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BZPRPG - Le-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: Jakura


He couldn't help but grimace.


"Our battle was long, trying and painful. I nearly lost an arm - even today it's not the same. But I lost nothing compared to what the Skakdi - Mesonak, he called himself - lost.


"It was a war of elements, each of us trying to overwhelm the other with our opposing powers. Mesonak froze my Toa Tool so cold that it shattered in my hand, giving him an advantage. He knocked me to the ground and pushed his blade to my throat. Activating my Kanohi, I yanked hard on the chain around Mesonak's blade and transported away. The force on the weapon ripped the chain to pieces and flung the blade from the Skakdi's grip - making us even. We fought hand to hand, now, his superior strength against my superior speed. The wind raged, and sand blinded us - yet still we would not yield.


"Finally, I managed to use Mesonak's strength against him, flinging him to the ground hard enough to knock the wind from his lungs. Flames surrounded my hands - weak in the storm, but hot nonetheless - and I ordered him to yield. When he refused, I forced my hands closer, nearly scorching his face. The being snarled... and surrendered. Tired, in pain, and relieved to have own, I fell away from the monster, taking a breath. But as my back turned, and the fire from my hands disappeared..."


Jakura hesitated.

Edited by Jakura Nuva
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IC: Jakura


"...and he jumped me. His mistake, though, was the battle cry he let loose when he did so. Whirling around, I instinctively let loose a blast of fire in the direction of the sound, and it caught him full in the face. The fire engulfed his face and spine, melting his armor as he screamed in pain. He ran off towards the open ocean, into the eye of the storm. After that, I saw him no more."


Jakura took a breath. "Later that week, Skakdi flesh and spikes washed ashore. I had assumed for long after that he had drowned in the hurricane - but rumors of a disfigured, reptilian monster stalking the coastline and jungles changed my mind. I've regretted my mistake ever since... and cursed myself for not capturing the menace. And now, I find myself closer to him than ever before..."


He sat back and let his head droop a bit. He was exhausted, and the story only refreshed memories he had wished long forgotten.

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IC: Casanuva was out of breath. Running in the wrong form, in a muggy tunnel, with a passenger will do that, even with enhanced strength.


"Thank the great spirit for that! If I see another cave... or nui-kopen... or zombie again, it will be too soon." Casanuva gasped. He held his burned hand between is left arm and body; it was starting to sting. Likely infected.


"You okay?" Nunonu asked.


"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. When we get to Ta-Koro, I'm getting this thing looked at."


OOC: Casanuva and Nunonu to Ta-Wahi at this junction?




"Hmm" He sniffs the air."Smells like infection delightful ."


Otana whispers to Casanva" This guy is getting creepy ."


"You two know that a To of sound has super hearing do you not ?"


Kedamore and Otana switching to Ta-Wahi.

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IC: Zeth


He was expecting Mesonak to make a move- however he was not expecting the one he made. Ice shards streaked through the humid air, and the Ba-Toa barely had enough time to drop his gladius and throw his palms up in front of his body to protect himself from the onslaught.


He directed a strong gravitational pull back in the direction of the Skakdi. Unfortunately he hadn't reacted quick enough to stop the entirety of the attack, so a few frigid projectiles painfully embedded themselves into his body. He winced, but pushed through the pain and focused as much power as he could into his attack. With luck, the sociopath would be thrown backwards several bio through the swampy water and into an awaiting tree.

Edited by Requiem
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IC: Mesonak


Mesonak felt the wave of energy collide with his body, knocking him through the air and into the swamp mud. Picking himself up and wiping the muck from his face, he growled.

"Nobody throws me."

He brought forth his weapon and shot forth a new wave of ice, this time taking advantage of the situation and running forwards to stab the Toa with the opposite end of his ice gun - a sharp, razor-edged blade.

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The sound of insects was no foreign noise to the dense expanses of Mata Nui's jungles; it was quite the opposite. The buzz of bugs pervaded everywhere, from within the thick soil itself to above the towering canopies of the Swamp Trees. The drone of the insect population was part of the background noise of Le-Wahi, as unremarkable and constant to its inhabitants as the air they breathed.


One more or less subtle buzzing, deep in the forest, went unnoticed.


Beside a stagnant pool of marshy water, crouched behind a thin lattice of cattails, Zaktan stayed as still as was possible for him. The Protodites that composed his body subtly shifted as always, cyclically melting and righting themselves, but aside from these constant flickers, the serpentine Skakdi did not move. His glowing red eyes stared with great patience at the pool before him, watching for the tell-tale flicker of movement.


It came; a small dark insect, with a shell that reflected light like spilled oil, alighted on the algal growth atop the pool, barely rippling the surface. Miniscule hairs on its feet, which trapped air bubbles, let the water-skeeter bug traipse across the liquid surface with impunity. But, as Zaktan had hoped, the bug didn't zip off at once; its antennae twitched, and the predatory insect realigned itself on the pool, walked on water to its far edge, and then took off up into the air to soar around a tree. Zaktan sent a few Protodites to trail the little creature, extending his finest senses after it. After a few seconds' flight, the bug led him to exactly what he'd been looking for: a wealth of tiny, translucent eggs, the unborn spawn of a certain kind of elusive beetle, nestled in a hollow at the base of a neighboring tree.


The water-skeeter rubbed its forelegs together in anticipation of an overlarge lunch... and that was the last thing it did. With terrible velocity, a fist-sized cloud of Protodites engulfed the helpless water-skeeter and pulled it back through the air to meet its end under the waiting flat of Zaktan's scissor. Zaktan twitched his blade, sending the crushed carapace of the water-skeeter into the pool - where it landed with a ploop and sank - then stood up and took a few steps through the undergrowth to reach the place where the beetle eggs awaited his influence.


He crouched again beside the eggs, and painstakingly tipped a small vial over them, careful to only use a few wispy drops of the dark fluid therein. The Antidermis hissed and frothed when it struck the eggs. The process of a few hours occurred over the course of a few seconds before Zaktan's eyes; the eggs enlarged as the larvae inside grew with grotesque speed, and then hatched, loosing large, ugly black beetles into the world. The armored shells on their backs opened, revealing transparent, veined wings beneath; in turn, each new Entropy Beetle rose into the air with a harsh buzz.

A noise quite unlike the beetles' buzzing - the snap of a twig - caught Zaktan's attention at once. Without taking any steps, he dissolved and warped in a full semi-circle to face the sound; but he saw nothing. Another sharp pop of cellulose, this time a broken leaf, made Zaktan very much aware that he was not alone. There were no Rahi or other large beings in his sight; that meant it could be an invisible assailant. Zaktan's suspicions were confirmed when he noticed a shadow move through the dappled spots of green light that littered the ground. He was being spied on by a Toa with a Kanohi Huna.


Zaktan swiped his scissor laterally before himself, and watched and heard the Huna-bearer take a step back to avoid the scything blades. Something sharp and unseen returned the favor, drawing a hot, shallow line across the Skakdi's forehead. With a snarl, Zaktan ducked and felt the air of another blade swoosh above him. The vial of Antidermis, mostly full, was still in his hand; Zaktan splashed its contents in the direction of the Toa's shadow, and got lucky. As the Antidermis alighted on the Toa, his concentration over his mask power evaporated, leaving him visible as he fell to the ground. A purple and black Toa writhed before Zaktan as the Antidermis began to do its work on him.


Zaktan didn't bother waiting to see what effect the liquid darkness would have on the Toa. He had better things to do.

By the time the sun set, the Entropy Beetles' numbers had increased tenfold. And they kept breeding. The next day, the Swamp Tree closest to their nativity collapsed. It'd been eaten from the inside out.


And the beetles kept breeding.

OOC: Keeper of Kraata, you can now have Skorm undergo the Antidermis changes we talked about. For the rest of you in Le-Wahi, there's a new crisis on your hands: Entropy Beetles. They eat trees. What is Le-Koro made out of? What does the Village of Air stand on? You do the math. Find a way to stop them, and quickly!

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IC: Skorm had interrogated several unhelpful natives. Primitive people, with an awful dialect. They told him that Casanuva had recuperated a few days in an inn here, then unceremoniously left with a local guide, dragging along that onu-matoran, leaving a substantial tip. Typical. He had managed to find out the most direct route to Ta-Koro; he didn't mind trekking through jungle. When he finally managed to round up the idiot, and send home the tag-along, they could get to work locating the rest of the team. The Kalta seemed to gravitate towards population centers, and-


Skorm froze. A glimmer, in the distance. He crouched, and slid out his sword and activated his Huna. It was something metallic, golden. He crept towards it, careful to make his footfalls light. It took him a while, but he got close enough to see the source: a large creature, a Skakdi as he had learned in the village, crouching next to a pond. He naturally blended in with the vegetation. Fortunately, Skorm blended better. A simple grab from behind would reveal what this unusual creature was up to. Suddenly, a snap. Skorm had miscalculated. He shifted to the left, watching his steps. The skakdi seemed to dissolve into mist, and reincorporate right in front of where he had been standing moments before.


Alright. That was new.


New plan, grappling him wouldn't work. He could shift the gravity around, anchor him-


Skorm ducked as the skakdi swung out with his scissor blades, into where his head had been. He swung at the skakdi, and caught him on the forehead. He retreated back a step, expecting a counterattack with the scissor-blades; instead, the skakdi grinned, and lashed out his off-hand. Something green splashed Skorm. It felt slimy and cold, before stinging like acid. Sharp contractions played up and down Skorm's body, and he fell to the ground.


This shouldn't be how it ends. He should be fighting, alongside his team...


Wait. Why his team? They were nothing to him.


They had held him back, weighed him down! He should abandon them! No, make it so they pay. Hurt them. Murder them. Mutilate them. Tear them apart, limb by limb. Molecule by molecule.


Skorm did a kip up, and looked around. The world was filled with new possibilities! No bothering with having to talk to tongue-tied locals. Make them fear him. As was right.


He'd have to thank that skakdi for clearing his mind. But the skakdi was long gone, and Skorm had other business to tend to.


OOC: Skorm, eventually, to Ta-Wahi.

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC (Cael)


A jolt went through the ferry's passengers as the vessel bumped into the dock. The tiny structure was hardly ten metres long, but stuck proudly out from the shore, the old wood bleached by years of sun and salt. Once, it had been something resembling a thriving port, back when Xa-Koro still sat under the sky. Now there was only one boat left, piloted by a grizzled old Ga-Matoran with a penchant for cigarettes and silence.


They disembarked one by one, the dock creaking under their feet, and shuffled along the wooden length until they were striding once more across soft sand, and then the dirt and undergrowth of the jungle. A cleared path ran before the little group, winding through the vast wilds of Le-Wahi, Kongu's village its ultimate destination.


"Well then," Cael said to no one in particular. "To Le-Koro?"

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IC: Trava (Fau Swamp)


It'd been a while since Trava had dropped the still-under-repairs-and-renovation Pala-Koro and taken off into the jungle again. Wearing her mask again, the Lesterin Huntress moved with impeccable grace through the underbrush, batting aside undergrowth and encircling large treestumps with ease.


Her already formidable senses improved by the Kanohi she only wore when on the job, she could pick up any suspicious sound for several miles around her. After all, she felt more at home here than she did in any village. Le-Koro being the closest thing to an exception. Pala-Koro had better promise of eventually becoming a place better suited to her tastes. But until then she had to continue to work.


And sure enough, strange sounds told her something was afoot. After having learned so well how things worked in the jungle, she'd learned to distinguish them at the drop of a hat. Someone else's hat, true, but the point remained.


She sidled through underbrush, moving closer and closer to the swamp, before eventually reaching a clearing... one that shouldn't have been there in the first place.


Her enhanced eyes widened in shock at what she saw; a mass of beetles, of unknown make, were crawling around in a huge, incomprehensible blob. Crawling over the remains of felled trees, the trees from this very clearing, and they were devouring them.


Tree-eating beetles in Le-Koro, one didn't need to be a genius to connect the dots.


She turned and bolted, rushing through the vegetation with less care than before. She would've called it sloppy, but time was off the essence. The sooner Akiri Kongu heard about this, the better.

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IC: Trava (Le-Koro)


It was a dripping wet, reeking, panting Lesterin that hobbled out of one of the elevators leading up to Le-Koro. She'd been unlucky enough to lose her footing once, and fall into the swamp, though if anything it had only strengthened her resolve for the rest of the trip.


She ran through the Koro, eventually finding herself at the entrance to Akiri Kongu's office. When the guard asked her what she was doing there, she was happy to oblige.


"Something real important that Akiri Kongu should know about yesterday. I was out on a hunt and saw some creatures, beetles, that were eating trees"

Edited by Geardirector

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Just as he had hoped, Mesonak was thrown several bio before landing with a large splash in the mucky water. Zeth reached down to retrieve his sword- but all he felt was murky swamp water sliding through his fingers.


Mesonak, having recovered from the gravity shift, released another flurry of ice shards in Zeth's direction. The Toa of Gravity held his breath and ducked down beneath the surface to avoid getting impaled a second time. Time seemed to slow down as he let himself sink, face-down, to the very bottom of the swamp. His eyes darted about, desperately searching for the dusty relic of a blade, but it was nowhere to be seen.


Frantically, he sprung back to the surface, only to find himself facing the Skakdi's barbed blade as it swung towards his head. He ducked just in time, and quickly pushed himself backwards with a gravitational shift. As the Ba-Toa recollected himself, he noticed a loud buzzing now filled the damp air. It sounded like a large swarm of insects... and the sound was drastically increasing in volume.

Edited by Requiem
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IC (Merror)


"Hard to say," Merror replied.


He glanced to Aerus.


"What do you think?" he asked the Matoran.


IC: Aerus (Caves, Le-Wahi)


It takes a moment for me to realise I've been addressed, looking up at Merror and trying to pull together my thoughts enough to understand what's being discussed. "Hm? Oh, I'd say he's probably returned to his base in Ko-Wahi. The battle inflicted a toll on their side too, and that's probably where he'd have headed to recuperate."

You're talking too much.

I'm doing my best. I gave them the answer they were looking for.

They can tell you're distracted. You're giving yourself away.

No, I'm not. I'm still good.


I wince slightly as I feel a sharp pain tear through my arm, clenching my fingers and relaxing them a few times until it wears off. I only just catch the surprise before it becomes evident in my manner as I realise it's my left, blinking and clenching my fist again, only to glance down and see it still immobile. Ghost pains, I think they're called.

Your arm isn't coming back.

I'm still in control.

Edited by Pokemon Trainer N


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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Just as he had hoped, Mesonak was thrown several bio before landing with a large splash in the mucky water. Zeth reached down to retrieve his sword- but all he felt was murky swamp water sliding through his fingers.


Mesonak, having recovered from the gravity shift, released another flurry of ice shards in Zeth's direction. The Toa of Gravity held his breath and ducked down beneath the surface to avoid getting impaled a second time. Time seemed to slow down as he let himself sink, face-down, to the very bottom of the swamp. His eyes darted about, desperately searching for the dusty relic of a blade, but it was nowhere to be seen.


Frantically, he sprung back to the surface, only to find himself facing the Skakdi's barbed blade as it swung towards his head. He ducked just in time, and quickly pushed himself backwards with a gravitational shift. As the Ba-Toa recollected himself, he noticed a loud buzzing now filled the damp air. It sounded like a large swarm of insects... and the sound was drastically increasing in volume.


IC: Mesonak


Mesonak growled at the Toa as he nimbly escaped a bloody end.


Dangit all to the pit! He cursed. Why can't Toa just die? I mean, really?!


He began recharging his ice launcher for another assault when an intense buzzing filled his ears. It came slowly at first, then faster and louder.



IC Hile

(Le-Wahi, Fau swamp):


"We'll have to be on our guard", Hile stated the obvious. "I'm small and agile enough to move in the trees without being spotted. I could scout around."


IC: Jakura


Jakura had to admit -  it was a good idea.

Still, insane though he may be, Mesonak was dangerous - and could he really allow Hile to move in alone?

He sighed. Things were easier when he traveled alone. He didn't have to worry about the well-being of others - only his own, which he could sacrifice at his own will. The lives of teammates - of friends - were different.


"Well... I suppose - "


Before he could finish, an annoying buzzing sound began to fill the air. It started low and then grew high, surrounding the two travelers with the noise.

"What the..."

Edited by Jakura Nuva
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IC: Zeth


The sound was unbearable. Zeth covered both audio receptors in an attempt to block the evasive buzz from worming its way into his skull.


Large beatles, about the size of his fists, began swarming past, thicker and thicker in density. Trees toppled over one by one as the little demons devoured their way through the forest. Zeth held his breath and took cover beneath the waters of the swamp for a second time.


This day is turning out to be a twisted nightmare.

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[Le-Koro, Central Square]

Ranok stopped playing his flute as the Lesterin tore through the square.


"Something real important that Akiri Kongu should know about yesterday. I was out on a hunt and saw some creatures, beetles, that were eating trees"


Eating trees? Ranok decided that he could finish the ballad later.  He packed the instrument and carefully stepped around the other homeless sleepers in the square in the direction of the Akiri’s house.  He listen for a tell tale buzz, but there was nothing except the normal night insect sounds.  His hearing might be better than the average matoran’s, but it was still duller than he would have liked.

OOC: Might as well step in.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Kunitu


Kunitu had left Pala-koro mere hours prior. She liked the place, true, but she wasn't going to waste her self-inflicted vacation on a half-destroyed village with absolutely nothing to do. Home felt like a nice place to hang out at again ... but ... 


"Termite Beetles," she said flatly, trying to comprehend what the receptionist at headquarters had stated.

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IC Hile

(Le-Wahi, Fau swamp):


"What?" Hile asked Jakura. Then, he too began to hear the strange noise. "Uh... where's this sound coming from?"

IC: Jakura


"It's not a Rama swarm, is it?" Jakura asked, war-spear in hand defensively.


IC: Zeth

The sound was unbearable. Zeth covered both audio receptors in an attempt to block the evasive buzz from worming its way into his skull.

Large beatles, about the size of his fists, began swarming past, thicker and thicker in density. Trees toppled over one by one as the little demons devoured their way through the forest. Zeth held his breath and took cover beneath the waters of the swamp for a second time. This day is turning out to be a twisted nightmare.

IC: Mesonak


"What the - "


Before he could finish speaking, thousands of beetle-like Rahi were swarming the swamp, the buzzing of their wings blocking out all outside noise with the intensity.

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OOC: You know what, I lied- I think I'm going to (attempt, at least) rejoin the game after all. Here it goes, my first IC post after my hiatus as Verdi.
Also, @Geardirector- I'm going to be interacting with you. And Yukiko as well.

IC, Verdi: Almost as soon as Trava finished her sentence, another Gukko Force member came around the corner. His badge and uniform signified that he was a rider. This was Verdian Koanga, known as "Verdi" to his friends and fellow Gukko Force members. As it happened, Verdi had just finished his patrol shift, and was on his way to write down that he had finished his shift with no incidents.

As Verdi was coming around the corner, he heard the words, "I was out on a hunt and saw some creatures, beetles, that were eating trees." They came from a female Lesterin talking to the guard posted outside of Akiri Kongu's door. Those words shocked him- if they were true, the whole Koro- no, the whole Wahi- would be in danger.

'Um, excuse me, but did you say that there were... bugs... eating trees? Where at?" Verdi asked the Lesterin. "Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear."

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IC: Trava (Le-Koro)


"You heard right" Trava replied, turning to the Rider with a rare lid on her disdain. As far as she knew, the Gukko Force kept Gukko Birds and Rama shackled as steeds, which she would never have dreamed of doing herself. Still, in the end it was their business what attitude they had towards domestication.


"I found them in the Fau Swamp... breeding, and devouring the nearby trees. I don't think we need more than a few seconds' worth of thinking before we realize what that means"

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IC: Dayeth


Those heathens didn't understand. None of them. The news of the Entropy Beetles was spreading through Le-Wahi like wildfire (the irony of that statement when her own plans were taken into consideration was not lost on her). The beetles had been hard at work for a day now, maybe two, perhaps more, in the heart of the swamp, and seemed to be making their way directly towards the heathen village of Le-Koro. As much as Dayeth would have loved to sit by and watch the population of Mata-Nui worshippers robbed of hearth and home, she knew that the Toa would likely find a way to stop the beetles. 


Besides, those beetles couldn't be allowed to live either. They had been created by one of those Piraka defilers, the robbers of Makuta's consecrated Vault and abusers of his sacred fluid: antidermis. They used Makuta's gifts for their own twisted purposes, enslaving his sons and stealing from his hoard of technology and masks, giving them out to every faithless lowlife they could find. It was sickening. And soon, if she had her way and Makuta's will was fulfilled, it would end. 


But first, she had to cleanse the land of those monstrous beetles, and erase Le-Koro from at the same time.


She walked deeper into the swamp, letting the beetles fly and crawl over and around her. She knew they wouldn't harm her; she was one of Makuta's faithful chosen. Even though they had been birthed by a heretic, the insects were still formed by Makuta's own will, and they would not dare wound one of his servants. She watched with morbid curiosity as the detestable creatures tore through the trees, withering them away as they swarmed in a shimmering black veil. The buzzing horde grew bigger with each passing moment, as more beetles bred, were born, and grew to maturity, only to breed in turn. 


It was a marvel to behold, in truth. The circle of life, corrupted and controlled by the antidermis flowing beneath the exoskeletons of their metallic black bodies. 


She stopped once the swarm was lost from sight behind her, and knelt, picking up a handful of leak-litter in her hand and letting it crumble through her fingers. The air was still filled with the sound of droning and devouring, but she ignored it, smiling at the sight of the dry wood chips in her hand. It was all that remained of the mighty trees that had once stood here. Drained of moisture and eaten from the inside out, what remained of them had crumbled under its own weight, covering he ground in a fine layer of dry, flammable refuse.


Pulling the stolen pouch of Stralix powder out of her pocket, she sprinkled it over the ground in a wide circle, then slowly began to walk backwards, leaving a trail of it behind her, until she had gone past the beetles and well into the rain-forest once more. After that, she doubled back to where she'd began the trail, and pulled out a small flint and steel. After a few tries, sparks flew, igniting the Stralix powder. In an instant, the highly-flammable tree remains caught alight, and she began to run, cackling in delight as the crackling flames pursued her. Mercifully, the wind changed, blowing the flames back towards where the beetles swarmed, and away from her. Once she felt she was safe, she turned back around to review her handiwork. 


The flames were roaring now, the intense heat of the Stralix powder trail only fanning the immense bonfire. It bore down relentlessly towards the forest, and the beetles, before crashing over them like a hellish wave. The beetles scattered, and under the relentless heat and fury of the flames, the lush forest soon caught alight. Disappointingly  most of the beetles flew around or over the flames, moving along and devouring more trees in a frantic, fearful frenzy. The flames drove them forward, towards Le-Koro, and Dayeth smiled.


They would all burn together. 


OOC: Dayeth to Ko-Wahi (eventually).

Edited by NatoGreavesy

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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OOC: First post, hopefully I don't screw up too badly.



IC (Acoura): 

The forest was loud, the sounds of birds, bugs, and who knows what else filled the air, this village had better be close, I don't like the idea of having to refill my canteen in a swamp...finally.


When she got to the elevators to the village proper she was stopped by a guard asking pointless questions, I could try to sneak on board...but that could cause problems later, she decided to answer the guards questions as vaguely as possible, "traveller", "rest and restock supplies before leaving for Ta-Koro" the guard seemed to hesitate, it would be annoying if he didn't let her in so she decided to add a little lie she had used once before, "I'm a singer, I move around so people don't get bored of my voice" not a complete lie, I can sing, it's just not something people would want to listen to, the guard seemed to perk up upon hearing that, and asked if she could sing a bit for him, great, a guard with nothing better to do than lounge around listening to music, she remembered a singer she had heard once before, and decided to use her power to mimic a small portion of that voice... "no more, I need to keep my voice rested" the guard seemed a bit disappointed to hear that, but finally allowed her in the elevator.


The village was loud, perhaps even moreso than the forest, but rather than the voices of Rahi these were the sounds of Matoran. If it weren't for all the Le-Matoran here, I would think someone had vandalized the sign and this were De-Koro. She couldn't help but chuckle at that thought. De-Koro was always right here, but nobody knew because the sign had been changed...seems like just the kind of sick joke this world would play.

Food, water, a place to sleep...no, that last one isn't necessary, the weather is nice enough that I won't need an inn. So the only issue is getting food and water...

She thought about the money she had, gonna need more first, stealing is risky unless I somehow manage to steal a Gukko to get down from here safely should things turn sour.

She walked a little before finding an empty space between two huts, she sat down and reached into her bag to pull out her canteen, she drank what little water was left and turned it around to look at the back, concave to form a shallow dish. So dirty you can hardly read the writing...has it been that long since I had to use it for this? She frowned and rubbed the corner of her bag on the canteen, revealing some crudely carved letters curving around the edge:

"S P A R E    S O M E

       C H A N G F"

I'll have to fix that "e" some time, but it's good enough for now, I'm not even sure if the people here can read.

She set the canteen-dish in front of her, the words visible to any passers-by, and tried to tune out some of the racket caused by the villagers.



OOC: Acoura is open for interaction (or spare changf).

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Just another noob here for the BZPRPG.

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Green murk shrouded Zeth's vision. He swam blindly down to the bottom yet again- but this time he was guided by a glimmering beacon of promise. Upon nearing, the hilt of his sword could be seen in almost full clarity. His fingers closed around its grip, and he pulled the dirtied blade from the mud easily.


He broke the surface and gulped the fresh air greedily. The beetles were still swarming about ferociously. He squinted through their midst in search of the pale Skakdi.

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IC, Verdi: Verdi nodded in understanding. "Right- it would mean the destruction of the entire Koro- maybe even the entire forest." He started heading towards the barracks, signaling Trava to follow. "Akiri Kongu's not here right now- we have to rally the troop ourselves."

OOC: If Palm has something different in mind, I'll edit this later.

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IC: Kunitu


"Oi Verdi."


Kunitu had exited the barracks, immediately taking note of the other Gukko Rider. She quickly strolled over to him, noting the familiar companion by his side. Ah yes, that was ... Trava? She didn't really remember well: they had only met at Pala for a short moment.


"So I heard we're being attacked by beetles."

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IC, Verdi: Verdi turned and saw Kunitu strolling over to him and Trava. "Hello, Kunitu. Yes, it appears that there's a swarm of beetles in the Fau Swamp that eats trees. If they can eat trees in a very short time, then there must be thousands of them- so we'll need to muster as many riders as we can. And fast."

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IC Hile

(Le-Wahi, Fau swamp):


"I'm not a Rahi expert, but I know it's not Nui-Rama", Hile said with increasing worry in his voice. "In fact, it doesn't sound like anything I've heard before in Le-Wahi."


IC: Jakura


Well, Jakura thought, That's not a good sign.

He began to formulate a plan, but before he could finish, the trees in front of him erupted in a swarm of black, buzzing, ravenous beetles. They surrounded Jakura and Hile, all but knocking them off their feet with the intensity of their flight.


"Down!" Jakura shouted, jumping over to Hile and bringing him to the ground.




Green murk shrouded Zeth's vision. He swam blindly down to the bottom yet again- but this time he was guided by a glimmering beacon of promise. Upon nearing, the hilt of his sword could be seen in almost full clarity. His fingers closed around its grip, and he pulled the dirtied blade from the mud easily.


He broke the surface and gulped the fresh air greedily. The beetles were still swarming about ferociously. He squinted through their midst in search of the pale Skakdi.


IC: Mesonak


"Oookay," Mesonak said calmly, dodging numerous beetles as the flew past his face. He peered through the flurry of bodies, trying to locate the accursed Toa. He swatted a beetle to the ground in anger, than activated his ice gun on the beasts. The flurry of ice took out enough beetles to create a gap in the storm of insects, and Mesonak could just make out the purple armor of Zeth emerge from the swamp a few meters away. With a furious battle cry, he leaped like the mad Skakdi he was through the swarm of beetles and towards Zeth.

Edited by Jakura Nuva
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IC Hile

(Le-Wahi, Fau swamp):


Hile yelped as Jakura caught him and brought him down to the marshy ground of the swamp. Moments later, the beetles were budy devouring the tree he had been sitting on.


"These Rahi are not natural!" Hile cried. From the corner of his eye, he saw something flash blue in a distance. "There's someone else here, Jakura!"

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IC Hile

(Le-Wahi, Fau swamp):


Hile yelped as Jakura caught him and brought him down to the marshy ground of the swamp. Moments later, the beetles were budy devouring the tree he had been sitting on.


"These Rahi are not natural!" Hile cried. From the corner of his eye, he saw something flash blue in a distance. "There's someone else here, Jakura!"

IC: Jakura


"Not natural?" Jakura inquired. But before an answer could be given, he, too saw the flash. He got up on his knees. grabbed Hile underneath the shoulders and helped him up. He pointed towards the flash.

"It's Mesonak," he said quietly.

Edited by Jakura Nuva
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IC Hile

(Le-Wahi, Fau swamp):


Hile stared in the direction of the flash for a moment, then at the swarm of beetles devouring trees wherever they went. "I don't suppose you have a plan for both confronting Mesonak and stopping a wild tree-eating bug swarm?"

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IC, Verdi: Verdi turned and saw Kunitu strolling over to him and Trava. "Hello, Kunitu. Yes, it appears that there's a swarm of beetles in the Fau Swamp that eats trees. If they can eat trees in a very short time, then there must be thousands of them- so we'll need to muster as many riders as we can. And fast."


[Le-Koro, Central Square]

“I can get them,” Ranok said.

“I mean, if you need me to,” he continued in reply to the force member’s incredulous stares.  “I worked for the Gukko Force, before Makuta--” he winced as his arm throbbed in memory.  “I have a good memory.  I can fly well enough too, but I had a messenger bird, not a battle one.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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