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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: Aye. Gone off to other parts, with Lyica and Mirr. Lower my char count. TARDIS ex machina, I suppose. Wait...IC(Zand): "I see. Well, let me get over there!" The Vortixx began to run towards the ILS.IC(D): "That's very hot. Well, good enough to piece this ting back together. Although...I could put in a few more attachments this time..." He pulled off the Ruru and got to work, melting it down.

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IC: " A Vortixx? Don't think I've ever met a Vortixx. Well there was that one that attacked me in Ko-Koro, althought I don't think that really counts." Kethyre mumbled to himself. " Well, I am Kethrye. Nice to meet you, unless you suddenly decide to attack us, in which case it would not be nice to meet you at all." Kethrye said.

Edited by BenLuke-116
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OOC: You guys just happen to post so much while I'm gone XDIC: Alfon / Onyx"Let's just get this mask cleansed. Then we can deal with the stranger. On three! One, two, three!" said Alfon as he blasted his elemental energy towards the mask.Onyx followed Alfon's lead and blasted his powers of iron at the infected Kakama.

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IC: "If you're lost, then you can just follow us back to Le-Koro. So long as you don't try any more wildfires." Bijackal answered.

IC: MekrofHm... Tough terms."Well can I keep this one going?" he asked. Ah, dumb question. "Don't answer that. But, uh, sure lead the way."It was amazing that they heard him so clearly. He thought the mumbling would be a bit much. Well, as long as no one pointed out the accent, he guessed he didn't need the pistol. So he holstered it and joined the group.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC - Neirak - ForestNeirak sat thoughtfully, listening to Perkahn's story. Every once in a while, he would nod, it mumble "Hmm" or "Ouch." When the story was over, he was prepared to say what he thought. "That's pretty nice, man. I can't seem to score any haters as of yet." he shrugged.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC - Neirak - Forest"Weeeeell... It's not so much wanting to be hated as it is-" he was cut off by the sight of burning. Flames. Death.He tried to reach out, but the fires were not natural. They were not of his domain. The feeling was of helplessness, and it stung into his conscious. He couldn't let Perkahn or Alissita die, could he?"Please!" he yelled to the controller of the unnatural flames, "Abort your flames! We mean you no harm."The Toa spread his arms, as if trying to protect his friends from the fire; a completely useless tactic.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC (Madrihk)The air hummed with elemental energy, and the Kanohi before several different colors before the light finally settled on pure white. For a moment the features of the mask blurred away in the glow, but soon it faded, and where the object was once rusted and stained, there was now just a smooth, black metal surface. Madrihk snatched the Kakama just before the final wisps of energy dissipated, leaving the Kanohi in the natural grasp of gravity. He inspected it carefully, running his finger across its cheek."It's clean," he said, a hint of relief and triumph in his voice. "Good job, everyone... and thank you."The Toa of Ice took off the powerless Matoran Huna and replaced it with his own, clean mask. He could feel the power running through him, and he almost wanted to trigger its speed right there and then. After all their hardships over the past two days, finally things were looking up again. He had a mask, a team, and soon a village. That was certainly something.Somewhat lost in the excitement of having his Kakama back, Madrihk didn't notice the newly arrived Vortixx until someone pointed it out to him. While he was wary of newcomers after the recent fight, the Toa of Ice was confident that he wouldn't be of any trouble. Vortixx had no elemental powers, after all, and he was not wearing a mask. They would be able to subdue him in seconds if needed. With that in mind, Madrihk waited patiently to introduce himself.

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"I like your old Mask better," says Ledzel upon seeing the mask on his leader's face. Yes, the mask did look good on Madhrik. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a village to help build." The Po-Toa leaves the group, ignoring the new arrival, and begins to build the middle building again.-Mef Man

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IC: RamanoxAt the sight of what Matau had just done, Ramanox laughed. It had been a while since he had seen a good joke. He then turned to Sisk, "You guys go ahead, I came to see Matau for another reason."

IC: Matau stretched out his arms. He also appeared glad to be exposed to some sunlight once in a while instead of always being in his hut. He decided to remain out the Ramanox. "Ramanox, what would you like to ask?" questioned Matau.

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: Ramanox"Thank you Turaga," Ramanox bowed respectfully. "I'm sure you remember me coming before and asking for a way to gain redemption. You told that first I had to learn what it is to die for. Well I have yet to learn that, however on my quest to learn so. I went to Turaga Nokama's hut. I had gone there to learn of Unity. After all you did not speak to Merror and the others because they lacked Unity. She told me that in order to restore Unity, I had to first bring hope to where there was fear. She sent me here, because after the death of Tamaru, for which I am partially responsible, fear was dominant. Thus I have come to Le-Koro to restore Unity. To bring hope and I figured that first I should ask for your wisdom." Ramanox finished.


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IC(Zand): "Settlement? I thought that seven villages would be enough for this island. There already are murderers all around the island...that's irrelevant. Hello, Madrihk." He extended his arm out to the leader.IC(D): Flames surrounded the toa as he put the finishing touches on his new mask. There was now a natural eyepatch on it, and it was heavily reinforced, virtually indestructible. He placed the mask on his face, and welcomed the surge of power. "OH YES! Here we go!" He gathered his weaponry, donned his cloak, and was off, back to Lake Pala.

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IC - Neirak - ForestNeirak let his arms fall."Mardi...?"Listening to the exchange, he caught Alissita as she fell."Infected?" he said worriedly.The Toa lowered his eyebrows."We have to help her."

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: MekrofMekrof didn't trust these people. Then again, he didn't trust anyone... Well, that was their loss."So what do you have to eat?" he asked, sitting down. "I haven't had a bite in a day and a half."It was true. A day and a half's ride from the southeastern islands, nonstop could take its toll on a rich-living Skakdi.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: The bugs of Le-Wahi chirped quietly in the distance. Perkahn listened to that sound. He lived with it for quite a long time now."Alright," he suddenly spoke, or rather, spat, "People, excuse me, but you're in my campsite. Therefore, I legitimately expect some explanations. Infected? Who's infected? Somebody tell me what's going on here, and then possibly, just possibly, I might help you."He carefully eyed the three. Neirak, who the newcomer called "Compassion" - not a surprising thing in itself, a bunch of morons nowadays named themselves after emotions and abstract concepts, thinking it poetic and beautiful - Alissita, something of a slave to this Toa, and Mardi, the newcomer, of whom he literally knew squat.

Edited by Dovydas the Nerevarine
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IC(Zand): "Settlement? I thought that seven villages would be enough for this island. There already are murderers all around the island...that's irrelevant. Hello, Madrihk." He extended his arm out to the leader.

IC (Madrihk):The Toa of Ice shook hands with the Vortixx."Yes, hello, and welcome. I didn't catch your name...?"
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The Po-Toa wipes away the sweat from his eyes as he looks toward the base of the main settlement."Finished," he sighs before walking toward the others. "Boss-man, the main building's base is finished." The Po-Toa looks toward the Vortixx that had just arrived and added,"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to intrude."-Mef Man

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IC (Madrihk):"Name? Er... for simplicity's sake, let's call it Pala-Koro. That way everyone knows exactly where the place is, if we are to spread word of it."Madrihk used his knuckle to knock on the stone walls Ledzel had instructed."Very nice," he said. "Good size, as well."OOC: I'll have to sketch out a quick overhead view of this place (and not make it overblown, like Jianheim was...)

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OOC: Not to mention that if we actually want a village like this, a lot of time will be spent making it and all those little details so we don't have it destroyed like the castle.IC: Alfon"I was positive he was going to name it Ma-Koro!" murmured Alfon to the rest of the group, trying to make them laugh. "Y'know, Madrihk? Ma-Koro? Get it...?"

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