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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: They arrived in Ta-Koro. "Now...where is this hospital?" Tahuva noticed the others in the cable car, and nodded to them in response."Right this way. Should I carry one of the wounded?""I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine." Tahuva had no trouble lifting them at all.Kahua led them into the hospital. "We have two critically wounded. Green one, Dervian, is worse off than Shohu, the other one."

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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OOC: Preemptive query: How are they injured?IC: Riaril nodded from behind the front desk. She stood up. "Team Kanohi Dragon and Takimoc, move out!"Grabbing a nearby stretcher, the toa and the quickly-arriving Nakumir loaded the patients onto two stretchers. The team then moved off towards the operating room, gaining its other members as it went.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: There was a huge battle. 11 Toa vs a VERY powerful Skakdi and Vortixx. Vortixx was injured severely, Skakdi notsomuch, these two were wounded, one of the Toa died.IC: Tahuva turned to the complaining Matoran. "Sorry. These two were in a great battle. If they do not receive immediate treatment, they will die."


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OOC: @Mef: I'm sorry. I didn't notice that.@TNG: No, how. I know there was a battle-what I want to know is how they're hurt. In the eye? Triceps? Karz, could even be spleen for all you've told me right now.Next post will be the operation.IC: "Yes, we will," Riaril said hurriedly. Running back and getting another stretcher, she loaded the matoran on it and set off again.

Edited by Pein



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

"I don't care," responds the Ta-Koro guard. He flashes his ID to the being before adding,"I am in a more important place than your friends so I deserve...oh to Karz with it, knock yourselves out." Balaythah was mad, in pain, and exhausted. But, these "dying souls" would have to go first. Just then, the killer was back inside."O Karz!" he yells before reaching for his sword. "In the name of the Ta-Koro guard I demand you come with me so you will go into your new life of solitude."Then, he was on a stretcher leaving the others and the being was gone.The Ta-Toa shrugs. "Guess they took a different cable car. Where were we?" Tairel smiles at Ayra before leaning in and kissing the Ko-Toa on her cheek.-Mef Man

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IC: The Rel, Solaris"What was his inconvenience?" The Rel asked, looking at the angry guard."Oh, Mata Nui knows," Solaris said, shrugging. "And do these guys have room service.""Toa Solaris, I told you that your concerns are the least of our problems," The Rel said."Oh, just because you don't eat food," Solaris mumbled.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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OOC: Oh, sorry. Wounds to the arms, they had the flesh and muscle on their abdomen areas ripped out, multiple slashes and acid burns. Not much to the face, but the rest is heavily covered and peppered in wounds and injuries.IC: Tahuva stood, observing the doctors. We don't want any more to die...please, be strong. His face showed no emotion.


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OOC: Can't let you do that, Fyriin.IC: The apparent "killer's" words were not lost on the sharp-eared Toa of Crystals. He immediately dropped everything he was doing, and whirled towards the sound.Nothing. He's hiding, he deduced, focusing his hearing for the tell-tale sounds of an attempt to be stealthy."Come on out, friend. No need to try and conceal yourself. I've lived a good bit of my life in the jungle, and let me tell you something," he spoke, loud and clear, "There's a lot of stuff in there that's better at it than you. If you want to kill anyone in here, you'll have to go through me first." he stated calmly and matter of factly, as he approached the hall.Gathering his elemental power, he shattered the midnight black crystal he had used to temporarily patch one of the walls, and commanded it to flow to him, gathering around his frame and melding into durable, yet suprisingly light and flexible external armor. He smirked.Now I've got added protection, and I'm still nearly as fast and agile as usual. Bring it, buddy. At this point, I'd say the Huna'd be overkill...Wait, lives are potentially at risk here, he corrected himself, activating his mask and vanishing from sight. Therefore, Overkill is best kill. he reasoned, searching the hall as he quietly stalked into the hallway, moving in unpredictable patterns.Interestingly, when he passed a certain spot, his eyes lingered for a moment. Stepping back, he focused on the area, eyes attempting to pierce the darkness.Was that a figure?OOC: And I'm out for the night.

helo frens

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IC: Soli"I'm Blind doesn't make a difference to me. Regardless, we'll use the momentum gained on the drop from the Volcano to Lava Board in the magma straight a ways got it? Also since it is your first time, don't try any tricks or anything, you'll only burn yourself and lose my board. Which if you do lose it, you have buy me a new one." Soli informed Stronin.


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IC: "Takimoc, Faerulo, Moriika, and I will be working on the first two. Get them the ether, Moriika, and then begin on the matoran," Riaril commanded. They had separated the patients so that it was the skakdi and vortixx in one room, guardsman in the one next to it.The flax screen went up again. Now Tahuva could not see the healing process.After breathing in some of the ether, Riaril removed the mask. She had been busy getting a tub of water to work with while Takimoc analyzed their injuries to make sure there wasn't much internal damage. Fortunately, there wasn't.Unfortunately, it didn't matter. They couldn't be worse off."Alright, Takimoc," she said calmly. "You close up all the wounds after removing anything left in them while Faerulo, you apply your herbs to the areas burned. Moriika, you will rebuild all parts of their armor and mechanics that have been destroyed. And I," she continued, "Will be regenerating organs as necessary."The doctors all got to work. They knew that neither of these patients had much chance to live unless they moved quickly to avoid their deaths.Nakumir, meanwhile, approached the guard. She didn't have an Akaku like Takimoc-she'd have to find out what was injured other ways."Excuse me, Mr. ...," she paused, "But what is it in you that has been hurt?" She smiled in an attempt to soothe the guard.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC - Kyju - Charred ForestKyju cracked his knuckles, glancing distastefully at the pile of metal."Ready?" he asked.He analyzed Onuzek for hidden weapons, and studied his stance to predict his next move.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC - Kyju - Charred ForestHis tail shredded through a tree trunk. Picking up the biggest piece, he sent it flying at his opponent. If his assumption was correct, the being could weigh it down before it hit. This was just a simple test.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: OnuzekOnuzek saw the peice of wood coming at him. Instead of making it drop he decreased its gravity just enough to make it lighter without it being noticable. It hit his right shoulder with a clack. He didn't even feel it. Good, he thought, make lizard-being-Kyju think Onuzek don't care about stuff hitting Onuzek. As soon as he peice of wood fell to the ground he swung a gravity enhanced claw at Kyju. Onuzek will see how fast lizard-being-Kyju is.

Edited by Gravity



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"It's my leg, darling," replies the Matoran through gritted teeth. He was trying to sound like a gentleMatoran, but he didn't feel like it right now; not when his leg was crushed. "That killer that's still in the hospital dropped a dome on my leg and crushed the bone."-Mef Man

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IC: Nakumir frowned even as she blushed at 'darling'. She could splint broken bones, but shattered ones? No. Only Riaril or Takimoc could take care of that."I'm afraid the bulk of your operation will have to wait," the ga-matoran explained. "Riaril doesn't like 'wasting' sedatives on guardsmen, but I can still knock you out with some ether if you wish."



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: Riaril just thinks that since the guard are so macho, they can handle it. More a sign of respect than anything. Of course, Nakumir only has a glimpse of that...And your little guy doesn't have any idea (sorry for not typing his name but shoot that thing is big).IC: Nakumir blushed again. There were plenty of males in Ta-Koro, but few of them flirted with her because of her job and position-not to mention natural disposition. She was typically pretty shy off-duty."Well, then," the ga-matoran said as she got up, "I'll be off to tell Riaril of this news." Nakumir began to stride out the door.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Nakumir walked into the room. At this point, Takimoc had done all the cauterizing necessary and was beginning to aid Riaril-typically the grunt worker's job in such a large operation."Excuse me, Riaril," she said dutifully. during a break in her regeneration of abdominal cavities. "The ta-matoran has a shattered bone. I need Takimoc."Riaril nodded. "Okay. You'll stay here until Takimoc comes back. Takimoc!," she called to said toa, who nodded as well. "Operate on the guardsman. He has shattered bones in the leg. Come back when you're finished," the chief doctor ordered.The ta-toa walked out from behind the screen and over to the room over-the guardsman's. Meanwhile, Nakumir got to work helping Riaril as Takimoc had been doing.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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