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Bzprpg - Po-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: "You aren't going anywhere," said Shade, transforming into a roadrunner rahi and coming to a stop right in front of where the winged toa was landing. He stood his ground. "You're just going to end up fighting me hand-to-hand, unless we team up. Toa of Sonics versus Toa of Sonics doesn't work well."-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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OOC: I'm still certain that if your character just happens to go to right place and coincidentally does all the right stuff is not only unrealistic, but pretty metagame-y too.IC: Kuhrin"Krell, extinguish your flames." Kuhrin demanded. Krell did so, revealing the destroyed Kohlii balls.

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OOC: And I'm still certain that if your character just happens to come to a particular conclusion with pretty much no evidence to support it, and that conclusion just so happens to be correct, that it is VERY unrealistic, much more so than this, and very metagame-y too. :sly:IC: PyrrhonBut Pyrrhon still had dibs on whatever was there because he smashed the rocks.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Narrator:A slightly burnt piece of paper lay in a pile of rubble,burned from the from the fire that had briefly raged in the chamber:

So I see you've found my first clue,

Get ready to have your due.

Already on your way down,

We're going to turn that smile to a frown.

Down, down, down, beneath the earth,

In the Onu-Matoran's turf.

In the great harvester, look for an X,

A tunnel where no tunnel is, it'll be a vex.

Look for what you wont find in the dark,

It'll be quite a sour remark (that you'll give me).

Only a sharp eye would notice the paper among the rubble.

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IC:KaiLuckily, Vortixx have a sharp eyes. Not to mention Kai had already started looking for the scrap. He spotted it, and started memorizing it to himself.

Edited by 'Da Boss: BioBeast

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: Vorex, it doesn't take aIC: Kuhrin"Krell, you fool, you could have burnt it completely." Kuhrin snapped, before memorising it himself over Kai's shoulder, and heading off to Onu-Wahi, Krell in tow.OOC: Kuhrin (with Krell) to Onu-Wahi.

Edited by Doctor Wotz
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Shade had entered the tunnel, and was able to see what the clue said. Silently memorizing it, he shape-shifted into a burrowing Rahi. Rockosis followed, on their way to Onu-Wahi.OOC: Shade and Co to Onu-Wahi.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

BZRPG profiles

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IC: TalinRiding his Gukko, Talin hovered over the quarry as he observed the commotion ensue before all participants dispersed to new locations. With those fools out of the way, it was time to discover what all the hustle and bustle was about, swiftly landing his Gukko on ground-level in the centre of the six Toa Mata masks. Talin dismounted his bird and got his bearings, a certain Brakas monkey catching his eye.Wait a minute...Brakas don't live in Po-Wahi...Drawing his sword, Talin brandished it fiercely in the anomaly's direction."Kiera, is that you?"

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IC (Voi, Space):Impacted by the meteor, Voi let out a scream, not from the pain, but from an insane rage. The world began to spin around everyone, faster and faster. They were still in space, and could see the wonders of the universe swirling around them faster... then faster... then even faster. Voi stood still, however, his face red from anger, the spear in his hand glowing like a star. It sent waves of power in all directions. It was like a bad dream, but the worst thing was that everyone knew it was not. The world spun faster and faster. Voi growled loudly in the middle of all, and the spear kept shining and feeding more power to this whole insanity."Kuolkaa, hullut!" Voi shouted in a language none could understand. The heads of everyone began to hurt. It felt like there was no reality behind this, only a delusion or fantasy.OOC: Climbing towards a climax... make your move!

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OOC: *Ahem* Pyrrhon ran into the Kaukau because it was nearest and because he didn't want to be seen, and he jumped on the Koli balls because he felt like it. I'll edit if/when you do.

The kaukau is not the closest. It's actually the furthest away from the quarry entrance and up on top of a cliff. Also, how did everybody get in in the first place? These masks require a special key to open?IC (Tooroko, Mataka and Pukena): The three pushed their way inside the giant mask with the rest and found the clue, before leaving again with all the rest.OOC: Curse you, timezones! Why must I miss all the action? Also, treasure hunters to Onu-wahi.


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I.C. Ussalaius"This is the part where he smites us down, right? Well, nice knowing you." Ussalaius rapped his black cloak around his head like a ninja mask for added protection and made a dive for the spear, using his Calix to dodge any beams aimed at him. He blasted fire behind him to shoot himself off like a rocket, towards the spear. He had every intention of getting that spear away from Voi, no matter what it cost him.


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IC: Talin"Cut the karz, Kiera, I know it's you. Your name's not widely known and it's not like you hand it out, much less let people with that information live very often..." Talin said, his sour mood breaking through. She had a habit of playing games with him, something he welcomed but now was not the time.If I'm wrong, I'll just stab this wench.

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IC: TalinTalin glanced at Feongulf, not exactly pleased to see the Matoran at the moment, sighing in frustration. Figuring the talk would have to wait, he slowly moved forward with his sword drawn, already thinly coated with a paralysing venom he produced beforehand."I suggest you leave."

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IC: Feongulf -Feongulf nodded, eyeing the sword as she backed away. No reason to get involved with. . . whatever it is going on back there, she thought, ducking behind a one of the titanic rocks that dotted the Po-Wahi landscape, considering her course of action.I wonder who that Toa of Sonics running around actually was, anyway.

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[in Character] - [Zarayna] - [Po Koro Dock]A toa stalked down the dock. He was the average size of a toa, armored in gleaming silver armor, with weapons and shields adding to the jingling sound whenever he moved. As he walked, he glanced to the right and left, looking at nearby boats through narrowed ice blue eyes. Most people gave him a wide berth, encouraged no doubt by the five foot long sword he carried rested on his pauldron.His eyes fixed on a nearby boat, with a group of people about it. He changed direction towards it."A ship. You're going to have me on board."He frowned, looking at the speaker, a black and lavender toa."Are you really going to attempt to fling orders at me outside of my new plaything? I would hate to see how that ends for you."He drew closer, looking at the speaker: a well built toa with scanty clothing and bare minimum armor, completely unarmed. She didn't look to concerned with her lack of weapons, which left Zarayna with the hypothesis that she most likely relied on her element."We can either find out here and now, or you get a new crew member."He slowed his pace, hardly ten feet off."Ladies, let's calm down. It's a nice day, and the weather is fine. No need for threats or violence... Yet, at least." He stopped completely, about five feet to their side. Unlimbering his sword, he leaned on it, resting his head on the double handgrip. One hand stroked the pommel, a six pointed star made up of crossed swords, his personal emblem.He had no doubt he would be noticed. Unless of course, everyone was fighting too hard to care.

Edited by Zarayna: The Quiet Light
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IC:Tupua shrugged, almost unnoticeably under his large shoulder-plates. "Then there is no point in delaying." the dark Toa said. He glanced at the map Tosp was studying and then looked at Kythera. "I assume you intend to travel by the Onu-Koro Highway?" he asked, having spotted the name on the piece of parchment.-----------------------From the dark shadow at the bottom of a wall, a pair of unseen eyes followed the trio silently as they moved away. So they were going to Kini Nui. Quietly, they slipped away, back into the darkness.

Edited by Vezok's Friend




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IC: TalinTalin sheathed his sword, frustration turning to anger due to Kiera's amusement in such a situation. Honestly, the both of them were to go travelling for fun and all of a sudden, she decides to go meddle with an infected Matoran, try and steal from someone and chase after for a reason he didn't know. It wasn't exactly what you'd call a mess but it could get to someone."Whatever. What was all of that?"

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IC: Talin"A scavenger hunt for treasure? Sounds like a child's game but if people were legitimately fighting for it, then it might be worth m- our time." Talin said, curiosity pricked while he held his chin in his hand."Let me think about it."OOC: To pm.

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IC: Rukk (Po-Koro Docks)The sea reached for Rukk's dangling feet as he sat on the edge of the dock. Voices raised in arguement swirled around him, mingling with the cries of Rahi birds. At the moment, though, he was oblivious to it all. Before him, he held out his hand, palm up. A disc was built into the armor on his palm, taking up a good three quartes of the area. Fwoom!At the Vortixx's mental command, a spurt of flame erupted out of the embedded disc. The blue that gave to red then yellow reflected off of his black and silver armor, muted roaring drowned in the sound of the ocean. The miniature flamethrower was built into Rukk's left hand and its fuel cartridges were in a small compartment in his fore-arm armor, which made his forearms very unsymmetrical, but he didn't mind. The implant was very useful for his job in the kitchens of a local restaurant. Rukk shut the device off with another mental command, feeling like a Toa of Fire. He balled up his hand into a fist, reminding himself that he didn't have a job anymore. The scummer that was in charge of the kitchen had fired Rukk after another one of their spats. Picturing his former employers mask, the Vortixx opened his hand again and let out a puff of fire, just to make himself feel a bit better. Normally, he wouldn't be wasting the fuel like this, but he wasn't feeling normal. Of course, unemployment was nothing new. He'd been through a few kitchens before.A heavy, thumping set of footsteps drew the Vortixx out of his vengeful thoughts. He swiveled his head to see a silver-armored Toa, armed to the teeth, with a gigantic sword driven into the dock-boards standing there with a chip on his shoulder. The Toa was looking towards two arguing figures that Rukk couldn't see, because the same Toa had stepped in his line of vision. Rukk got to his feet, adjusting his toolbelt, and made his way over to the newcomer. He glanced sidelong at the Toa, and then at the two other figures, a she-Toa of the Green and a pink/purple-ish Toa, and back to the silver Toa."I don't see what's so great about creeping on other people's conversations," He told the Toa.

Edited by Zosia Darr

(disclaimer: none of this banner art is original, I just smooshed it together in gimp. Torchic, Matau)
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