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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

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IC: Eldani Kyoshi Drakata (Odaiba)


"Of cource," I said out loud instead of using Ideatalk. Outside, my expression was bland and serious, yet slightly friendly. Inside, I was grinning broadly. The plan had been set in motion, the cogs were turning, the ship was sailing and the bird was flying. Finally, it had began. "I recommend that you marry into a powerful clan, to discourage some of your relatives from open rebellion. But ultimately, I shall leave the decision to you. It's your marriage, after all. And discuss about this with Seiryu. He's your helper, and deserves to tell his opinion on the matter. Maybe he even knows some potential suitors," I said, a small, warm smile on my face. Then I stood up, after seeing from the crystal window that the sun was already setting. "Ah, it's time for your medication. I'll go get some medicine. You wait here. Would you also like some more tea?" She nodded and 'said' :Yes:. I left, headed for Minami's room, where her medicine was stored. I had no need compile any lists later, for I already had an heir ready. I've had her ready for a long time..

still alive somehow

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IC: Chiyo

Chiyo smiled back, but it wasn't visible beneath her smooth mask. She followed Kilanya into the room and took a seat in one of the chairs reserved for guests of the Toroshu.


IC: Kaede

"Much of our society is built around either the urban centers or tamed, agricultural land. If I recall correctly, only the Vilda really specialize in maintaining the wild. We like our comfortable, orderly, controlled worlds too much. I'm not sure about myself, but there are many who are scared of nature and its chaos." Kaede stared off into the distance, admiring the sea, while also reflecting on its ferocity and indifference. "Do you suppose that's a bad thing? Should we reatttune ourselves to nature?"

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Relisai stood by the sole window, her eyes on the Capitol below. 


She saw a flock of birds in the distance, dock vultures most likely, and creatures who's minds were cut off from her. The Toroshu hated the feeling. Being imprisoned was bad enough but to be denied the use of her Willhammer abilities was like cutting of one of her own limbs. Yet another offence of that little brat Yumiwa, the Vilda Toroshu thought. 


It had been days, more, since the party. Battles had broken out in the street, screams filling the highways, but what Relisai remembered most vividly were the loud trumpets and the proclamation. The stupid little girl had been made Rora. 


Relisai had been forgotten in all the mess. Her guards had rotated, but no new orders had come from the Palace on what to do with the imprisoned Vilda. All Relisai could do was look out her little window into the outside world and think, and dream and remember. She thought of her own evil niece whom she knew was plotting to usurp her, take the Vild throne from Relisai's lineage for her own. And she dreamt of plunging a knife deep into the girls ribs, grinning as she watched the life fade from the pretty Soraph's eyes. She even dreamt of giving Yumiwa a good whipping, to let the obnoxious Rora understand who truly held the power in the Empire. But most of all, she Relisai remembered.




Kulrik, along with his loyal aide reached the Libraries with little incident. There were a few worried glances of Dashi as they hurried along their busy days, unsure the night would herald more fighting or the much preferred quiet, but otherwise the two Menti found little change in the Jewelled City. Of course, that may have been simply because of the route they'd taken, but whatever the case all was peaceful.


They ran up the steps, Kulrik in the lead, past the mammoth doors and into the Library proper.


The First Son paused, looking around.


He'd never entered the building back during his Menti training as he far preferred the outdoors, which felt more natural and reminded him of home. There had also been no practical use for visiting the Imperial Library - males were bred not to learn but to fight, and Kulrik fought very well. Glancing across the room, Kulrik tried to determine why the rows of shelves and studious citizens seemed so familiar... Right! He HAD been in here, once. He'd spent the visit in the lower levels, a pretty young librarian keeping him company with one thing or another. Kulrik wondered if she was still here, and if she remembered him....


He shook his head. That was not why they were here.


"Ok Seigyo, we might as well begin now" the Vilda started excitedly. "So as I've already told you, I found the huge lumbering sword underneath Ageru land in some ancient chamber, and its been quite the mystery since. The first time I struck it in that room it glowed red and myself and the lovely Toroshu Kilanya were nearly incapacitated by mental screaming, the words "The Children of Zataka" being all we heard before I returned the blade to it's sheathe.

"Since then, whenever I've hit the blade it's glowed red, but no screaming. We can hear some sort of whispering, but that could just be the wind for all we know. Finally a Dashi Ageru servant of Kilanya's ignored the whisperings entirely."


Kulrik led Seigyo to an empty reading room, a construction designed to amplify the psionic energy in the library's crystal books allowing them to be read by those with the proper training, namely Menti.


"I believe I've figured it out, but what do you think of this puzzle Seigyo?"

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Kaede

"Much of our society is built around either the urban centers or tamed, agricultural land. If I recall correctly, only the Vilda really specialize in maintaining the wild. We like our comfortable, orderly, controlled worlds too much. I'm not sure about myself, but there are many who are scared of nature and its chaos." Kaede stared off into the distance, admiring the sea, while also reflecting on its ferocity and indifference. "Do you suppose that's a bad thing? Should we reatttune ourselves to nature?"




"If you'll pardon me for saying so," Zyla said, watching the expressions of the two Menti carefully, "if this conflict in Sado goes on for much longer, I fear that we will be more attuned to nature and chaos than we could have ever anticipated before."





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"Before the Imperial palace was built, Dasaka ran riot without rules or moral code. It was complete chaos." Jinrali Explained. "If war breaks out, we might experience that chaos once more."




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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IC: Chiyo

Chiyo smiled back, but it wasn't visible beneath her smooth mask. She followed Kilanya into the room and took a seat in one of the chairs reserved for guests of the Toroshu.


IC (Kilanya)


Kilanya gave the Datsue a nod, both of thanks and respectful dismissal, before seating herself behind her desk.


"So tell me," she asked her guest, "what is it your mother wishes you to speak with me about?"



"Maybe strength isn't your problem." Kagesu began slowly, crossing her arms almost unconsciously. "Soulsword isn't just a name. When you summon your weapon, you are making a little piece of yourself become manifest in the real world. Your weapon of choice reflects both practicality, and what you think it should look like. If your heart isn't in it, your weapon will falter. Conviction is as important as concentration."


"When you used your power under Arisaka's training, it was under imminent danger. You needed to protect, or else you would have been harmed. Nothing creates conviction like the need to survive, or the desire to protect. You can create the energy, but perhaps you lack the resolve, the desire, to forge it into a weapon." The Eiyu pointed to her chest. "A Soulsword comes from here. So why do you want to create one?"



IC (Enali)




Enali was quiet for a while.


"...I don't know."





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"The Chojo shouldn't be occupied, to my knowledge." I comment to the Plangori Toroshu, mostly as a means of breaking the silence. I don't enjoy extended lulls in conversation, particularly not in public. I'm used to being silent myself, but I always feel like leaving the air empty didn't do anyone any good.


Probably overthinking it.


"She was in her quarters when I was last up this way, so that's likely where she remains."




"Well, then you should think about it. Everyone has a reason for why they do what they do, and what discipline they chose. It says something about you. It said something about me, and your Soulsword will say something about you."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"You both speak the truth, of course," Zyla explained. "When the crystal walls of the Imperial Palace rose, and began the march of urbanizing these islands, they were a sign of order and structure in the world." She kept watching their expressions, always worried that she would, with one word, overstep her boundaries and clear a path for a blade to her throat.


"So it would only seem that if chaos descends on the Archipelago, and the Palace falls ... we will find ourselves back in nature, whether we want it or not."





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[sado, Imperial Palace]

“I am glad to hear that,” Morie said.  “Considering how long I waited.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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OOC: well, here goes...


IC: Chiyo



"I'm most concerned right now in how the Ageru plan on managing their trade and food production," she had said. "An army marches on its stomach after all, so the Ageru would have enormous power to shift the tide of war by allowing or forbidding distribution. I'm curious as to how active the Dastana are in distribution, and whether they can be cut out."


At least, that's how Chiyo remembered it. Mother might have phrased it a little differently.


"Mother is... Concerned about the current circumstances around the empire. She is extremely suspicious of the Clan Dastana's motivations and fears the prospect of war, ever-pondering possible courses of action if such an event were to occur. What... She sent me to discuss with you specifically is what your plans for the future are in terms of food distribution. Clan Ageru holds a vital spot as one of the Archipelago's largest producers of food, so if it were to place a trade embargo on any one particular Clan, the results could be... Disastrous for that group." Chiyo took a deep breath and continued. "More specifically, we are curious as to how active the Dastana are in the distribution of resources, and if you were to choose to cut them out for any reason, if they feasibly could be... removed from the system."


Chiyo hoped she hadn't stepped on any landmines or crossed over any red lines, so to speak. She was in the habit of being straight to the point, but did she give the wrong impression? Nevertheless, mother's message was conveyed, hopefully not distorted in any way. She waited Kilanya's response.

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IC: Ichi

"Hah... Is it all gone?"


I stood in front of her shop, or what was left of it. It had been badly damaged during the riot, with a massive hole in the floor from somebody falling through it...? The remains of one of the tables had been scattered in the alleyway below before the cleanup crew had disposed of it. "Just, wow..."


Ni was faring slightly better, only having to deal with barrels and wagons after all. Me? I'd either need a new place to set up shop or get the renovations crews in to fix the place up. Right now, the second option seemed more viable; in fact, I had only returned here to pick up a few pots and pans, having made arrangements with a friend of mine to live at their place for a while. Still, it was sorta hard to let go... This little lot in the market had been my baby, and my mother's baby, and her mother before her, and all the way back until the first Rora herself. Now thanks to some hooligans, it was gone. "Ancestors, please forgive me..."


A Menti wearing the colors of Hogo came walking by. Should I talk to her...? Nah, only if she talks to me... Perhaps I would just sit here and mope around for a while.


OOC: that would be Higashi

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"Dark magic? What would make your mother think that?" Kulrik asked innocently. 


The First Son opened the door to a reading room. It was crystalline and just big enough for a few Menti to fit in. There was a table on side by the wall, and three chair around it. Kulrik ushered Seigyo in before entering himself and closing the doors behind them.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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"You both speak the truth, of course," Zyla explained. "When the crystal walls of the Imperial Palace rose, and began the march of urbanizing these islands, they were a sign of order and structure in the world." She kept watching their expressions, always worried that she would, with one word, overstep her boundaries and clear a path for a blade to her throat.


"So it would only seem that if chaos descends on the Archipelago, and the Palace falls ... we will find ourselves back in nature, whether we want it or not."




IC: Kaede

"Right. True..." Kaede was silent for a while.

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"Maybe the sword was created by Zataka, it's impossible to know. But I don't think dark magic involved - no, I believe the explanation is a little more mundane than that. I'f I'm right, the sword isn't a sword at all - It's a book! All those lines and imperfections along the length of it are like letters in a page. When the blade is struck and the stone in the centres glows it... activates the book and those who have access to the psionic plane are able to hear what's being read. That's why the Dashi couldn't hear any whispering, she'd never been trained in Ideatalk!

"And that chamber Kilanya and I found it in, it was like some sort of super reading room. These rooms normally amplify the psychic etchings in a book a dozen fold or so, but that hall was a hundred times stronger. That's why we were nearly knocked out.


Kulrik talked quickly, excited by the prospect that they'd truly stumbled upon something special. Chasing women was always fun, but this was something the First Son had never done before, only heard about in nighttime stories. He wasn't sure which hunt he enjoyed more.


"I might be wrong. But there's only one way for us to find out.


Alone in the reading room except for Seigyo, Kulrik still looked around to make sure no one was watching. It felt like the next few moments were auspicious somehow, full of energy and Kulrik wasn't particularly keen on sharing. Additionally, the two Menti were looking into a sword with possible connections to Zataka - not the most accepted area of resarch, and with tempers flaring around the Empire, the slightest misdeed could spark a battle. 


On the other side of the crystal walls Dasaka were busy with study, oblivious to Kulrik's and Seigyo chamber.


The Vilda First Son unstrapped the sheathed behemoth blade from his back and took out the crystal weapon. He moved it through the air, an eye on the edge and myriad imperfections.


Without warning, he stabbed it point first into the ground.


Red light from the stone in the blade filled the room, casting a bloodied glare on it's two occupants. Then the voice began.


:The Children of Zataka is an order most holy, charged with a divine task from the Great Spirit Herself. This mission is beyond any one of us and even the Archipelago. Through our efforts all the world will change and recognize Her sovereignty over all. Society as it exists is blinded by the Twin's overbearing glare, unable to see the path forward. It is under the shade of our canopy that the way will be revealed, and we will lead the march to this world's perfection. 

We have laboured for millennia towards this goal; we've seen clans rise and fall, rulers march to the throne and then stumble off with a knife in the back, but always we have endured. 


Like our Lady's progeny we are few in number yet great in strength. 


Like our Lady's progeny we are scattered amongst the clans, as metal amongst the dirt.


Like our Lady's progeny we are different. We are the blessed.


It is Tomorrow that our power will be unleashed from the box in which it has been held. It is immense, awesome, ancient; the culmination of our work. Started before memory began and fashioned with the brawn of a thousand minds and a hundred clans, it is only now finished.


With the keys the box will be open, and Power will ....


...sword, hidden underground...on Ageru land near Mahuika Hall. It is a weapon to be beheld and feared, to be wielded only by those worthy, Her progeny. Of all the keys it most envied, a mark that it's owner has been touched by our Lady Herself. The blade...


....the source of our materials, beneath a palace of crystal where She rises from her abode. A Child from a younger clan, the Dastana, discovered the place and arranged for a sanctuary to be carved out of the riches there, a place where our Lady may rest on her visits. This Key is the most lovely; they say that to see it is to see the beauty of our Lay incarnate...




...Together the Keys will unleash our bound power and the islands will quiver. Menti and Saihoko will stand watch silently in fear, for their world will be no more. It can -will! - overthrow the Rora's reign, and a new moon shall rise!:


"I think we might need to listen to that again" Kulrik said. 


A librarian knocked on the crystalline door, a stern look on her face and obviously disturbed by the red light flooding out of the room.



OOC: New plot, approved the Big Man himself. Anyone got a Dasaka character looking for something to do?

Edited by Toa Fanixe
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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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Ic: I hated the feeling offing trapped in my apartment, essentially under house arrest. It's not a matter of being bored—a theory I casually tore apart by looking at the ample hobbies in my suite—it was a matter of anxiety. I tried to reconcile the possibilities in my head; what exactly was my uncle trying to do? What did he mean by that... ridiculous stunt? Despite my anger and despondency, I wanted to believe my uncle meant well. Mom once told me Rayuke was an automaton of duty, his mind affected by the polarizing effect of his Kanohi's power. He was calm and just, if not a little consumed with a directive for maintaining Order, a directive he apparently recognized me as a threat to. 


Devoid of any of my councilors (I doubted Desde wanted to talk to me in the moment and Inokio would surely be barred from entering my apartment after threatening Rayuke with force), I resorted to trying to calm myself. I opted to just... pace my apartment in a circle. I flitted from the bedchamber to the balcony, closet to sitting room, lavatory to spa, then back to the bedchamber where I'd begin the cycle again. Regardless of my uncle's intentions, the end result was obvious: My authority was undermined and the dignity of the royal family put in question. Neither the Empress nor her Executioner had put on a show suitable for any press, but I was sure word of the Umbraline's tantrum and kidnapping had spread among the remaining courtiers like wildfire. Now I was confronted with a very serious situation: How was I going to save enough face to regain control?


More importantly, if I couldn't keep power over my own court, how was I expected to rule the empire? I quickened my pace.


There was only one way to get to the bottom of this and that was through Rayuke himself. Trapped or no, I was still the Rora and nothing short of my abdication (or death) could end my rights. Whether it happened now or a day from now my uncle had to come and see me, and when he did I'd be prepared with my talking points. In the meantime, I'd be whiling away the calories as I jogged around my place, working to clear my mind and gain perspective...

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In a corner of the Imperial Library, materials were spread out across an entire table. Books and reading crystals, notes and observations offhandedly recorded by the Menti that was seated at the work area. To see a woman to immersed in her studies was rare, but Eiyu Nihonei, not for the first time, found herself in need of the thoughts and words of those wiser than herself. The Empire's histories, primary sources from Toroshu living in the times depicted, every scrap of information she could find was added to the rapidly growing pile around her. Her guards were attentive, aiding her when needed and perhaps engaging in a little reading of their own while they saw to their duties. 


Nihonei was, to say the least, an unusual patron. She was deeply knowledgeable about what materials the Imperial Library possessed, though she was not always aware of where they were stored. Due to the Lorekeeper, the massive storehouse of knowledge was arranged not at all unlike her own library on the Eiyu's lands. Finding what she needed was not usually an issue, though on several occasions she found herself walking down aisles and rows that seemed as though they had not seen traffic in many a year. A great shame, she thought. Here in the Imperial Palace was the greatest concentration of knowledge, of wisdom, in the entire Archipelago, rivaled only by her own clan's. And despite her pride, Nihonei was forced to admit that the Library far exceeded her own.


And yet, so few people visited it. So much to be learned from the past, and no one chose to listen to the words echoing forth from beyond the centuries. Idly, she set aside what she had been reviewing (an obscure tome, recorded by an Ageru Battlemaster half a dozen centuries past. Useful for its outline of the finer points of the Soulsword discipline) and sighed. She had already been in the library several hours, absorbing information ranging from powers to tactics to history. She had consumed entire encyclopedias' worth of contents regarding the wars between clans in the past, and all the subtle intrigue tracing back centuries. 


Those who did not know the past, after all, were doomed to repeat it. And she would not allow her clan to repeat it.


OOC: Nihonei is, as of now, open for interaction at the Imperial Library.




"I apologize for the wait, Toroshu. As you saw, things today have been... Hectic."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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And so pretension to Order is coming to its climax. Everything that has been bubbling underneath, unseen, hidden, for generations, is finally coming to the surface.


I walked slowly through the Royal Apartments, more so than usual even for me, lost in my own thoughts. Part of me was consumed with this increasingly-frustrating search for my sister's killer, the the other half was slowly coming to grips with political ramifications of my earlier actions. I was not convinced that they were wrong; at this point however I could see that I was not completely in the right either. The last several weeks had been difficult and tolling on both my mind and body, to which the meeting with the twins put me on edge... and then Yumi put me over the edge.


Again, I was not wrong... but somewhere in the back of my head I felt like I was missing something. Generation gap possibly? I really didn't know her as well as I should. At this point though I should be used to missing a lot of things; I was no longer in the loop with anything these days it seemed, my inability to bring Justice and Order to the Empire proof of concept.


I let out a long sigh and shook my head.


I was getting... tired.


Ever since the day I was handed this mask and sword it was my duty to uphold Law and Order. Justice. And though that, Honor. Every waking moment and every single day as was my obligation. It was my purpose, my sole reason for existence. I never mated or had children. I didn't have a personal life. No friends, only distant family and coworkers. The closest thing to a vacation I ever got was my fleeting escapes to bonsai plants and crystal-carving. There was no place I could go, no one I could talk to about the daily struggles I went through. I had no one to bear my feelings to, no individual that I could release the inner pressures this job demanded. There was one person, but now she was dead. Masa helped, her constant presence a witness to my struggles, but she was my underling and therefore the relationship only went so far.


Simply put I was very much... alone.


I stopped in the hallway, standing only for a second before turning sideways and leaning back into one of the pillars. The stress and burden of my responsibilities were weighing heavier on me these days, and I felt like it was beginning to show. This was not because of age; I was the youngest of my generation, only now beginning to enter middle-age, but even I would admit I looked far older. I closed my eyes, my mind drifting. Had it been worth it? The personal sacrifices given to be where I was now, to have the authority of the law on your side, to have ultimate Power over life and death? To be the unshakable pillar of Order?


After the events of the last twenty-four hours, I was beginning to doubt that.


Beginning to wonder if my lack relationships with my nieces was worth the tradeoff.


Clan honor and all that.


Flaring my nostrils I pushed myself upright once more and resumed my stroll, this time with a little more purpose. It wasn't long before I arrived at the Rora's personal quarters, my women still standing guard faithfully.




"No visitors save the Chojo," replied the sergeant crisply, giving a short bow, "bringing food per your orders."


Despite my neutral stance my eyebrow went up a fraction. "I... see. What kind... of food?"


"Basic gruel, my lord, per your instructions. Palatable, but I wouldn't call it even three-star dining."


The slight smirk on her face revealed her true thoughts even as it faded as quickly as it came. I could sense they all felt the same way... with a slight exhale of breath I waved my hand.


"Thank you. Dismissed."


Each saluted as they filed away, leaving me alone at my niece's door. I raised my hand to knock, but paused right before I did. Desde always did have a kind heart. Though fooling my guards like that... I would need to have a chat with her about faking orders.


The thought of my younger niece almost made me smile.


With a few solid raps I knocked, awaiting permission to enter. I had no doubt she was going to rail into me... and probably with good reason too. As always I would need to stand there and take it, just like I did with the Twins... and pretty much everybody else. Sometimes my job required me to be the proverbial punching bag... though this time it was going to be different. Different because now I had an opportunity to have a real sit down and conversation with Yumi - a conversation I've never had before. This was possibly the best chance to begin to learn who she was now that she was Rora and an adult. Learn how to deal - no, work - with her.


She was, after all, the Rora, and I was the Executioner, elder uncle or not. If I didn't start now, I feared I would never get the chance to again.


Clasping my hands behind my back I awaited patiently.

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Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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Ic: It was my umpteenth circuit—bedchamber, balcony, closet, sitting room—knock! knock! knock!—Was that him at the door?


Despite the swirling thoughts that plied my brain that filled me with rhetoric as I walked my apartment before, the rapping had robbed me of the strength I possessed before and I stood stoic in anxious fright in the direction of the percussion through the homely chambers. The guards outside would't allow anyone short of my sister or uncle to touch the door, and Desde no reason to come back yet. I concluded it was Rayuke indeed and did my best to steel my nerves.


The knocking had stopped—he'd only knocked three times once—but somehow that only exacerbated the intensity for me. My uncle was a loyal subject and servant of my mother's crown, but I wondered how the perplexing tragedies and public unrest had affected his demeanor. I expected him to be suitably upset, maybe even as uncomfortable about his recent actions as I was. Since screaming obscenities at him had not wormed for me last time I doubted angsty denouncement, even in private, wouldn't serve me well this time, either. 


Warily but steadily I stepped around my sofa to better present myself. My knees were shivering. I had as much work to do as Rayuke did to maintain my dignity, and I wasn't going to forsake my position regardless of former marred impressions. For what it was worth, this was me, on my own, using the poise I'd espoused from my mother. Hana wasn't here to hold my hand and my actions were my own now. Impressions mattered.


I clasped my hands together at my back and spread my ankled to shoulder width to steady my nerves for the showdown. My uncle may have been a seeker of truth but I wanted to get to the bottom of things just as urgently or else my seat was worthless. 


Breathe in... Breathe out.


"Come in," I said regally, finally prepared to meet my uncle anew (I hoped).

Edited by EmpressYumiwa
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"Come in," came the rather regal reply through the door. I almost rolled my eyes as I went to open it; even now she still had it in her to sound like Queen of the World. How she managed to do it despite circumstances I would never fathom... I stepped in, closed the door quietly behind me, then looked as Yumiwa-


And promptly everything I thought I had prepared to possibly say went out the window.


She stood in front of the sofa, hands behind her  back, as calm and cool as any regent should be. Fairly relaxed and dignified stance with feet at shoulder width, calm and colected face, neutral demeanor, a near duplicate of my late sister, albeit much younger. It was the perfect poise for this meeting, a near-perfect impression for the upcoming... discussion, if you wanted to call it that. But that's all it was - an impression. A good one at that, but I could see.


Her knees were slightly locked, no doubt to prevent shaking; hands behind back to hide any possible tremors; a hint of overly timed breathing to relax unsteady nerves; but what most got me was the eyes. Hidden behind the regal gaze of a prepared Rora, tucked away beneath those steely, glowing orbs: anxiety. No matter hard hard she hid it, no matter how calm she made herself, the fact was there - she was afraid.


And that hit me harder than any strike that I had ever felt during any honor duel.


To see her frightened of me, even in a subtle way... it really was the last straw. Part of me broke. It shouldn't be like this. The people were generally afraid of my position as enforcer of the laws; the Twins while innocent were still mildly terrified when presented with the concept of being questioned; even Inokio fidgeted and looked uncomfortable when talking with me. Now this. No matter where I go or who I speak with mild apprehension seems to surround my presence, regardless of my words or actions. Only the guilty should have to fear me, not... everyone.


Not... family.




At this moment my mind refused to work, nothing I could do but stand and stare at her for a long minute, longer than I really should have. By sheer will I managed to pull myself out of it, unclasping my sword as I did so and setting it by the door. Very slowly I walked over the couch and sat down, the sofa a size too small for my frame, and... sighed, my chin leaning heavily on a pair of fists as elbows dug almost painfully into a set of knees.


She may not be, but I was tired of keeping up appearances. There was no point.


"How... are you feeling?" I finally asked

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Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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Ic: I chose to sit on a lounge chair directly opposite my uncle and exhaled audibly as I let myself regress a little bit. The differences between us two Umbralines were glaringly apparent in my lounge as Rayuke let go of any formality of the visit. We were family in the same basket but... raised for different lots. Whereas I—activated the moment Mom gave me responsibility—wore the political mask of poise and strength as a second nature, my uncle was required to wear his own version without wanting to. It wore him down while it energized me. We coped in different ways. 


I crossed my legs and leaned back a bit before answering him honestly. "That, dear uncle, entirely depends on what you say next." All the things I wanted to say but knew I couldn't—the spite I'd rehearsed and bite I'd imagined abated temporarily but didn't dissipate. I previously made the mistake of angering first; I couldn't risk that again. "Listen—I have no doubt you meant well, but before you ever act you have to choose which Rayuke you're going to be, Yumi's uncle or the esteemed Imperial Executioner. You cannot be both at once, to me or anyone else, and the version you choose decides how you are perceived."


I'll admit that I felt a bit silly, telling my more experienced familiar the rules of the royal's game, but it bore retelling. "You served my mother in both roles with distinction and are undoubtedly one of the wisest men I know but you mustn't let that intelligence slip, not when you need it most." And before he could say anything I quickly blurted, "And the same goes for me, too."


I waited with measured breath for his response.

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IC: (Senavysh Angavur/Imperial Library/Sado)


It was sad how little the Imperials paid attention to this place, Sena thought. She had made it a goal for herself to visit the Imperial Library every time she came to Sado. Be it once, twice or a dozen times. She always was in awe of it, a vast collection of knowledge, of experience, of words. The names of countless Toroshu, clans living, clans gone, tactics and poems alike. Among her people, the village library was a place of tradition of thought. The Taajar had a rich literary tradition, despite what some ignorant Imperials might think. Epics and poems, tactical guides and almanacs, biographies and histories.  The latter were especially coveted, she thought, to remind clans of the glories of the past, and keep the memory of it alive.


In this Library, there was a large section (Relatively) filled with Taajar texts. There was studies by Imperial scholars about them, their histories, and their tactics (Something she had a deep interest in), there were donated texts in Vulgar Taa, sent as part of tribute to the crown in the past, and finally there was the ancient tomes. Hidden in an old part of the building was a vast collection of books and scrolls, completely priceless. Religious texts, early versions of the modern sagas, and manuscripts written by the court writers of the Xhanoks. All were in Old Taa, and all were taken long ago after the defeat of her people. Some were from clans destroyed by wars, against both the Imperials and themselves. Some, like a fragile version of her clan's de facto epic, The Crystal Hewers, were taken as spoils from the remaining clans. It saddened her, but she was thankful at the least the Imperials didn't leave them to turn to dust.


As Sado was tearing itself apart, she had found a degree of refuge in here. As it was either read in the library, or go into her quarters for her own safety. She couldn't really leave the city until she paid tribute the Rora, as according to the old treaties. So she decided to make use of her free time to read up on tactics of the old world. She had with her texts from rather obscure modern scholars, about Taajar and Imperial strategies in ancient times. She thought she would read the modern texts first, as she was still in the process of learning the intricacies of Old Taa from her sister back home. She was sitting at a table, away from another figure, an Imperial near middle-age, with a intellectual demeanor. She noticed her going about, picking up dozens of encyclopedias, to her mind, looking for something with a disheartened look. Might as well help. So Sena got up, and asked Nihonei:


"... I couldn't help but notice you are looking a tad disheartened," she said, in near perfect Imperial. "Are you looking for something special? I know this place well, and could help look for it, if you want?" 

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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OOC: I believe that was directed here, but correct me if I'm wrong. :P




"Unless you can find the answer to a question I've yet to understand, I'm afraid not." Nihonei looked up smiling faintly at the arrival. "It's not a matter of not knowing where to find what I'm looking for, it's a matter of not being certain what I am looking for."


"The offer, however, is very much appreciated. It's good to see someone still visits the Library in Sado. If I were home, there would be a scholar looking for answers in every row. Here, I make my company with people long since returned to dust."

Edited by Ninth Krayzikk



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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A slight snort of mild amusement escaped my nostrils as she blurted that last part, my eyes still staring at the door across the lounge. "Your compliment... means much." I began slowly, thinking carefully on how I wanted to word this. "I do not... receive them often. But as to... fulfilling both roles, I... was only able to because... your mother was alive. I did not feel... the pressure of... family patriarch. I could... serve her, be... Executioner, and privately... be your uncle. But in even that I... seem to have... failed in. I know you as well as... inside the crater atop Mount Koshiki. I did not... spend the time with you... when I had the chance. Now I fear... I don't."


I paused for a second, closing my eyes. "Which might explain... our spat. I don't... know you or your... ways of leadership. I don't... understand your... 'style'. You may have been... properly trained and prepared, but I... still see an inexperienced, if not at times a... spoiled and bratty Chojo. Perhaps I need to... realize you are now an adult, let you... lead as you should. You ARE... the Rora. But there are... few outside the palace who have... confidence in that. Or you."


"And forgive me, my... Rora, but I am... one of those... people."


I sank a little lower in the sofa, feeling relieved of the admission but at the same time extremely guilty for saying so. The term I used - her title - was purposeful and explicit; as my niece, daughter of my sister, my own flesh and blood, I had every confidence and undying love for her as one of my only two remaining close family members. As supreme ruler of this empire however... that confidence wasn't as stable. She may be strong and smart and resourceful, but as always I watched. I'd seen her when she thought she was alone. Observed her mannerisms and they way she dealt with individuals. And having been there during that party when she... I willed that particular memory out of my head.


To always walk the tightrope Yumi, to be two different people and maintain dignity and honor for both... is something that few understand. To be continuously on the outside looking in, rarely able to share what's in my head... it's maddening, I thought privately. The interview had only lasted a few minutes thus far, yet his was probably the deepest and most perceptive conversation I had ever had with her. I had no idea how she was going to react to what I said... because I didn't know her.


This was either going to be a really short or really long conversation.

Edited by Friar Tuck
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Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


"So many people indeed," she said. "But might I ask, why are you searching? Is it for leisure or requirement?"

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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OOC: well, here goes...


IC: Chiyo



"I'm most concerned right now in how the Ageru plan on managing their trade and food production," she had said. "An army marches on its stomach after all, so the Ageru would have enormous power to shift the tide of war by allowing or forbidding distribution. I'm curious as to how active the Dastana are in distribution, and whether they can be cut out."


At least, that's how Chiyo remembered it. Mother might have phrased it a little differently.


"Mother is... Concerned about the current circumstances around the empire. She is extremely suspicious of the Clan Dastana's motivations and fears the prospect of war, ever-pondering possible courses of action if such an event were to occur. What... She sent me to discuss with you specifically is what your plans for the future are in terms of food distribution. Clan Ageru holds a vital spot as one of the Archipelago's largest producers of food, so if it were to place a trade embargo on any one particular Clan, the results could be... Disastrous for that group." Chiyo took a deep breath and continued. "More specifically, we are curious as to how active the Dastana are in the distribution of resources, and if you were to choose to cut them out for any reason, if they feasibly could be... removed from the system."


Chiyo hoped she hadn't stepped on any landmines or crossed over any red lines, so to speak. She was in the habit of being straight to the point, but did she give the wrong impression? Nevertheless, mother's message was conveyed, hopefully not distorted in any way. She waited Kilanya's response.


IC (Kilanya)


"Your mother is quite right," the Toroshu replied evenly. "A trade embargo from the Ageru could potentially cripple a clan. We control a very large share of the Empire's agriculture, and as food is such an essential commodity..."


Kilanya glanced down at the papers on her desk, then back up to Chiyo.


"However," she continued, "the economy can be a delicate thing. If we cease trade with a particular clan, then not only do they lose access to our produce—we lose access to theirs. I would not make such a decision lightly.


"Outright war would most likely force my hand, of course. Trading with one's enemies can be hazardous, after all."





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Ic: There was the answer to my undeclared question: What capacity are you visiting me? "Forgive me, my... Rora..." I'd no doubt Rayuke deliberately used my title over anything else; he was here officially, as an officer of the state, and not a concerned uncle. I withheld a tinge of sorrow—I'd hoped this would be a heart-to-heart between family members and not an assembly of royals—and accepted the occasion regardless. 



"As I said, the same goes for me as well," I asserted. "I have to moderate my presentation just as diligently, and more so than you, Rayuke—something I was doing quite well until you came into the throne room and caused the things I've been unlearning to—-" I sighed. "No." There it was, the younger Yumi flaring up, passionate and unfocused as ever. I couldn't get too comfortable that I reverted to that self, not ever. My people deserved better from me; I wasn't just a princess anymore.
Rayuke studied me with weary eyes but said nothing and barely allowed me to gain the focus I needed to speak wisely. In that, my uncle was stellar. Heh, Mom used to say that even his ponderous inactivity were deliberate and judiciously devised moves all on their own... as though he let someone else catch up to him so that he might deliver a final stroke, of death or genius. There was no malice in his face, just well-meaning patience that stretched further despite being past its limits, and I appreciated that. Rayuke wasn't going to let me fall, I thought, and he wasn't going to make the same mistake again. This meeting was as much about future paths as it was about previous accidents. 
"You say I'm inexperienced. I say... you're right," I admitted. The truth stung just a little, though it did help that I was admitting it and not contesting it. "There's no prancing about the matter: I'm not quite ready for the throne. By the Goddess, Mom was only just starting to give me responsibility weeks before she was assassinated—the expedition to Mata Nui was meant to give me my first real taste of rulership and ultimately hone my skills for the throne. Mom's death came months, years even, too soon for... for all of us. Worse, my muse and adviser is gone in my stead to Mata Nui. These complications cannot be blamed on me, but as the Rora the responsibility is mine to absorb. 
"I recognize I have my faults and I can't rule autonomously, not yet. So, Rayuke, if it's counsel and philanthropy you want to give me, I'll graciously accept it on the condition that your criticisms are discreet. I am not my mother, nor do I aspire to be. I aspire to be greater than Mom was, and I recognize it's a lot of work from here to there but I'm willing to see it through. I have to. For the Realm."
I shifted in my seat, switched my legs the other way and drummed my fingers on the armrests as I impatiently, eagerly but nervously, awaited my uncle's Royal Executioner's response. 
Edited by Queen Anora Mac Tir
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[sado, Arohi School of the Mind]




I frowned at the arrow landed in the center of the inner ring.  I’d always found archery somewhat therapeutic, but it was impossible to know if the arrows trajectory was affected by any mindarm powers or if it was just my aim.


I sighed.  I was bored.  This city was boring.


I lay my bow down carefully (yes, I am capable of that thank you) and stripped off my archery glove.  As I was about to pack up my stuff, somebody pushed past me.  Rude.


I would have yelled at her but I felt sufficient ennui not to bother.


Archery bag over my shoulder, I walked towards the dorms.  Maybe I could finish those poems tonight.  But apparently whoever controls lives had other ideas, because I caught sight of a familiar face.


“Hey!” I waved to Jiyu.


[Odaiba, Northeast Coast]


Once they had left Sado, the buzzing of conversation had returned to the caravan, but Hatchi only found the energy to nod in response to Mrimok’s excited chatter.  She was...preoccupied that was the word, and more than normal.  Most Taajar simply knew the boundaries between them and Imperials, but didn’t dwell on them.


But this was different.  Hatchi had been born just before the end of the last Imperial War, and this new violence was new to her.  She was used thinking on her feet, and she found herself tracing a million plans of how to react if the caravan came under attack, if they found the village razed…


“Hey look!”


Mrimok’s excited shout jolted Hatchi out of her musings, she saw a lone dasaka sitting on a hill.  The menti warrior wore no clan colors, which probably made her less dangerous.


“It’s just a ronin,” she said to the young dashi.  “They’re not a danger unless someone pays them, and I doubt anyone cares enough about us to that.  Don’t attract her attention.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Chiyo

"I see."




"Please excuse my directness, but that was all my mother wished to discuss with you today. Unless you have something to inquire of Plangori, in which case I will answer to the best of my ability. I dare not... Overstay my welcome." Chiyo knew that her statement may have been a little rude, but she wasn't one for small talk.


IC: Wisp

Two Dashi passed by her. She turned to look at them; they were conversing with each other but she couldn't hear their conversation. Given that they were looking back at her, they could have been talking about her. Ah, whatever. She went back to grass weaving.


IC: Kaede

"Yes, very nice."

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[sado, Arohi School of the Mind]


Friend.   It was weird, having someone call me that, but I still smiled back.


“Not usually, but my dear Mother had other ideas.”

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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