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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC-Raxa:Raxa glared over at Tajeh, before stepping over, picking him up and walking out the door with him. Once outside, he turned to the Matoran."Let them do as they will," he said, calmly. "Hajia can barely move as it is...for all we know, moving her might cause irrepairable damage to her spine. Would you rather have them kiss in public, or have Hajia be paralyzed?"Scare tactics. Always turned out funny.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Rynekk - FerryRynekk hit the deck and rolled closer to the centre of the ship, before righting himself and grabbing his spear in one smooth motion."Tadris," he said, while brushing a tentacle away with his weapon, "I think I have an idea, but it's really risky, and extremely prone to failure and death."Spinning on his heel, the Toa stabbed another attacking limb, sending it retreating back into the waters.IC: Gunner - InfernavikaNoting that no one seemed to be battling, Gunner relaxed and walked up to Zijak, "Hey there! I remember you! Zijak or something, right?"-Void



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OOC: Krayzikk, you ever reply to that one Gahuari post?IC: Hajia, Ga-KoroHajia moved as much as she could -around three inches-, but stopped to frown at Tajeh when he spoke. However, when Raxa took the Matoran outside, she turned back to Gravity, and smiled as she closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly. OOC: I'm thinking... HOUND INTERUPTION.


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IC(Tajeh): Tajeh sighed slowly, and sat next to the Toa. "When I found out about Hajia, when I was out trying to find those herbs, I was thinking about what could have happened if my boat didn't sink yesterday." he told, "Maybe if my boat didn't sink, then Ghost could have been out doing his Toa duties, and if Ghost was out doing his Toa duties, then maybe whoever attacked Hajia wouldn't have done it." He looked at the dirt below his feet. "Maybe if I wasn't a failure of a boat carver, nobody would have gotten hurt."


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OOC: If Hound interrupts, he has to drag Raxa in after him.IC-Raxa:Raxa put a hand on the Matoran's shoulder. "What if it wasn't the fault of the carver?" Raxa said thoughtfully. "It could have been that Ghost just wasn't good with boats." Raxa shook his head, letting out a slight laugh."But, that is all in the past. Look to the future, and keep a bright outlook. If you focus on the past, all you'll find is pain and misery."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC-Raxa:"Keep the past as a reminder. Learn from your mistakes. But that does not mean you must contemplate it constantly, and that you must focus on only the bad." He shook his head, before standing."Come, we should probably head inside now."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: I blame the fact this is my first time writing romance. I will eventually leap over the hurdle of cheezyness!IC: Hajia, Ga-KoroHajia smiled again, running her hands gently down his back. She had yet to notic Raxa and Tajeh entering the room.


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OOC: I read and write Pokeshippy Pokemon Fanfiction, along with Advanceshipping and Pearlshipping. I'm also a helpless Romantic IRL. In short: I'm good at that stuff. :PIC-Raxa:Raxa smiled himself-it was good to see that Gravity was finally taking some action. He was beginning to think the Toa of Gravity was daft beyond the point of all hope.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Everything I write is cheezy. It comes with being a noob. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.pngIC: GravityI prefered the term: "eccentric", but Raxa didn't know that. And I didn't know Raxa was in the room at the moment. I briefly brushed my lips against her's again, before notice the Toa and Matoran.Turning my head to the side, I gave them a grin. "Hey, wazzup?"



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OOC: Yes, yes I am. Gimme a break, I was watching the Avengers. And I was referencing Yoruichi's fighting style.IC: Ravage"What's your name, kid?" Ravage asked, sitting on his haunches, eyes gleaming.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Barricade smiled. He pulled out some widgets and slapped them onto the counter. "I'll take a bit of fried Nui-Rama. What do you want to eat?" He asked Velan. OOC: Lol. I wouldn't allow ANY of my chars aside from him to eat that...now, to add MORE confusion...IC: Ratchet walked around the Koro. So beautiful, and peaceful. He had come back to a nice island. Perhaps disbanding wasn't such a bad idea. Peaceful waters, clean streets, roaring waterfalls, dead bodies gracing the--what?! He noticed a Matoran staring at them. "You too, huh? I think I..." He realized something. "BLACKOUT! And some others...""Who?""I met one of them before...not to say I'm sad he's dead, but...who could have done this? It doesn't have that...feel to it, those wounds. No one I know did that."Toranmat tried his best to sound official. "Well, we're hunting down a criminal, kinda busy, run along--""Criminal? Hunting down criminals and saving lives is what I do." He neglected to say that he was technically a criminal. None of those Matoran knew him anyway. He turned to the other one. (OOC: Treize.) "Mind if I tag along?"OOC: Ah, the wonderful confusion when he realizes he's been chasing Barricade.


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IC: Barricade smiled. "Ah, Kane-Ra. It's pretty good. Nui-Rama is good though too, even though it's a giant insect." (OOC: LOL)Ratchet was taken aback. It was quite obvious this Matoran was no stranger to giant, overly mechanical (OOC: Above the normal percentage) Toa. "Erhm, I have experience." He flipped out his saw. "For both remedial...and agressive...surgery."


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IC: "She has lots of sisters." Toranmat cut in before Ratchet would ask a question and spawn a conversation about Treize's family."Right...right..." Ratchet reduced Treize's gravity to zero, making her float up. "There, now do I qualify? And please don't ask me why my armor is yellow-green even though I'm a Toa of Gravity. I know a Toa of Fire with BLUE as a secondary color."


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IC: Ratchet lowered her down with gravity. "Navy? So that's why you're so uptight...and I'm guessing this one is the rookie?""Hey! I'm getting there...""Eh. Possibly." He retracted his weapon. "So, can I join in? I have experience, like I said." "You look like you're of the same exoskeletal type as another Toa I met...""Oh, really? What's his name?""Dino."Ratchet fell silent, the look on his face showing his shock and obviously warranting a response.


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