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Bzprpg - Po-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: All clear so far, the martial artist observed, sweeping his gaze across the horizon. Turning back towards the group to report, he took a step--And found himself in free-fall. Reorienting himself in fractions of a second, he gathered elemental power in his palm and willed it to manifest into a bright white orb of lightning, illuminating his surroundings. He'd fallen down some form of shaft... and at a down ward glance, found the ground fast approaching. Processing all of this in a little under a second, he relaxed his body--And hit the ground with bone-jarring force and a small grunt of pain.Rising, he dusted himself off, recreating the sparking ball in his palm. Now he was staring down what appeared to be a tunnel, the dim red glow of torches seeping out from within.Dusting himself off, Taikunsa began to follow the path.

helo frens

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IC - Kiox - DesertKiox raised an eyebrow as Taikunsa dissapeared from view. He started after him, kicking up dirt as he walked. He nearly fell into the hole as he came up to it. Looking down, he saw a purple blur as the toa headed down the path.Grabbing two golden-hilted knives and began down the hatch, easing himself down. One hand at a time. He was soon down in the hot tunnel, sweating.He followed Taikunsa.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: [Naona]After several minutes of gripping the stone table, it cracked into pieces. Naona groaned as she leaned back into her chair, wondering when the torture known as paperwork would end. Breaking so many tables lead to even more paperwork for ordering new ones. She paused for a moment, before quickly writing a note to her Commander.Commander.GET YOU SORRY BEHIND BACK HERE RIGHT NOW OR I WILL COME AFTER YOU. HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ALL THIS PAPERWORK FOR ME TO DO!Lieutenant Naona."That should do it," she muttered, handing it to a Dikapi and sending the Rahi off on its way.

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IC:Zygad"Miha? Drinking?" Zygad said, a fron coming on her face. He sighed. "When will that child ever learn. She just has twenty years until she's of age, can't she wait that long?" He turned towards Kirgon. "Kirgon, I know your probably not going to believe me, but it's not your fault that Miha's been drinking. It's not Havon's(at least I think that's who your talking about. Drunkard Toa of Fire, leader of her Toa team?) either. It's her fault."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: The Captain Aki Rua Doomslayer the first gulped.He stood before a yawning maw of the desert itself, illuminated only by the setting sun and a rapidly disappearing light within its darkness. He had positively no hope of discerning how far down the hole went.And his companions had all just jumped into the gaping opening.With trembling fingers, the toa readjusted his cap, kissed Cappie for good luck, pulled out his ukulele--And then he fell into the darkness below."VENTURE INTO, INTO-INTO THE CREEPY-AS-KARZ TUNNEEEEEL!"



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC - Kiox - Tunnel"I certainly wouldn't rule that out as a possibility." he said.Doomslayer hit the ground just behind them. Kiox regarded this as normal and didn't even turn to greet him."Let's get going, Aki. We don't want it to get dark while we're down here. Then we'll never get to Po-Koro."

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: KirgonThe Le-Matoran stood up, walking away from the counter and shaking his head. "You're the mental doctor, and you don't even understand it." He muttered, heading out the door. He had something in mind, he knew what he was going to do.Everything had gone wrong in his life. It was time to change that. First up, was something he really, really didn't want to do. He was going to find Kinika, and apologize... or... nah, probably not. He was going to pick up the pieces of his life, and put them back together. But first, he was heading home... he had important things to accomplish in Le-Wahi.He didnt even know Kinika had last been seen in Le-Wahi.

Edited by Zoma

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: The Captain swaggered into step beside Kiox with the clacking of his spears on the earthen tunnel. He poised one hand on his chin while the other strummed softly."Yes, yes. We must ensure the tunnel is always lit.""Although," he added, hand moving to pack and withdrawing a grenade casually, "I could always use an EXPLODY if the torches run out."The toa grinned jauntily. "Makes a lotta light!"...Aki sighed. He pocketed the grenade heavily."I guess no one got the joke."

Edited by Armadijo



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: "I'd hate to be rude," Taikunsa said, glancing back at Doomie before continuing on. "but I must say that the idea of bringing the tunnel down our heads is not that amusing." he finished, orb of lightning winking out of existence as they passed the first torches.

Edited by Raz: Master Muscle Wizard

helo frens

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IC: Kellin (Tunnel, Po-Wahi)The Toa of Sonics smirked in amusement, but made no further attempt at looking amused."So, Kiox," he said, "what do you know about this...mining colony?"-Teezy



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IC - Kiox - Underground"Aki, shut up."He turned to Kellin, as if he hadn't said anything."Sorry? Oh, yes. They mine silver, I believe. Slave colony if I'm not wrong."

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: "Disgusting." Taikunsa growled, a dangerous edge to his voice.He said no more, but quickened his pace, static visibly crackling around his palms."If this is truly an entire colony of slavers," he continued, voice decidedly restrained. "I fear we may not be able to liberate them by force. We would be far too outnumbered." he muttered, knuckles popping as he clenched a shaking fist."However, we may be able to purchase a few... as much as I'd like to free them all, I fear that that's the only sensible course of action.""Once we reach Po-Koro, we must spread word of this place."

helo frens

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IC: IhreyIhrey watched Krohu feed his bird, before turning to Pirok and shrugging. "Well, I don't know about you, but I think we're better off getting a move on." Without waiting for a reply, she turned and set off towards the cave. Her legs were still shaky, but capable of getting her around now.


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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IC: Rynekk - Po-Koro RuinsRynekk hauled another piece of scrap aside, taking a moment to wipe the sweat from his eyes, "I didn't mean that. I meant, maybe there's person or persons unknown out there, manipulating events to suit their needs. Placing key people where they're needed most, at the appropriate time, so that when the situation arises, they're ready."Smiling a little, he added, "Why would anyone want to manipulate another person's thoughts and actions? Really, who does that?"-Void

Edited by Emissary to the Void


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IC: "I dunno, just breaking the fourth wall just misunderstood you, I guess." Rucia said, melting a particularly large metal beam, before continuing, "But that thing about putting people somewhere... It's interesting, and makes me wonder what someone wants me to do, and-" she straightened up, eyes wide, "Wait a minute... Tadris... He doesn't remember anything other than not being a Toa before now. So someone did something to make him a Toa for whatever reason, right?" she wondered aloud.

Edited by Wotsiznaim
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IC-Kaylov:"Mata-Nui, and his brother, though I hate to admit it," Kaylov said, coming into the conversation, "Work in strange ways. You can't really predict what they'll do." Kaylov stood, walking slowly over to where Rynekk and Rucia were."I barely remember how I came upon this island, so long ago," Kaylov said wearily. "But then again, none of the native residents do either...so that's just to be expected, I guess." He sighed, leaning on his staff for support.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Mild bunnying here.IC: Doomslayer walked along, bored. What was he to do?He'd already exhausted his reserve of humor. The toa was already walking along with the group back home to The Infernavika. And-most importantly-there was nothing to throw EXPLODYs at.Then the forlorn toa's eyes brightened. Perhaps there was hope after all! INZPEIURIN CAHMPIETENS NAO."FIND, FIND, FIND-FIND THE SLAVING COLO-""Shut up."The Captain sighed, stopped strumming his ukulele, and began to question his purpose as comedic relief on Mata Nui.I don't get it. No one likes my JOECs, but they laugh when I don't try to be funny...Why?, the seemingly clueless toa pondered as he walked along.

Edited by Armadijo



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Kellin (Tunnels, Po-Wahi)"Eh, let him play, Kiox," said Kellin, shaking his head and laughing to himself. "We could use some entertainment."He turned back to Aki and winked."Play on, Doomie."-Teezy



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IC: The Captain grinned. He winked back with a couple vigorous nods and continued his song."KEEP WALKING DOWN THIS TORCHLIT TUNNEL/WONDERING WHAT KINDA FUNNEL/THE STOOPIT SLAVERS ARE PUTTING THEIR SLAVES IN-/," the toa strummed as he sang, "LET'S GO RESCUE THEM FROM THIS BIN!"



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: KrohuKrohu leaned in, talking quietly so the others couldnt hear him as they walked off. "What do you think of these two Co?"Co replied with a shake of his beak, then looked to the ground"Yeah I know..I miss Xatu as well.. but she could be different."Co scratched at the ground, before looking up at Krohu"I wont let them. You know that. Now come on, Keep your head up. Ill be back soon, just go hunting."Co screeched, then back away a bit before flapping up away. Krohu went on the trail of the pair

axonn, trying to excape my signature


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IC: Kellin (Tunnel, Po-Wahi)The Toa of Sonics laughed to himself again and brushed the Kartayl lightly. The power emanating from the mask...it was glorious. Like nothing he'd ever felt, or would feel, again.I could get extremely used to this...-Teezy



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IC: "I'd suggest you choose your words more carefully." Taikunsa cut in sharply, turning to look the captain in the eye. "I doubt the slavers would take kindly to you calling them 'stoopit'. Save it for when we're done with this place." he said, as the quartet rounded a bend.

helo frens

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IC: Pirok & KraanPirok followed Ihrey, but was soon ahead of her. He paid no attention to an Onu-Matoran riding an Ussal that went past.However, unknown to Pirok, that Ussal Crab was Kraan, who had kidnapped Incommodo, the very friend Pirok was trying to search for, and who was using his Mahiki to make Incommodo look like an Onu-Matoran.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: IhreyBored and irritated, Ihrey considered throwing a rock at the innocent Onu-Matoran who sped past. It wouldn't be difficult. There were a lot of rocks around here. Nobody would have cared, besides the victim. And maybe Pirok, with that noble valiance of his. She decided better of it though. "So, what's the plan once we get to Onu-Koro?"


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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IC: Pirok"We head to the Dark C Investigations headquarters. I saw something about it in the Daily a while back, and Incommodo always had this strange idea that he'd make a good detective." Pirok said. "After that, we check the nearest holes anyone who got to know him might have dumped him in."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Can't wait for them to first see the colony to this song =3IC: Doomslayer gave a two-fingered salute to Kellin. "YESSIR!", he said with a grin.Then the toa looked to Taikunsa and grinned again. "PRECISELY! THAT'S WHY I'M CHANGING SONGS..."The Captain inhaled deeply through his nose as he walked. Then with a snort, Aki was off again."Uh-IIIIII'VE BEEN WORKING ON THE RAILLLLLL-ROAD! ALL THE LIVE-LONG DAY!/IIIIIIIII'VE BEEN WORKING ON THE RAILLLLLL-ROAD JUST TO PASS TH' TIME A-WAAAY!"



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Kellin (Slaver's Colony, Po-Wahi)Kellin rounded the bend and held up two fingers."Doomie. Quiet for a second, big guy. I hear something."The distinct clink-clink! of a pickax hitting rock filled the ears of the four Toa.-Teezy



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