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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: TerroTerro teleported himself behind a tree, avoiding most of the attacks but still taking some damage from the exploding fruit. He looked up in time to see an entire treeload of them coming down. Thinking quickly, he warped over to Voi, picked him up, and ran as fast as he could.

Edited by Zyke the destroyer


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IC: Phantoms"Son of a-"A sea of exploding fruit descended on Bonecrusher, causing a colossal explosion that shook the small area around it. The tree Brawl was behind took most of the force, but he still fell over. Scrambling to his feet, Brawl peered round the tree to see a blackened clearing, with an unconscious Bonecrusher lying in the middle, also blackened, along with missing several teeth, an arm and a lot of armour. Brawl grinned callously and contemplated leaving him behind, but then thought of the questions the other Phantoms would have.He hauled the Skakdi on to his back and set out for Xa-Koro, where Galvatroth most likely was.OOC: Zocord and Koharax to Xa-Koro.

Edited by Doctor Wotz
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IC: Toa ArdokuArdoku stands up "I do indeed know this matoran, for it is the one we seek." Ardoku walks to Kranuka "Be calm, this will only take a second" He then proceeded to placing his palm upon the matoran's forehead. Anyone present would then sense a strange sensation, as if some sort of bond was broken. "There... all better, my friend?""What's he doing?" Entrix asks, puzzled as to what the toa of plasma was trying to achieve....

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IC: Toa ArdokuArdoku stands up "I do indeed know this matoran, for it is the one we seek." Ardoku walks to Kranuka "Be calm, this will only take a second" He then proceeded to placing his palm upon the matoran's forehead. Anyone present would then sense a strange sensation, as if some sort of bond was broken. "There... all better, my friend?""What's he doing?" Entrix asks, puzzled as to what the toa of plasma was trying to achieve....

IC Fehron, Geon"Okay, what did you do?" Fehron asked. "Kranuka? Do you remember now?""Highly illogical," muttered Geon.


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OOC: I tell you, the reason these posts are so infrequent is because they take so much time and effort to compose. But hey, it's totally great, doesn't let me get lazy. Note that this post is Rahkshi stuff only. For those of you still fighting Rama, assume the circumstances of the swarm's counterattacks remain unchanged. I just didn't have the endurance; I can already tell this one will be super-long. Brace yourselves. IC:As Trakuda's explosive arced through the air, the Rahkshi which had been its target easily teleported out of the way, warned by the Ko-Matoran's audible taunts. When he saw the creature vanish before his eyes, Trakuda immediately whirled around, anticipating the worst. He had been right; the Rahkshi reappeared silently and immediately behind him, and at the same instant he slapped his Madu Cabolo onto his foe's abdomen, the Rahkshi thrust its staff through his sternum. The sharp point of the weapon squelched and screeched as it pierced armor and bone and organ, emerging out the other side in a spray of blood and innards. Trakuda's small form seemed to grow instantly small as his lungs were punctured and his heart slashed. His eyes, bright with cleverness a moment before, lost their luster and stared emptily as the Rahkshi pressed its empty hand onto him and pulled its gore-splattered weapon out again with the other. Trakuda's limp form fell to the earth and slumped in a pile of limpness. Red life poured from the immense wound in his chest and from his slack mouth, a mouth that would never taunt again.The Rahkshi tried to pick the Madu Cabolo off of itself, but Trakuda had managed to stick it fast. With growing anxiety, the Rahkshi tried to teleport away a few feet, but to no avail; the explosive remained as it had been. Dropping its staff and all pretenses of deathly elegance, the Rahkshi scrabbled at the explosive with its sharp claws, shrieking urgently. It was too late. With a large, metallic bang, the Madu Cabolo exploded forcibly and burst apart the Rahkshi's midsection, rending the armor of its thorax into ribbons, sending its upper and lower halves careening in separate directions. Falling back to earth, the upper half landed spines-down; the spines easily sunk into the mud, leaving the underside of the Rahkshi's Kraata carriage, already broken open by the blast, exposed. Hissing, the Kraata slithered out of its dead prison as fast as it could, only to then be caught unluckily by a fireball from above.OOC: I already warned y'all about rushing into these attacks solo. I even let the last guy who did so live... Mercy, unfortunately, was not in Trakuda's cards. It's unfortunate that a matoran decided to rush a Rahkshi alone - such foolhardiness never ends well - but his bravery did, as you can see, have beneficial effects. One Rahkshi down.IC:Mahdrik's hand met its mark, and immediately, the Rahkshi's feet were frozen into the ground by all the water latent in the earth. It hissed again and, before Mahdrik could stand up again from his kneeling place, viciously slashed out at the Toa's sword hand. The blade of the staff brutally chopped off Mahdrik's fingers, cutting through them to thud against the handle of the weapon. With a cry, Mahdrik recoiled his bloody finger stumps from the weapon, and the Rahkshi easily dislodged its feet from the ice. In the same swipe that had severed its foes fingers, the Rahkshi twirled its staff upward and poised it there for a final blow.Amerikos' shield, thrown from behind, collided with a noise like a struck bell as it struck the creature's hunched back. In fury, the Rahkshi wheeled about to face this new foe, and in turning, failed to see a bomb fall from the sky and stick fast on the end of its staff. Before the Rahkshi could try to flick the explosive off its weapon, the sticky-bomb combusted, the force of it sending the Rahkshi flailing backwards towards the downed form of Mahdrik. Mahdrik, despite his injuries, was still lucid enough to use his element, and he conjured another icicle from the earth, which impaled the Rahkshi through its head as it fell to the ground. With a garbled shriek, the Rahkshi was stabbed, squirmed, and then went still, going limp and heavy on the injured body of Mahdrik.OOC: Teamwork, huzzah! Two Rahkshi down. IC:The Rahkshi at the door of the tunnel were subjected to an immense barrage of attacks. They teleported here and there, quicker than a flicker, but could not evade all the projectiles thrown at them and avoid tangling with each other at the same time. They were unable to dodge such a wide range of assaults. One of them, the one who had been burnt by the fireball, found its Kraata carriage suddenly subject to immense pressures - a Toa of Air's handiwork - and, already softened by intense heat, the normally thick-armored spine of the Rahkshi crumpled like a can. The Kraata within was immediately crushed to pulp, spraying like a viscous juice out either side of the Rahkshi.Another one was caught in a storm of ice shards, thorns, and all manner of other elemental and physical projectiles from the sky. At first, the Rahkshi's strong armor was able to withstand these peppering attacks, but as they grew more concentrated with each swoop of the aerial forces, the effects of weathering began to show. Dents and scratches expanded and deepened, burns and brittle ice points corroded. No matter where the Rahkshi teleported, it could not escape the cloud of raining projectiles lest it were to abandon its post at the door. Rahkshi die before they disobey orders. This one did. The last of the fighter Rahkshi, still dodging iron and stone attacks on open field in front of the looming hive, was destroyed in similar fashion by an aerial assault, but instead of contending with a cloud of small missiles, it was felled by a more direct attack from above; a cloud of Rama, presumably those reincarnated as before, dive-bombed the Rahkshi. Probably tired from such an intensive and extensive fight, the Rahkshi did not vanish to safer ground as the impending swarm whizzed into the ground, crushing the creature beneath their weight. The final Rahkshi standing at the tunnel entrance teleported out of the way of an incoming iron cannonball, but the shot had been thrown so forcefully that, on ricocheting with the iron cylinder of the passage, it rebounded and struck the Rahkshi again from behind, pounding into the creature's neck and snapping its head from its shoulders. The suit, unable to see or hear, flopped to the earth, useless, and the detached head screamed aimlessly. The tunnel aperture was free at last.OOC: I would have taken more time with these Rahkshi if things had not slowed as thoroughly as they did - it was my fault, I was busy - but for the sake of the battle as a whole, I figured that I had better move on to the next portion of it.So, I wrapped this objective up here, using some assumptive powers and etc., while trying my best to include specific actions by you guys. However, that said, I played very little part in killing these; you guys slew most of the Rahkshi yourselves by your own direct attacks. Know that it was your combined efforts that got rid of this first objective. I was impressed by your creative approaches to the problem of teleportation.That out of the way, here is your second objective:2nd Official Objective - Break into the hive.


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OOC: Booyah! We killed 6 Rahkshi without too many casualties. Comiserations about Trakuda, but hey, first objective accomplished! Woohoo! :happydance:Oh, and if nobody else claims it, I'm going to guess that the Rahkshi guarding the tunnel was killed by Lema. He was aiming a big blast of air at that one, so a big thankyou to whoever through that fireball to set up the kill. :D Teamwork for the win.IC (Lema): The toa of air pulled his gukko out of the dive as he finished blasting the Rahkshi with air. The battle seemed to be going their way, but it was early days yet. The air squad's run had been a success, so he wanted to build on that. "High-flyers, let's go again!" he shouted to the rest of the air squad. "Blast the tunnel open!" Hoping that they would hear, he twisted through the air to prepare for another shot at the weakened wall.IC (Dekuna): The nui-rama kept on throwing themselves at Dekuna, payiges and Aki-Nui in a frenzy of beating wings and slashing claws. Each wave was eventually repulsed, but sheer numbers were taking their toll on Dekuna. He was running out of knives, as they were all getting so nicked, bent and corroded by rama-blood that they were hardly of any use. A couple got stuck in the flies bodies and he wasn't able to remove them without exposing himself to further attack, so he let those go. He still had a few, but they would have to last him the rest of the fight.The toa of sonics clung tightly to Aki-Nui's back as he charged forward to escape a pair of rama. Dekuna shot a beam of sound backwards and threw them to the ground, but they got back up and kept up the persuit. Dekuna ducked to avoid a low-hanging branch, and then found that they had come out into a clearing around the base of the hive, where most of the ground squad, along with many others, were fighting a group of Rahkshi. (OOC: Minor bunnying of Payiges and Aki-Nui to where the action is, but Zealokan did say Dekuna was steering). In the space of a few seconds, he saw all six of the Makuta's sons broken and killed before he could intervene.Seeing an opportunity to break into the hive through the weakened part of the wall, Dekuna steered Aki-Nui right towards the tunnel, while he directed sound waves into the age-hardened wall, trying to disrupt its structure and make it easier to break through.OOC: Back me up, guys. I'm sticking my neck out here, but I really don't want Dekuna to end up like poor old Trakuda. If a few people jump in a throw attacks at the wall, he won't be alone and Nuju will have no reason to kill my character. Please? :begging:


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IC: PayigesIt was a risky move, but she'd have to chance it if they wanted to break through the hive wall. She held her hands out in front of her, and in between them, a sphere of Ball Lightning was taking shape. Once at full charge, she yell out to Dekuna 'Shield your eyes!' and threw the ball.It buzzed about on the ground, then in the air, travelling any which way it chose. Payiges thrust out her arm, bring the sphere back into control, and sending it straight into the hive wall, where it exploded violently. It took away about two inches from the barrier.'Darn it all to Karzahni,' she exclaimed, mentally scolding herself for such a stupid idea.OOC: All this talk of Ball Lightning, I decided 'Aw heck, why not?' :P

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
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IC: Sisk, Hive AttackThe flight of Gukko ascended steeply into the clear blue mid-day sky, almost vertically up, heading straight for the sun. But neither bird, nor pilot or gunner had an interest in admiring the incredible view from up here. Their strafing run maneuver had been successful, allowing the ground forces to focus all their efforts solely on the Rahkshi. Which in turn faced the Gukko with the problem of over twenty Rama pursuing them. But the Matoran pilots knew what they were doing.The attack had only been the first step: Get the enemy away from the ground. Rama were notoriously maneuverable, able to perform turns in mid-air that were almost instantaneous. Near or even within the treetops of the jungle below, fighting them was to either land a perfect disk-hit or to tediously chase a single Rama for an extended period of time. Combined with their superior number, this would have worn the Gukko down within short time.The next step was to get a superior position. The words of the captain echoed in Sisk's mind as they continued to rise: Always have to sun behind your back. Which was precisely what they were doing now. As soon as they reached what Kara deemed a sufficient hide to execute their meaneuver, he gave a whistle. In unison, a dozen Gukko seemed to stop in mid-air, standing on their tail-feathers for a heartbeat, before falling back over and into a nose-dive. The Rama remained undeterred in their ascent, trying to gain on the birds. But against the brightness of the sun they had not noticed their adversaries abrupt reverse in direction. Suddenly, they were beset from right above; a barrage of disks tearing through chitinous bodies, ripping off wings and knocking of masks.Sisk, Lashev and Verdi could see their bodies falling as they dove past them.He heard a sudden cheer and turned to give his comrade a thumbs-up, but what he saw did not justify a cheer: One of the Rama, somehow, had not been rendered unable to fly. Through luck or just the will of Makuta it had grapsed onto the tail of one of Kara's wingmen. The bird bucked wildly, trying to shake off the Rahi, but it's claws held on. Shouts were heard now. From the pilot and gunner, from Kara, from the other wingmen. Even Sisk yelled something.In an act of what was either despair or bravery, the rear-gunner of the attacked Gukko pulled out a hunting-knife from a sheath strapped to his chest. With a scream, he lunged at the Rama, burrying the knife deep between the two bulbous insect-eyes. Enraged and dying, the Rama retaliated, swiping at the crewman with its claw. Not strapped to his saddle anymore, he was flung to the side and both Rahi and Matoran fell. Sisk felt sick to his stomach. He wanted to break off immediately and look, but Kara's voice bellowed from their right: "Stay in formation!"Grief would have to wait. With clenched teeth, Sisk looked ahead. They were coming up on the clearing again. To his surprise he found the ground-teams had managed to disable the Rahkshi. And to his greater surprise, he saw a teal figure, followed by other Matoran, making their way to the thick of the action. "Leah...?" he asked, incredulous, but loud enough for his copilots to hear.---------------------IC: Leah, Hive AttackThe commander of the Gukko support-units and her handpicked team of medics and guards had moved out just a few minutes ago. Under the cover of trees to the side of the clearing, they had made their way almost to the rear of the fighting force, when one of Leah's scouts came running up to her. "They did it!" he excalimed excitedly. "The slugs are gone!"Leah knew what that meant and turned to her small group: "You heard the man! The Rahkshi are down, so let's move!" They quickly left the cover of the brush and stepped out into the open field, littered with dead Rama and other grizzly sights. Leah was about to say something when she was stopped by a flight of Gukko racing past overhead. She stood and watched them for a second, before turning back to her men. "Alright, we have a break. We don't know how quick they'll regroup, so we'll have to be as fast as possible, follow me, tend to the wounded, leave the dead...for now." They navigated their way across the battlefield, until they came upon a Toa, burried under the dead shell of a Rahkshi. "Get him out of there!" Leah ordered. Quickly, hands reached out, grabbing onto the Rahkshi and hoisted it off the Toa. Now Leah could see his injuries. Most prominently, the fingers on one hand had been sliced off. She crouched down next to him. "Can you hear me?"OOC: That would be Mahdrik.---------------------------IC: RhowRhow gave a throaty chuckle. "Easy there, big fella." she told Sookus. "Bigger, yes. Badder, definitely. But running the Island? Couldn't really do that on our own rock either, now could we?" The female Skakdi frowned slightly. Then she suddenly brightened up and clasped the other Skakdi on the shoulder. "Tell you what: How about we kick the dark one right in his darkest bits and off this Island, then we'll see if our residency here is gonna be permanent."




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OOC: RIP Trakuda, in death you saved us all :crying: Well, not really, but he helped I 'spose :P This marks a new dawn in Wotz history, as his self char is killed in a beautiful shower of blood and organs :rolleyes: Thanks for a spectacular death, Nuju! :DIC: KahlynnThe Rama weren't budging. On the other hand, all the Rahkshi were dead, so that wasn't much of a problem. The only thing he could really do now (other than dismount and join the ground forces) was provide air cover until the others got inside the Hive. One of teammates was particularly enthusiastic, Lema was his name, if Kahlynn recalled correctly."High-flyers, let's go again! Blast the tunnel open!"Kahlynn rolled his eyes -he was exhausted- but agreed nonetheless. Lema's decision was probably the right one, it was just Kahlynn's natural Skakdi instinct to stick his neck out for himself that made him hesitate. The Toa of Air who had spoken twisted and fly at the tunnel, taking the lead of the triangle formation the Aerial Squad were in in the process, Kahlynn not far behind."You, air-Toa guy!" he called towards Lema, "Increase the pressure in the tunnel, expand it so our attacks will have more effect!" he ordered, signalling the others to go nuts with their attacks, even as he fired his laser vision in circles to cut out chunks of the tunnel.OOC: Aerial Squad are attacking the Hive Tunnel to blow it open for the ground forces.

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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive, Le-Wahi)Time slowed to a crawl as the Ko-Matoran sprinted towards Trakuda; the sounds of Rama's death shrieks and war cries seemed to stretch on for minutes at a time. Ignoring the dead Rahkshi entirely, Reordin finally skidded to a halt by Trakuda's body and time seemed to fast forward, like a DVR being brought back to live TV."Trakuda. Come on, buddy," Reordin said, putting pressure on the already-dead Matoran's wound and attempting chest compressions. "We're not done here yet, you little ponce, come on! Come on, Trakuda!"He began to push harder, trying desperately to jumpstart Trakuda's heart; still, the Ko-Matoran didn't move, so Reordin screamed in rage and pressed harder."No no no, Trakuda, we are not done here! Get up! Come on, come on, get up!"-Teezy



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IC: SkrihenReordin would feel a hand too large for a Matoran on his shoulder. If he looked back, which he probably wouldn't, he would see Skrihen standing behind him. "I'm sorry, Reordin. But we need to keep moving. Trakuda wouldn't want his sacrifice to go to waste."The Bearer sighed. She'd been held up by a group of Rama, and unable to help with the Rahkshi.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Leah, Hive AttackThey navigated their way across the battlefield, until they came upon a Toa, burried under the dead shell of a Rahkshi. "Get him out of there!" Leah ordered. Quickly, hands reached out, grabbing onto the Rahkshi and hoisted it off the Toa. Now Leah could see his injuries. Most prominently, the fingers on one hand had been sliced off. She crouched down next to him. "Can you hear me?"OOC: That would be Mahdrik.

IC: Madrihk"Yes," he hissed in reply, sounding almost like the fierce creature he had just helped kill. "I can hear you. And thanks," he said, less agitated. The Toa of Ice sat up, pain burning through his right hand as he inadvertently touched the ground with it. He inspected the damage, and was not pleased to see that what he thought had been a cut was in fact a crude amputation. Only his thumb remained, as it had been on the other side of his sword's handle when the Rahkshi struck. His normally white hand was now covered with blood, which ran down the length of his arm even as he tried to stop the bleeding."I'm losing blood," he stated, as a simple matter of fact. "I need bandages or anything, if you have them, and quickly. Accursed Rahkshi... I can't grip my sword anymore either. I only have this left." He motioned with his left arm, where he had a simple retractable wrist blade attached. Ackune's work. It would have to do... if he could even keep going."Thanks, Amerikos," he said, nodding to the Toa of Iron as he passed by to retrieve his shield. "It would have killed me.""Now... what's our status? How many are left?"IC: MeviMevi was still using Trakuda's spear to fend off Rama when the Rahkshi attacked in full. Barely a few minutes later, after the elemental blasts had stopped flying and the creatures lay dead on the ground, it became apparent that Trakuda had been injured. The Ta-Matoran hurried over to his limp form, which Reordin was trying to revive. Mevi could see his internals on the jungle floor, however, and the gaping hole in his chest. There was no doubt; Trakuda was dead. Cursing under her breath, Mevi gripped the spear tighter and turned away from the sight. She would see that hive burned to the ground. Edited by Katuko
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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive, Le-Wahi)Reordin didn't say anything, didn't even acknowledge his two squadmembers; still, the Ko-Matoran pressed down on his friend's chest--SPLOOOSH!A rocket of blood shot from one of Trakuda's popped lungs and hit Reordin in the face. The lieutenant turned away despondently, moving one finger to his cheek and rolling his finger across its wet surface. He stared in confusion at the tip of his digit for a second before screaming out a broken series of curses. He moved towards the Rahkshi Trakuda had killed, screaming at it aimlessly to help try and relieve the emotion that was coursing through his veins at that moment; the Rahkshi made no reply, made no acknowledgement of Reordin's existence. He half wanted it to turn so he could destroy it himself, make poor, stupid Trakuda's death mean something, but it lay still and mutilated, torn apart by explosives and sacrifice. Reordin plucked its staff from the ground and spun: a lone Rama swerved on a collision course towards him, bucking and screeching violently: the Demolitions Squad leader merely took the staff and jammed it between the eyes of the insect, flicking it and tossing its dying corpse into a swarm of about two dozen that was incoming on Aerial. The swarm quickly focused on tearing each other apart, and Reordin turned, swinging the staff over his back and walking away."You're deputy now," he said to Skrihen calmly. "Stick close. Watch my back. Try to keep your internal organs internal. Aronis Ril, you're coming, too. Grab a Rama."-Teezy



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