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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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The guards stood firm, but a quick motion with his hand from the lead Ta-Matoran made them do as they were told."So, I get a fire spitter to operate on me?" he manages through the pain. It wasn't meant to be mean, he was just not in a very good mood after the recent attack.-Mef Man

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IC: Takimoc nodded. He set down his medical bag, examined the guy's injuries with his Akaku, and whistled."Listen. I'm going to have to remove a lot of bone shards-including some in arteries," he explained, just as gruff as before. He took out a throwing disk and handed it to the ta-matoran."Riaril said we can't waste sedatives on guardsmen unless they're in shock," Takimoc continued. "So here's the next best thing..."Open wide," the toa commanded.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

Tairel looks up to see that the cable car was approaching the station in Ko-Wahi."I guess we're here," he says to Ayra.""Great," mutters the Ta-Matoran. "Remind me to have a talk with this doctor if I live through this," he adds before snatching the disk from Takimoc and shoving it into his mouth. "Let's get this over with," Balaythah mutters through the disk in his mouth.OOC: Ayra and Tairel to Ko-Wahi.-Mef Man

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OOC: TBH, that char won't be going anywhere for a while until Riaril gets to regenerating the bone in his leg. Otherwise, he'll just stand up-and fall right down again, unable to support himself ;PIC: Takimoc kept on making incisions and prying out bone. No shard escaped his vigilant x-ray microscope; Balaythah could finally see just how this hospital had gained its reputation's inclusion of a master surgeon.After a fairly long period-at this point, Balaythah had no idea how many times the cycle had repeated itself-Takimoc was done. He checked once again with his mask, then nodded.The toa stood up. "Don't take the kanoka out just yet. Nakumir will be along in a second to stitch that up."He turned and strode past the screen.

Edited by Pein



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IC: Nakumir walked back in. She nodded at the disk. "Sorry," she said gently while pulling out her muaka-gut string and a metal needle. The ga-matoran then began to make a simple interrupted stitch on the largest of the other matoran's incisions, using a pair of scissors she also brought to cut the string as needed.



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The Matoran forces a smile to his face while biting down on the disk. The pin hurt, but not as much as the incisions. But, something caught his eye. Some kind of weapon in the doorway.A crossbow.Balaythah simply kept looking toward the Matoran (careful not to glance at his wound) and waited for the killer to make the first move. He had a plan in mind as how to stop her...-Mef Man

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IC: The silence was awkward and charged-Nakumir believed it may have been due to the guy calling her 'darling' earlier. She blushed slightly on remembrance of the incident.But as she worked, the ga-matoran knew something had to break the lack of vocalization. And so she decided to."These stitches are called muaka-gut," she explained. "Technically that's not true-they're made from the intestines of mahi. They are absorbed into the body after a period due to their status as an organic substance," Nakumir went on, "And are very high tensile; you'll find they won't rip easily. That's why we use them for guardsmen. "Now if I were you," the matoran went on with a smile, faint at first, but growing, "I'd be glad you're a member of the Ta-Koro Guard as opposed to one of Po-Koro's defense force. You'd be stitched with ants over there," she explained. "They make the ant bite down on each disconnected piece of skin so that they're forced together and then remove its head."Point is," Nakumir finished her monologue, "You're lucky to live in Ta-Koro-my metal needle, those mahi-gut stitches, and your cauterizing are all proof of that." She smiled again as she kept stitching, blissfully unaware of anyone else's presence for the moment--And then a crossbow bolt slammed into the back of her left lung. The shocked ga-matoran could do nothing more but gasp and topple over to the floor, unconscious from the shock of pain.OOC: Probably leaving something half-stitched. But Balaythah shouldn't care half as much about that as he should about the fact that Nakumir is probably going to die now...Unless anyone gets her to help soon, she'll have one blood-filled lung.

Edited by Pein



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IC: Solaris, The Rel, Miptel"All I'm saying, is that there's bound to be some food around here, somewhere," Solaris stated, pacing."Well, there's supposed to be a steakhouse nearby..." The Rel said, thinking a bit. "I believe there's an alley next to it where you killed Knellem.""Oh, that one," Mip said, remembering it. There was a bit of silence. "Why don't we go grab a bite to eat?"Solaris nodded gratefully and rushed out to the eatery.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: "Don't worry Xxeth" Tooroko said as he disembarked. "We're only going to find a doctor, it's not like we're trying to catch a kanohi dragon or anything".He walked down the pier until he reached the soft sand, and then looked back at the... At the...He realised he didn't know the ship's name. He had never heard it said, and nor was it wriiten anywhere."Odhran" he said "What's the name of this ship? I don't remember you ever saying it".


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"No!" exclaims the Matoran before dropping the disk in his hand and throwing it in the direction of the crossbow. "Nakumir!" he yells before (painfully) bending down and grabbing the Matoran. "Where's a Mata-Nui forsaken doctor!" He looks down into the eyes of the Matoran and places one hand on her chin. "Don't worry; you're going to be okay."-Mef Man

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IC: The RelIt thought it heard a cry for a doctor. The Rel rushed to the source of the noise to see Balaythah and Nakumir. And Nakumir was injured."What seems to be the problem?" it mumbled to itself. "A crossbow bolt to the back, huh?"It examined the wound, trying to charge up a healing spell. It took a little more effort than usual, but a soft glow of yellow sparks appeared in its hands."What happened?" it said aloud, putting the sparks to the doctor's wounds.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: Riaril's eyebrows shot up. Just what was happening?While most sounds coming from it were far too soft to hear properly, the chief doc could still hear the ta-matoran shout "Where's a Mata-Nui forsaken doctor?!". Something had gone wrong...But what?Riaril looked to the equally-stunned others in the room. Her throat suddenly felt dry, but she coaxed her voice from it anyway. "I'm going in there," she said quietly. "Everyone stay and don't stop working until I give the order."The toa tip-toed to the door. She closed it as she went out and unsheathed her sai.She was not the most powerful offensive weapon the hospital had. But as she entered the room and moved towards the area between the flax screen and the wall as quietly as possible, Riaril knew that she could hold out the longest. And she could fight and heal at the same time-something Takimoc struggled to do.Which was precisely why she was the one moving towards the opening. If anyone could take care of any situation medically-related in the hospital, it was her.The healing spell forced Nakumir's body to regenerate. Unfortunately, that just dug the crossbow bolt in deeper, causing her unconscious body to cough up more blood.

Edited by Pein



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IC: Fyriin:"You think you are so noble, when in reality, you are a pathetic Matoran. I will not stop from hunting people around this Koro, and thee is nothing you van do to stop me," Fyriin said as a dagger formed in her hands, and began to stroke Balaythah's cheek. "Life isn't precious now, isn't it?"

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IC: The RelHow do I always end up in trouble?The Rel thought for a moment before pulling out its scepters and pointing them at the assailant."First I would like to be informed of the situation," it stated, looking at Balaythah and Fyriin. "Then I would like to kick some butt."I need to stop hanging around Solaris, he's starting to grow on me, it sighed to itself.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: It was then that Riaril stepped out of the shadows, pointing sai's spike at Fyriin's carotoid artery while water encircled her foe's feet to keep them from moving. "I wouldn't try to pull any tricks," she stated while analyzing the situation, eyes flicking around the room. "I can have the Guard up here in no time."Speaking of which...," the toa added with a smirk as the matoran's friends hopped in after her. Of course, she wasn't as strong as she acted she was. Riaril had never had real combat experience. But the person with a crossbow standing mere bio from the ga-matoran with a bolt in her back didn't need to know that.Said matoran coughed again. Red spattered the black rock floor.

Edited by Pein



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IC: The RelThe Rel turned its attention back to Nakimur. The yellow sparks returned to its hands as it knelt down and slowly removed the crossbow bolt. There that was done. Now it could get a good clean heal. The sparks drifted into the wound, filling in the flesh and tissue that was missing until there was just a slowly bleeding circular mark on Nakimur's back. The Rel was drained from the healing effort and collapsed. This is why he didn't like helping people.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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Balaythah watched as his guards instinctly raised their swords up toward the needles and shielded their vulnerable spots as well as parts of Riaril; allowing the small needles to simply stick into their armor. The Ta-Matoran turned away from the view and hoisted Nakumir up into the seat beside him and looked her over.I think she's alright.-Mef Man

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OOC: Arrowheads often weren't fixed onto their shafts with that much, so they'd break inside the wound a lot when someone attempted to pull them out...But e, I'll let you go. That wasn't always the case. Also, it's a good the Rel isn't a medic. Because he's breaking their rules and procedure left and right ;PIC: After the Rel nearly killed Nakumir by removing the crossbow from her and letting the bleedout rate increase as well as preventing her from breathing, she appeared to have stabilized. The worst that could happen now was infection.That didn't change the fact that she was still coughing up the blood that had managed to accumulate in the lung, though. Wet redness dribbled from her raggedly-breathing lips.Riaril deflected the ones the guard didn't with her sai, dodging the plasma cloud with a step back as she whirled. The toa then conjured up her element and spat out some water at their mutual enemy in an attempt to distract her.

Edited by Pein



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IC: Fyriin:The needles began to get larger, now stretching over the guards, wrapping them in metal. Riaril would be next, if they hadn't stopped those needles. The water Riaril splashed at Fyriin, who blocked it with her shield.

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IC - Kyju - Charred ForestAs Onuzek figured out, he was pretty darn fast. He jumped to the side.He came back at the Toa of gravity with a kick the the solar plex, followed by a knife-hand to the head.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: BTW (Rakata) don't kill my NPC's, :P.


"Position seven!" he barks before the guards go into the next formation. One takes out a small shield and walks in front of Riaril (guarding her) as he quickly pulls out the enlarged needles while the other retreats out of the door in the direction of the barracks doing the same thing.Balaythah quickly grabs a handkercheif and dabs at the blood coming from the Matoran's mouth."It'll be alright," he whispers to her before clenching his teeth from the pain of his leg. The Ta-Matoran turns to the being and prepares for an attack.

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IC: Riaril thought for a second and nearly facepalmed. Of course! Why hadn't she fought of it before?"I'll go get reinforcements," the ga-toa whispered to the matoran. She then stepped to the side and, sheathing sai, charged out twixt the flax screen and the wall towards the door--Or at least, that's what would've happened until she saw what said matoran were doing. Instead, Riaril aimed with her hand that wasn't holding the sai and fired a high-pressure jet of water at her foe's chest.

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IC: The RelIt sighed and sent more sparks down Nakimur's throat. It would let the spell figure out what to do and turned back to Fyriin."Perhaps some sense should be knocked into you," The Rel growled, twirling its scepters.Of course if it tried to make a physical rush to Fyriin, she would just teleport away. So he advanced, looking menacing, while the twirling staves collected more plasma until its arms were surrounded by crackling clouds. If it couldn't strike, intimidate.It sensed that something bad was about to happen. Then again, when wasn't there?

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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