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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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"All aboard," says a Ta-Matoran to the two.Tairel nods before handing the Matoran a few widgets and boarding. It was just Ayra and him on the cable car. It was nice that way."Here we go," he says to Ayra, trying to act like it was no big deal, but (on the inside) the height of the cable above the ground was scaring him.-Mef Man

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IC: Pordal, Yerith, Nik-Kolii, Yu'rekPordal was the first one to wake up. He looked around the room. Someone had fixed the walls. Huh..."Whenever you guys are ready..." he mumbled, getting up.Yerith heard this and woke."Crazy night, huh," he stated. "So when are we heading out?""You ask where to go, and I take you there," Nik-Kolii said, waking to the conversation."We're fine in Ta-Koro for now," Yu'rek put in, standing up. "I think our best bet is getting on the doctors' good sides, or having a negotiation with the town's guards.""Whatever you say, Skakdi," Pordal said, leading the team through the halls. They all checked out, and Pordal presented the Matoran at the front desk with an extra 2000 widgets for the hospital's troubles.And off they went into the streets.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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OOC: Um this is a little confusing, just pretend that Onuzek didn't leave lizard man.IC: Onuzek"The dead-burnt-forest is good. Less people get hurt. Onuzek would like to know strange-lizard-man-who-talks-a-lot name." He was starting to like this being, he reminded him of someone he knew before this island. Onuzek then strode purposefully to the gates of Ta-Koro.OOC: Um does that drunk thingy wear off on your guy, I'd hate to be in the middle of the fight then have your guy suddenly change personalities. And do you think we will run into Balaythah?



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OOC: Actually Rakata, she kinda did. ;}As for the....eh...pretty comment, remember that he's not a Toa. He doesn't find Toa attractive. Especially considering Ayra's profile.IC - Kyju - OutsideThe Akrainid nodded at Onuzek."No one getting hurt is preferable." He noted that this guy liked to bunch words together to entitle people. Sign of unintelligence? He'd have to find that out."Kyju." he said in response to Onuzek wanting to know his name.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: Don't worry about Onuzek, he'll eventually find Tairel and Ayra. And I got the idea for bunching words together from Saphira from the Inheridence saga.IC: Onuzek"Is strange-lizard-being-named-Kyju coming?" While he was turned around he almost stepped on two matoran carrying a third in between them. "Sorry little-small-matoran-who-Onuzek-almost-stepped-on." XDOOC: Thats Balaythah.

Edited by Gravity



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OOC: Time to re-introduce my poor Ta-Matoran, who haven't been doing anything since Tuck disappeared, despite the people she was escorting having already left. :lol:IC (Mevi):"Bah," Mevi scoffed as she walked away from the Turaga's chamber, having been left to her own merits for some time now. She had decided that things needed to be done, and that they should be done quickly. As a scout of the Ta-Koro Guard, she had the good fortune of being able to wander around without being stuck on watch duty or something.This time, Mevi would be going further than just the edges of the Wahi, however. She would be looking all over the island for a particularly dangerous psychopath: Twiak. Ever since the fight by the gate, she had been unable to forget the visage of that cannibalistic murderer. A Toa of Fire wearing a Hau, but not in noble red armor like the one of legend. No, Twiak was rusted from top to toe, an all too clear symbol of Makuta's brainwashing. Where Tahu was valiant with a bit of a temper, Twiak had seemed just violently insane. He was a twisted mirror of the village's great hero.He had to die.The question was how and where. Mevi had been told by the deputy captain of the guard that s long as the kill did not happen inside the fortress walls, no one would call her on it. But even though she had essentially free hands in that matter, Mevi knew that she could not bring down a Toa alone. She half hoped Twiak would already have wandered into some real heroes somewhere and gotten himself killed, though she would much enjoy dealing the killing blow herself after what he did to her friend Tarotrix and another guard.If he wasn't dead already, Mevi would find him, that much she knew. Her quest would begin with finding out just where Twiak had gone after leaving Ta-Koro... and that meant that she would have to find the tracks.OOC: While Mevi will be using her tracking skills, I will rather be reading the topic and find out which Wahi they were headed towards. :P

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OOC: Sorry for the lack of activity. I had some life to attend to. :(I.C. Tradoris was about to answer that what he had in mind was a crime gang, but a loud crashing noise distracted him for a moment. He used his X-ray vision to spot what it might be, but took a little longer than he thought he would. When he turned around, Kyju was gone.OOC: Free for interaction


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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

"That's...terrible," replies Tairel as he brings Ayra a little closer to him. Such torture and she was still this sane? "Remind me to kill this 'Revan' if we meet him," he mutters before looking out of the window. Tairel immediatly looks back to the floor, eyes wide with fear.We're up high. Really high."Yeah, yeah, nice to meet you," replies the Matoran of Fire through clenched teeth. He was in no mood to talk, just to be healed. Soon, he was inside the hospital looking for someone to heal him.-Mef Man

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IC: Realizing that he wasn't getting a response soon, Krayzikk turned and wandered in a random direction. Now that things were calming down, Krayzikk realized that his performance in battle against Tarn had been pathetic. The toa wasn't even properly trained for Mata Nui's sake! He had to become stronger, both for himself and for others. He knew Tarn wouldn't stop wanting to kill him, and that there were truly evil people on the island. He had to find someone to teach him.With this thought in mind, he headed toward the most likely place to find information: a bar. Upon finding one, he used what few widgets he had left to buy a drink, and started asking around for a school or teacher.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

Balaythah looks around the hospital for a doctor."Where the Karz is a doctor?" he barks."Gross green Skakdi?""Well, atleast he's out of your Mask," he says to her. "I'm just glad you're alright now. You've been through too much, Ayra. You deserve more than what's been dealt to you."-Mef Man

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IC: [Stronin/Ril/Naona]Stronin smiled."Of course boss," he said cheerfully as he followed the other Toa.---Ril paused as the person he was trying to interrogate walked off, causing him to sigh in exasperation. It seemed as if people kept on ignoring him when he tried to talk to them."Hey," he said, turning around. "Where did Kyju go?""He left for tea a few minutes ago," said Naona.

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IC: Nik-Kolii, Pordal, Yerith, Yu'rek"My Gukko is just ouside of town," Nik-Kolii said. "We can find some intel on Kingfish in another town. I don't think he's here."Pordal nodded and followed the Skakdi out of the village. There, before them, was the battle-Gukko just as he remembered it."Let's get going," he said, hopping on."I think our best bet would be in the jungle portion of the island, where all the other Gukko are," Yerith said. "That way, we blend in with the locals. I also heard there was a fire there yesterday. Could be the handiwork of Kingfish."Yu'rek loaded his crossbow and followed the group on the Gukko."Let's fly," he said, kicking the bird's sides to lift them up.Nik-Kolii to Le-Wahi...Pordal to Le-Wahi...Yerith to Le-Wahi...Yu'rek to Le-Wahi...

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: Soli"Nothing, One!" and with that Soli unhooked her hook, falling for only a second, she threw it up again, this time higher than before. Using the momentum from her fall, she swung on the roop and rose above her hook. Once more she unhooked and rehooked but this time she stayed at where her hook was. "Hurry up slowpoke." Soli was already almost at the top.


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IC: SoliSoli smiled he learns quick, but not quick enough. Once more Soli fell and rehooked but this time with a twist, as her feet hit the side of the mountain she kick off, swing over her hook while ripping it out. The hook using the momentum of her flip flew up and hooked onto the very rim of the Volcano. Soli smiled as she began to run up, it was looking like victory would be hers.


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IC: [Stronin]Stronin's hook flew up onto the top of the volcano, hooking onto the closest thing there, which was Soli's hook, which was hooked onto the rim of the volcano, meaning that his hook probably wouldn't fall. Smiling, he continued to run up the mountain, having developed stronger legs from his attempts to escape Naona and her godlike running skills.

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IC(BK): The Knight came to her senses. The being that had mentally attacked her had let it's guard down. What was that? It couldn't have been that...Makuta thing the villagers keep talking about. People aren't stupid enough to attack a member of the Imperial Consortum."I believe you will know that I am that stupid."Your voice...it's different now. More male. And...like a...stupid...oh, blast."Like a stupid 'plasmoid' toa that you got curb stomped by last time we fought?"I believe you were called the Baron. What do you want with me?"A consciousness. I achieved sentience before Nitro killed me off."Nitro?"The being that controls us.Black Knight shook her head. "Impossible. I am fully aware of the limits of my existance."We shall see. Anyway, how about a cupcake?The Baron took over the body. "Oh yes, this will be a 'fun' outing indeed."IC(Draebe): "Guys. The boat is ready. We can get off any time now."

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