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BZPRPG - Onu-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC Kirgan



Kirgan walked somewhat aimlessly along the streets of Onu-Koro. Life, in general, had treated him well in recent times. Thanks to the development of the village, miners had more work than ever, and Kirgan found himself better off than before. Yet, life was also becoming increasingly monotonous. The threat of an invasion seemed to have passed long ago, and the city had set into a predictable routine. Not that Kirgan was the type of Matoran to yearn for adventure... but there was something he missed. A greater purpose in life, besides being a miner.


He was surprised to see Nuparu nearby, out in the open, walking along like any other citizen. Since becoming Akiri, Nuparu had scarcely been seen outside his hut. But that didn't mean Kirgan had forgotten about a time when he was merely another villager (aside from being a technological genius), spending time with his friends on an equal footing. Kirgan had never been a close friend of Nuparu - miners and engineers spent their time in different ways - but they were certainly friendly acquaintances. And since there weren't many people to talk to nowadays, he decided to try if the Akiri still remembered him.


"Nuparu!" Kirgan called out, trying not to sound too annoying. "Nuparu, it's been a while."


IC: Akiri Nuparu (Onu-Koro)


"Indeed, I suppose it has" Nuparu replied. He gave his escort a brief gesture to indicate no threat was imminent, and the Ussalryman idled quietly near him. Nuparu vaguely recognized the Matoran approaching him, but from what he could tell, he appeared to be a miner, and other than that, a thorougly average citizen of Onu-Koro, Matoran or no.


Yes, that'd do nicely.


"So what are you doing out here today - sorry, I didn't catch your name?" Nuparu asked.

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IC Kirgan



Kirgan was slightly disappointed by the fact that Nuparu did not even remember his name anymore, no matter how understandable that was.


I suppose if I was in his position, I wouldn't remember the names of every Matoran I've met either... he thought, trying to comfort himself.


"It's Kirgan," he replied, doing his best to sound cheerful. "We met a couple of times in the past when you'd work on some of the mining equipment in the Great Mine..."


He cleared his throat, reminding himself not to get carried away.


"Uh, anyway, I was just enjoying an after-work stroll. And to be honest, I was surprised to see you after so long, since you became... you know."

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"Nor can I!" came the bellowing war cry of a man who had spent the better part of his life trying to be heard over the sounds of cooking and three Stratos children. The sort of volume that you'd expect from an Onu-Matoran just growing into his paunch but who was still muscle-bound enough that no sane individual would attempt slandering himself, the honour of his family, or the quality of the food that came out of The Dark Rose's kitchens. In other words--


"Pink-Eye," Dal Stratos said, averting eye-contact with everyone in the vicinity, "meet Dad Stratos. Have I mentioned that my entire family is composed of drama queens, by the way?"





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IC Kirgan



Kirgan was slightly disappointed by the fact that Nuparu did not even remember his name anymore, no matter how understandable that was.


I suppose if I was in his position, I wouldn't remember the names of every Matoran I've met either... he thought, trying to comfort himself.


"It's Kirgan," he replied, doing his best to sound cheerful. "We met a couple of times in the past when you'd work on some of the mining equipment in the Great Mine..."


He cleared his throat, reminding himself not to get carried away.


"Uh, anyway, I was just enjoying an after-work stroll. And to be honest, I was surprised to see you after so long, since you became... you know."


IC: Akiri Nuparu (Onu-Koro Streets)


"I understand perfectly," Nuparu replied, "I've been thinking about it a bit myself recently, too"


Nuparu ushered them both to start moving again, walking a "scenic" route back to his office to give the Akiri time to press his concerns.


"Now, there's something I'd like to ask you, if you think you could spare the time"

Edited by Dr. 0

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Ezrak was back the next day, again strolling into view while encased the Exo-Toa. It was a slow, purposeful walk, as much to enjoy the peace in these outlying areas of the Wahi as to conserve energy of the mechanical suit. Each footstep brought a loud thud as tons of metal hit the floor.


There was the Tiokaha again. Sitting near a mound of stones where she and Ezrak had killed the rahi the day before.


He strode forward, his arms calm at his side. He didn't want to project any sense of hostility.  Slowly, he reached for a piece of paper he'd wedged into one of the knee joints of the suit. Ezrak raised it up for Dhalgira to see.


It was a picture of a hammer and anvil.


First he pointed to the anvil and then used the suit's left arm to hit the suit's chest. Then he pointed at the hammer, and pointed to himself in the cockpit.


He nodded at the grave and gave Dhalgira a thumbs up.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Rungui


Rungui laughed. "Don't worry sir, you've got nothing to worry about. He's a good kid." Letting go of Papa Stratos' hand, he waltzed over to Dalrin and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Believe it or not, but your family might have a doctor sometime in its future; Dally here's agreed to become my new medical assistant, with training starting next week."


Casually, he flicked his gaze down to the prodigal son. 


"Ain't that right, Dal?"

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IC: Dhalgira - Onu-Wahi (Surface)

Hearing the loud footsteps of the Matoran's machine while he was still a ways off from his destination, the Tiokaha patiently awaited his arrival, only to see that he had brought some type of parchment with him in an effort to communicate.

What is he...? Oh. I see.

Returning to her feet once again, Dhalgira proceeded to give a short nod of her own in regards to the grave before attempting to speak.

"Greetings, Quiet One. How goes the... smithing lately? I see that you've once again decided to bring your... Anvil."

Deep down, she silently hoped that she wasn't butchering the words too badly, but mostly for the sake of comprehension more than anything.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC Kirgan



Kirgan's eyes widened in surprise. What did Nuparu have in mind?


"Um, yes, of course," he replied. "I have time."


IC: Akiri Nuparu (Onu-Koro, Streets)


"You see, I was wondering about something. How do you feel like the people of Onu-Koro are doing these days?"

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IC: Rungui


"He's right pops, I was just kidding when I said 'military doctor'." Rungui drawled. "I'm actually an ex-con on probation, your son being my supervisor. We usually go for drinks whenever we do the rundown of my behaviour, but I guess breakfast was the way to go today."


He leaned down by Papa Stratos, whispering by the back of his hand. "We're currently at thirteen days without an accident, but that's an unlucky number and I'm kinda feeling like mass murder right now."

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Ezrak, or rather Anvil, nodded. With quite a bit of noise he sat down, the suit sending reverberations through the ground.


This was all very difficult.


He looked up excitedly at Dhalgria and pointed at her. Then he pointed at his (matoran) mouth and began to chew, very conspicuously. He shrugged, waiting for the Tiokaha to reply. 

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Dhalgira - Onu-Wahi (Surface)

Now this set of gestures could've meant one of two things.

Either the Matoran was inquiring as to whether or not she had any food on her, which was a slightly uncommon question to ask after just recently meeting someone, especially since he didn't appear to be starving, or...

"I have not yet had the chance to eat today," she responded, taking a seat on the ground once more. "We Tiokaha are brought up to be one with nature; we take only what we need to survive and only when it becomes necessary for us to do so."


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC Kirgan



Kirgan thought about Nuparu's question. Then, carefully, he replied "The village is prosperous, and it shows. Work never runs out in the mines, but the Matoran also have more ways to spend their free time... I find myself quite enjoying the variety between work and leisure. Though it might create a false sense of security as well, since supposedly a lot of evil is taking place outside the borders. I myself encountered such evil about a year back, but the threat was quickly exposed of. Is Onu-Koro truly as safe as it feels? If so, I am glad."

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IC: Rungui


Another laugh. He liked this man.


"Oh, by the way," Rungui exclaimed, as if he just remembered something. "Thank you so much for the food, it was delicious. I'm going to have a hard time going back to the Ussalry's cafeteria food after this. Their meals are nutritious and all but..."


He made a gagging gesture for show.

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Ezrak listened to the Tiokaha speak. 


He wouldn't talk. She couldn't read Matoran.


He held up two fingers,  pointed at himself and then Dhalgria. Then chewed a bit again. He shrugged his shoulders questiongly. 


He started walking back to his house in the Koro slowly. He turned and motioned for Dhalgria to follow. At home he had a board and some chalk.


Maybe drawing would make things easier?

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Dhalgira - Onu-Wahi (Surface)


Dhalgira sighed, assuming that she came to the wrong conclusion.

She hadn't expected this to be quite so difficult.

Nevertheless, she tried to make sense of what he was saying once again, reflecting upon his actions as she returned to her feet and began walking after him.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC Kirgan



Kirgan thought about Nuparu's question. Then, carefully, he replied "The village is prosperous, and it shows. Work never runs out in the mines, but the Matoran also have more ways to spend their free time... I find myself quite enjoying the variety between work and leisure. Though it might create a false sense of security as well, since supposedly a lot of evil is taking place outside the borders. I myself encountered such evil about a year back, but the threat was quickly exposed of. Is Onu-Koro truly as safe as it feels? If so, I am glad."


IC: Akiri Nuparu (Onu-Koro, Streets)


"When you live at the Makuta's doorstep, you know how to keep people safe. Or so the old saying used to go, at least" Nuparu replied, with an absent-minded tone as his eyes roamed the streets. That much was still true, he would argue. The darkness of Onu-Koro's underground had never really been a danger to them. But even then, the Turaga had often made clear that only Makuta truly knew the darkness, and how to use it.


Nuparu sighed, abstraction had never been his field.


"I'm merely worried about the state of the island right now, and I felt like a reality-check about the principle Onu-Koro is supposed to be built on could do me some good."

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How long has it been?


The parchment lies before him, meticulously marked with lines and dates, each carefully drawn in thick black ink. He stands, looks down upon his work with tired eyes, and frowns. Raises a glass of honey-coloured liquid to his lips. Sips.


His other hand plays idly with a chain around his neck, from which hangs a little crystal vial. He is not a man for jewelry, but he permits this one piece. It has not left his breast since he first put it on.


"Having fun?"


He turns at the familiar voice. Smiles. She enters the room like a breath of fresh air and places a gentle kiss upon his cheek. Steals his hand from the vial.


"Is it done?" he murmurs.


She nods. "To the letter."




They stand in silence for a long moment, inspecting the parchment.


"Is it nearly done?" she asks.


"Very nearly."


"What's missing?"


He exhales. "I've collected everything the island knows, but it remembers little from before the Makuta. I was hoping to find a clue to these Dasaka, but I've found nothing."


"Maybe they were never here."


He shakes his head. "They seem to worship a Great Spirit of a sort, like the Matoran. They look similar to our race. They wear masks. They even speak our language. Too much coincidence. There must be a link somewhere in our history. Either they left us, or we fled them."


The silence returns. She breaks it again.


"What if you find the link? What does it mean?"


He lifts his eyes to hers. "I don't know."




"The island rushes headlong towards something that I can't see," he says. "My webs are failing me, Aila. They tell me what happens, but they can't tell me what it means. They write the poem, but it's up to me to solve its meaning."


He releases her hand and brings his fingers again to vial. The little crystalline vessel holds something caught between liquid and vapour, something viscous and dark.


"Sometimes, I'm sure this is the key," he breathes. "What powers might it bestow —what knowledge could I gain? Perhaps I've had the answer in my hands all along."


"It's too dangerous," she says. "We've seen its effects, Caerus; you know what it does. It corrupts. It kills."


"Yes," he replies. "But never both. It calls like to like."


"You can't. It's not worth the risk."


They stand in silence once more. The lightstones flicker. The shadows dance in the corners.


"No," he says at last. "It's not. But perhaps, someday soon, it will be."

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IC: Rungui


Another laugh. He liked this man.


"Oh, by the way," Rungui exclaimed, as if he just remembered something. "Thank you so much for the food, it was delicious. I'm going to have a hard time going back to the Ussalry's cafeteria food after this. Their meals are nutritious and all but..."


He made a gagging gesture for show.




"Shame," Dad Stratos said, arms crossed and mouth flicking upwards into a rueful smile. "I remember when back when I was in the Ussalry. That was ... Spirit, that was years ago, back before they even used Ussals. Fine meals we had back then, which I guess we needed considering the fact that we had to walk everywhere."


He raised an eyebrow and cast a sidelong look at his son.


"Didn't have crabs to ride everywhere, you know?"


IC Kirgan



"You can never have too much security, I suppose," Kirgan said with a nod. "Especially since Ko-Koro was taken, though it's been quite some time since that happened."




"Not as much as you think."


The Sentinel was still shaking off snow as he walked up to the Akiri and his companion. An eyepatch was still over one eye and his chest-plate was crumbling away into dust, but his expression was the same steely set as any soldier of Po-Koro. Instantly recognizable to the trained eye.


"Akiri Nuparu," he said, snapping a salute. "Private Rynekk Simul, Po-Koro Sentinels, reporting."





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[Onu-Koro, Central Environs (Ranok)]

Having finished his playing for the day, and accumulating a decent amount of widgets, Ranok packed up.  The de-matoran picked his way through the city, searching for a decent place to stay.


OOC: Ranok open for interaction.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif aDhCn.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Rungui


Another laugh. He liked this man.


"Oh, by the way," Rungui exclaimed, as if he just remembered something. "Thank you so much for the food, it was delicious. I'm going to have a hard time going back to the Ussalry's cafeteria food after this. Their meals are nutritious and all but..."


He made a gagging gesture for show.




"Shame," Dad Stratos said, arms crossed and mouth flicking upwards into a rueful smile. "I remember when back when I was in the Ussalry. That was ... Spirit, that was years ago, back before they even used Ussals. Fine meals we had back then, which I guess we needed considering the fact that we had to walk everywhere."


He raised an eyebrow and cast a sidelong look at his son.


"Didn't have crabs to ride everywhere, you know?"


IC Kirgan



"You can never have too much security, I suppose," Kirgan said with a nod. "Especially since Ko-Koro was taken, though it's been quite some time since that happened."




"Not as much as you think."


The Sentinel was still shaking off snow as he walked up to the Akiri and his companion. An eyepatch was still over one eye and his chest-plate was crumbling away into dust, but his expression was the same steely set as any soldier of Po-Koro. Instantly recognizable to the trained eye.


"Akiri Nuparu," he said, snapping a salute. "Private Rynekk Simul, Po-Koro Sentinels, reporting."





IC: Akiri Nuparu (Onu-Koro, Streets)


"Settle down, Soldier," Nuparu replied cordially, "what is it you have to report?"

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Ezrak led Dhalgria back to a tavern on the outskirts of Onu-Koro. It wasn't the best part of the village but it was safe, and nobody was going to be bothering them with Anvil around. No one with half a brain, anyways.


He opened the door and walked in, setting the Exo-Koro in a corner while he scrambled out and into a booth. He held up two fingers and the barkeep nodded. Ezrak was a regular here, preferring not to cook his own food, and the owner of the establishment had developed a sort of shorthand with him. While the food was being prepared, the barkeep brought over a slate and some chalk.


Ezrak held up the slate, trying to figure out how to communicate with the Tiokaha.


He drew a rough map of Mata-Nui, pointed at it, then Dhalgria, then he shrugged as if he was asking a question.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Rungui


"Don't worry, I know. Some of us don't get to ride at all since we don't exactly, uh, fit."


The meaning was obvious considering both Dalrin and his father had to look up just to meet Rungui's eyes.




"Pity they haven't found anything bigger for you folks to ride," the old man said, crossing his arms and feigning a contemptuous spit to the side -- he would have, of course, never actually spit in his own establishment, but it was a habit that his own father had passed down to him any chance he had to be contemptuous -- before hopping down to the tables and picking up the doctor's plate. "There must be enough Rahi out there in the wild that they can work with."


"They should start with Pink-Eye's ego," Dal deadpanned as he started walking.


"Or yours, buddy-boy," was his father's response.


IC: Akiri Nuparu (Onu-Koro, Streets)


"Settle down, Soldier," Nuparu replied cordially, "what is it you have to report?"



"Sir," came Rynekk's sharp response, punctuated by the straightening of his spine into a ramrod that would have made any drill sergeant crack a smile. "Word from the team led by Commander Daring and Lieu-- ... Krayn Inzaka. We've found important information about our, er, assignment."


Casting a pointed look at the Matoran who had been walking with the Akiri, he added, "Of a very sensitive nature, sir."





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IC: Rungui


Rungui only looked on with silent amusement, making no effort to hide it on his face. 


"If they find me a ride, I'll make sure to drop by and show it to you," he chuckled, following Dal. "Until then, I'm stuck in the lab treating athlete's foot and a bunch of other stuff you don't want to hear about."

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OOC: I've been gone too long.


IC: Onepu

"Send a message to Wiremu," the Ussalry Captain instructed a messenger. "I'll be coming by to talk about defense development." Wanting to allow the engineer whatever time he required, Onepu busied himself with a few desk duties today had left him with for a quarter hour, then fetched his crab from the stables and rode. As captain of Onu-Koro's defenses, he needed to stay on top of this sort of thing. Also it offered him an excuse not to sit behind a desk.


OOC: Onepu open to interaction until Wiremu's response.

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If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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IC: Leli


She did as instructed, for once, and felt her heart catch in her throat as the machine clunked to life at the press of the button, kinda. So maybe it wasn't an instantaneous startup, but it sure was exhilarating. 


"Gotta say, still feeling like I might step on someone with this thing."




"Much higher vantage point than we're used to." Tarnok agreed, easing forward on the controls and sending the Exo-Matoran forward with a single, careful step. He was trying to grow accustomed to how it moved, its balance and its gait, but it seemed well-balanced. Heavy, for certain, but that weight gave it a solidity of footing.


"Perhaps we should mind our feet, just to be safe."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC Kirgan



As disappointed as he was, Kirgan decided it was best to leave the Akiri to his important affairs. After all, his decisions were what kept Onu-Koro safe and thriving.


"I understand," he said. "Thank you for your time, though."


IC: Akiri Nuparu (Onu-Koro, streets)


"You too" Nuparu replied, before turning back to Rynekk.


"Let's go back to my office, you can give me the information you have there"



IC: Onepu

"Send a message to Wiremu," the Ussalry Captain instructed a messenger. "I'll be coming by to talk about defense development." Wanting to allow the engineer whatever time he required, Onepu busied himself with a few desk duties today had left him with for a quarter hour, then fetched his crab from the stables and rode. As captain of Onu-Koro's defenses, he needed to stay on top of this sort of thing. Also it offered him an excuse not to sit behind a desk.


IC: Wiremu (Onu-Koro, Wiremu's workshop)


When Onepu finally arrived at Wiremu's workshop, he found the engineer himself at the door, panting, and blinking excessively. When he looked up and saw Onepu, he hurriedly collected himself and gave the Ussalry captain a welcome nod.


"Ah, yes. Captain, I was told to expect you... so I did, expect you, that is" the engineer stammered.

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"Major Leli and Ussalmatoran Tarnok, I presume?" A voice commented from down near the pair of Exo-Matorans' feet, one possessed by a nondescript cloaked Matoran. He hadn't been there when they entered the machines, nor did the Quartermaster seem to be paying him any attention, but he was difficult to miss now that he had been noticed.


"May I have a word?"

Edited by It's A Gundam MkII



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Leli gave a small sound of surprise at the rather sudden appearance of the cloaked figure beneath them. She must have been too engrossed in the ambulatory piece of machinery to notice his approach. Gingerly, she removed her hands from the unfamiliar levers and dials that undoubtedly made the mechanical armor move; as good as the engineers were, she didn't entirely trust herself not to squish someone underfoot. Leli glanced over at Tarnok questioningly, the matoran's voice didn't sound familiar at all, she wasn't used to strangers knowing who she was, but she supposed that's what came with the rank.


"Uh, okay?" She replied, looking back towards the matoran. She undid the restraints holding her in and swung open the hatch to leap down next to the matoran. Looking down to talk to someone just felt... weird. "What can we help you with, uh, mister...?"



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