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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: "Ayra?," Takimoc repeated incredulously. He then guffawed for several seconds. "It's not like you two are together. I saw the way you were eyeing Riaril...," the Ta-Toa stated warily, slipping back to seriousness, "You wouldn't go for anything less hot, much less a girl scarred and with beaten-up armor. So go. Away. Now."

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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"Don't..talk...about...Ayra...that...way," he replies, not budging. His hand hovers over the hilt of his sword. He was dying to chop the smart doctor in half for what he said. "I don't want anything to do with doctors who only care about themselves; Ayra's more my kind of female. Atleast I have a girl; I don't see Riaril actually flirting with you."-Mef Man

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IC: "SHUT UP!," Takimoc roared. Blasting open the door with a draft of heat, he showed Tairel a flame that stretched all the way from his seat as his desk to right under the other Ta-Toa's chin. "Now...Go...Away," he said in between ragged breaths. "Before I change my mind about not killing you."

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Codename: Nik-Koli, Yu'rek, Yerith, PordalNik-Kolii kicked his battle-Gukko in the sides once more. Land was in sight. So this is where Pordal and Yerith landed. Not a bad piece of land. He lighted down just outside of the village."All right," he said in that gruff voice of his. "Since those two were heavily wounded, we should look for a hospital."Yu'rek nodded as he hopped off the Gukko with his friend. They walked into town and walked into the first hospital they saw. Sure enough, after consulting with the person at the front desk (using codenames, of course), found the two old chums sitting on their beds, smoking cigars."Nik-Kolii, Yu'rek, how are you two?" Yerith asked, embracing his comrades."Who the bloody Karz is Yu'rek?" Pordal asked.The Skakdi of Gravity named Yu'rek nodded in greeting to the wounded Toa."Quiet one, eh," Pordal pointed out. "I remember when I was like that. Now ol' Price can't get me to shut up.""The only way I can get him to shut him up is with a good old battle, and that only takes it down by half," Yerith laughed. "But it's good that we're all here, and the newcomer is with us."Yu'rek took a step back into a corner and observed the conversation."Don't be shy, friend," Nik-Kolii exclaimed. "Come, join us."Naturally, due to the rowdiness of warriors greeting each other, they all caused quite a racket.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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"Okay, I understand, doc," he replies smirking walking out of the office. "I just thought I'd help you get a date with the Toa, but I guess not," he calls out before walking toward Ayra's room. "If you change your mind, feel free to get me," he adds before silently entering her room and giving one last wink to Takimoc before closing the door.Let him think the most obvious reason as to why I'm in her room with the lights off...He quietly makes his way to the chair and takes a seat, reclining in the chair; curious to see what the doctor would do...-Mef Man-Mef Man

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IC: Takimoc sighed and sat down. So he was in Ayra's room with lights out? Probably just stargazing together. There were no windows in his office, so he could never really tell what time of day it was. And judging by his current exhaustion, maybe it was night.He got up and closed the door. The toa then pulled out the only carving he had of Riaril and stared at it.She was smiling in it. She was just as beautiful as she was in real life-without the colors, of course. He had paid an expert carver from Po-Koro to come to the hospital and do it discreetly.But why didn't she smile for him? Why was it that for all his attempts, she simply wouldn't recognize his undefiable hotness?The troubled toa decided to give it a rest. Within several minutes, he was sleeping like a baby, carving clutched to chest in iron fingers.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC - Kyju - OutsidThe Akrainid looked from the newcomer, to the law enforcement officers."Maybe he meant...over-exaggerating in sales? That's dishonest, right? Is it illegal to do that here?" he inquired with a shrug.He was thirsty for something, not as strong as the drink before. Maybe...the bar, before he had blacked out, was selling 'tea.' It was labeled 'non-alcoholic.' His drink was 'alcoholic.' Therefore, tea probably didn't have adverse effects."Anyone up for tea?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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