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Bzprpg - Po-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC-Hasil:Hasil quickly whipped out his av'ein-kel, the long sword cutting through the rock quickly, sending its two halves rolling off to either side of Hasil."Good, it's still as strong as ever," Hasil said, sheathing his weapon. He then pulled out his as'ei."Now, two small rocks...preferably picked up off of the ground."

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: As soon as Hoboken tried to pick some up, the ground started cracking and forming little pebbles. "Uh, hang on. I'll try to use up all this elemental power.." He tried to form a huge boulder in the middle of the surrounding desert. However, he ended up toppling a stone Guard tower. "AAAHK!" OOC: By the way, he did pick them up. He accidentally used his power on them. He's just about the worst Toa who ever lived.


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IC-Hasil:Hasil reached out a hand, increasing the pressure of air on the side that the tower was falling on, causing the tower to stay up. He then lifted his other hand, causing a wind to blow against the tower, hard, righting it. Hasil then lowered his hands, releasing the elemental energy. He was visibly strained by that."Dont...ever...do that...again," the Mri Toa cautioned, panting.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC-Hasil:"Bloody..." Hasil shoved Hoboken out of the way quickly, and then punched upward. The boulder barely touched his hand before it effectively exploded, pieces of it flying everywhere as Hasil swayed where he was standing. The Mri Toa stumbled, nearly falling, but managed to right himself."...Karz."

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC (Voi, Po-Wahi):Voi took the object and held it. This was very strange..."No, it's not", Voi replied. "But very interesting nevertheless. I wonder where this belongs."IC (Lohkare, Po-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Stronin's body, Po-Koro):"Whenever we can", Lohkare replied. "I don't know where to look, though. The pieces have been relocated randomly."Perhaps I can help?"Lohkare turned to see Stronin (apparently), holding the other piece of the spear."I remember you", Lohkare said. "You were in that cave, battling Voi.""Yes", Henkka, in Stronin's body, said. "I happened to find this part of the spear in the drifts while I was travelling to Ko-Koro. Surprisingly, the Wall of Stars revealed that a small group of heroes was looking for them. So I came here. And now I'm here to help you find the other piece."

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IC-Hasil:Hasil created a sphere of air around Hoboken. This sphere served multiple purposes. First, it lifted Hoboken into the air, where he couldn't touch any rocks. Very useful. Second, it caught enough dust that Hoboken couldn't see any rocks around him, thereby hindering his ability to use his element via sight. Again, useful. Thirdly, it make sure that Hasil wouldn't hear him.Hasil, satisfied, turned to Elysi. "So...what are you doing here?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: You realize that he's not intentionally doing any of this?IC: Hoboken panicked, causing the stone beneath their feet crack and unleash wild pillars. "AAAAAAH! WHAT--WHO--HOW--WHATTIZTHIS?!?!?!?" He had no idea what he was doing, too panicked to realize it.

Edited by TNG Prime


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IC (Henkka, in Stronin's body, Po-Koro):"Well, then", Henkka said to Stronin mentally. "Welcome to my realm."Suddenly, Stronin could feel again. Yet he hadn't returned to his body. He was now in the body of a Ko-Matoran wearing a Huna. He was sitting on a comfortable bed in a cozy home. There were a few pictures hanging on the walls, big windows, desks and chairs here and there. It was a normal Matoran hut.

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IC-Hasil:"I...see," Hasil said to Elysi. "Well, I have something I must do. Goodbye." He then walked off into the desert, towards the caves where he had buried his uncle. Not much had changed.Soon after, Hasil was heading back to Ta-Koro.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC (Voi, Po-Wahi):"Very well", Voi said. "Let's get going."IC (Henkka, in Stronin's body, Po-Koro):IC (Lohkare, Po-Koro):"Well", Lohkare said. "I thank you for your efforts, Toa.""We should find the other piece, or this will be for nothing", Henkka said sadly. "Have you... discovered anything?""You won't have to worry about Soli, Stronin. I will get to him as soon as possible. Just enjoy your free time."

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IC: Hoboken fell out of the sphere, and in all his panic and pain, caused a section of the village's wall to fall over on a Guard Tower, which caused that to fall over, and the two collapsing items fell on multiple huts. Hoboken was shocked, but said nothing. If he did, he would most certainly be chased by an angry mob. OOC: Still open for interaction. LOL.


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IC (Voi, Po-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Stronin's body, Po-Koro):IC (Lohkare, Po-Koro):Upon arriving in Po-Koro, Voi noticed Turaga Lohkare, Ire, Katis, Stronin and Hubertus with the other end of the spear. "That's them!" Voi said to his friends. "Those are the thieves who are after the staff as well!"

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IC:"Hmm? Do I look like a thief?" murmured Katis. "You however, look like a liar, regardless of your puny size..." Saying so, she fired and arrow that landed just inches from Voi's foot. "And I've heard horrible things about you, but I won't do anything unlike you."

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC (Voi, Po-Koro):IC (Henkka, in Stronin's body, Po-Koro):IC (Lohkare, Po-Koro):"Me, a liar?" Voi spat. "I don't even know you!""Hide the piece", Lohkare whispered to Henkka. Henkka nodded and used Stronin's powers to encase Voi and his company into a prison of iron. Then he took off with the Mask of Flight and flew to Ta-Koro."They must be crazy", Voi said inside the prison to Terro and the others. "I guess I forgot to tell about them. They are my rivals. They want the spear as well, only for evil."OOC: Henkka to Ta-Koro.

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IC:The steel cage melted easily under the intense heat, the plasma affecting everyone, even Voi, Terro and Furon. Soulgain had no particular care for its comrades, seeing that its incredibly volatile mind had turned to 'cold-hearted sociopath'."It seems like ..." he began, taking out some sunglasses, "that none of you ..."The sunglasses fitted on snugly over his mask."... can take the heat."YEEAAAAHHH!!!

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IC:"Amnesia in all of them? That certainly isn't coincidence..." Tupua said, stating the rather obvious. But the number Kythera mentioned were impressive enough that he had to say it at least once, to let the realization sink in. And as it did, he began to chuckle. He looked at Tosp. "But if it really was Makuta who summoned them and us here...then he's made a mistake. And not a small one either."The dark Toa looked around, following the arch of the road ahead until it disappeared around the bend behind a dune. "Well, there's crossways coming up ahead, if I read the map right. We need to turn left there; that should take us right to the tunnel to Onu-Wahi. Let's get to it." He began to walk faster, his cloak softly flapping behind him in a small breeze coming from the sea.OOC: Go ahead and make the topic jump if you want to ^^




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