Toa Fanixe Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 IC: While Seigyo was gone to fetch their lunch, Kulrik decided to go for a swim. He took off his armour and his shirt and laid them by the base of a nearby tree. He broke into run and performed a shallow dive into the water, performing a few strokes just under the surface to reach the other bank. He came up for air, then returned to his original side. He treaded water, enjoying the release from the hot noon sun. He heard someone approaching from the forest. It could only be Seigyo with the salad. Kulrik reached out with his mind, searching for the woman that accompanied him everywhere he went. He found it soon enough, having grown accustomed to the feel of Seigyo's mind on the mental plane after their length of time together. As Seigyo drew nearer Kulrik forced an image into her mind using his Sighteye ability. To Seigyo, it appeared that Kulrik was floating face down in the water, his limp body slowly moving downstream. Quiz by You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much Which Barraki are you?
AuRon the champion Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 IC: A terrible image formed inside Seigyo's head. Be it a warning, or a vision of what had happened, Seigyo gently dropped the Salads on the ground before holstering her weapons. Then she ran. "Master Kulrik!?" She shouted, panic creeping into her voice as she neared the brook Kulrik was at earlier. When no response came, she briefly opened up her mind. :Master Kulrik!?: BZPRPG Characters
Toa Fanixe Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 IC: Kulrik heard Seigyo shout his name first, but didn't respond. Then he heard her yell his name across the mental plane. He decided Seigyo might need a little more persuasion for the prank to come to fruition. :Unnggghhhhhh.: Kulrik groaned lightly. He maintained his hold on Seigyo's mind as a Sighteye, making sure that all she would see when she got to the brook would be Kulrik drowned in the water. Quiz by You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much Which Barraki are you?
Ghosthands Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 (edited) IC (Kilanya) Tara would soon hear the sound of someone coming down the path ahead - the steady beat of footsteps on the dirt, the subtle clink of crystal armour, the rustle of red cloth. The Dasaka that rounded the corner was quite clearly no ordinary one. Her crystal armour was masterfully crafted, and accompanied by no small amount of gold-trimmed metal. The red cloth of a powerful Menti warrior graced her waist and shoulders, and though she carried no weapons, a Menti was never truly unarmed. Then there was the way that she carried herself. Her steps were graceful, but confident; the elegance that comes with power both physical and mental. Her head was held high, eyes half-closed, basking in the warm sun and cool breeze that danced together on her face. As she neared and noticed the Dashi working on the path, she stopped, giving a slight smile. "Good morning," she said. Edited November 27, 2013 by Ghosthands
Constructelf Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 IC Sokuratesu"I wouldn't mind," the Menti politely replied. She was currently doing chin ups on one of the high bars. Looking down at the Menti warrior who had addressed her, she continued "There's plenty of gear available. Unless you meant sparring..."
AuRon the champion Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 IC: Seigyo's pace quickly increased. Once she reached the brook, Seigyo was in full panic. She quickly fished Kulrik's body out of the water, prior to starting to try to revive Kulrik through Artificial respiration. Interestingly enough, some Dasaka before Seigyo who studied the medical arts must of had a sense of humor, as the other name for the emergency procedure was commonly known as 'The Kiss of Life'. Oh ZutoNui please don't be dead, please don't be dead, please don't be dead! BZPRPG Characters
Toa Fanixe Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: Kulrik coughed lightly. Seigyo was bent over him, her face just inches from his as she desperately and mistakenly tried to revive the Vilda First Son. "You know Seigyo, if you had wanted to kiss me, you needn't have dragged me out of the stream. The water temperature was absolutely perfect, you know. By the way, where is the salad? I'm famished." Kulrik looked perfectly innocent, genuinely curious about the state of the salad. He completely ignored the fact that to Seigyo, he had apparently just nearly died. Quiz by You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much Which Barraki are you?
AuRon the champion Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: "I had thought- I had thought you drowned Master Kulrik!" Seigyo exclaimed before letting out a sigh of relief. "The salad is with your belongings," She said, slowly starting to regain her composure before getting off Kulrik and sitting next to him. BZPRPG Characters
They Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) Soraph wiped the sweat off her brow, exhausted and in need of a break after a difficult morning tending to the plants in the Imperial Gardens. She enjoyed the job - it was rewarding, and there was nothing that compared to the beauty of the natural world. Every day she had the opportunity to care for the numerous and delicate species that were so very loved by the Dasaka. Still, at times she wished for something different, something more. Watching over the rare specimens in the Gardens required little thought, and occasionally became quite mechanical.There was no mental stimulation. After a few generations of practicing breeding techniques to keep the species healthy, the process became quite routine. Soraph longed for a position that would allow her to make use of her mind, but it was doubtful that she would get one. She had no illusions - she had been banished to Sado by her aunt Toroshu Relisai to keep Soraph away from the Clan and Castle Vilda. For Soraph, Sado was a prison. Beautiful, but a prison nonetheless. She walked down a hall in the Palace, stepping outside into a veranda to escape the sometimes stuffy building. There she saw someone staring at the sky, a bird resting on his shoulders. "That is a beautiful Jano you have there" Soraph said to Koga. OOC: I just realized this bird is not in his profile. :/ I'll edit that in ASAP. :)IC: Daikura Koga "Thank you." Koga remarked without turning around. To the woman behind him Koga seemed distant but warm, as if social restraint rather than personal disinterest kept his gaze from her. a dark hand rubbed the vermillion throat of the jano bird, producing a happy chortle from the rahi. "Her name is Hane." There was a flicker on the psionic plane, and Soraph could feel the blue flames licking across the void. They did not burn, simply existed. Koga remained facing the sea, but it was without a doubt the same man. :Who are you?: The flames asked. Edited December 3, 2013 by Kughii Link for the BZPRPG 2013 arc profiles.
Toa Fanixe Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) IC: "Well, here I am, alive and hungry. So, let's start eating, shall we? And please, don't call me 'Master' when it's just the two of us. 'Kulrik' is just fine." Kulrik got up and retrieved his things, bringing them and the salad back to where Seigyo was knelt. He sat down beside her, prepared the salad and offered her bowl of some.They began eating, and Kulrik for one was happy to fill his stomach. "Seigyo, tell me, what do you think of my mother Toroshu's plans? Not just as a my servant, but as a caring friend, what do you think?" A sapphire blue rose, replete with stem and thorns, blossomed into existence in the mental realm. A voice emanated from it, Soraph's very thoughts manifest. :My name is Vilda Soraph, Assistant Caretaker of the Imperial Gardens. And who is it, if I may ask, that has the pleasure of holding up Hane?": Soraph didn't wait for a response, instead focusing her eyes on the bird and reaching out to it with her mind. She touched it gently, careful not scare it off. She was a master at connecting to the mind of an animals, years of experience behind her. Soraph impressed upon the bird the idea that she was a friend, then raised her hand. Hane flew away from Koga and landed on Soraph's arm. She reached into her pocket and withdrew a berry, holding it up to the Janu bird. It nibbled the berry quickly, then rubbed it's beak against Soraph's skin in appreciation. Edited November 28, 2013 by Toa Fanixe Quiz by You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much Which Barraki are you?
AuRon the champion Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: "Yes Ma- I mean, Kulrik," Seigyo said, preparing to consume her food. "I'm not very wise in these sort of things. That would be my brother, Jiyu," She said, rubbing the back of her head, "But... It sounds like a logical plan to me." BZPRPG Characters
NorikSigma Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC | "I'm fine, thank you", Aki said, getting to her feet without assistance, and picking up the items she had dropped. Cracking her back, she asked the stranger,"In a hurry, much?"IC: Akone"No, I just did not see you there. I'm just enjoying my day off, no real destination," Akone said as the Dasaka got up on her own."I am Akone of Clan Hogo. Sorry again," she said, bowing slightly. BZPRPG ARC 3 / Breaking Point Profiles
Toa Fanixe Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: "Your brother Jiyu... you so rarely talk about your family and your clan. Why not? Do you not miss them? What are they like?" Kulrik asked purposefully. Despite having had Seigyo serve him for some time now, Kulrik still had little knowledge about the Herupa clan beyond that they were the most loyal clan in the Empire. He supposed it was his own fault, but he would rectify it soon. Few could resist him when he made up his mind about something. Quiz by You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much Which Barraki are you?
They Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: Daikura Koga His eyes finally left the sky to follow Hane in her flight, landing on the arm of a woman as much a jewel as the sapphire rose. Her clothes were obviously of the Vilda clan, green and red trim marking her out beyond the difference in pattern. Most court dasaka wore robes, though Koga could understand why Soraph would prefer her current outfit as a gardener. Indeed, the trim outfit only helped to accentuate the athletic and alluring body beneath. He briefly considered mentioning Soraph to Toroshu Ihi as a potential candidate based on her beauty alone, but then let the notion fade into abstract thought. :You are well trained to call Hane to your side without words, but I should expect such mastery of wild things from a Vilda. I am Koga, first son of the Daikura. Strange it seems, but I have not seen your face in the court before. Have you been on Sado long?: Link for the BZPRPG 2013 arc profiles.
AuRon the champion Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: "Of course I miss them... But my mother only really has eyes for Jiyu. He's my twin... But he came into the world first. As such, he got the liberty to choose what he wanted to do in life... And he chose to be the next leader of our clan," Seigyo said, frowning at her own words. "As for my other siblings and extended family... I haven't spent much time with them. Our training often dominates our lives prior to offering our services." BZPRPG Characters
Dapper-Sama Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) IC | "Apology accepted", said Aki, extending her arm for a handshake. "I am is Akimatai, of clan Fursic. I too, lack a destination." Edited November 28, 2013 by The Dapper Man Morally unambiguous.
NorikSigma Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: AkoneAkone shook the proffered hand, but she stiffened a little. This was a Fursic, the traitorous schemers against the rule of the Rora and the Umbralines...But Akone knew not to base her opinions solely on clan alone."Perhaps a sparring match in the yards? The Clan that runs the school and yards allow Menti to train there anytime," Akone suggested. BZPRPG ARC 3 / Breaking Point Profiles
Toa Fanixe Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: :A few years, nothing more. My duties in the Gardens take up much of my day, and what little time I have left I would rather spend on myself than in a stuffy court debating politics: Soraph projected mentally while stroking the Janu Bird, admiring Hane's plumage. She turned her attention to Koga. For a First Son he lacked any obvious signs of wealth or luxury, wearing only the clothes of an Instructor of the Mind. He seemed fit enough, so he wasn't one of those individuals that focused entirely on training their mind while leaving their body a mess. And his armour seemed awfully thin - that could only mean Koga was either arrogant, a fool or confidant in his abilities. His muscular form made Soraph lean toward the last option. :You speak as if you frequent the courts often. Is that one of the requirements of being a First Son of the Daikura? I must confess, my cousin is First Son of the Vilda but I have rarely spoken to him in my life, so I have little knowledge of what it is exactly a First Son does other than play with birds: Soraph projected with a hint of playful sarcasm. "Your twin brother would be a male Toroshu?" Kulrik asked, surprised. "I have never heard of such a thing. I can't believe many Dasaka would gladly accept such a deviation from Order." The First Son had noticed Seigyo's apparent displeasure when talking about her brother's aspirations, and thought it due to her own jealousy. "And what about you? Your brother may have his sights on leadership, but what of you? What do you want? "That reminds me. If every Herupa has sworn oaths to other clans, how can there a be leader? Would the Toroshu not be too busy to serve both a master and the clan?" Quiz by You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much Which Barraki are you?
They Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) IC: Daikura Koga :Birds and other creatures with plumage, yes.: Koga shrugged, legs crossing as he leaned back toward the rail with a calm attitude. His flames warmed while the words passed from his mind to Soraph's, accompanied with the soft images of silk and perfume. Smoke scented with rosewood drifted from his mind, forming a gray bridge between the planes of thought. His mental body fluctuated, the ember growing into a likeness of himself wreathed in azure flames. :All men are pieces for our empire, I only happen to be somewhat more valuable. Why let my seat in clan meetings grow cold when I can witness the decisions that shape my future?: Edited November 28, 2013 by Kughii Link for the BZPRPG 2013 arc profiles.
Toa Fanixe Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: Her thoughts grew cloudy as Koga filled them with his own projections. The images were alluring, the scents tantalizingly sweet to Soraph's mind. To a lesser Menti they may have proved disoriented, but Soraph expertly brushed them aside. She was a powerful and dignified Willhammer, and she was not about to be influenced by the honeyed thoughts of a First Son. :And is that all you aspire to in your life? To watch as decisions are made for you, with no hand in their making? That seems like a sorry life. Would you not rather shape your own future, or is that ability beyond even a male of your stature?: The flower that represented Soraph grew slightly in size, its sapphire blue petals opening up to reveal the buds within. It floated toward's Koga's likeness, suspended near his hand. The flower was engulfed in the azure flames surrounding the mental projection, yet the plant did not burn. Quiz by You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much Which Barraki are you?
Dapper-Sama Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) IC: AkoneAkone shook the proffered hand, but she stiffened a little. This was a Fursic, the traitorous schemers against the rule of the Rora and the Umbralines...But Akone knew not to base her opinions solely on clan alone."Perhaps a sparring match in the yards? The Clan that runs the school and yards allow Menti to train there anytime," Akone suggested.IC | Interesting. A clan-run training facility allowing Menti to hone their skills, at any given time? Seemed suspicious...Never refuse the opportunity to improve.Ah, yes. Old advice, that Aki had always remembered. She would recall various bits of helpful information when appropriate."Certainly," She said. "I see no harm in a simple sparring match." Edited November 28, 2013 by The Dapper Man Morally unambiguous.
They Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: Daikura Koga With apparent ease his fingers closed around the stem, bringing the petals toward his face. With a heady whiff his flames fluctuated but before long they returned to a supple state, flickering in the infinite cosmos of two minds. The real world passed by the two menti as if a dream, the sun on their bodies felt equally to the darkness of the plane, and yet the plane seemed the more physical of the two. :My influence runs deeper than you would seem to think,: Koga thought while letting a finger dance about the edge of a sapphire petal. :I do not need to make my voice heard in politics. It's already spoken by who I am, and that is enough according to Zuto-Nui. You should know as well as any other what I mean to this culture. Who I am. To simply push into a realm beyond my reach would be like plucking the petals from a rose – it would not survive.: Link for the BZPRPG 2013 arc profiles.
Toa Fanixe Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: :Indeed, your very being distinguishes you as a treasure of the Empire. But you misunderstand my meaning. I do not suggest that you attempt to 'push into a realm beyond your reach'- that would be undeniable folly. Your power does not lie within the confines of the court, it is outside in the real world. You, as a male, were born to be a warrior fiercer than any other, a father to the Empire. Those you lend you support to will see their star rise, and those you oppose, will fall. Again, your power does not rest with the number of soldiers you command or the resources you own, for you have none - your power rests with yourself. Use it wisely, and you'll find many Dasaka will grant you any request, and that is a great power.: The stem of the flower Koga held grew a thorn, a brief instant of pain reminiscent of a needle in the Daikura's mind. The likeness wreathed in flame reflexively lowered the beautiful, delicate flower, before the pain went away as the thorn dissolved into nothingness. The sapphire rose petals shone brighter in the darkness of the mental plane for a few moments, as if if created its light. :But you would be wise not let such power go to your head. Some Dasaka are not as easily influenced as others:. Soraph paused, thoughtful for a moment. :Tell me if, Daikura Koga, what hobbies do you have? Surely there must be something that interests you other than the Royal Court.: Quiz by You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much Which Barraki are you?
They Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: Daikura Koga He smiled as their consciences began to pull apart, the brief moment of sensorial exchange coming to a reserved epilogue. :You are a philosopher too, I see. My duty as a first son has kept me on the field of glory rather than the eve of battle. Ah, my hobbies... I enjoy learning about those around me, after a fashion. Finding menti as... Engaging as you have been are precious iridescent jewels in a monotony of monochromatic minds. He paused, letting himself fade into the ember with a single flame he commonly portrayed on the psionic plane. :Perhaps you would join me sometime for dinner?: Link for the BZPRPG 2013 arc profiles.
The Lorax Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC (Kore, The Wards, Sado): A light mist entered the mental plane around the spectral forms of Soraph and Koga. It was the lightest of greens, and barely perceptible against the psionic background. It exuded a quiet curiosity as it hung back from the other two Willhammers, silently observing their conversation but advancing no further. It was neither her purpose nor her place in intrude. In the physical realm, Kore the Clanless, janitor of the Wards, slowly moved towards the balcony where the two Menti were talking, ostensibly about a bird held by one of them. She was here to water the potplants that ornamented the carved walls of the palace, but with a pair of Menti there, she wasn't going to interrupt them. They were of the highest class and she the lowest, so politeness dictated that she not disturb them and wait at a discrete distance. She did so at first, but then activated her huna and moved closer, listening. IC (Tapui, Arohi School, Sado): Tapui heard the invitation in the other Menti's question, and decided to take her up on it. Maybe she could get to know this Fursic, and at the very least she could get some extra practise in. Zuto Nui knew she needed it with next week's test so close."I'd love to" she replied, stowing her keys away and bouncing over to Sokuratesu. "I am Dastana Tapui" she introduced herself. "And who is it I have the pleasure of training with today?" IC (Tara, Mount Koshiki, Odaiba): Tara performed a shameless double-take as the Toroshu of Clan Aegru walked around the corner and wished her a good morning. Technically, she was on Clan Aegru's land; she had had to write to them for permission to work in this area, despite its isolation. The reply had come from someone in the Toroshu's service and carried the official seal of the clan, but so did hundreds of other documents that came and went between islands. Tara had never expected the Toroshu to even lay eyes on it - that sort of thing was beneath her notice. After all, she had an entire clan to run, didn't she? To meet this very important person out here of all places was just more than she could process for a moment. "T-Toroshu Kilanya?" she stammered, then bowed deeply. "It is an honour to meet you, and a great surprise too. Forgive me, but I am more accustomed to meeting birds and lizards in these parts than clan leaders".
25K Now! Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: Noshima "It is unnecessary to fret." BZPRPG Profiles
NorikSigma Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: Akone"Great! The Yards are this way," Akone said."It's not completely clan-run per se. Some is open for oitsiders to ise. Most of it is the Arohi school that all Menti train in. You were trained there too, I'm sure?" Akone asked as she led the way. BZPRPG ARC 3 / Breaking Point Profiles
Geardirector Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) IC:Nihonei tapped her fingers against the desk thoughtfully, staring off into space as she thought. After a moment, her gaze refocused."That's not how we do things. If those teachers wish to have common methods between them, that's fine. But we don't impose such methods." OOC: Sorry, missed this IC: Ankora (Eiyu Chateau) "Very well. I will relay the message" Ankora said, and rose out of the armchair to leave "Toroshu," she said as she stopped at the door, "may I just say that I think you've made an excellent decision" A short pause continued, and Ankora flashed one of her gentle smiles "Your predecessor would be proud" Edited December 6, 2013 by Dr. O BZPRPG Profiles Nuparu-Ferron-Mar-Zelvin-Wiremu-Farzan-Mako-Krex-Tamachan-Sholix-Garn-??? Akiri Nuparu Posts: 1. 2. ...
Constructelf Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) IC Sokuratesu"My name is Fursic Sokuratesu. You may have heard of me before." Despite being one of the youngest Menti warriors on the island (she hadn't even been born yet during the last uprising), Sokuratesu had distinguished herself with her unique fighting style, an erratic combination of dance-like kicks, throws and joint locks, and pressure point strikes; in fact, some even mistook her for one of the Tajaar. However, she was much more famous for ticking off her instructors by presenting them with philosophical conundrums, deconstructions of their worldview, and overall just plain annoyance to no end. News travels fast, and word f the young philosopher had spread like wildfire. Edited November 28, 2013 by Man of Miracles
Toa Fanixe Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) IC: :A jewel in a monotony of monochromatic minds? My my, I hadn't thought a male capable of such beautiful poetry.: Soraph's tone had become melodious on the mental plane, her every word a note in a honeyed song. Her appearance as a flower in the mental realm began to flicker and fade, like a dying candle taking it's last, desperate breaths. :Yes, you may have the pleasure of dining with me tonight: Soraph told Koga, knowing full well that it was an honour to be invited to dinner by a First Son. :Meet me here at eight thirty. Don't be late.: The flower popped out of existence, the conversation of minds over. Soraph gently moved her arm upwards, prodding Hane's mind to return to Koga. The Janu bird did just, unfurling it's wings and flying off to land on the Daikura's shoulder. "Until tonight, First Son Koga." Soraph turned to leave, walking out of the veranda back into the Palace's halls. She paused near the doorway, noticing something strange. A shadow on the ground, although there was no object visibly casting one. Soraph didn't say anything, instead just walking on towards the gardens.She quested out with her mind, seeking out the individual that had been hiding during her conversation with Koga. She found it easily enough, a shady green mist on the mental plane. She grabbed hold of it with the wild strength of a Vilda Willhammer, using the Menti discipline to command the person's mind and speak to it individually. :Don't deactivate your Kanohi. Follow me.: Edited November 28, 2013 by Toa Fanixe Quiz by You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much Which Barraki are you?
Ghosthands Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 OOC: jsyk, Lorax, it's spelled 'Ageru'. IC (Kilanya) "And I am pleased to meet you," the Toroshu replied. She rubbed her chin pensively with finger and thumb, the other hand resting on her waist. "You must be the Dashi from Clan Vilda." Her benevolent smile broadened. "I approved your request personally, you know," she said. "I have always enjoyed walking in these parts, and it pleases me that you wish to help others enjoy it too. Would you remind me of your name?"
Constructelf Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC AyakoToday was a good day.Of course, that was a most ambiguous statement. Just how good was the day? Was it only the day that was good, or was the morning pleasant as well? And just what made this day good?For Ayako, it was a good day because the weather was good, the crops were growing, the Dashi were hard at work, and the island was peaceful. Standing on a terrace overlooking the fields of Odaiba, the Datsue smiled contentedly. "If only all days were like this," she mused to herself. On the terrace beside Ayako was a wooden desk with crystal decorations. A simple wooden chair rested next to it. On the desk, there were stacks of paper, piles of scrolls, and towers of stone tablets neatly organized-a day's work completed before dark. This outdoor office suited Ayako perfectly.It was a very good day.
Dapper-Sama Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) IC: Akone"Great! The Yards are this way," Akone said."It's not completely clan-run per se. Some is open for oitsiders to ise. Most of it is the Arohi school that all Menti train in. You were trained there too, I'm sure?" Akone asked as she led the way.IC | "No, I wasn't." Aki said. "Someplace like it, though. Sort of." While Akone led the way, Akimatai wondered what the training grounds had in the way of weaponry. Her reserve weapons were just fine, of course. She was just interested in learning to use another if her current ones were ever lost, broken or stolen. Thoughts of weaponry brought an important subject to Aki's mind. "Say, Akone? What's your discipline?" Edited November 28, 2013 by The Dapper Man Morally unambiguous.
AuRon the champion Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: "Me? I'd settle for being able to serve once master until I die," Seigyo said. Then came Kulrik's next question, which forced Seigyo to think for a minute. "The Toroshu is always a special case. Since Clan Herupa did not always provide it's current function, the Toroshu had to set rules for the clan to ensure none of us would try to use the Clan to try to take over the other clans, since many of us guard important individuals to the other clans," Seigyo explained, "The Toroshu who set these rules established a tradition. While still in life, the Toroshu must select someone to take the Toroshu's place, and often this was by selecting the oldest child, if not the oldest, then one of the Toroshu's children. Whoever is selected is then groomed to take the Toroshu's place. The Toroshu herself doesn't serve one particular master, just all who come to her for aid." Seigyo's expression turned grim at the thought of this, "Jiyu is a logical choice, him being intelligent, a first son, and more than capable to take our mother's place... But he's... Difficult. Most who have heard of him often dismiss him as a lazy bum who's too busy holding parties and flirting to deal with anything important." BZPRPG Characters
Toa Fanixe Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: "From the sound of it, it doesn't seem like Jiyu would be the best choice for leader of the Herupa. Fun to be around, certainly, but not the Toroshu that a clan as respected as yours needs" Kulrik acknowledged. "You know, they say that the best leaders are the ones that rather wouldn't be, those that prefer to live a simpler life. When pushed to the front, they often prove more able than those with a hunger for leadership." Mention of leadership turned Kulrik's thoughts back to the women he and Seigyo had met with earlier that day. "Which makes me wonder" he began in a low voice, "what kind of leader does that make my mother? She fought for her position, and it was only my birth that let her supersede my aunt for control of the Vilda. My mother is a good ruler, I'll admit that, but great? She is blind to so much. She doesn't know I resent her for the life she set for me. Do you know why she calls you 'the Herupa'? It's because she doesn't even know your name, and probably doesn't care either." Kulrik let silence fall, giving time for Seigyo to talk. In the meantime he finished his salad, munching happily on the last of the delicious vegetables. "By the way, how about a sparring match soon, maybe in hour? I know it'll be night in two, but it would be good to practice before we travel." Quiz by You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much Which Barraki are you?
They Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 (edited) IC: Daikura Koga Hane returned to his shoulder, her wings gracefully carrying her through the air. The familiar weight on his shoulder was comforting to Koga. With a soft smile he watched Soraph sway into the distance, her hips rocking with each step, the horn of Vilda patterned on the back of her tunic. Yes, dinner would be interesting. Soraph was a skilled willhammer, proven by her handling of his long-feathered janu, and a menti who felt she could speak on equal footing with clan Daikura's first son. Yes, most interesting indeed from a caretaker of the Imperial Gardens. To suggest he would wait for her was even more intriguing, as if she felt entitled to his presence. Koga blinked and pondered her words, what had he been missing? Koga left the veranda and the open skies, ascending the few steps up into the hallways. The floors were covered in crystal hexagons and six-pointed stars. A rainbow pattern flashed across the surface as light seeped through the walls of the tower. Koga thought of attending the afternoon clan meetings, then on a whim discarded the notion in favor of a leisurely cup of tea, a stroll through the upper levels of the Imperial Gardens, and an early evening of reading at the Towers of Knowledge. Inside a private resonance chamber the dasaka learned about political history, and laughed his way through the stored memories of first sons before him. Their commentaries on the Fursic Coupes, the women they honored, and even the wars they bravely survived were filled with the passions of those doomed to serve a single end. Koga found it hilarious how these great warriors bowed before the yoke of culture. Perhaps Soraph had gotten under his skin. Had he, in fact, been subject to the powers of a willhammer? Koga decided to find out. ~ The moon crept across the horizon, stars shining softly in the black canopy. A table of bismuth glittered on the veranda, matching chairs facing the view. It was low tide, and the thick band stretched far out into the sea. Hane tapped her feet against the wide rail, occasionally looking over to her master for a tossed slice of fruit or strip of dried meat. Koga sipped from a glass of warm water, leisurely waiting for the arrival of his newest interest. Edited November 28, 2013 by Kughii Link for the BZPRPG 2013 arc profiles.
AuRon the champion Posted November 28, 2013 Posted November 28, 2013 IC: "I said something like that to Jiyu once..." Seigyo said, her face turning grim, "He replied with, 'Power belongs to those who desire it, and I most certainly desire it." "As for your mother, I am sure she knows what she's doing. I care little that she doesn't know who I am, my allegiance belongs to Kulrik, First Son of Clan Vilda, not the Toroshu of clan Vilda." "And if you wish to spar, I do suggest you prepare yourself. I am not a slouch in matters of arms," Seigyo finished, a smile playing across her lips. BZPRPG Characters
NorikSigma Posted November 29, 2013 Posted November 29, 2013 IC: Akone"Great! The Yards are this way," Akone said."It's not completely clan-run per se. Some is open for oitsiders to ise. Most of it is the Arohi school that all Menti train in. You were trained there too, I'm sure?" Akone asked as she led the way.IC | "No, I wasn't." Aki said. "Someplace like it, though. Sort of." While Akone led the way, Akimatai wondered what the training grounds had in the way of weaponry. Her reserve weapons were just fine, of course. She was just interested in learning to use another if her current ones were ever lost, broken or stolen. Thoughts of weaponry brought an important subject to Aki's mind. "Say, Akone? What's your discipline?"IC: Akone"Soulsword. Although I am proficient with physical weapons too," Akone replied, pointing to her long Naginata strapped to her hip."You trained elsewhere, you say? Interesting. I thought the Arohi school run by the Daikura was the only one left in business," Akone remarked, not realising she was treading on sensitive ground."The Yard is just up ahead," Akone pointed. BZPRPG ARC 3 / Breaking Point Profiles
Vorahk1Panrahk2 Posted November 29, 2013 Posted November 29, 2013 (edited) IC: Komyeh, Iki, Her Hut Komyeh started to sweat just staring at the demonic portal in front of her. She could feel the radiating 1,000 plus degree heat pouring out, and could see the red and white hot mass inside. It was a truly a hostile and dangerous thing... and it also happened to be how she made her living. When she felt the time was right, she removed the pipe from the furnace, moved it over the anvil, grabbed some tweezers, and begin to form the shape. A higher profile customer -well, relative to her lower status- had requested a lightstone fixture for personal use, and Komyeh was all too happy to oblige. One of these days she would meet the right customer, and they would spread her name and she'd make her way to the palace to be a personal craftswoman to the Rora! But she couldn't dream, yet. The task wasn't quite finished. Komyeh carefully looked her dimensions. The bulb she created was just right: just tall and wide enough to fit a lightstone of average size. But she wasn't done yet, no. Now she needed to do the base. The poured sand and other additives into the forge to make a purple base, an almost perfect match the color that donned many a Dasaka's armor. This she would forge into a hexagonal base, to replicate the majestic crystals that grew around her island. It would be a work of art to be sure, but if the customer didn't like it, she wouldn't hesitate to smash it and start over. Because nothing short of perfection is acceptable. She looked outside while her forge turned the sand into workable material. The sun was starting to reach it's peak in the sky. She had hoped to take another walk- it had been almost a week since her last one- but this was more important. And she still had to open up shop in the afternoon. It would be another long, hard, honorable day. OOC: Komyeh open for interaction or other story suggestions Edited November 29, 2013 by Vorahk1Panrahk2 BZPRPG Profiles
Toatapio Nuva Posted November 30, 2013 Posted November 30, 2013 (edited) IC Nortti and Tutkee(Obaida, Nortti's secret lab): Tutkee was surprised to find Nortti gone from the weed fields. She sighed in frustration. How many times had she adviced the Dashi to stick to her working hours and leave her ambitious project for freetime? If her superiors knew about this, they would be furious. Tutkee knew where Nortti was, of course. Ever since a large object had crashed into the ocean nearby and Tutkee had recovered it, Nortti had been obsessed with her new technical research. As usual, she could be found underneath her hut, in a secret lab dominated by the sight of several metallic constructions, one of which was the fallen object that started it all. "I brought you some lunch", Tutkee said idly. Nortti turned in surprise. "Thank you, Menti", she said with a smile. "You are being too nice." "I know", Tutkee said a bit acidly. "You skipped your latest shift again, didn't you? You are turning your back to our entire society with this obsession of yours." "But Menti, it will benefit us all in the end!" Nortti insisted. "What gift can be greater than the ability to move across time?" "You know it's dangerous, if even possible", Tutkee said with a heavier sigh. "Look, I've been covering up for you all these years, but I'm getting tired of it. You need to start thinking about others as well, not just your project." Nortti lowered her head in disappointment. "I thought you were as excited as I am." "I am", Tutkee said, her voice carrying a more friendly tone again. "Just concerned." "Well, my news will relieve you of your worries!" Nortti suddenly exclaimed, baffling Tutkee. "What do you mean?" "I am ready to start up the time machine." "You aren't serious!" Nortti leapt atop a stool next to a huge chunk of metal that didn't seem to represent anything in particular. It was a hastily constructed mass of mechanical components and engravings, several antenna-like things protruding from its surface. "Just before you arrived, I reached the end of the instructions", Nortti said. "This is the ready product, as described in that tablet we found on the thing that fell here so long ago." "Hold it right there", Tutkee said. "You can't turn it on now." "Why not?" "You need to take cautious steps to ensure we won't get blown up or something. And do you not care about the consequences of what might happen if you actually do travel back in time? You might change the course of history!" "That's why I have this with me", Nortti said, producing a small hand-held device. "Wherever I go, I shall have this with me. It will be able to bring me back any time. I will not do anything you wouldn't do." "I don't have time for this", Tutkee said. "I need to get going back to Sado before I miss my training session. We will discuss your machine later. For now, don't touch it. Can I trust you?" Nortti moved her feet nervously. "Yes..." Tutkee nodded a bit suspiciously and left the building. Tending to Nortti's lunch had taken longer than expected. She would need to hurry to make it to her training session. In the lab, Nortti walked around nervously. Finally, after all these years, she had completed her machine. Yet Tutkee still made her wait and stand around. She will not notice if I visit the past quickly and come back, she thought. I just need to test it out... With only a moment's hesitation Nortti walked up to her machine and one of its multiple levers. She was sure this one would start up the thing. "Okay, nice and easy", Nortti said to herself as she began to lower the lever. * Tutkee was just about to leave Obaida when she heard the awful sound of an electrical explosion from the direction of Nortti's hut. She was horrified to see a bright beam of light shining directly into the heavens from the place. Dashi all around turned to look at the display in awe. Tutkee shook her head. I can't believe she lied to me... she thought angrily. Zuto Nui help us. OOC: And to those of you wondering or worrying, no real time travel is occuring this time. Edited November 30, 2013 by Toatapio Nuva My BZPRPG profiles - Viima, Lai Lai Kirgan, Jarkale, Hile, Tuli + Kavala, Khervos, Thira
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