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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: Let's see we have Zealokan, Dekuna, Miha, and Havon searching right?

I'm not sure, but I think Zygad is there as well. We haven't heard from Eamzeron since before the group split up, but given what the other half is doing, it would make sense that her presence with them would have been mentioned there if that was where she was.IC: "North from the entrance to Naho Bay, you mean? Alright, I'll go South then. What about the rest of you?"


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IC: Hau had heard the call and instinctively lurched away at Kakama-speed. It wouldn't be...Nice...For the guy to die. And she seemed to know what she was doing.Speeding along, he blazed past stunned ga-matoran and other inhabitants of the village alike. He was almost at--The forest surrounding Ga-Wahi.The one thing the toa had forgotten about was that he knew virtually nothing of the landscape. Which meant that he had absolutely no idea where to get help."DUNGDUNGDUNG!"Hau turned and charged back towards the village in a high-speed frenzy of moving crutches and legs.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Kamaehu was back on his feet after a couple days. He didn't know what to do, as he had no more business here and Ara'kas was of somewhere else. Kamaehu had the odd habit of walking while thinking, so he happened to bump into a matoran and two toa. "Excuse me, I must not have seen you there." he apologized, his eyes now darting around the area.Kalama, that be you.

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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IC: The Rel was not sure what to do right now. It stopped shuffling the black cards for a moment."I think I'll get a place to rest," it stated to itself. "I need a place to lay my head."It checked itself into a nearby inn, and lay itself down on a bed. It sighed and closed its eyes. It would not sleep. It did not sleep.It waited...

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: Zealokan'I can search east, going inland. But how will I signal-' He stopped short, his Mask of Improvisation flooding his head with ideas. He found 3 jars, some sticks, and a coil of string. Setting to work, he came out with what appeared to be a crude pistol. 'See, you pull the trigger, which is attached to the string, which is attached to the jar's lid. When the trigger is pulled, the jar will open, releasing whatever is inside.' He held out the pistols to Havon. 'I need you to charge these with fire elemental energy.' He complied, and handed a pistol to each member of the search party. 'This is your Flare Gun. It's a single-use thing, so be very careful when handling them, you don't want to lose your signal. If I've forgotten anyone, please speak up now. If not, let's go!' He jumped onto Mistweaver's back, calling his companions along. 'Well, c'mon! Payiges isn't going to save herself!'

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC:Miha"Wait what?" Miha asked, looking at the gun strangely. "How will the fire escape? And how will us non-element users activate them? This is just crazy." she tossed her gun on the ground. "Anyways, who said I was going with you in the first place? My uncle is in shock thanks to you!" she said, pointing at Havon. "You could've broken it to him easy, but no... You just had to blurt it out bluntly."OOC:Can I get filled in? I have no idea what on earth we're looking for...

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: Zealokan has enlisted us on a third search mission, this time for his friend Payiges (the dual personality one who dived off the pirate ship in the middle of the battle). The fire guns are charged with fire elemental energy that will be activated when the triiger is pulled, allowing non-element users to use them, like core war weapons.IC: In response to Miha's question, Dekuna replied "If I understand Zealokan correctly, the jars contain a portion of Havon's fire powers. When the jar is opened, the energy escapes and sends a fireball into the sky. If you find Payiges or get into trouble, it will show us where you are." He too climbed onto Misty's back. "Lets all get out to the entrance of Naho Bay, where we last saw her, and split up from there; North, South, East" he said.


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IC: The drowned Toa's eyes suddenly opened. At first, the whole world was one blur for him before he began to refocus. The taste of salt still clung to his mouth and his body felt heavy as the wet cloak clung onto him. Instinctively, he began to sit up, but felt two things. One was the pain of accidentally headbutting Kriigata. The other was the intense pain of his now fractured rib. His groans of pain were inaudible and he fell back, clutching his bandaged chest. A grating sound came from his mouth as he slowly began to breathe. Ralz inspected the person who had just saved him. Kriigata looked like a male to him, and he propped his shield up on the sands of the beach. The wanderer struggled to get up, attempting to use the the shield as a sort of crutch but he couldn't bear the sharp pai in his chest. He fell backwards onto the sands once more and saw the flower from Ta-Koro wash up on the beach, still pristine. Ralz stared at it in wonder and tried to reach out to grab it.OOC: The story arc between Hau and Kriigata intrigues me. But RP-wise, Ralz was just passing through the villages.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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OOC:Okay. But I doubt the Staff would be okay with weapons that Matoran can use to fight with elemental powers...IC:Miha"That breaks all rules of science and logic. You know, just today I'll stop experimenting, if only to give logic and science some time to cry in a corner..." Miha said, not budging. Nobody had answered her on why she should help.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: Nah, they're just flares. They can't be used as weapons. Let's just say Havon lit the inside of them on fire if that's a better way to handle it.IC: Havon Havon didn't have a clue what she was talking about. Logic and science? What does that have to do with anything? "If you weren't coming with us, why did you come all the way out here?" Havon said raising an eyebrow."And I'm sorry that I put your Uncle in shock, I didn't know how else to tell him, I'm not very good at that sort of thing."

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: Its not a weapon, but a signal. If you tried to use it as a weapon, it wouldn't be much good in a fight because it only does one thing and only works once. As for not wanting to come, if that was the case she would have gone home to Ta-koro with the others or gone to Zygad's business place to stay the night, rather than staying at the inn with us and signlling she was part of the team. IC: "How about we have this argument on our way out to Naho Bay?" Suggested Dekuna. "That way we can get to Payiges quicker" OOC: Darn, ninja'd

Edited by Mt Ihu


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OOC:Why don't we just get explosives that they throw up in the air? That's a completely logical explanation that doesn't border on an elemental weapon. Plus I like explosions. :P (And, the flare gun would theoretically work like a one use fireball. Fireballs can be used as weapons. Ergo, Flare-gun=Powerful Improvised Weapon.)As for why she came... She's a little girl! She's not gonna go gallivanting around when there's some nutcase with a mace after her uncle and possibly her.IC:Miha"I had no intention of coming with you after we found my uncle. But, since he's not saying anything, and I don't know where he lives, I needed a place to stay. You guys provided that." She gestured towards Zygad as she spoke to Havon. "Look at him! You did that!"Zygad"My... Life's.... Work... All... Gone..." Zygad muttered, having stayed up all night in shock.Miha"It's pathetic! He's a great psychologist, and you've reduced him to this!" Miha said, glaring at Havon. "Anyways, I'll go with you guys. If only because I still don't have anywhere to go."OOC:Little things have large consequences. Like being blunt has put Zygad into a shock induced semi-coma. :P

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Havon"Oh...that's bad..." Havon looked at Zygad with guilt. What have I done? I didn't mean to do...this to him. Am I really that blunt?"Well, I'm just glad it wasn't Skyra who told him, he would probably have been even more blunt and probably make a few terrible jokes about it. Ya, probably."Somewhere in Onu-Koro a certain Toa of Air sneezed loudly."That doesn't fix what I did though, look, I know I've done enough damage, but is there anything I can do to fix...that?"

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: Ok, I'm gonna clear things up, it's a single-use flare, unable to be used as a weapon. Are we all clear on that?IC: Zealokan'Right, are we all set? Havon, jump on! And I just realised that east goes out to sea, so I'll head west instead, going inland.' He turned slightly red-faced at his geographical mistake. He then realised something he didn't quite understand? 'How are we going to split up? Are we going to land on the shore of Naho Bay and search from there? I assumed we were going to search from the air.'OOC: My own plan and I don't understand it!

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC: Xxeth"Ah who cares, there are plenty of...unethical doctors who'd love nothing more than to be pirates. I'm sure of it."Xxeth looked around, he was wearing his cloak and hood again. "Though, they don't like to draw attention to themselves, probably not the easiest people to find."

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC:Anything and everything can be used as a weapon Zealokan. ;PIC:Miha"Not really, no." Miha said, looking at Zygad. "Just keep him away from that mace wielding friend of yours."Odhran"City of water guys. Toa of Water can heal others. So a trained Toa of Water would be great at healing others." Odhran said.

Edited by Noble Knight BioBeast

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC (Tooroko): "I don't think any doctor will be meeting us here" Tooroko told him "But that's why we're going into the village to look for one. And no, they don't like pirates here."IC (Dekuna): "You and Havon can both search from the air" said Dekuna, but I can't fly and we only have one gukko, so I'll just be wakling. I won't cover the ground quite so quickly, but it will be faster than if I stayed with one of you flyers"

Edited by Mt Ihu


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IC: Havon"Sure thing Miha. I can do that at least."Havon turned to Zealokan, "Alright, I'll catch you guys later, remember, if none of us finds anything we just meet back here. Otherwise we use the flares."With that Havon flew off using his mask of flight.

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:Rhow frowned. She was not one for talking. But something in Lantz's voice was...unsettling. Like there was more there then he let on. "I've survived this long. Never ran into anybody able to stop me. And those that tried got theirs. Why help you and only get what I already have in return?"




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"Whoa! Easy highspeed." Kalama said as the Toa of Fire nearly tripped over him. "Ought to be careful about where you're goi-"A blur that was another Toa using a Kakama raced past sending Kalama sprawling."MATA-NUI! What is this? Run over the Matoran day?" Kalama snapped as he righted himself. Dusting himself off he frowned at the rapid blur now threading its way through Ga-Koro. "You think whoever that was would slow down for a minute. Speed freak."Looking back at the first Toa that nearly tripped over him he said, "Since it appears I've suddenly become Mother's Proxy, what can I do for you?"

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC: Zealokan'Ok, I say once one of us fires our flare, the rest of us do, to make sure none of us got lost, ok? Good. See you back here, hopefully with Payiges.' He leaned forward on Mistweaver, yelled 'Yah!' and the Gukko shot of like a rocket. Straight towards a building. 'Ahhh!! Pull up!!' Mistweaver went up at a ninety-degree angle. He opened one eye. 'I'm not dead. I'm not dead. Ummm, level out?' Mistweaver flew in a straight line forward, unfaltering in her graceful flight. Zealokan tried something new, and leaned in the direction he wanted to go. The Gukko complied, and turned left, towards the swamps and forests of Ga-Wahi. 'HahahahaHAHAHAHA!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!' It was the best feeling he'd ever felt. He pulled a loop-the-loop, and flew off in search of the missing Toa of Lightning, Payiges.

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC: Cyrax+ArgentumCyrax continued trailing behind Agarin, Tanuka and Kalama, until somebody smashed into Kalama, and then somebody else literally sent him sprawling. She stopped in her tracks. Meanwhile, Argentum started to wake up.Cyrax: Uhm, Excuse us for a moment.Grabbing Argentum's face, she zipped away at Kakama speed.Cyrax: OK, listen. You say you wanna defect; Here's your chance. You act nice, and maybe the matoran will accept you. You make people angry and I'll jab you in the face. Clear?Argentum:... Uh, clear.They headed back.Cyrax: Argentum's awake.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC (Dekuna): From all the aerial acrobatics, Dekuna gathered that Zealokan was not a very experienced gukko pilot, but boy was he enjoying the ride. From his seat behind him, he shouted over the wind "Oi! You'll turn my stomach doing things like that!" He was glad that the toa of kinetics would be droppinghim onto solid ground once they reached the coast near the entrance to Naho Bay.


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IC: HavonHavon flew over the the coast north of Naho bay. So far he hadn't found anyone who looked like Zealokan's friend. After reaching the end of the coast, he decided to go into the wooded area nearby the coast, maybe she had gone into the woods to look for shelter, it looked rather swampy. He called out, "Payiges? This is Havon, a friend of Zealokan. Are you here?" He shouted into the woods. He began to sweep the woods, slowing heading south while doing so. It would take a few hours to cover this area completely. Every five minutes he'd shout the same message.OOC: Let us know if we get close to finding her. :P

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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"Do I need to slit your throat again or are you going to behave now?" Kalama asked Argentum pointedly.

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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IC: "Your mother?" Kamaehu queried, before it clicked. "Oh, you must be Kalama. No I require nothing from her. But you seem a little on edge. Perhaps it's you that has troubles." The toa of fire was now stationary, leaning slightly on his axe. His leg was nearly healed, and so he had nothing better to do then random tasks.OOC: He wasn't moving especially fast when he ran into you. Kinda slow actually.

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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OOC: My Army habit of calling random people "Highspeed" slipped into Kalama's character. It's often used when describing someone who excels or someone who isn't paying attention to where they're going/what they're doing. Hau was the one who ran Kalama over after you stumbled upon him.IC: Kalama let out a barking laugh. "Troubles? You have no idea of the troubles I've seen. This whole island is nothing but troubles. But I suppose I shouldn't be taking out my agitation on you. Yes I am Kalama, and I have many troubles. Being the son of the Turaga guarantees you many troubles. Currently the troubles I'm having are of the somewhat mundane variety but are still troubling nevertheless.""Maybe you should actually tell him what those troubles are." Tanuka gently prodded."...You have a point Tanuka. YES! Those troubling troubles I have... as to what the troubles actually ARE, I'm currently missing 7 highly trained Ghekula Raiders and 1 Honorary ShadowWalker. Said unit has currently gone rouge thanks to Captain 'LOOK AT ME! I'M AN ASSASSIN!' over here..." he thumbed at Argentum. "...because I had to deal with him when I should have left with my unit. The fact that they went rogue with a VIP also adds to the growing pile of troubles. Did I mention that Rogue Ghekula have a tendency to kill anybody, friend and foe alike, and wander while they try stay hidden? The longer I dawdle, the more likely we're going to see a trail of bodies and I would REALLY prefer that not be on my conscious as well as the conscious of my girls. They're good ladies but current orders dictates that they become wanted criminals unless I can catch up and regain control of them."Kalama crossed his arms and tapped his foot as he sighed through his nose. "There's also a sudden alarming factor that we may need whatever info the VIP has and if we can't get close to her due to an out of control Ghekula unit, we may very well see Ga-Koro and the rest of Mata-Nui choked by Makuta's shadow. I don't know about you Toa but I, the Marines, and all of Ga-Koro have long decided before you showed up that we would not go quietly into the Darkness. If the target has the info we need then I'm going to get it. And hopefully save my sister Marines from a fate worse than death."

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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OOC: Okie dokie :)IC: ZealokanZealokan and Dekuna approached the entrance to Naho Bay. 'Right, here's your stop, buddy.' He landed on the sandy shores of the bay. 'Right, remember, if you find Payiges, or run into trouble, use your Flare Gun.' And with that, he flew off west, not east as he previously said (as this would take him out to sea), inland to the swamps of Ga-Wahi.

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC: Dekuna was pleased to see that as Zealokan flew off to the west, the gukko's flight was much more steady than it had been over Ga-koro. With his stomach still rumbling and churning from the loop-de-loop manoeuver, he began walking south along the beach, listening for any noises that might indicate Payiges' presence; the cracking of a twig, the fall of armored feet an the sand or the sound of a voice.


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IC: Kamaehu nodded thoughtfully. "Those are troubles. Perhaps I could help you recover those rogue marines." In his mind, he was already sifting through both the implications and the mysterious "VIP". "If you intend to catch them I suggest you start soon, or else you'll be seeing the whole island tracking them."

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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IC(Agarin): Agarin was astounded once more. The crazy stuff always seemed to be attracted to Kalama."You're some kind of crazy magnet, Kal." He said quietly, but, unfortunately, Tanuka seemed to have heard."You think I'm crazy?" She asked, sounding a little upset."No! No! That's not what I meant at all!" Agarin exclaimed, defensively putting his hands up in front of himself, "I meant, well -Er- Ah- Maybe I should have phrased that better. What I meant to say was-"By this point, Agarin's dialogue had completely degraded to a series of stutters as he tried to amend his slip of the tongue.

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IC: Kamaehu raised an eyebrow at Agarin's stammering. He couldn't really blame him for the 'crazy' part, after all, he was leaning on an axe in the middle of nowhere. "You know, a friend of mine has a saying I think you need to hear right now. It's 'Kid, you're digging yourself into a hole. Just shut up.' Always was a bit blunt" The toa of fire smiled, not caring if the advice was met with a punch.

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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IC:MihaMiha flew over the island looking for whoever she was supposed to be looking for.OdhranOdhran walked around the village of Water, looking for a doctor.OOC:If there are any doctors in Ga-Koro, please interact.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC RamanoxRamanox woke up, Today is the day, I must get training if I'm to accomplish my task. He left the Inn, and took a moment to look at the beach, Ga-Koro truly is a beautiful, Makuta shoul never get his hands on it. I suppose that one reason why I'm doing what I'm doing. He walked up to Nokama's hut, here goes nothing He knocked on the door. "Turaga Nokama, wise one, I have come seeking training. My name is Ramanox."


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IC:Shadow Lantz didnt show it, but he was happy. Rhow was proving to be more intelligent than upon initial inspection. She understood, at least partly, that he was not what he seemed."Because, Rhow, there can more to life than just eating and surviving. Come work with me and I can show you the better parts of life - sunsets the likes of which few have ever had the pleasure of seeing, pits so deep and dark they defy logic and power that most fools cannot begin to comprehend. It might take some time, but al these you can have. Perhaps it seems a little grand - but for one such as yourself, nothing is grand enough."

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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"What. You didn't know Tanuka? It's a requirement that you have to be crazy to be a Toa."Tanuka folded her arms. "I'm not crazy.""I never said you were.""But you just-!""I say many things Tanuka but I never specifically said 'Tanuka you're a nutcase'. Don't put words in my mouth.""You just-!""AHT!""You!""AHT!""Sa-""AHT!"Tanuka groaned and finally gave up.Kalama stared at her evenly for a minute before turning back to the Toa. "If you want to come then come. You can help Cyrax keep an eye on Mr. Lightstone here."-------GA-WAHI GRASSLANDSGA-WAHI 1824 HRSThe misty drizzle that had semi-permanently settled on the mainland part of Ga-wahi had two members at least of the group in good spirits. "A wet Ga-Matoran is a happy Ga-Matoran. Same goes for Toa of Water." said the Mixed Breed Matoran leading the group of five Toa north towards Po-Wahi.Tanuka glanced around, between them they had a Toa of Water(herself), a Toa of Sonics(Agarin), a Toa of Magnatism(Argentum), a Toa of Crystal(Cyrax), and a Toa of Fire(who had identified himself as Kamaehu).While some might have balked at the weather, this was normal for this part of Ga-Wahi with a few 'dry' days where the clouds would split up and the sun would heat the air making it thick with moisture.For now Tanuka hummed to herself enjoying the feeling of the light misty rain seeping into the crevices of her armor (which probably would have annoyed anyone else) and the feel of the soft ground under her feet.Another splash signaled that Kalama had once again fallen into one of the many deceptive pools in the region that while resembled puddles, stepping into one instantly made the water come up to chest height on a Toa while swallowing a Matoran whole. The dark shadow that was Kalama underwater quickly shot to the other side where he pulled himself free of the pool."I swear that one was NOT that deep last time I stepped in it!"Tanuka laughed as Kalama uselessly shook himself before continuing onward.

Edited by Kalama and Ta Rahkshi

With the power of Firefox now I CAN be in two places at once!

Things I've written: Interview with Nidhiki And other Interviews, TARGETED

Things I've guest stared/cameo'd in: Makuta infects the Eds! Seeing Thru the Fog

Thinks I've Co-authored: Adventures of Bolt and Company!

US Army Vet: HOORAH! BZPRPG Prof: Kalama

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