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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: AelynnThe Toa of Iron opened her eyes, and observed the pile of ignots. "Um.... I made a lot more of them right?" she said, a bit nervious. "The right shape. They aren't sooo.... wierd now."She then realised something that was different from before. "Hey! I don't feel as tired!"



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IC: Onyx"Good, good. I'm proud of you Aelynn." he said with a smile, patting her on the shoulder lightly."In your spare time, I advise you to practice creating shapes made of iron and really focus on maintaining its physique. Try adding up on it also. Now then, I must get back on building this shed...care to join?"

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OOC: Since Balta hasn't done it yet, I'll commence with the timeskip.IC:When Rhow awoke, she felt a sense of disorientation at first. Her surroundings were completely unknown to her. There was a roof above her head, not the open sky or the foliage of the jungle. Having spent a majority of her time in the open, suddenly waking up in an enclosed room made adrenaline surge through her body.The Skakdi's head turned quickly back and forth, scanning the room, until her memory reminded her that this was the place she and Iraanus had rented to rest in for a while.Slowly calming down, Rhow approached the door of the hut and pulled it open. The air was warm and humid and the smell of green was omnipresent. Rhow glanced down at her arms. Her injuries were healing, but the encounter with the Toa-freak Kuanlo still showed. Her spine still stung in a lot of places and scabs covered some of the deeper gashes he had given her. Some would leave scars. Another addition to her already extensive collection. She took a deep breath, looking out over the platform their hut was situated on. It was relatively busy. Matoran and other beings went about their business, like a colony of ants, moving here and there with purpose in their stride.Rhow grumbled softly and rubbed the hardened cartilage above the bridge of her nose.As far as she was aware, these people were under attack. But despite the state of war, life went on as normally as possible. Did they not know the danger or did they simply not care? And if either was true, which was worse?Rhow harrumphed. Those were issues best left to clan-elders and shamans, wise Skakdi with their teeth about to fall out, not her. She would be happy just to know what was going on on this strange Island.Stretching her neck and flexing her muscular shoulders, she turned around and walked back inside the hut. Her new friend would probably know whom to talk to."Iraanus? You up?" she called.




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IC Auron:The Toa of Fire nodded, "I think it was..." The Toa searched his mind for the correct word to use, "I think it was very good."The Toa lacked a better word to say, his limited vocabulary prevented him from using any words outside ones he had heard."I have not seen other Toa powers, besides my own element, and power over repulsion of metal. I thought this was very interesting."

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IC: IraanusActually, the Skakdi had not been "up," but, well, he was now. He shook his head and sat up groggily. "Yeah," he replied. He stood, looking around. Not that there was much to look at. The hut was virtually empty save for a pair of cots and a small table. His weapons rested against the wall, along with the pack containing the mask.


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IC: VolinA spar, eh? That was something the Toa of plasma always enjoyed, a good ol' fashion fight simply for the heck of it or for fun. Setting down tools he was working with, Volin stood up and walked over to Vompran."Lets go greeny, you and me." Volin said, slapping the Toa on the back and made his way outside the village to a suitable location to fight, not waiting for a response.

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IC: Pollux (Crimson Nova Safehouse, Le-Koro)"Alright," he said, sitting down in one of the interrogation rooms in front of the now-ungagged Emotia. "You deserve some answers. What do you want to know?"-Teezy



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IC: Pollux (Crimson Nova Safehouse, Le-Koro)"My name is Pollux," he said with a shrug. "My brother and I came here in search of a new life and all we got were jobs as Crimson Nova bounty hunters. You're here because someone close to you has been designated as an enemy by my employers for his actions in this very building just days ago."He shrugged."He killed one of our best torture specialists right there. Right against that wall. Meanwhile, a dear friend of mine was found with a sword in her stomach and a bullet in her head just outside a bar you and your group were known to be staying at on the exact same day, within the same hour. Small world, huh."A Dikapi popped up, chirping on the window. Pollux walked over and plucked the note, reading it and setting his mouth into a hard line."Your fiance is quick on his feet," said Pollux, walking over to the wall and pressing down on a soft spot. A small door gave way, and Pollux led Emotia inside and closed the door. "But this place holds a lot of secrets. We can get out of here and head to any safe house in Le-Wahi before he arrives."-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: VolinVompran's scythe stopped abruptly in mid-air, inches from Volin as an invisible force held the weapon firmly in place, all thanks to the Toa of plasma's Matatu. Having been granted a huge opening, he sent a vicious kinetic pulse with his mask to Vompran at point blank range, its force enough to send the being flying.Gonna refrain from using my plasma...really dangerous element to spar with.

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IC Auron:The Toa of Fire frowned, "I was from another Island, when a group of spined monsters with evil smiles attacked it, and killed my people. They captured me, put me in a..." The Toa thought for the word, "A Stasis Canister? Then, they threw it in the ocean, setting me adrift for many years. I forgot much, and was in pain. When I washed up, I didn't remember anything," The Toa explained, thinking back on his arrival, which only happened a little more than a week ago.

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IC: Aelynn"Ohh... You poor thing... Are you alright?" she asked, not knowing that before coming to the island of Mata Nui, she had to survive conditions like that every day.For her entire life, untill the Toa of Iron managed to escape. It might have been better that she didn't remember what had happened.



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IC Auron:"I am fine, but I do not remember things, such as words, or how to do certain things, such as reading," The Toa explained.To the Toa, something seemed... Familiar, about Aelynn. They had similar pasts, and he felt as if he already knew her somehow. He instantly regarded this as paranoia, and disregarded the thought.

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OOC: And yet another reason why he would get along with Onuzek. XDIC: Aelynn"Um, ok. This is wierd, I don't think I've taught anyone how to do something before..." the Toa of Iron admitted, "I guess we're going to need some books... And some tablets. I don't think they have any here, so we might have to get the from Le-Koro."



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IC: Tillian (Crimson Nova Safehouse, Le-Koro)Tillian soared into the open window, touching down on the surfboard and observing the room where just two or three days ago (he had lost count by now, he was so exhausted) he had killed Feyrren Illrath. Nothing much had changed: various pieces of intelligence were still scattered across the room, and there was still caked on all four walls.No Emotia.What he did notice, though, were the imprints: four small holes were in the carpet from where a chair had rested there not minutes before. Just missed her..."Emotia!"-Teezy



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IC: Pollux (Crimson Nova Safehouse, Le-Koro)Pollux cocked his gun."This room is soundproof," he told Emotia. "So he won't be able to hear you. Of course, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be moving. The others should be here by now..."OOC: Anyone who wants to have a char affiliated with Crimson Nova can post now.-Teezy



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OOC: TD, WAit! I must post my new character. :PIC: RekyrThe Toa of Air stepped out of the shadows, his black armor blending in perfectly. "Everything is ready," he stated."Hello, there," Rekyr said to Emotia, "What have we here?"IC: AelynnShe smiled, and lead the way out of the small village. "Have you ever been to Le-Koro, Auron?" she asked as the two passed through the entryway to Pala-Koro.



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IC: Pollux (Crimson Nova Safehouse, Le-Koro)Pollux nodded resignedly, as if he had given himself away to a fate he couldn't control."Alright, get her out of here," he said. "Meet up with the other guy and take her to the main outpost. It's a couple blocks away from the inn where they found Laryla: you can't miss it."-Teezy



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OOC: Group from Ta-KoroIC: Following Tillian, was the whole team. Laserbeak carrying Xiela, and everyone else was loaded on the Gukko. Tillian was in sight, the group close on his tail.



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