one letter to the next, making a smooth loop here and a precise dot there.


She signed the document with her name and title, then dripped a blob of wax beside it and pressed in her signet ring. She blew softly on the red seal to cool it, then folded the paper in half and passed it to Hatchi.


"Here," she said. "Show this to anyone who questions your right to passage through my lands, and they will let you pass."





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IC: Dastana Arsix - Sado - Streets




Oh Zuto Nui.


:Sheika.: Was all she said. :I've been set up.: The usual icy fields of her mind were raging blizzards in Jasik's mind.


She stood up behind her brother, waiting for her next move, waiting silently.

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"Stay there, where it's safe." Hanabe said to the Dashi now ducking behind her, eyes never leaving the scene.


"Dastana Arsix, Dastana Jasik. You are free to go. Only Relisai need be captured here."

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Maripi - Sado

.: She's in trouble:. I reply urgently to Askha. .: Meet us:. I continue, sending her the image that I myself have just received, and speeding off to it's location. To Relisai, I say .: Hold on, I'm coming:.



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[sado, Market District]


“Wait here,” Yukie said, before stepping out into the street.  The scene was nearly comical when he managed to take it--a few Hogo guardswoman, a diminutive saihoko, a solemn menti warrior with the eblem of the Eiyu emblazoned on her chest, and of course the two Toroshu, along with a rather irritated first son.  This had the possibility to go very wrong very fast.


“Dastana Jasik,” he said clearly.  “Whatever danger Toroshu Relisai poses to your sister, I am positive it is not great enough to link yourself to murder again.  Get rid of that.”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"My sister has found herself framed of breaking a convicted Toroshu out of jail, a woman who assaulted a Datsue at a state event. Your Rora's people killed our mother with even less proof than your Hogo have now, and if they catch wind of this with us still on Sado we'll be next. You speak like someone who has no idea of the danger our family have been in for months now. I speak like someone who has survived it, and I say that I lower this Soulsword when my sister is safe, or I am dead. Like a First Son should."


Jasik let go of his sister's wrist and kept it squared resolutely  at Relisai's chest.


"Arsix, leave. I am right behind you."





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[sado, Market District]


Yuki blinked once, slowly.  Things moved so fast on Sado; he was unused to the bare furiosity after the languid slow planning of the jungle.  The atmosphere was completely different here, and Jasik was right to some extent, he doubted the Ubraline supporters would ask questions once word got out.


“Go then,” he said.  “And follow your Toroshu--we will restrain the Vilda.”


And you would be wise to remember that First Sons do not give their Toroshu orders, he thought.  But he kept that to himself--instead brushing ever so lightly against Arsix’s mind as he readied himself for Relisai’s reaction.  The crystal petals stood no chance against her raging, icy storm, but the message slipped through.  ::My apologies for intruding. Do you have any idea who framed you, Toroshu?::

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Dastana Arsix - Sado - Streets


Arsix nearly slammed back Yuki's intrusion on instinct, but the quiet of her question allowed her to hesitate just enough to realize it was only a question.


She stared at Yuki for what felt like an eternity before finally responding, :No.:


Arsix turned heel and pushed herself up and began running, refusing to look back at the Vilda Toroshu she was leaving behind.

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IC: Zyla - Sado


Meanwhile, Dastana Zyla was caught between the three options of running as fast as her tiny legs could so as to get out of there, watching the proceedings with morbid fascination while history was being made, or simply dropping dead from a heart attack.


Goddess be blessed, she (and her heart) decided to go with the second option.





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IC: Masome (Sado, Northern docks | With Somei)


She looked at the Datsue's carving for a moment before grabbing her satchel and digging through its contents.

"Yes, yes I am! Just wait, I carry my heirloom with me. It's somewhere here.."

The seaching took a while longer, but in the end she did find her carving. It was a figurine of a Kanohi dragon, its wings extended and mouth open, crafted out of both wood and crystal.

"It's an honour meeting you, Somei. Uh, my name is Masome. And I wanted to ask, what are your friends doing at the prison? Was it them who blew it up?"

still alive somehow

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[sado, Market District]


Arsix had no reason to trust Yukie, so he was not exactly surprised, if disappointed when she lied to him.


He continued to remain alert and ready to spring into action, keeping one eye on Relisai while watching out for the dark figure from before.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Relisai sighed.  It was true what the proverbial 'they' said. Stupidity really was wasted on the youth.


If Jasik killed her that would only further incriminate him and his clan, trying to clean up after a botched rescue attempt. And if the Dastana First Son let Relisai be recaptured, she would claim being an innocent bystander and that all the blame rested solely on him and his sister. Relisai wondered if Jasik was as foolish as he was hot tempered.


"You are Plangori, right. First Son Yukie, if memory serves. I confess, it surprises me that you would so willingly turn over a wronged Menti to an Empire that has so wronged you and your kind." She referred to Yukie's gender as much as the court rumours that had spread in the Empire.


With a flick of her mind, telekinetic force grabbed at Arsix's foot to trip her. It wouldn't do to have her gone. She shoved a thought using her Willhammer powers at the female Dastana's mind. :Do not leave me behind because you botched this up. If I'm recaptured or killed, we both know what kind of consequences you'll face, if you're half as smart in politics as your clan is in business.:


Now, where were those Mashtet?

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Kaede

An eyebrow twitched.


Would this old just stop talking?


"Relisai," Kaede said, making sure that her voice oozed as much open contempt as possible...




The Legion Voice of Kaede's Willhammer would sound in the Vilda Toroshu's mind.

Edited by One-Eyed Construct
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[sado, Market District]


Yukie blinked again, the only outward reaction to Relisai’s tirade.  He could detect a willhammer usage under Kaede's yelling--most likely Relisai towards Jasik or Arsix, and he could see the fleeing torushu restrained by an invisible force.


“I think you mistake your position,” he said, voice his voice soft--and yet it held a tone of contempt similar to Hanabe’s.  “It is true that the woes of the Empire fall much heavier on the shoulders of some than that of others, that those with power abuse it--thinking nothing of honor or order, only their own security, and I can think of a no better example than you, Relisai.  I disagree with the Dastana on several things, but Jasik spoke the truth--you attacked an elder, one of your own datsue, and then lied about it.  I think if justice is truly to be served what has been visited on you should be applied more broadly.  Now surrender yourself and unhand the Dastana Toroshu for your own personal safety.”


He stepped forward.  It was a stretch, but he could probably activate his mask and shove Relisai aside before Jasik managed to put a hole in her chest.  Maybe.


He wondered why someone so old could have accumulated so little wisdom in her lifetime.

Edited by Mel
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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"Justice? You speak to me of justice? I was imprisoned without trial, without jury because of what? The flutterings of a bird? An alleged action that is barely punishable? That is not what I'd call justice, no not at all. Nothing that has happened for quite some time is what any would consider justice.  And Plangori Yukie, you forget that I am no mere Saihoko for you to berate and admonish, I am a Toroshu for goodness sake!"


Relisai cleared her throat.


"If you'd care'd to pay attention to the details, rather than start throwing allegations around, you'll see Arsix is in no way restrained. Now why are you interfering with these matters? Aren't there some clothes that need dyeing?"

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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Jasik Dastana was, uncharacteristically, not smiling, and it looked like he wanted nothing more than to blow the old woman to smithereens.


"Yeah. Alright. You take care of her."


The First Son ran a hand along the collar of his shirt, eyes never leaving the Vilda Toroshu, and then turned to dust off his sister's shoulders when she picked herself up off the ground. 





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[sado, Market District]


Yuki nodded at Jasik before turning his gaze back to Relisai.  As frustrating as the Vilda Toroshu was, Jasik killing her would only bring more chaos.


“I believe the Vilda Toroshu has help coming,” he said out loud to all assembled, ignoring her protest.  “A dark figure with a kakama, and possibly one more.  We should watch for them.”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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