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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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"Well, Xek, you may call me Tairel," he replies, a smile on his face while watching the being rebuild the wall. Tairel looks toward Riaril and says,"Look's like you have a builder, now." The Ta-Toa walks back outside to see Ayra absorbing the ice back into herself."You coming inside, Ayra?"-Mef Man

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IC: OnuzekAdressing Tairel he said, "Onuzek like ice-toa-carrying-fire-toa-named-Tairel's name. Onuzek question-wondering what nice-fire-toa-Tairel do next?" Finishing building the wall he decreased and increased his gravity, floating up and down, for the fun of it.OOC: lol I just gave your guy two new names XD And I do like Tairel's name, its very Bionicle-y.



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OOC: Thanks; I guess it's one of my better names. :P

IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

Turning away from Ayra, Tairel replies to the being,"No, just Tairel. No phrase for my name, Xek; just Tairel." The Ta-Toa smiles before adding,"Tell Riaril-the Ga-Toa right there-that you're here to stay and help out."Tairel looks back to the Ko-Toa and says,"Now, where were we?""Attention!"Balaythah yelled the order to his ten or so men and in no time they were out of their bunks and standing at attention. "Ready for inspection, Sir!" came the second in command, like always. LIke any other day, the Ta-Matoran walks down the middle of the bunks looking over the Matoran's uniforms they had quickly changed into. And like any other day, his men were in top form for their inspection."Great job; now go to the mess and get some grub. I'll...see you all later today." With a few confused looks at their Corporal, the men left the barracks and went for the mess hall. Balaythah didn't want to tell the Matoran why he would be gone. Three of the Ta-Koro guard had been killed and he needed go over the incident and gather what information he could.The Ta-Matoran was soon out of the barracks with a cluster of Bula berries in one hand and a pack of cigarettes in the other.-Mef Man

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OOC: just to let you know Maf Man, me and The King of No Isles are planning a sparring match.IC: Onuzek"Onuzek understands fir- Tairel," Onuzek replies.Turning to the water-deep-can't-swim-toa he says, "Onuzek is big-claw-purple-strong-mask-gravity-toa-who-here-to-help.OOC: Yay, character developement aparently Onuzek can't swim.



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OOC: Fearless (or is it Pein?) Gravity is talking to Riaril. And, yeah, that's fine, Gravity.

IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

"Good," replies the Toa of Fire to the being, rolling his eyes. He wanted to be alone with Ayra for a moment; not with the big brute talking to him all of the time.Oh well, atleast he's helping us.Balaythah pulls out a stem from one of the berries before placing it into his mouth. The Ta-Matoran was still approaching the village's perimeter, ready to investigate the murder scene of the three Ta-Matoran guards.That's three reserves we can pull out of training.The Ta-Matoran was soon to the city's main gate; and with a quick salute to the gate's guard and a quick show of ID the gate was opened and Balaythah was free to exit the village.-Mef Man

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OOC: well I hate to have Onuzek standing still for to long.IC: OnuzekWithout waiting for a reply he strode down the hallway and out into the street. Onuzek could tell that Tairel-fire-toa-whos-name-is-not-a-phrase wanted to be alone with pretty-ice-toa-Tairel-was-carrying. OOC: I told you hes smarter then he looks.Onuzek stood facing the street waiting for something exciting to happen.OOC: Thats your que The King of No Isles.



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OOC: Like so.IC - Kyju - OutsideKyju snuck away. He really was thirsty. It was difficult for a giant lizard-guy to get away without the other two noticing, but they were doing their job and a bit busy. So, the Akrainid slipped into the shadows......then into the pub. He sat at the bar, ordering a drink labeled "EPIC Tea." Soon there was a cold, sweet glass of Tea waiting for his oh-so thirsty lips. He reached out to get it, when something bumped him in the back."Wuh...?" he turned."Dude, you're so tall!"Kyju gave him an odd look. He turned back to his drink, not knowing that his drink had been accidentally switched with a drink commonly known as "rum."The liquid slid down his throat... ...and his head cleared. He came back to his other persona. No longer was the he ignorant child, but a genius."That could've happened faster." he grumbled.Turning, he felt a hand on his arm."I was talking to you." said the Toa of fire. Here it comes...It was a simple matter of figuring what the amateur fighter would try to hit him with. Slowly standing up......fist met fist as Kyju blocked the Toa's punch with his own. Kyju's other hand slipped under the Toa's elbow, pushing upward. This opened a foreseen opening with which Kyju kicked his knee into his opponent's side. After that, he put both hands together and slammed them into the Toa's neck. He contracted in pain, then collapsed on the floor.All eyes were now focused on him."What are you looking at?" he said, slipping a few objects into his satchel.He stepped outside, eyes focused on the hospital. Or rather, the being inside the hospital. A purple and black colossus. Not quite his own height, but still, a worthy challenge. Bounding towards the building, Kyju popped his head in. The rest of him naturally followed."Me again." he stated, closing the door behind him.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: lol I'm gonna try something...IC: OnuzekOnuzek spotted the being (or lizard) coming towards him. Rooting him in place with his gravity powers he said, "Good sunshine-afternoon strange-lizard-being-who-is-almost-as-tall-as-Onuzek."OOC: Not to make your guy shorter or anything, Onuzek is tall, like makuta titan/vortixx tall.



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OOC: Haha, thing is, Kyju is twice the size of a Toa. So like, a Vortixx and a half. XPIC - Kyju - HospitalRising to his full height, Kyju glanced over the Titan. This guy was just about his own height, being slightly shorter when Kyju straightened up."Try again." he said with a grin.He looked over the Toa, already preparing an analysis."Hmm... Large size indicates a lack of speed, if not stamina due to alternate effects. It seems, however, that those claws would slow the average strike down. I'm going to assume that you have powers over gravity. It's a simple assumption, seeing as anyone of your size should rightfully need to keep their balance on this uneven ground, but you seem planted. You aren't light on your feet, are you? That is, unless you're using gravity. It's a fair assumption that you're based on a fighting style of a few powerful hits versus many smaller strikes." He tilted his head."Are you up for a fight?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: About the same size sounds good to me.IC: OnuzekOnuzek said one word, "Tall-lizard-guy-talks-a-lot." While he knew this sounded dumb he was actually preparing for the fight. His mind was being set into the hyper focus of battle. "Onuzek agrees to fight lizard-guy-who-talks-a-lot. On one condition though, no killing." Thinking some more he added, "No fight here though. Dead-burnt-forrest is better. Although lizard-guy might need people get better place."OOC: Hey TKoNI, I wont be able to post on the Bzprpg for a while so I would like to pause here and continue later.

Edited by Gravity



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OOC: look out its the fuzz!IC: Onuzek"Did wall-destoying beings pay for big-boom. Onuzek with smash heads together if not." He flexed his huge biceps to make a piont.OOC: Um, Rakata I don't quite understand you last post. And Onuzek just became Mata-Nui's freindliest giant cop.

Yeah, my darn iPod 'corrected' it on its own. :(IC: Ayra:"Why would I not? I'd rather be with you," Ayra smiled at Tairel before coming in.
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OOC: Ten feet isn't twice the size of a Toa, dude.Also with that explanation he should probably be crippled by the whole stretching thing.Just sayin'IC: With a content sigh, the Toa of Crystals walked the streets of Ta-koro, lazily weaving his way through the crowds as he made his way back to the hospital.That was amazing, he thought, putting one hand to his chin. But was it worth it? Every minute I wasted in there, Jolek could have spent training. Was that a bad decision?He shook his head, logical side telling him, Of course not. You need periods of rest in between training, especially as hard as you've worked. Let yourself have this one. Jolek can't be too far ahead, can he?Sure hope not, he concluded, opening the door of the hospital--And having total destruction meet his eyes.His brow instantly furrowed in pre-empted anger."I swear, if I've gotta clean this up..." he grumbled, entering the building.

helo frens

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IC(Balaythah, Ga'mal, and Tairel)

Ga'mal simply stares straight ahead; not even realizing that the Ko-Toa was sitting right beside her.Tairel walks into the room and stands beside the Toa of Ice."It's okay, Ayra. She's not waking up anytime soon. Thanks for trying, though.""Okay, what do we have here?" asks the Ta-Matoran upon arriving the crime scene.A younger Ta-Matoran turns around and gives him a quick salute before approaching him. "Sir, witnesses say that a type of Rahi came by and killed these guards," he says, gesturing to the bodies of the dead Matoran. Balaythah looks over the Matoran quickly before turning to the younger Matoran."So, no signs of finger prints or blade marks?""No, sir. All witnesses-including the remaining guards on watch-can prove it was a Rahi attack.""Very good; give word that a proper funeral will be held for these men and we'll give the usual letter to their faimlies," he adds before saluting again and walking back into the village.How many more guards would die before Makuta was put down?-Mef Man

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IC: Fyriin:Fyriin teleported through he shadows, now targeting Balaythah. She pulled out Ghar-Knel's crossbow sniper and shot a bolt at him.IC: Ayra:"When do you think she'll be better?" Ayra asked Tairel, beads of tears forming in her eyes.

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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

Balaythah wheels around at the sound of a crossbow bolt. He does a backflip; dodging the arrow while taking his bamboo disk out."Who fired that? Show yourself in the name of the Ta-Koro guard!"Tairel places a reassuring hand on the Toa of Ice's shoulder."Probably a week or so, but she'll come around," he replies. "We just need to hope-and pray-that she'll be alright," Tairel adds before leading Ayra out of the room.Especially pray...-Mef Man

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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

Balaythah ducked down to dodge the crossbow bolt before throwing his disk at the direction of the shot fired."Show yourself, coward!""I'll join you," he replies while walking with Tairel to the front desk. The Ta-Toa spots the Toa of Crystal he jokes,"I didn't do it." The mess was pretty bad, but the big being had rebuilt a bit of the wall. Though, it did look pretty bad still.-Mef Man

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IC: Fyriin:Fyriin teleported away from the disk, barely dodging it. She teleported from Balaythah's shadow, emerging from it. "Think.. before.. you fight!" Fyriin whispered into his ear as she loaded another bolt and fired it.

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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

The Matoran's sword was in hand and swiping toward the hands. He stabbed the hands out of his way before taking a step back."I'm warning you; if you don't stop this I'll have the entire guard on you in moments; I have the authority. You're in my village, now.""Well, Ayra, what should we do?" asks the Ta-Toa before taking a seat on the edge of the desk. He had a feeling it would be a "slow day" in the hospital and was already beginning to become bored just waiting for someone to be treated.-Mef Man

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IC: Fyriin:"Not if you can't talk," Fyriin smirked as she attempted to made the hands wrap around his mouth.IC: Ayra:"Maybe take that walk you promised me earlier," Ayra suggested, kissing Tairel on the cheek.

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IC(Baylathah and Tairel)

The Matoran of Fire simply places his sword in front of him; ready for the hands to simply stab themselves."Guard! Arrest this female!" he barks toward the wall.Tairel smiles before taking her hand. "Okay, let's go." The Ta-Toa leads the Toa of Ice toward the door before calling out to Riaril."I'll be back in a few minutes."-Mef Man

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IC: Fyriin:A dome of metal concealed them two together. "No use screaming, guard," Fyriin taunted as she stepped closer, spear forming in her hand.IC: Ayra:"Know of any good tourist locations?" Ayra asked, resting her head on Tairel's shoulder.

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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

The Matoran quickly swings forward with his sword toward the being's hand. The sound of the guard pounding on the dome could be heard from outside."It's no use; why don't you give up?"The Ta-Toa places his arm around the Toa of Ice's back."How about we take a quick cable car ride up to Mount Ihu?" he suggests. Tairel had never ridden before, but it sounded like fun.Am I afraid of heights?-Mef Man

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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

The Ta-Matoran parries the stab with his sword before stabbing at the being. The sound of weapons clanging against the outside of the dome could be heard. His allies were breaking into the dome."It's no use; they'll be here in a matter of minutes and you'll be arrested. Now, give up."Tairel looks toward the cable car that was travelling back down from the mountain."The station for the cable car is a few blocks away by one of the Ta-Koroan guard buildings."-Mef Man

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IC: The martial artist shot an irate glare at the leaving Tairel."Good," he grumbled. "Because that'd be the second time I'd have had to clean up after your mess."Seriously, how the blue karz did I manage to get all the work?Well, this one isn't my responsibility, whether Ria says it is or not.

helo frens

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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

Sweat was starting to form on the Ta-Matoran's brow as he sidesteps away from the spike. It was starting to get hot in the dome and his adrenal glands were pumping precious epinephrine that was helping him greatly."We're through!" a voice yelled from outside as a long sword stabs through the dome. "You've just lost, friend."Tairel smiles to himself as he thinks of his old days, but he immediatly turns it into a frown; remembering the bad memories of bounty hunting."Yeah, I've been there multiple times when I used to hunt, but it's been some time now. I'm guessing you haven't been there?"-Mef Man

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IC: OnuzekWhile waiting for the lizard-being to reply, Onuzek kept himself occupied by lower the gravity of some passing bystanders. Finally getting way to bored he told the lizard-being he'll be right back and went inside to see who the toa of crystal was. Passing Tairel and pretty-ice-toa-who-Tairel-was-carrying he asked, "Onuzek want to know where toas are going?"



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IC: Fyriin:"Goodbye, Matoran!" Fyriin say before teleporting into a shadow as the done collapses on him.IC: Ayra:"No. Master Revan didn't want to go there for two reasons: One, he hated cold places, and Two, he didn't want me to freeze him into submission," Ayra explained. "Hi there, Onu. We are headed to Mt. Ihu."

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IC: Onuzek"If Tairel can call Onuzek Xek, then pretty-ice-toa-who-tairel-was-carrying-earlier can call Onuzek Xek, too," He said this as if it was the smartest thing he thought of all day (besides waking up). "Onuzek will go find toas there later, after he fights sleeping-lizard-man." He then walked past them and towards the crystal-toa. Addressing him he said,"Onuzek-giant-claws-purple-strong-mask-gravity-powers would like to know you."OOC: Oh karz, Onuzek is on a roll.

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IC - Kyju - Being brutally honestKyju glanced over at Ayra. This one was pretty easy to read."Hmm... You are an ugly one, aren't you?" he grumbled under his breath, so that she wouldn't hear, "Calloused hands... I'd say you were a slave. Dried tears- you must cry an insanely lot, seeing as you were crying at the hospital. Lips...dried out. Have you been kissing someone all day?"He turned back to Onuzek."So, a fight in the forest?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: King's still a spoiled sport on the kissing. :D Just kiddin', man!

IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

Tairel catches a being looking toward Ayra. He gives him a quick snarl that meant hands off and continued walking. "That cable car should be right around this block," he says to Ayra as they continue to walk. "I wonder what we should do with Xek," he mumbles.Balaythah jumps to safety as the dome collapses, but a piece of it hits his leg. He yelps in pain before a group of Matoran rush to his aid to drag the piece off of him."Sir, are you alright?""I'm okay, just get me to the hospital," he replies. "I think my leg may be broken. And, add that being to Mata-Nui's most wanted," the Ta-Matoran adds while two Matoran help him to the hospital.-Mef Man

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