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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Tank - Ta-Koro StreetsTank looked at Ril's hand for a few seconds before extending his own, gripping firmly before shaking."Thank you. I'm..."Who? He didn't know. He couldn't figure it out. Chances are, he wouldn't ever figure it out. But that's why he was here wasn't it? He'd start in Ta-Koro, then over time spread throughout the whole island until every possible secret could be revealed. His identity. His Mark.The Mark. It was still sore from it's unavoidable use.Tank let go of the hand and rubbed the Mark hidden under his cloak, making eye-contact with Naona briefly."Those who had wished to give me a name identified me as Tank."

Edited by MicroSnipe

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IC: Tank - Ta-Koro StreetsTank almost frowned at the thought of answering the question. He honestly didn't know. Trying to find anything that would lead to answers he supposed."Searching you could say."He shuffled his footing, "I lost something a little over a month ago, and I'm trying to find clues about what could have happened to it."

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IC: Apparently the doctor was busy. Kahua took Tahuva to a different room.OOC: Yeah...I'm gonna need an NPC doctor, or he's gonna die. :PIC: The doctor, a toa of fire, examined Tahuva. "It seems there is acid in his bloodstream...if I cauterize the wounds now he is doomed. We must let him bleed it out. "But take a closer look! His heart and lungs are damaged!"The doctor took a sterilized cloth and took the acidic blood out. "This way is faster...but more risky." It was quite easy to spot the acid, seeing as it was bright green. "Now I'm sure there's still some acid in him...but not enough to hurt him. Now, we stop the bleeding." He began using his flames to cauterize the wounds.OOC: Pein, thanks for the idea. IC: Huge scabs began to form on Tahuva. The doctor quickly pulled out the armor shards on his body and removed his armor to operate. "Normally, I'd pull these out slowly to avoid pain. But since he's out cold..." Kahua nodded. "Good."The doctor asked, "So, what has the Toa been doing? It's like he was in a fight...""Three on one. He did manage to kill one, and remove the arm of another. But the strongest of them, his worst enemy, did this to him.""Bloody Karz...fights all over this island." The doctor bandaged Tahuva. "All right, he's stable. You can go...but I'll be keepin' an eye on him. Take his armor to be cleaned and repaired."Kahua took the armor and left.Slicax took his severed arm with him to a hospital. He knew that the doctor would not be able to re-attach his arm, but he asked the doctor to preserve his nerves.The doctor, a Toa of Gravity, confusedly agreed.Slicax found a blacksmith. "Could you fashion for me...a metal arm? Fully jointed and identical to my real arm. I was in a fight with a terrible person and he cut off my arm."Jetian nearly jumped out of his armor. Literally, as his armor was too big for him. A one-armed misshapen Toa was not a thing you saw every day. "Very well..300 widgets!"Slicax nodded. Jetian got to work. This wasn't the usual thing he was asked to make, but it would get him a good price. After a few minutes he was done. I am quite the blacksmith. "Behold the glory of Jetian!" He handed Slicax the arm.Slicax snatched the arm rather rudely and left."Hey! Wait a minute! You didn't pay!"I can't have this man screaming about me not paying...the doctor won't do what I want that way! He fired off a Compressed Air zamor, destroying the blacksmith's shop and leaving him unable to move or speak.Just before blacking out, he thought I'm switching sides! Terrible person indeed, HE's the terrible one! It's an intensely PERSONAL decsion! Yes, that ought to do it! I'm switching sides!The doctor fixed up Slicax's new arm to his body, putting the nerves and muscles inside the frame of the metal arm. "There. You should be fine now." But how does a patient get a mechanical arm?Slicax left without paying. Just to be sure the doctor didn't call for help...he fired a Zamor and wrecked the room. He took out his saw and severed the doctor's head in all the chaos, then ran. Wait, what was in that room I just passed? IT CAN'T BE! He ran off to report the news.Kahua saw Slicax running. "Wait...that guy looks familiar."Fallen walked around and laughed. "There is Vakama's hut!"Zeltroth growled. "TIME TO KILL HIM!"Slicax interrupted him. "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...but the doctors have the body of Tahuva!""The Toa must have survived...we cannot let them revive him!" Zeltroth ran toward the hospital. "ORGATH, BEGIN OUR ASSAULT!"Fallen glared at Slicax. "YOU FOOL, YOU'VE BEEN FOLLOWED!"Kahua stopped them. "SOLARIS! MIP! REL! WE HAVE TO STOP THEM! THEY'RE GONNA ASSASSINATE VAKAMA AND TAHUVA!" IC: The doctor, a Toa of WAter, worked to heal Dervian and Shohu. She was making progress...but they would need some rest before they could fight again.Dervian grinned. "So...I'm back in the world..OW!""Fool, don't strain yourself." Shohu wondered what was going on outside, but he couldn't leave his bed.Orgath ran toward the hospital. Locating Tahuva. Preparing for assassination.OOC: This is the final battle against Fallen, so show up to join the epicness. :biggrin:

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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OOC: Tahuva, this hospital only has five doctors in it at present. So make sure you don't say it's the same ;}And please don't ignore what I posted. A toa of Fire-Takimoc-and two matoran are working on Dervian and Kohu. Due to RPing time, I'mma assume they're done by now...But there is no toa of Water.IC: Bringing the matoran back to the stretcher, Riaril laid him down. She then continued to stitch until she was done. And finally, the toa activated her kanohi. She focused on his shattered bones and repaired them until they were perfect-almost looking like they'd never been hurt."That should be all," she simply said, then went off to check on the others. The guardsman didn't need any reassurance that he was healed completely.Takimoc, Moriika, and Faerulo were done. The toa's armor, mechanical parts, and abdominal cavity had been repaired, and their other wounds were closed. She dismissed the other doctors and left behind the bill. Then Riaril left to her office.

Edited by Pein



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: Seeing as no one is aware of Ah'ackune'mthrun I have other ideas for him.IC: AckuneAfter coming back from the hospital, he returned to his half melted shop and picked up his staff and sword. He then made for the gates of Ta-Koro. He then turned for the general direction of Le Wahi.OOC: Ah'ackune'mthrun to Le Wahi.



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IC: Tank - Ta-Koro StreetsTank mulled the idea over in his mind."I don't know if you can even. It's kind of complicated." He looked nervously to people passing by, "But there is a chance."Tank didn't know if it was a very wise choice, but if there was even a slight chance at getting helped he'd take it. He rolled up his sleeve, just enough for the two beings to see it's black twisted shape on his upper bicep."I woke up in the middle of Po-Wahi with this on me."He dropped the sleeve, hoping not too many people had a chance to see it."It took my name and my identity."

Edited by MicroSnipe

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Balaythah spit the disk out of his mouth upon the exitting of the doctor. He looked down at his leg to see that it was in perfect condition.Strange.The Matoran of Fire pays the bill and walks down the hall until finding Nakumir's room. He walks into the room and looks over the Ga-Matoran.Looks like she's going to be okay.-Mef Man

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OOC: Sorry, those were supposedly NPC's and I was under time pressure. And ok.IC: Kahua saw Orgath heading for the hospital. I hope the Rel can take that guy.. He formed a circular saw out of Iron Sand, modeled after Slicax's, but able to spin on its own thanks to magnetic forces. He also formed a sphere of Iron Sand and a crude launcher to fire the sphere from magnetic force. "HAAAA! COME ON YOU COWARD!"Zeltroth turned to Slicax. "He's talking to you."Slicax angrily called the Toa "LOCUSTS!" and fired compressed air at Kahua's weapons, destablizing them into particles. He ran at him and slashed him.Kahua jumped back, reformed his projectile launcher, and shot it at Slicax. Iron Sand filled his face."OW OW OW, MY EYES, MY EYES!" He spun in circles, until Kahua sawed him. "NOW I'M MAD!" He flew up and kicked Kahua, then proceeded to airstrike Kahua, Solaris, and Mip. "Ready to DIE, TOA?"Dervian managed to stand, sort of. "Argh...not easy to stand here..." He pulled out his swords. "Someone's coming."Shohu got up. "Who would that be?" He made a heavy flail and a spiked shield, to defend and ram. Orgath ran past the door."Where the Karz...?""Come on! He's going for Tahuva!" Shohu ran out and chased Orgath.Pursuers. Now initiating massive destruction. Orgath fired out some disks, but Shohu blocked them."Dervian! I need your ranged attacks."Dervian burst out of the wall in front of Orgath using a wind sphere, then tripped him using a wind blade. He held both his blades backhand, and slashed threateningly at Orgath. "ON THE GROUND, AND STAY THERE!"Shohu snuck up behind Orgath to finish him. He raised his flail......and was shot point blank in the stomach. Orgath kicked Dervian, taking him by surprise, and shot him in the face while running."MOFLAH!" Shohu doubled over in pain.Dervian coughed. Our only hope now is The Rel...and I don't remember that guy being the most motivated...maybe to save Tahuva?

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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IC: It took a good long while, but Krayzikk finally found someone who had heard word that a school was going to be formed in Ko-Wahi. However, as the drunk put it,"I heard about a number of years ago, and it might not be there, but it'd be a good place to start."Or at least, that is what Krayzikk thought he said. In actuality, it was a good deal more slurred than that. But, it was the best information Krayzikk had so within an hour he was on the cable car to Ko-Koro.OOC: Krayzikk to Ko-Wahi.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Tank - Ta-Koro StreetsTank chewed his lip nervously, "Sometimes it..." He could hardly finish his sentence, "Sometimes."His voice had a hint of fear when it came out of his mouth, "It feeds off of pain, it-it has to feed off pain. And sometimes..."Tank breathed in deeply when he looked to his feet. Upon looking back up again he was composed, although a hint of overly-calm was in his voice, "If it doesn't get what it wants, it forces me into harming others."Tank removed his hood as he spoke, as if the others seeing his sleek version of a Hau would improve the way his words were spoken. His eyes were laden with unhappiness, and they were fearful, he made eye contact with Naona again, "Less than a few hours ago, a Ga-Matoran was beaten to death in her home-village by a Toa with an iron staff."

Edited by MicroSnipe

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IC: Nakumir's eyelids fluttered open. Being one of the people who worked in the hospital, the matoran quickly identified where she was."I'm in the hospital...," she murmured unconsciously. "But what happened to put me in this state?"She knew better than to try moving around, however. So instead, the doctor looked for anyone by her bed--And found the stitched-up matoran she'd been working on standing there with a caring look on his mask.Nakumir blushed beneath her mask. He cared that much about her?"Th-thank you," the ga-matoran muttered shyly. She averted her eyes. "Do you know why I'm here?"

Edited by Pein



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: Rakata; we'll just say they took your killer to the prison and took her Mask off. How's that sound?


"No problem," replies the Matoran, smiling. "A killer decided to take a pot shot at you and hit you. Arrow throught the left lung, but some weird being and the Ga-Toa doctor healed you," he adds, not mentioning that he practiclly stood guard over her during the being's attack."Anyway, how are you feeling?"-Mef Man

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IC: Nakumir blushed again at that. Ah, but I'm a hopeless romantic...'How are you feeling?' The matoran looked back and smiled. "Okay. The spot's still sore, but it's fine..."She looked away again. "You should go now, guardsman. Surely your superiors will wish you back."



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IC - Kyju - Charred ForestIt was an odd sensation. As he drifted up...then down. His inertia felt sickly, but righted itself as he balanced."You have fought well."Before Onuzek could register the compliment, he ran forward, flipping up towards the Toa. Then down, down like a bomb, foot uncoiling as he came down, with the desired effect of striking him in the temple.

Edited by The King of No Isles

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Tank - Ta-Koro StreetsTank frowned. She said she understood, but she didn't really. How could she? How could anybody? Being forced into a situation where killing somebody is required is different than having no control over your body. He did want the Mark gone, but what he wanted more, was his identity. Tank felt the two were connected."You speak as though you understand when you can't," Tank chuckled softly and sadly, "You will never be able to fully understand. But I'm thankful for your attempt to understand."Tank sighed, "I doubt either of you have any information on it do you?"

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IC: Tank - Ta-Koro StreetsTank smiled, "No. If I knew anybody like me, I wouldn't be here looking for, Mata-Nui knows what with no direction at all."Tank rubbed the Mark, "Besides. I doubt there is anybody like me. We would have made quite the presence by now. With all the deaths I alone have caused."

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IC: Tank - Ta-Koro StreetsTank's face was emotionless, "Every time the Mark took hold, I could have avoided being in an area with other beings."He frowned, "And to be honest with you, I pray to Mata-Nui there are not others like me. I have good intentions, but if this power with thrust upon others. Some people might find it's power to be rewarding, and a tool to be used. I know, the feeling of using the Mark is extremely addicting. The only thing keeping me from using it myself is the harm I must bring upon others to do so."

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OOC: Nice move.IC: OnuzekAs soon as Kyju was back on his feet he had jumped to attack him. Because Onuzek only saw what he was aiming at after Kyju released his leg, Onuzek could only get his arm partway up before the kick connected. It didn't knock him out though, Onuzek's arm had blocked some of the attack, although the world still spun and refused to stay put. The massive purple being in turn brought his claws together above his head and slammed them down where Kyju was standing. "Fight-in-dead-burnt-forrest not done-over yet."OOC: This has got to be the best fight in the BZPRPG I've had. :)



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OOC: If you mean the Mask; yes. Feel free to break out, but you'll be in the Mata-Nui Daily as Ta-Koro's most wanted. :P


"Okay, see you then," he says to her before gently holding her hand and kissing the top of it. Balaythah nods his farewell before exiting her room and walking to the main desk. He soon had the bill paid and was off to the streets of Ta-Koro once more.-Mef Man

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IC:Odhrán"Okay guys, we'll split up. Draebe, you get food for Moylan and Xxeth. Tooroko, you get food for yourself and me. I'll go talk to the doctor." Odhrán said, havning not gotten a reply from Nitro Frost and Mt. Ihu Draebe and Tooroko.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: "Aye aye, Odhran!" Tooroko called back over his shoulder. The moment he had heard the word "food" he was already starting. Within a few minutes, he was striding throuhg the gates of Ta-koro, looking for somewhere he could buy food for a crew of hungry pirates.OOC: Tooroko open for interaction and dinner.


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IC: Nakumir almost fainted from the loss of blood combined with sudden rush of said substance to her face. But she was fortunately made of sterner stuff-even if only slightly-and managed to hold herself together until the guard left.The ga-matoran sighed at what she had just done. There was really nothing more she could do right now, so Nakumir then shrugged and fell asleep.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC(Draebe, BK): "A'course, sir." He did a strangely fancy bow, and began to walk towards the gate of Ta-koro."CARDINAL!"That voice...what about it sounded familiar to the pirate? He was very close to finding out, as a fist barreled into his side almost directly after he heard his name called."Oi...what...oh no...you. What is it with all of my enemies suddenly appearing NOW!? I get lost in the Ocean for a year, and yet somehow, SOMEHOW, you all find me? You must have some pretty good blood-fish at the Imperial Consortum Aquarium, because I have no idea--""Oh, shut up. You're constantly alluding to your wonderous homeland, oppressed by the consortum, and then you're all like, 'No, I didn't eat my crew, they all mysteriously vanished, oh Odhran, you're my best friend, hug me to death!"Draebe's mouth fell to the ground. "Erm...what? Black Knight, are you on some sot of crazy pill you forgot to take?"The Knight regained control from the Baron's mind. "Urgh...Cardinal Draebe. We meet again, for the final time..."Draebe had a confident smirk on now. "Well, Black Knight, once more, you're not insane. I think, you're voice did get a bit more...gravelly. Anyway, en garde!" He flipped out both of his swords at once...to which Black Knight responded by pulling out a hatchet."I AM FUJIMARU PANTSU, AND I SWING MY AXE AT YOU!"Draebe activated his Kadin, flying up in the air. "Whoa...you are definitely crazy now. How about this...we meet back here in three hours, both ready to fight...and you could be well rested." Black Knight, still under the possesion of the Baron, nodded her head. "It's settled. Three hours, the gates of Ta-koro. Don't be la~ate" He ended the sentence with a sing-song voice, and went into the village to find some food. Black Knight, on the other hand, was slumped up against a tree, sleeping...Waiting for Draebe's return in Three Hours time.

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IC:OdhránAs Draebe walked away from Odhrán, Odhrán over heard BK talking. He decided to listen in. "Oh Odhran, you're my best friend"Well, that's not too bad. He thought."-hug me to death!"At that his mind kinda went blank. The thought of Draebe, or anyone he interacted with, hugging him... He shivered, then fell over. Unconcious.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC(Draebe): It took quite a while for Draebe to get all of the necessarily food items for Moylan and Xxeth, along with some extra food bits for an attempt at cooking. As he was walking back to the ship, he passed Odhran. "Erm...Captain? Captain? Are you awake?" He slapped Odhran across the face in an attempt to wake him up, following it up with some very cold water for the region.

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OOC: Thanks!And I agree- it's fun when two RPers can come together in combat without breaking the rules.IC - Kyju - Charred ForestHis eyes widened. Even without a mask, Onuzek was physically strong. No way he could block that momentum. Plus, he was burning up the time he had analyzing a countermove. Only possible outcome- Impact. The claws collided with his shoulders, slashing him on the left side, and slamming him on both sides. He collapsed under the strike, his only comfort being the ground he layed against."Correct...not...over...yet-" He sprang up in a burst of agility, his fist coming at his head from the left, and his tail slapping at his knees from the right.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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