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IC-Corik:Corik shrugged, before drawing in a huge breath. He held it for a moment, waiting...before he screamed out "Gykehl!" The Toa of Sonics was sure to hear him. He then took in another breathe, before blowing it out in a bloodthirsty roar. Fire billowed around them, lighting the room up to counteract Zenix's blackfire.He pulled out his axe, holding it to his side as though it were a simple staff. "Honestly," he asked, boredly, "What's the point of all this? Would you rather stand here and battle, or would you want to go out and do something productive?"

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: GykehlThe Toa of Sonics heard his name being yelled, to him it sounded like someone had screamed it into his audio receptor. It startled the hukling Toa enough to almost make him fall out of the chair he was in."Excuse me," he said to the Toa of Plasma he was conversing with, and walked down the stairs.What he found was unexpected, quite unexpected indeed. Lii was glowing like a lightstone, or maybe a heatstone, Corik had an ax ready, and they were facing off against two beings."May I inquire as to who called my name?" he asked in his almost robotic voice.



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IC, Zenix: Just then, one of the barrels of wine promptly exploded. Corik's firebreath had heated it up immensely. Zenix looked at him. "I'd much rather blow up these barrels!" he said. He moved his hand over to a large stack of barrels. Blackfire promptly shot out and hit one of the barrels. It exploded, and then another, and another... Zenix smiled. His plan of destroying the wine cellar was going rather well. But the Toa were an annoyance. He looked at Kyju. "Wanna help?" he asked.

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IC-Corik:"I did," Corik said, drawing all the heat from the room, preventing any more barrels from exploding. They would be solid blocks of wine-ice now. "You see," he said, nodding to Zenix, "I want you to take your power over sonics, and make his head explode. Can you do that?" Corik then flicked his hand, liquid fire flew at Zenix and Kyju as he did so.OOC: If anybody wants to know what I mean by liquid fire, it's something like a Napalm substance. I've always described my Toa of Fire as controlling something like that.

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IC, Zenix: Zenix jumped to avoid getting hit by Corik's attack. "Hm, it appears we are evenly matched, pal!" said Zenix as he put out some heat into the room. Since the heat was coming off of him, his body darkened. A little more, and all the barrels would explode. When that happened, the support beams in the cellar would be destroyed, causing much of the first floor of the Inn to be destroyed. Zenix continued heating and darknening the room...

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IC-Corik:Corik drew in the heat from the room, keeping everything at a cool, even temperature as he only got stronger. Zenix, however, appeared to be weakening from the use of his element. Corik smiled, pretty soon Zenix would drop."Honestly, I'd think somebody like you could do better," Corik said, laughing as he drew in more heat, from the surroundings, and now directly from Zenix himself. "Just heating up the place. Pfft. Be more creative, mate. Better yet, get out."OOC: Fairly certain you can't just destroy the Lavapool like that.

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IC: GykehlThe Toa of Sonics nodded and replied, "With pleasure, sir."Gykehl raised his heavily armored hand towards Zenix, and an immensely loud sound filled his head. But only he could hear it, as the hulking Toa was absorbing all the sound that escaped.In an etempt to dirupt the being's control over his element, Gykehl shot a compressed ball of sonic energy at the Toa. It could easily knock even a Muaka unconscious.IC: LiiThey must have forgotten about Lii, as she also began to absorb the heat from the room. At a much quicker pace as well, for heat was the only thing she could control.



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OOC: I know- I wasn't planning to. I knew that somebody would stop me. :PIC, Zenix: Zenix decided to conserve his energy, so he stopped putting out heat. Light now returned to the room. He drew his gladii. But before he could say anything, he Gykehl hit him with the sonic ball. The pressure of the sound caused Zenix to black out.OOC: Alright, you win- for now! :evilgrin:

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OOC: Alright, time to lock 'im up. Or maybe just toss him out of the Koro, that works too. Let's do that.IC-Corik:Corik walked over to Zenix, nodding his head at Kyju as he picked the unconscious Toa up. "Come with me," he said to Lii and Gykehl, stepping out of the inn. Thankfully, it was close to the edge of the Koro. He came near where the bridge was down, at sat."Alright," he said, looking up to Lii and Gykehl, "What should I do? Throw him out the Koro, or lock him in the guard post?"OOC: I'm giving you the chance to say "Yes, out," "No, Post," or "No, Run away."

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Krayzikk"No promises, doc." Krayzikk grinned. The Titan may have been grinning, but if Riaril was paying close attention, she might notice that his demeanor had shifted somewhat. Everyone of his movements was controlled, and careful. His eyes scanned the tree-line cautiously, watching for trouble. His muscles were tense, as the Titan readied himself for action at a moments notice.Krayzikk's expression never shifted from his cheerful grin, but the fun-loving, cheerful, and comical Titan was no where to be found. In his place, was Krayzikk the Avenger. "So where are we going, Ms. Riaril?"

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: GykehlHe followed the Toa of Fire out of the bar and replied, inturrupting Lii who was about to say to throw him in the lava, "I sudgest locking him up."He noticed the Toa returning to consciousness and said, "Nevermind, throw him out. We won't reach the Guards in time."IC: LiiShe glared as her brother interrupted her, before turning to Corik."That-fire-breath-thing-was-even-awesomer-this-time! Did-you-see-how-I-was-glowing? And-we-were-absorbing-all-of-the-heat!



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IC-Corik:Corik looked at the awakening Zenix for a moment, before rapping him on the back of the head, hopefully making sure he stayed unconscious."I've made up my mind," he said to Gykehl and Lii, before activating his Pakari. He picked up Zenix by the feet, spun once, twice, three times, letting go on the third spin. Zenix spun like a frisbee up and out of the Koro, landing somewhere in the charred forest.He then looked down at Lii and smiled. "It was, was it?" He said, laughing slightly. "Ah well, that's why they call me the 'Dragon of the East' in the guard corps. The younger ones, anyways." He patted her on the back. "And yes, you did well."

Edited by Kal Grochi

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OOC: I'm pretty sure you can't bunny other characters into having elemental fatigue. Zenix could just have an extended control lover his element. A few barrels is nothing, really.But anyways, I'll pick up where he left off. XDIC - Kyju - Wine CellarKyju crossed his arms. The lack of heat didn't even affect him, being the element he was. He dodged the liquid fire, letting it fall onto a barrel of wine, which promptly corroded away. Wine began to fill the floor under the combatant's feet, but it was soon solified by the lack of heat. "I never said I was going to fight you all. I said it wasn't a fair fight. It still isn't. None of you stand a chance."The Akrainid towered over Lii, having straightened to full height. He even stood taller than Corik. He knew if all went to heck his regenerative powers would get him out. This place held many tribunals and meetings of those serving Mata-Nui. Destroying it would be not a duty, but a priviledge. "...But of course, I will destroy this building. Whether you involve yourselves is your funeral or your last chance of escape."He slammed his foot into a barrel of alcohol, which shattered into splinters. A precise strike from his tail totaled another. He hefted two, slammed them together into pieces, and shattered even more with those pieces. Black fire had already begun spreading. It wasn't the same element as Corik's, but it burned just as destructively.The wine cellar would soon be filled with ebony flames.

Edited by Shadow Guardian

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Riaril"Well," Riaril began, rummaging around in her front pocket for a map. Finding one, she unfolded it and showed Krayzikk a visual. "We'll be walking up towards the koro proper from here, so I'd think the best route would be those most traveled, yes?"Riaril paused to look at her guard's face. He had definitely changed, but she still like the battle-face of her Avenger.

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IC, Zenix: Zenix groaned. He shapeshifted back to his true, hooded form. He looked around. He was in the charred forest. He slowly stood up. Although he wouldn't normally return to the Koro for a while, this time he made an exception. He changed into a small, sparrow-sized bird, and began flying back to the Koro. However, he would have to stay like that as to avoid detection.

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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk nodded. "You would be correct." He paused, thinking. "Barring unforeseen events, and assuming a decent pace, we should arrive within a day at most. Most likely closer to a few hours."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Corik:Corik watched a small bird fly out from the charred forest, suspicious of nearly anything already. Birds weren't common, but they did come around once in a while. He shrugged, and ran back to the Lavapool to make sure that Akrainid didn't do anything stupid.Which the big being did, it seemed. Corik ran down the stairs, seeing the dark flames everywhere. "Not again," he muttered, before absorbing the heat in the room again. The flames slowly diminished, before winking out. The cellar was a ruin, and it would take a while to fix. Let alone re-stock. He stepped down, drawing his axe again as he looked in the dark room for Kyju.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Okay, how the heck did they go to the Charred Forest, throw him out, realize Kyju might be up to something, and run all the way back in a matter of seconds? I'm allowing myself at least twenty minutes for all this.Also, unless this is owned by a specific player, it's free game to be destroyed. If it is owned by one player, do tell.IC - Kyju - LavapoolThe cellar was destroyed. Blackfire consumed it. Every last thing was burnt to a crisp in the black inferno. The Toa gas made the mistake of leaving him in the cellar, and they would pay for it. He quickly moved upstairs before Corik returned. He was soon up in a room by the time he had come back. He hid silently in a room, waiting for the Toa to leave.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: The Lavapool and Magma Lounge have never been free game for destruction, bro. And they didn't go to the forest, they went to the edge of the Koro. Then my strong Toa augmented his strength with his Pakari, tossing Zenix away. And I've always felt that the Lavapool was near the edge of the Koro anyways, though I can't remember exactly, and I don't want to go back 280 pages to find out.IC-Corik:Corik sighed, looking at the remains of the cellar. He shouldn't have expected the Akrainid to do the smart thing, not with how that other Toa had run to him. He shook his head, before heading up to the bar. He looked around, not seeing Kyju in there anywhere. The Akrainid might have left, but he didn't want to take that chance."Gykehl, Lii," he said, "You to search the uppermost floors. I'll search the first floor. Alright?" That said, he went up the stairs and began checking rooms.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: GykehlThe hulking Toa finally made it, and nodded. "I shall take the floor above, you take the top floor," he said to Lii.With that, he went up the stairs, and to the third floor. He checked each empty room, and used his sonic powers to check the ones that were full.IC: LiiThe Toa nodded, and went to the very top floor. Once she was sure nobody was around, she activated her mask, and her spirit floated free of her body. This allowed her to check every room as if she weren't there.On her search, Lii saw somethings that she probably shouldn't have, but continued to look for the massive being.



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IC: Tillian (City Square, Ta-Koro)"Sure thing, Naona," said an ecstatic Tillian, who turned around and returned Emotia's hug. In between rounds of spinning her in circles, he managed to say, "Good word in the Infernavika raid, by the way."-Teezy



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IC: "Yeah, some wacko ice Toa destroyed it," Tarotrix explained. "I don't think there was any deaths, just a huge mess. He's in the jail now, under heavy guard."He remembed Mevi's quest for Twiak, and didn't want to open up old wounds. So, he changed the subject back to the hospital."Aside from the loss of key medical equipment, the hospital's sinking wasn't that bad. The staff was a weird bunch, to say the least. If you had heard the rumors!"OOC: :PIC: Aryll never really liked Ta-Koro. It was too hot, teetering dangerously atop a freakin' volcano and was very, very ugly. Not Aryll's ideal home. So, he wanted to get out as soon as possible.But he figured he'd let the two catch up.

IC: Mevi"However weird the staff may have been, I don't think their lives are any less worth than the rest of the people here," Mevi said, not sure if Tarotrix was joking or not. "In any case, me and Aryll here have some things to do regarding the Guard force. We were hoping to get some soldiers to assist in a grand attack on the Nui-Rama hive in Le-Wahi."IC: MadrihkUnbeknownst to the members of his squad that had already arrived, their leader was speeding through the thinning jungle towards the ashy rocks of Ta-Wahi. With the help of his Kanohi Kakama, the trip had only taken a few minutes for Madrihk, compared to the hours Aryll and Mevi had used on foot due to Mevi's small size.The Toa of Ice felt the heat of Ta-Koro grow closer... Edited by Katuko
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OOC: I'm back. Yep.IC: Kitsune & Raion, Ta / Ga BorderKitsune let herself be carried by Kinika, wondering who the Toa of Iron was, and what he planned to do with them. He didn't seem all bad, considering he had just saved her life.Then she remembered something. Raion. Her eyes grew wide as she struggled in Kinika's grip. "My brother! We have to save him!" She half screamed, half moaned.Speaking of the devil, Raion stood in the woods still, staring at Iris as a grin slowly grew across his face. "Just me and you, now. No more hostages for you to win with." He said as he once again took control of the earth around them. It rippled and pulsated like a living organisim.


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IC: IrisIris looked at Raion a moment, before sheathing his broadsword. "I'm not going to fight you." He growled. "Not now. There isn't a point now."***Jikal's Mind***Jikal ignored the actions occurring outside his mind. Instead, he charged Iris. His Mark, for that was who his dark doppelganger was, did likewise. Slowly, they started to beat Iris back.OOC: Yes, character development for Iris inbound.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "I think I can gather about fifteen guards to help," Tarotrix replied. "I don't think I have the authority to muster more.""I assume the Gukko Force will provide air cover?"

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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OOC: You know who Iris reminds me of? Jei, from the comic Usagi Yojimbo. IC: Raion, Ta / Ga Border"No point? You just strangled my sister. Acts like that earn a battle." Raion growled back. Forming a powerful stance, he caused the earth all around them to shoot up at an angle, creating a dome of sorts. With Raion and Iris the only beings in it.


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IC: IrisIris nodded. "Another thing I understand." Then his eyes glinted. "But I know your sister matters to you. How would she feel about you killing an innocent Toa?"IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk sighed. "Alright, ma'am. We should get going."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Riaril"Alright then. Let's go. And please, call me Riaril. I'm on vacation now." She strode off with a determined air, her white coat flapping behind from the waist down, exposing the navy blue armor beneath, all integral save for the tight shorts covering down to just below her knees. Her right thigh bore her toa tool, held tightly to the armor by a discrete sheath. Krayzikk couldn't help but notice the slight bounce in her heels as she took off, as if the weight of the world suddenly disappeared from the doctor's shoulders. Smoke billowed from small vents in the ground as she progressed, giving the feeling of a surreal world apart from the reality of clanging hammers and shouting smiths. Blackened trees stood apart from the path, giving slight protection for rahi from the open roadway. Dust didn't rise, unlike most places in ta-koro, as the road to ga-wahi had been traveled so often, the two villages had agreed to pave the way and make travel easier before the coming of the six. Riaril's boots continued their soft clopping on the pavers as she went, as if it was the natural sound to accompany the healer.

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IC: KrayzikkIn contrast, every step Krayzikk took made him more tense. He was on alert, searching for danger. If he saw even the slightest threat, it would be eliminated with extreme prejudice.OOC: I'll let you decide if they encounter any threats.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Okay! BTW: I'm also setting time a little before the whole "Lazerbeak and Ishi" timeline in Po-koro... Since it's night there, I'm catching this WAHI up as well...IC: RiarilTime passed, and the sun began to set, the purple horizon lingering through the skeleton trees. The moon slowly crawled from its nest in the ocean and rose from the sea, dripping water into the night sky -- stars on a cloudless night. The quiet rumble of the lava flows blanketed the place through which the pair travelled, a blanket of false security. Something stood at the top of a small rise, the moon rising behind. The figure was cloaked, but held both hands outwards, parallel to the pavers. Riaril stopped a few yards away and glanced at Krayzikk."Any guesses?"No peace treaty was announced. The being sprung to life, sprinting down the hill, the tight cloak hiding any identifying traits, save for the suddenly enlarging blade emerging from within the folds.

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