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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: Anthros isn't there. He isn't even in the Organization. Sorry about the confusion.IC: Vorasku's OrganizationVorasku was hit by the spear in his knee, and it began bleeding profusely. He fell to his knees, and remained there. Why did I attack with insuuficient forces? he thought as he remained there. Then, the staff was brought down on his skull, causing brain damage which would most likely kill him. Meanwhile, Tuaka had remained on the ground. She thought about why she had joined this group. Why did I join? What benefit had it given me? she thought. Then the kick hit her head, and she fell into unconsciousness. Kotok narrowly dodged the electricity using his calix. He then noticed Tirax charging at him, and readied his sword.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC: Lathon, Le-WahiOnce Lekar had healed Nawal's arm he fell limply into Lathon's already outstretched hands. He gently grabbed the passed out Toa of plant-life and gently carried him to another cot. He then placed him on the bed and stepped back. Lathon watched them both sleep for a few minutes before he grew restless. Finally he lied down on a third cot, and decided to get some sleep until either one of them woke up. He needed to get more rest after the poison that had been running through him anyway. He lied back down on the bed, and closed his eyes, soon he drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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IC (Nawal):Nawal was the first to wake. At first, he forgot where he was, and why he was there. He thought the whole arm-amputation and frozen for a long time was just a bad dream, but then his memory hit him. He looked aroun and saw he was in the operating room, but it was empty. he tried to get up, but dizzyness got to him, making him lie back down. he went to hold his head with his left hand, but realized nothing came. Natually, he looked to his left to see what the matter was. Almost shocked, he saw his new, artifical, green arm with hooks lying limply beside him. He let out a small yelp, before calming himself."Uhhh, doctor?"


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IC: Lathon, Kini NuiLathon jolted awake when he heard the voice of Nawal cry out. He rubbed his eyes through his mask and then sat up from the cot. He then got up stretched his back and then walked back into the operating room to see Nawal awake. "What's wrong?" Lathon asked, already knowing the answer. Nawal had probably seen his new arm. That would be enough to make anyone shout.

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IC - Krellan - Makuta's RevengeThe Matoran stepped inside the bar, hands in his pockets. He took in his surroundings. A card game off to the left. A table of drunks to the right. Most eyes drawn by the target of his visit, a young Toa of water at a table centerish of the bar. He slid out a chair, taking his seat across from her."Hello." He didn't quite remember her name- it'd been a busy day -but he remembered how they'd met. A "heroic" entrance where he'd walked in on a Toa trying to free her from what was, in truth, a physical and psychological slavery. Though the Toa had been motally correct in his stance, Krellan wasn't going to be the freak to mention it."How does a Kohli game sound?" he said, brandishing dual tickets to that night's game.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC(Susavree Nooma [Talking Krellan: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Main Tavern])

"You came," the Toa says happily to the Matoran. She had been waiting for quite some time, but her date did indeed arrive. Looking down at the tickets in the Matoran's hand, Susavree responds. "Yes, that would be lovely. Should we go now, or would you like a drink or something else first?" the Toa asks curiously. She was dying to leave the place due to the lack of good memories for the day, but she wasn't about to rush her only date out of the door into something he didn't want.-Mef Man

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IC: Calebos"Could I get a root beer?" Calebos asked the owner, "And one for my brother?"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC(Levarie Obed [Talking to Calebos: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, bar])

"And you won't even believe what she did. You see, first she-""Could I get a root beer?" Levarie glances down at the Matoran; looking away from the two eager Le-Matoran listening to his tale. The Toa grumbles to himself while turning around and pouring a glass of root beer into a mug. He slides it across the bar toward Calebos. "Now, as I was saying. You see, first she started-" "And one for my brother?" Slowly, the Toa turns around to face Calebos. He was considering smacking the thing over the head, but Leena would hate him for it. Besides, he'd lose business doing that. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," grumbles the Toa; now turned around and fixing the second glass. He quickly turns around and slides the next glass to Calebos. Turning back to his listeners, he begins again. "You see, first she started..."-Mef Man

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IC: CalebosCalebos thanked the owner as went up stairs to give Zacax the root beer. He didn't know why the guy was so ticked, but whatever.IC: Zacax"Does this bed have wheels?" Zcax asked himself,

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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NPC (Lekar):Lekar got up, dazed at first, but easily got to his feet. The small nap helped his energy. He heard Nawal's yelp and came into the room whee Nawal and Lathon were."Here I am, and I already know the problem, I heard. Don't worry, it's normal. If you want to move the arm, then try to move it more, as far as your old arm could bend, then it should move a little. If you want to move your hooks, try to bend your wrist, if it was there. It will take practice, but one you got it, it will be a strong arm."IC (Nawal):Nawal tried it a few times, and moved the arm slightly."Ok, but my... arm... hurts. It feels af it my old arm is still attached, but is bending in a very uncomfortable position."NPC (Lekar):"Also normal. It's called phantom limb, and makes it feel like your arm is still there, and hurts. It goes away with time, but for now I will give you some painkillers that you can take for about the next few weeks untill it goes away. Let me go get those leaves..."And with that, he left the room.


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IC: Zacax and Calebos"Hey Zacax," Calebos said walking in with the drinks,"Hey Cale-ah where are the wheels and stuff?" Zacax asked,Calebos started to think...then remembered..."Oh no I forgot!" Calebos said after playing Zacax's drink down, "I'll get it in the morning! I'm sorry!""Ah it's okay," Zacax said, "Just go to bed, we need some rest. Calebos nodded and returned to his room, hoping he could sleep with all this noise...

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC(Leena [Talking to Calebos and Stalav: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Hallway])

(Stalav [Talking to Leena: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Main Tavern])

Leena laughs along with another of the barmaidens while leaning against the back of Stalav's chair. Leaning forward and kissing her boy friend, she says,"Win us something big tonight.""I'll try," Stalav replies after returning the kiss. He leans back in his chair while waiting for "Lady Luck" to make her move when Leena notices Calebos walk back into his room. "Be right back," Leena says to the group before walking up the stairs."Aw, hurry back!" calls out Stalav. Eyes narrowing and grin widening, he mumbles to himself,"You're my good luck charm.""Calebos. May I come in?" Leena was standing in the hallway now, knocking on the Matoran's door before speaking. She wanted to check on the kid before he went to bed. Maybe he needed something and she wouldn't be able to move tonight if she didn't check in on the Matoran.-Mef Man

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IC: CalebosCalebos was about to climb into bed, but heard Leena's voice and walked to the door and opened it, "Hi Leena," he said as chipper as ever, IC: Zacax"..........Come on, come on, come on an do the weekend whip," he sang to himself,

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC (Nawal):"Thanks" Nawal said, scratching his fake arm hoping to make the unbearable itch on his "phantom limb" go away."This is all very shocking. First I'm told i may have been frozen for thousands of years, then I need a whole new arm. What next?"NPC (Lekar):Lekar came into the room holding a bag of leaves."Here" Lekar said, giving the bag to Nawal, "These are painkillers. Take one and chew on it to take the edge off the pain. Only take a maximum of two per day. They make you kind of drowsy, so don't do anything that requires attention when you take it. Also, never take alcoholic beverages while you take these, there it a chance of death. A few notes before I let you go: Don't take any alcoholic beverages for the next two weeks, eat pleanty of food for the next few days to make up for your blood loss, and don't do anything physically demanding for the next few days." He then turned to Lathon, "Keep an eye on him for a while, if you can. Just look out for anything abnormal. Other than that, you're done here. Although I am being payed by the Koro, i would appretiate donations, for better equiptment."IC (Nalwal):Nawal checked his traveling bag."I have nothing. I left my widgets at my hut, and I doubt they're still there anymore."

Edited by Toa Of Virtues


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IC(Leena [Talking to Calebos: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Hallway])

Leena's smile brightens at the sound of Calebos's voice. He seemed to be in a great mood which (in turn) made Leena in an even better mood."I was just going to check on you, Calebos," Leena explains. "Do you need anything before you get some shut eye?"-Mef Man

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IC: Lathon, Le-KoroLathon nodded towards Lekar and then clasped him on the shoulder. "Thank you for everything." he said. "Our lives were in your hands, you earned this many times over." he said as he then placed six-widgets into the doctor's hands. "I won't forget that you saved me Lekar, if you ever need a favor, don't be afraid to ask." he said. He then turned to Nawal, "What are your plants now Nawal?" he asked, looking at the Matoran.

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IC: Calebos"...I don't think so," Calebos said, making sure he DIDN'T, forget anything this time. He couldn't, "I think I'm good, unless you can hush the noise,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Lathon, Le-KoroLathon followed Nawal out of the hut. "Sounds good to me." he said. He felt a bit hungry himself. As he walked he adjusted his massive sword on his back with the strap that went across his chest. "I bet all the places that you used to go to eat are gone now. I don't know any myself, but I'm sure we could find one." he said.

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IC (Nawal):"Yeah, and I would also like to be caught up on what happened while i was away being a popsicle." Nawal joked. He was starting to get used to the fact that he was in the future, after all, it is every Ko-Matoran's dream to go into the future. Also, the leaf he was chewing on helped his mood.


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IC: Lathon, Le-KoroLathon walked besides his Matoran friend and thought for a moment. "Well I don't know much..." he said. "But from what I've gathered is that Makuta has put the Great Spirit to sleep, and now he has cast his darkness over the island. Matoran have been living in fear, the Rahi seem to be corrupted, their masks infected." he said. "The great heroes, the Toa Mata descended to defeat the Makuta but they never returned. Toa like myself have been appearing all over the island, while other races like Skakdi have as well." he said. "I've heard about Makuta's sons, the Rahkshi, but I've never seen one, though I know they are very dangerous." he said. "That's about all I can tell you." he admitted.

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IC - Krellan - Makuta's Revenge"I think I'll get a drink there."He stood, even as she did. They finally leveled, and he chuckled silently at the fact that, even though he was a tall Matoran wearing boots that increased his height by at least a half-inch, she was slightly taller than him. Then again, she was a Toa. He mentally shrugged. He supposed it didn't matter. Taller or not, he would envied, despite the fact that no one would be looking at him. The majority of male gazes would be fixed on...Susare...Suvra...Susavree.Without another word, they walked out, the Matoran adopting a rather prideful gait, displaying a healthy level of swagger and a smug expression of self-entitlement. Most of this was due to the girl- nay, trophy -at his side. Still, another portion of his attitude payed due to his recently-escalated status as a killer. The leader of his mafia-esque underground group had (what translated to) promoted him up, which was a ritualistic happening that involved a lower-class mafioso sent to take out a higher-class one. This was something Krellan had been waiting to do for awhile now. Even as he had sank his knife into the Vortixx's neck, he couldn't help but think of all the things he could've done had he been promoted earlier.Despite the half mile they traversed, the trip really didn't seem that long. As he cashed in his tickets and they walked into the game, it was just commencing. He grinned at the close proximity of their seats. He could see the sweat on the players' brow. As the two settled into their seats, he really had time to examine the game. Ga-Wahi versus Ta-Koro on Onu. Ta-Koro had first blood, scoring against the hunched Onu-Koroans. Ga-Koro soon came back strong with a trick move, only to be halted midway by the ever-bold Ta-Koro team."What do you think of the game?" he asked Susavree.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: MeviVorasku fell, knocked unconscious by Kal's attack. Mevi withdrew the now bloody spear and wiped it off with a few swipes in the grass."Thanks," she nodded to Kal. "I might not have been able to take him alone."OOC: Vezok's Friend: Does the headache/nightmare-inducing mind power extend to everyone or just the ones Mariko wants to target? Also, if I read his profile correctly he only has that custom power and it's not part of any elemental power, correct?

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IC-Kal:"Not a problem," Kal grunted. "I don't get why people have to mess with the peace around here every kriffing day, though." He shook his head, twirling a bit of blood off of the end of the staff before he set it down again."Ah, well. It looks like most of them are done anyways."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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(Leena [Talking to Calebos: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Hallway])(Susavree Nooma [Talking Krellan: Le-Koro, Kohlii Game])

"I'm afraid not, kiddo," the Matoran says. "But, the walls on your room are pretty thick. It should keep out most of the noise," she explains. Leena peeks inside Calebos's room; looking around to see if there was anything she could do. The Matoran felt guilty for leaving a kid alone in a bar, but she knew that he would be fine in his room. Looking back to Calebos she adds,"Just...make sure to lock the door. Okay?"The Toa dressed in black smiles as she turns to her date. "It looks very interesting. I've never watched this sport before," Susavree adds. Turning back toward the game, she watches the players beginning to smack or scoop up the ball with their Kohlii sticks as they tried to score a point in the opposing teams goals."So, they can only use that stick-thing to hit or scoop the ball into a goal, right?" the Toa asks curiously and a bit confused. Sports were new to Susavree, but she knew she would already enjoy them.-Mef Man

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IC: Calebos"I will certainly remember to do that, night!" Calebos saidIC: Zacax"...why wasn't I given the mask of telekinesis?" Zacax asked with a moan.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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(Leena [Talking to Calebos: Outskirts of Le-Koro, Makuta's Revenge Tavern, Hallway])

"Good night, Calebos," Leena replies. She shakes her head with a small smile before making her way downstairs. He wasn't at all like she was when she was that age. While he was dependent and afraid, she was independent and bold. She never wanted to trust her parents or lean on them for her needs and instead ran away like a foolish kid. Calebos, on the other hand, lost everything and was leaning on his only family he had left. He had a brother he could trust and a friend. Leena only had a boy friend who didn't even love her.Deep down, Leena coveted Calebos's life.-Mef Man

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IC: CalebosThe young matoran closed the door, not fully but it was on lock mode...Calebos climbed into his bed and fell asleep...

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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OOC: WHOOPS. Forgot about Hograth. :PIC(Hograth): Hograth left the inn and headed towards the blacksmith's shop. After a short walk, he reached the shop and entered. As always, it was hot and stuffy, mainly because the door to the forge was open. Hograth hesitated a moment, and headed towards the door. Hograth knocked on the door frame before entering. The forge room was empty, save a note on a table that read: "Hograth, I'll be back later, Get to work! C." With a small sigh, Hograth set to work.


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OOC: Anthros isn't there. He isn't even in the Organization. Sorry about the confusion.IC: Vorasku's OrganizationVorasku was hit by the spear in his knee, and it began bleeding profusely. He fell to his knees, and remained there. Why did I attack with insuuficient forces? he thought as he remained there. Then, the staff was brought down on his skull, causing brain damage which would most likely kill him. Meanwhile, Tuaka had remained on the ground. She thought about why she had joined this group. Why did I join? What benefit had it given me? she thought. Then the kick hit her head, and she fell into unconsciousness. Kotok narrowly dodged the electricity using his calix. He then noticed Tirax charging at him, and readied his sword.
IC :Tirax swung at the bladed-staff with tremendous force, using his battle axe to try and knock it away.. As he did this, a burst of impact vision shot out of his eyes, aimed for his foe's neck. The impact vision had more than enough force to break it.Ziraul's elemental recharge was continuing, and he was nearing perhaps two-thirds of full power. He supposed he would fight now. Seeing Tirax and Voriki's battle, he triggered his mask and created a illusionary cloak of darkness around the head of their enemy-Kotok. He continued absorbing any sound that touched him, making him perfectly silent.
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IC: Kotok was hit by the impact vision, and fell to the ground. On the brink of unconsciousness, he remained there.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC: Lathon, Le-Koro, NPC waiterLathon nodded at Nawal, "Yeah it has." he said. They soon came to a pub called the Bright-Star Inn in Le-Koro and Lathon quickly entered. He found them a table and quickly sat down. NPC (Waiter)A minute later a Le-Matoran wearing a Hau walked up to their table. "What can I get you two?" he asked.OOC: There is a pub in Le-Koro right?

Edited by Flex Nard
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IC: OnyxHaving knocked Turok out cold, her body went limp and all sign of awareness drained from her body. Onyx plopped sheathed his sword and then reached for Turok's body with one arm, sliding it under her back and then throwing her over his shoulder as if she was light as a bag of feathers, a firm hand clasping the body. With the completion of his objective to capture a Parakuka user, he began retreating through the back and around the crowd, running towards the wall as fast as he could, hoping no one would spot him.

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IC: Tahrak was hit by the blast, and already injured, it caused greater injuries. He collapsed to the ground. In the meantime, Tuaka, seeing that his group had been routed, turned, and began to run away.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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OOC: Why, yes, there is, Flex. It's called the Bright-Star Inn.IC-Unari:"Don't take anything this Matoran recommends!" Unari called out to the newcomers with a smile. "Just get some ale and start from there!" The Le-Matoran turned back to glare at his employer, before he turned back to the others."Right, uh...what would you like, again?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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