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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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OOC: Nuju Metru - Staff hospitality is good. Hospitalisation isn't. Let's try not to kill each other.


IC: Natharius was uncertain for a moment. The Skakdi before him - Grokk, was it? - seemed a little... eccentric, with all of his confusing talk of narration and whatnot. He'd mentioned that he'd been following Natharius and eavesdropping on his conversation with the guard as well, which unnerved him slightly. And his eyes... there was something in those eyes - a distinct lack of morality or remorse (not that unusual among Skakdi, but still worrying under the circumstances). That blinding smile was also rather distracting, the glinting gold teeth even more so. 


But he was still the first friendly person he'd encountered in the city, and a Skakdi as well, so that was a point of commonality between them. Company, even company with questionable morals, motives and mentality, was better than no company at all. 


"Hello then, Grokk," Natharius said awkwardly, shaking the offered hand. "I'm Natharius." He pulled his hand out of Grokk's overzealous grip after a few moments and looked around. "I guess we Skakdi aren't the most popular bunch around right now, with the attack and all..." he turned back to Grokk, "You know, I decided to settle in Ta-Koro because it was supposed to be one of the safest of the Koros, and instead of safety, I find this" he gestured to the ruin "Seriously, what happened here; did the Piraka just attack, without any sort of provocation? And where are they now?" 

Edited by NatoGreavesy

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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OOC: from Le-Wahi




Toa Joske

Location: Ta-Wahi Beach

Chapter One: Crystals, Temples, Secrets... oh my.


A wave of sand rolled cross the beach, scattering tiny crystalline shards high into the sunlight air before falling unceremoniously into the water below. My feet were a blaze of red and gold as I ran along, my mask allowing me to cover distances in mere moment what would take other hours or days to do. Some might think is nauseating, but at this point I did it without thinking to where my mind could wander to any subject that happened to cross my mind. Currently it was in reply mode, my mind showing me images of the last time I was here.


I was running then too... running out of fear and apprehension. People call me crazy but honestly Cael can be even more insane than me...


I still hadn't complete shaken what he had done to her. It wasn't a burden or even a thorn, but it was still a bad memory that I could never forget. At least this time things were different. Sort of.


Well, at least nobody is dead or about to die in the next minute or two...


With a simple mental shrug I cut power from my mask, and like streaks of wet paint the world snapped into focus and I bounded up the massive stairs towards the great telescope. Three, two, one steps, take a left and here I was. Back again. I trotted to a stop under the shadows of stoney behemoths.


"Hello beautiful." I sarcastically muttered.


Before me was an old sight: the Makuta Stone and the Mata-Nui Stone, surrounded by six stones representing the Toa. Slowly I walked between them, drifting my fingers across the smooth, worn surfaces, marveling despite sitting the elements nothing had changed. Each of the stones each had the slot in them, and the symbols of the Virtues and the Kolhii skills carved onto the faces. Except this time the slots were not empty. Amazingly, the crystals I had placed in the slots were still there, untouched, but dark and unresponsive.  Last time I saw them was placing them here and watching them emit a bright glow, accordingly unlocking the secrets of the Mata Nui stone and the Makuta stone, the mysterious transportation the the Keeping Place. Such a tense moment. Such a rush.


And such a naive Toa I was. It was more than a transportation circle - it was a teleportation circle. And the crystals were the keys. And they by some miracle were still here.


"Way too easy," I spoke to myself, standing after the long inspection. Still here, this should still work. I rapidly touched each crystal, seeing a dim glow emanate from each, stood in the circle as I heard some sounds from deep below-


I blinked. After a moment I looked around.


Still here?!


I made the rounds again, stood in the circle, yet nothing happened.


Why... why wasn't it working?


Pulling out the device I used earlier I pressed a different button, this time a screen flaring to life as it booted up. It very closely resembled what everyone called an 'iStone', but had anyone played with it it would have been noticeably different. I pressed the screen.


"Analyze. Why won't the circle work?"


There was a chirp as it processed the request, a moment later giving me a reply.


Gathering data... uplink established. Local jumpnet offline.


I stared at the screen in disbelief. "Impossible! I used this once already. Reanalyze."


Analyzing... local jumpnet offline.


I glared at the device. "What do you mean 'offline'? Doesn't this place have power?"


Affirmative. Extra-facilital access pad power supply at 12%. Crystal keys in place. Link to local jumpset severed. Connections unavailable.


Slowly my eyes narrowed. "Explain."


Emergency back-door protocol was established upon deactivation of local jumpnet, allowing only one additional jump to main facility after deactivation. Once jump was made, system went into lockdown to prevent unauthorized personnel from using jumpnet. System reboot is required to re-activate.


My eyes fluttered as it took a sharp breath in. "Who authorized this?"


Last registered user: Takua, matoran. Sentinel, Grade II. Master override used. Manual system reboot at main facility required.


My arms slumped at my sides as my head fell backwards, staring at the sky as I spoke. "I suppose I can't use my 'Gatekeeper' override?"


Master override used. Manual system reboot at main facility required.


"Uuuuuuuuuuugggggg... "


All this to protect that Vault...


I stood there long enough for my device to chirp once and go into sleep mode. "All I want for once is an easy mission. Just once. Maybe on my birthday. Is that too much to ask? Hey, Mata-Nui, big guy, just once!? Pleeeeease?"


And of course making myself look like a crazy person standing in the center of some statues talking to the Great Spirit himself as if he was right here next to me. Maybe I -am- a little off my rocker.


With grumblings and muttering that would rival Tahu himself I pulled myself together and started the process of prying loose the crystals. Some came easy, but others required a little more persuasion, to the point where the sword came out for leverage purposes, only to find myself scrambling after flying chunks of crystal due to a little too much persuasion. Finally after much sweat and about an hour later I had dug out the gems and had them once again in my possession.


"You guys are almost not worth the effort... " I snarked quietly, placing them in my bag. "Manual system reboot my mask!" Properly packed I looked inland, realizing I would once again have to venture into that dark place. This time however I was armed with proper knowledge, but even so I wasn't sure if that was going to be enough.


Well, if Takua can do it, like karzahni so can I. Besides, the Toa Maru cleared the place out, so besides a few feral Rahkshi what could possibly go wrong?


As I powered up my mask and world turned to colored strings of spaghetti, I somehow felt I was once again going to be proven dead wrong. And in my line of work the emphasis was usually placed on dead.


"Oh, what a wonderful feeling! Oh what a beautiful day. I've got a wonderful feeling, everything's going my way..." I started singing sarcastically as I bolted across the ashy plains and back into the jungle.


OOC: Joske to Kini-Nui

Edited by Friar Tuck
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Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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IC: Saeren


Once he was at the hospital, it was barely five minutes before his bags were restocked and he was out the door, wondering where to go. He was off duty. Off the clock. His shift had ended. He'd clocked out. And now with his marked shoulder covered by the bronze plate, Saeren had nothing to do.


The only thing that could make this worse, he decided, would be it being the start of vacation.

~~-BS01 Histories-~~
by Zox Tomana, B.A. - Blog

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OOC about how long has it been since the Piraka attack from Jaller's viewpoint? Need a time reference.


IC Turo

The place was a mess. Turo didn't like that.


Most of the damage was around the Lavapool area, but the koro as a whole got roughed up more than a little. All around him, Matoran and Skakdi were repairing various buildings; be they homes or shops, whatever, the attack had left its mark. Turo was helping where he could on this block, but it would be more than a little while before everything was spick and span again and even longer before the people felt truly safe again.


Did Turo care about all that?


Maybe a little bit. But there was this other bit, maybe just a wee bit bigger, that would be inclined to say "Suck it up" to whoever would come crying to him. Such was life, and there was no use griping about what had already happened. Look after yourself (and maybe your lvoed ones, if they exist) and put yourself first, that's how Turo had always lived. It had kept him safe jn Xa-Koro, it had kept him safe in Le, and it was keeping him safe, if somewhat disliked, here. And hey: it doesn't hurt when you don't care.


But Turo did care.


Just a little. But he still did.


OOC open for interaction

Edited by Last Son Amakusa
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"Yeah, I know right! Miracles do happen, apparently!"






"Well," Rynekk continued, his face lowered until the brim of his hat draped it in shadow, "I tracked him into the desert, and he led me to this stone spire. Looking back, I should have called for back-up at that point, should have waited until I could face him on my terms. But, I suppose I've never been a very patient man. One of my many, many, many flaws, you know?


"So he followed him in. Only he wasn't alone. Or maybe he wasn't even there, I don't know. It was dark. Dark as it gets. There was a man there, a Toa of ... Magnetism, I think. Probably. But he was Stendhal's master, he had to be. He knew much more than the other Toa did, so I assumed that that was the case. He was telling me that I had to complete this prophecy of his, that I had to follow his map. Apparently there was a temple in Ga-Koro, under the Naho Falls, and he needed me to go there, needed me to open it."


His voice was quiet.


"They had Tadris, Gavarm. They had him, I know they did. It was the first solid lead I had. Do you understand, Gavarm? Do you understand why I had to do what I did?"





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Reordin Maru looked around the room - suddenly cut into thirds - and then ran his hands over his Kanohi casually, blowing cool air onto his hands and then leaning back in his chair. He seemed almost composed, not bubbling over with biting quips or cruel jests in Stannis' drection. Finally, as everyone knew he would, he stood. Not only was he never content to sit for very long, Reo was a man of self-determination as well as a man of action - the others had taken action, and after his outburst and near-mutiny against Stannis after the Piraka's escape, his own action was no surprise.


"Don't look at me," he said, shrugging lazily and tipping his empty chair back and forth with a hand. "I just didn't want to be the first quitter. I'm gonna go heckle Oreius for his lack of commitment to the team."


The Maru's deputy walked to the door of the Toa of Fire's spartan abode and then skidded to a halt, one foot out the door; he turned from the waist up and looked at Leah wordlessly.


Leah hesitated for a few seconds longer, but after that she turned to follow Reordin. Oreius was right: They did not have the time for this. But it was not because of feeling personally frustrated by the situation. Halfway to the door she paused, looking back at the team's leader.


"Sorry, Stannis. Right now, there is an island out there that needs us; villages that need our protection. If we can not work effectively as a team to stop threats like the Piraka or Ambages together, then we must do what we can as individuals. We may not have Unity, but we still have a Duty - and Destiny. Farewell."


Reo stayed long enough to blow Sulov's cheek a kiss, but after that he and Leah left together.



Edited by Brooklyn Pace-Carlisle



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[Ta-koro, Abandoned Warehouse]

“Unfortunately not,” Lucira said.  “We’ve got the most dirt on the Selak place in the market district--headquarters says we just need a good look at something going in and they can issue a warrant.  It should be a simple enough stakeout.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"I am always open to the prospect of noodles, Lasinia," Yasurek replied.

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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Yasurek caught the cup and examined it.


"How are we supposed to make it without access to non-sea water and heat?" he asked. Not that he wouldn't eat the noodles without proper preparation mind you, for he actually did really like noodles.

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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OOC: Dor Shaddix, coming home.




Awww, that's sweet. I decide to come back home for a couple weeks, and they set home on fire to welcome me back. It's the little things.


They must have been waiting for me to pop my head up again, too; I got pointed and gibbered at by the guards on the gate as soon as I was within the line of sight, and only a quick, placating raise of my hands to show I wasn't armed or coming to kill your families and steal your girls got me through the gate without an escort. As soon as I got inside the Koro itself, I started to wish that maybe I'd let myself get escorted. Ta-Koro was busier than usual; teams scurried about through the shells of buildings and if I had a dime for every renovation project I could see just from the town's entrance, I wouldn't have to be a police consultant anymore. I stood on the toes of my boots, looking for the Lavapool Inn - and found its burnt out carcass, still billowing smoke.


Something in my chest wrenched. Oh, no.


I started making my way over there, all reason forgotten. I'm a bartender. It's what I do. I bartend, not kill people. Please no.





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The Lavapool inn.

It looks like somebody stepped on it, let loose a flammable fart upon it, and then let the embers of Ta-Wahi light it up in an epic display of fireworks and architectural destruction.

And so, as usual, Flay was there working on the clean-up.
"Yes, yes, please move away from the scene,", "Yes, we're trying to find the culprit, so are the Maru", "Yes, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to spend the night along with the rest of the people who lost their home" were sentences that she'd probably repeated to a bunch of Toa, Matoran, Skakdi and Vortixx many, many times. There probably wasn't any doubt that some of the questions weren't genuine; they were probably asked for the sake of being able to talk to her.

Which, of course, was a bit dumb, but it also made Flay a gleeful little girl deep down. That was one of the main reasons why she'd actually bothered coming out and doing work.

It was also some fun practice - racing around with a Kakama on your face all across town was as exhilarating as it was tiring, and though Flay was constantly sitting down in some back alley gasping for air or stretching her arms and legs to try and ease the soreness, at the same time this was one of the more enjoyable aspects of the current job. Speed was fun, alongside everything else that came to her now that she was a Toa.

Don't tell that to anyone, by the way. There were many, many broken buildings, shattered structures and toppled edifices that dotted the path that the Piraka and Toa Maru had used during their destructive chase across town, and it was her job to make sure all the litter was cleaned up - supervising the janitors, so to speak. Of course, the 'janitors' were armed and trained guardsmen and guardswomen, so it's probably best if they didn't find that she was actually slacking off.

Running around was only part of the job though. There was also a lot of standing around - which was a whole lot less fun, but nonetheless still required. Standing outside the Lavapool inn, her eye traced the edges of the rubble that now took the place of the once-highly-renowned inn for what might've been the millionth time.

Just then, a unique figure of black and gunmetal-grey - with a hint of gold - flashed itself into her field of vision. Standing out from within the crowd of crimson to orange shades, he was a magnet of attention - especially to Flay.

There he was again, in all his glory -
Her police consultant, famous ex-merc, and giant prick - Dorian.

A prickly Durian?

"D-Do....rian....?" Flay muttered between gritted teeth as her face went through an array of emotional expressions within a second before contorting into an angry frown that burned. Literally, as she felt her body temperature heat up without any semblance of her own control whatsoever.

The burst of energy was spontaneous as her Kakama fired up, her right hand lit up in flames - one of her first few times conjuring her elemental power - and she lunged forwards.

A warm welcome home indeed, as the super speed slap came towards the Toa of Iron's face within a blaze.

Edited by JL Zehvor

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Loren- Ta-koro- Near Lava Pool Inn Ruins


IC: After the attack the entire Guard was twitchy, especially those who had already been in combat. Any signs of aggression was likely to bring down an armed response no matter who it was.


So it should not be surprising that something as flashy as flaming fists would draw an immediate response.


Flay was brought to a bone-jarring halt as her fist slammed into a patch of wavering air. Beyond the distortion stood a rather irate looking grey Toa. Both shortswords were out, one of them humming with power and held up in a guard position while the other was ready to strike. Loren's eyes widened slightly as he recognized the blur, only to narrow even more in anger.


"Stand down Guardwoman." He growled out. His tone was full of anger and disappointment.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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"Pleased to meetcha, Nefarious," I smiled, ever-so-polite, that's me. You know me. You know I can pretend. I went on, fixing a look of mock shock on my ace face. "Skakdi? Unpopular? Who toldja that? Look, Neffie - do you mind if I call you Neffie? I feel like 'Nefarious' is presumptuous... no? Okay, great, Neffie it is - look, Nef-Nef, unpopular just means unappreciated. They can't fathom my genius, and they can't fathom your physical proximity to genius. If they could, they wouldn't be up in our business so much."

I reached down into my man-purse and extracted from the miscellaneous debris - including a little piece of metal slag that'd once been a wind-up toy, a few nabbed pieces of jewelery, someone's journal (with several pages dog-eared for my future enjoyment), a knife or two, spare widgets, my shades, and someone's finger (how did I get tha-- oh yeah, that was a laugh, good story... remind me to tell y'all later) - a single heroic toothpick, miraculously unbroken by the heavier items in the bag. Well, not too miraculously... I have a toothpick pocket. I raised the itsy bitsy wooden stick to my mouth and picked at a piece of food stuck between some of my back teeth. I don't settle for less than perfection.


"Those Piraka sorts give the rest of us a bad name," I went on between strategic scrapes. The food wouldn't lose without a fight. "Yeah, they rolled up and made the Koro their playground, without any evident cause, which is cool and all, but so dull. Makes us all look uncreative. I bet none of them have a sense of humor, Nefadoodle. Not a single one. Where'd they go? Karz if I know, I was watching something else at the time. Lemme tellya, Nefallus, cockroach racing is the sport of kings--"


Hold up no freaking way. No freaking way. Across the ruin of the Lavapool, a sudden motion - like, mask-level sudden - caught my eye, and made me look up. Somebody was about to fire-slap somebody else, but the slappeur had been stopped from getting to the slappee by a cushion of air. The slappeur didn't interest me. It was the slappee, his smizey focus wholly drawn by the had-been-impending, flaming palm, that made me almost loose my toothpick. Behind the quarter-dome of protective, wavering air, I recognized the dark armor, the prissy stance, the prettyboy face (but no scarf below it; that'd have to be fixed). A stroke of genius (classic me) made my temporarily slack mouth bend slowly into a deliciously devious expression.


Once again, my hand graced Nef-Narf's shoulder, but this time I steered him away from the scene, the gravest urgency in my voice.

"Nefaland we gotta go. Now. Follow me."


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It's not like I couldn't have dodged the slap - I'd spent so much time on the trip from Rockwall debating how to kissll Joske that weaving out of a Kakama's path felt like second nature. What surprised me more was the identity of the abuser...namely, the fact that I couldn't place it for a second. About yay high and hot...motive and opportunity are down pat, at least... Guardwoman...not Tuara...who...wait...?


Did we sleep together? is the first question that popped into my head, but if we did, that merits a slap. Plus, girls don't like hearing that.


Joske, did you get the Skyra Daring treatment? was the second question in my head, but if it was Joske I'd just get slapped again - and if it was Joske, I mean...come on. The only thing stopping the two of us from making out spontaneously in the first place was his pretend lack of desire in exploring his own highkey alternative sexuality. All it would take was one bang-up job of a medical procedure or a quick spell, and Mister Straight Hero wouldn't be such a Mister or very straight. I mean...we just have chemistry. You know? So it wasn't Joske. Mmph. Crying ###### shame.


Third question...




Don't laugh.


"You look good. For someone who's supposed to stand about to my abs. Is this your first time seeing my face at eye level? What do you think? And, uh, minorly less pressing...why does it look like everything was...burning? Y'know. More than the usual."



Edited by Brooklyn Pace-Carlisle



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IC: Verulas had heard talk of some sort of comotion going on in Ta-Koro on his way there from Ko-Wahi, the sort of comotion that leads to higher security at the front gate of the city. Not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to himself, he had hidden himself away until a merchant cart full of Matoran and Toa (possibly their bodyguards) passed his location, which was when he emerged and began following them across the bridge at a reasonable distance. The cart went through the gate with no problems and, as expected, the guard's attention moved to him. Now for the moment of truth.

"Rear Guard. I'm with them," he said softly, as not to foil his plan.

They nodded uneasily before signaling for the bridge to be lowered beneath the lava once more, a smirk crossing his face as he was allowed access into the city. Now, what to do...?

OOC: Verulas is open to interaction.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: Natharius let Grokk steer him away from the scene. He heard some kind of commotion behind him, but he didn't turn around to look back. He didn't want to get dragged into anything else today. Instead, he just let Grokk lead him away. "Playground, you said?" Natharius looked at at the evident damage all around him, "these Piraka play rough. I might not be an expert on these sorts of things, but an unprovoked attack on a peaceful village seems like a declaration of war, to me." 


"It's still very uncreative, Neffy." Grokk said gravelly. Natharius tried not to wince at the new mangling of his name. He was fairly certain that Grokk was referring to him by a different nickname every time he opened his mouth, which was both weird, but slightly endearing... in a creepy kind of way. That said, Grokk's first choice - Nefarious - did have a nice ring to it...


"It's just that, in a war situation, when an enemy attacks, the usual response is to lead a counterattack. I skirted past the Piraka's little beachside clubhouse a few days back on my way here and didn't see anyone, which is odd. I went by there once before and a pair of those Piraka came out and started hurling insults... and a vicious assortment of blunt, heavy, pointy and spiky objects..."


"At you?" Grokk guessed.


"No, at each other." Natharius explained, "Anyway, my point is that they don't seem to be in Ta-Wahi anymore. Their clubhouse is probably abandoned. I see a lot of angry people around here, and most of them are still glaring rather accusingly at us. If we gathered a few other Skakdi and went off to, say, burn down or blow up the Piraka clubhouse, in retaliation for what they did here, it might improve our lot with the people. You see where I'm going with this?"

Edited by NatoGreavesy

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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The sudden appearance of a shimmering wall of air was, ironically, the thing that knocked all the air out of her lungs. Hand flame extinguished, the sudden impact made her doozy for about a second before the fire within her burned that out. 


Funny; the last time she'd slammed into something at Kakama-speed, she'd stayed embedded within the wall for about 10 minutes. Getting up after a second was a.....drastic improvement.


Before she could begin her onslaught of shouting, though, Dorian immediately caught on as to who she was.




Flay blinked. She hadn't heard her name being called out by that voice since a loooong time; If not for the fact that she was already fuming from the anger, she might've actually blushed.


"You look good. For someone who's supposed to stand about to my abs. Is this your first time seeing my face at eye level? What do you think? And, uh, minorly less pressing...why does it look like everything was...burning? Y'know. More than the usual."


The Toa of Fire opened her mouth to try and make some sort of retort that hopefully wouldn't have lead to Dorian controlling the conversation even more, but nonetheless she was vaguely aware of a Toa with a sword charged up with energy pointing at her. Vaguely.


"A group of Skakdi who call themselves the Piraka. They started a fight here, in the Lavapool Inn. Reports say that there were a LOT of Toa who tried to fight them; that probably caused more destruction. Then the Maru came, fought a bit more here, and the Piraka decided it was time for them to scurry off."

She gazed up and down Dorian. This WAS her first time looking at Dorian since she'd turned into a Toa; and he was good looking. Something she doubted she'd ever admit to his face.


"So then they left a trail of destruction in their wake. The Maru were unable to stop them, it seems."


GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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I thought of Stannis and the Big Good Goon Squad. "Huh. Well, my lack of surprise is kind of like your height - it's about yay high, when it should be about yay low." I waved my right hand at a quick slash away from my hip and then looked back towards the wreckage of the Lavapool. I'd shared drinks with Tuara in there. I ate with Skyra and her friends a couple times, back when we all wanted each other dead.[/i] I'd almost forgotten how often we all ate and talked and hung out together, for people who spent entire weeks at a time plotting ways to murder each other. It was...it...hurt.




"I guess I'm fired." I hadn't quite reached a point with any cop - even (or especially?) Flay, who still looked like she didn't know if she'd be happier with my face pressed against hers or pressed into a bonfire - where I was open to bond over the loss of a bar, though, so that was as far as it went. "Piraka, huh. Skakdi, you said? Got anything on them? The Magma Lounge isn't painfully far away. I'll pay for a game of pool and you can tell me what you have - if, uh...that is...you want to. Flay."


This was quickly climbing the ladder on my crappiest days of my life list - I had quit one team and been left out of a job by another. Putting up with ###### from the Guard was the last thing in the world I needed.



Edited by Brooklyn Pace-Carlisle



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"Hate to burst your bubble, Neftickle," I calling back over my shoulder, as I'd since let go of him and skipped ahead, letting him follow me to our new destination (which was where, you ask? You'll find out in a sec, it'll be worth the wait). "But there are a few problems with this, ah, insinuation of yours."


I sauntered over to a fruit stand, the Matoran curator just having managed to pick up his cart and prop the spoke of its broken wheel on a spare crate. I leaned heavily on the crate side of the cart, and pulled a juicy morsel from a basket. I started to eat it, and continued shooting down his dreams between chews. "One: there's no 'we' in this insinuation of yours. See me, I couldn't care less about what the people of this or any other Koro think of me, so why should I want to involve myself? If you feel like paying me, of course, that's another matter - me, I burn stuff down for a living; I also occasionally do other odd jobs, including yard work and kid's parties - but someone as pragmatic as myself, I'd see a field trip to the beach to fight with people... well, actually, sorta appealing, now that I say it that way. But that doesn't matter; I've seen a certain special someone back at that sad, smoking remnant of a bar, so I consider it extremely important to stay in town at least long enough to do a certain something." What something? Patience, silly, I'm not even there yet.


"Two," I went on, taking a particularly large bite from the fruit. "There's no way--"


"Hey," the Matoran broke in, all pout and scrawniness and oh-so-kickablility. "Are you going to pay for that?"


"I'll decide in a sec," I said through my full mouth. I'm pretty sure some juice sprayed into the Matoran's eye. Score. I turned back to Neffers. "Two," I said again. "There's no way you get enough quality Skakdi together to fight the likes of those guys. See what they did around here, when they were just playin'? Without someone like me along, everyone who goes will probably be ki-- on second thought, actually, do round up a gang and storm in there, guns blazing. I heartily approve of this plan. I'll even bless the mission, I'm an ordained priest. Assemble all the second-raters around here and there just might be enough of you to last long enough for me to finish my bag of popcorn... no? Okay, you're no fun. So like I said, it's a suicide op. Funny as it would be for me to watch you throw yourself like water at the Piraka, who are the rock in this analogy... well, I've just realized there's no catch here, far as I can see."


"Mister," the Matoran growled. "Pay for that fruit you just finished."


"Make me," I grinned, licking the last of the juice from my lips. "Go find a Ta-Koro guard. I'll make sure no one else steals anything while you're away."


"There's one right around the corner."


I didn't have enough time to fight the pushovers of the Ta-Koro Superfriends. That special someone would be that special somewhere pretty soon, and I had to prepare for his arrival. I rolled my eyes and passed the Matoran a widget from my satchel.


"Was that so hard?" the little Kohlii ball asked, way too smug for his size. In reply, I leaned over and loudly chomped my teeth within a few inches of his face. The curator recoiled instinctively and, squeaking, tripped over the curb as he did so. I laughed, and pulled 'Nef Said along with me as we continued on our way.


"Three," I concluded, leading the other Skakdi further into the residential part of the Koro. "If I was going to give you real advice, I'd say that the people of this place probably don't think two lefts make a right. The enemy of their enemy is also their enemy if said enemy uses the tactics of the first enemy to repay the things done against the not-enemy. Or, that's how I'd assume these nauseating bastions of morality think. Prove me wrong, give me a good giggle."


We arrived at the special someplace, and I dug around in my pocket for the key. He'd left the extra under the mat (and by "under the mat," I mean within view of the window around back that I smashed; and by "within view," I mean a few rooms over from said window, hidden in a locked drawer); rookie mistake. I unlocked the place, and turned back to my would-be moral compass. "Well, Nefamous," I asked, turning back to him. "How do you feel about being part of the greatest prank in recent history?"


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IC: Natharius thought over what Grokk had said. He had basically nothing in way of money, so there was no way to pay the brown skakdi to help him, and Grokk's sarcastic remarks about eating popcorn while watching everyone die were starting to dissuade Natharius from his original plan.


Plus, he had a point about the enemy of the enemy hating the non-enemy who used the tactics of the first enemy thing. More violence wasn't the answer. Natharius cursed himself for letting his skakdi anger get in the way of the more rational part of his mind. If a clearly immoral person like Grokk could come up with a convcing argument for why attacking the Piraka was a bad idea, it really was a bad idea.  


"Yeah, I got nothing to prove you wrong with." Natharius admitted, while watching Grokk calmly break into someone's house. "Sorry, I guess you won't be getting your giggle. But a prank... seems a little childish... and somewhat disrespectful under recent circumstances... I dunno..." he hesitated, thinking it over.


Finally, he made his decision. "Sounds like fun. I'm in."

Edited by NatoGreavesy

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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I closed my eyes to stop myself from rolling them at the schmuck-o holding Flay up in the air. A deep breath - stay patient. Then a small nod.


"You can let her down. We're cool."





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IC: The Toa of Plantlife sighed, crossing his arms and leaning against a wall not far from where he had first entered the city while he watched the daily grind of its inhabitants, now with a bonus twenty-five percent more congestion in the streets. He always thought that the life of a wanderer was supposed to be filled with excitement and suspense, and more often than not it was, but what he didn't expect was the long periods of downtime in between. Whatever happened here previously must have been a real sight to see (probably would've made his day even), but it was clear that the episode had passed sometime before his arrival. Oh well. Best find something to do to kill some time...

And thus began Verulas's search for some work. Hopefully what he found would shake some of the rust off from his skills, but he really wouldn't complain about anything that put a few widgets in his pockets.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: After a few minutes of walking, Jolek found himself as a face in the crowd, close to the front of the seemingly omnipresent gathering around the Lavapool Inn. He frowned, mouth automatically opening to pop in another plantain chip. He'd downed a lot of these things, it felt like. He wasn't one to keep track, but it was probably in the vicinity of a couple dozen...

Good thing he bought the

He looked past the small group of a pair guards and token scarf-clad Toa of Iron (those guys seemed to be everywhere these days) and into the wreckage itself. Crazy to think that not long ago it was a hustling, bustling inn with dozens of patrons at any given moment. Was always a favorite of his old man's.


A shame he didn't come back sooner. He didn't have that much of an attachment to this place, but it was still a landmark that this town felt... emptier without. If nothing else, if only for that reason alone, he was sad to see it go.

Maybe he could have prevented it. Those two Skakdi were firmly entrenched by the time he'd gotten there...


Maybe if he'd shown up sooner, things would have been different. But...


What's past is past. Nothing we can do about it now except regroup, rebuild, and regrow.

He nodded solemnly. That's what life was.

He blinked, and the ambient sounds of Ta-Koro came rushing back to his ears.


Funny how you could tune things out like that.


Edited by Snoop Razz

helo frens

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Loren- Ta-koro- Near Lava Pool Inn Ruins


IC: "I only stopped you because you looked like you were about to take his head off. If that is not what you are going to do, feel free to go with him. You look like you could use a rest anyway."


Walking off he called over his shoulder to Dorian.


"If she starts trying to slap you again just yell for help. I need to go talk to Oreius about collateral damage."

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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"Oh, frick." Angelus buried his head in one hand and groaned. "He's back."


Leave it to Dorian Shaddix to draw all the attention in a city block [without Tuara, he noted, and got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach]. Some people really never change.


Kino and the Captain had picked up the COMBINATION ORDER OF THE TWO TOA IN THE COUPLES, YES value pack, and had doubled back around the wreckage of the Lavapool Inn. The Koro's landmark inn and tourist attraction had been host to some of the most famous personalities on the island, including Angelus and Shaddix himself, who had squared off in the dining room more than once. This had been ground zero, where the runty Piraka had bombed the place from afar and then hidden with his formerly-incarcerated teammate in its wreckage; that, plus the report of the Skakdi in the Guard HQ, the one at Ta-Kini, the one stampeding through the alleyways and the strange green one that witnesses had seen fighting Reordin Maru would suggest a team of six, but the one Piraka they'd captured had not said his name or muttered the names of any of his teammates, and all they had were vague physical descriptions from survivors and an H emblazoned at Ta-Kini. Ta-Kini... he still had to check out the wreckage of Tahu's temple and Suva. He'd heard it was a grisly scene, something only at rue psychopath could look at without going mad. 


Maybe he'd send Shaddix.


He ate a plantain chip and thought that over for a second.





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IC: Sniff

Hold a tick...

Sniff sniff

I recognize that smell!

He flowed like water through the crowd, dodging and weaving as people passed and juked in their own paths, clamoring to get a better look at the wreckage and that "oh so pretty Toa of Iron".

"Sheesh." he muttered in response to that last one, pausing to let another young Toa past him. She flashed him a look-- then turned back to her target, joining the crowd once more. Huh. He gave a shrug at this, and continued moving, deftly raising and balancing his to-go-box of Jerval's above the horde's average head height.

Soon enough, he saw it, in a box similar to his own, only colored a bright red as opposed to his jungle-y green. The one dipping concoction he had never had a chance to taste--the
SUPER SPECIAL SECRET SKAKDI SUPREME SIGNIFICANT OTHER SAUCE, VERY DELICIOUS. He was a tad surprised he managed to pick it out, but he supposed his nose remembered what it liked well. He glanced up at the red box's wielder, hoping to maybe ask for a sample taste please I'll give you two of mine--

And froze.

Edited by Snoop Razz

helo frens

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Loren- Ta-koro- Near Lava Pool Inn Ruins


IC: "I only stopped you because you looked like you were about to take his head off. If that is not what you are going to do, feel free to go with him. You look like you could use a rest anyway."


Walking off he called over his shoulder to Dorian.


"If she starts trying to slap you again just yell for help. I need to go talk to Oreius about collateral damage."


IC (Oreius, Inu)


"I'm here. Make your report, Lieutenant."


Loren turned to see Oreius himself standing there, looking none too impressed about something. Although, lately, Loren couldn't recall seeing the Toa-Protector wearing a happier expression. The days were growing darker.


"We can talk here," he continued, answering the unspoken question, though his gaze stayed fixed on something just to the left of the Toa of sound. "I want to keep an eye on Shaddix."

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