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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: Ooh-hoo, character development time! Here we go.IC: Hatann was surprised by Kaerhi's stron reaction to the question. he stood up, ready for anything the other Skakdi might do next. He didn't know who "they" were, but he could take a pretty good guess. During his time on Zakaz, he'd had some dealings with that type of gang. Sometimes he had even brought them victims."Calm down there!" he said. "It's not a huge deal. Everyone gets beaten up occasionally. I got beaten up by a gang myself when I got sent on a false mission by a group who didn't like some of my work.. They hired me to steal an item from a particular spot, but all I found there was an ambush. Everybody gets mugged and embarrassed occasionally. it's just part of the job."OOC: I'll be going offline for a bit now. Back in a couple of hours, probably.


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IC: "You did them yourself" Hatann finished the sentence for him. He could see where this was going. "Every time you got humiliated." He was getting a bit angry himself now. What did this guy want from him anyway? Pity? He wasn't going to get any. "Now listen up. I don't care what you've done in the past or who's done what to you. That's all behind you now. You're on Mata Nui now, and there's no way you can go back to your old life. This island is a blank slate. Nobody knows who you were before, only what you make of yourself now. Stop crying over the past and get on with now!"


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IC: Once again, Hatann was taken aback by his companion's sudden and profound change of demeanor. It seemed that once again, he was back to being a quiet, calm Skakdi who hardly reacted to anything. "You're welcome" he said slowly, unsure whether he would flare up again. "Let's grab some rest shall we? Tomorrow will probably be a big day."


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IC: Hatann also prepared to shut off for the night. He got into bed, closed his eyes and waited for dreams to overtake him.He found himself standing in a forest, overlooking a calm, blue lake. The water was so clear that he could see every pebble on the bottom, as well as the pile of gold and silver coins. He leapt from the top of a small waterfall that fed the lake, diving down to get the treasure. He took a deep breath and waited for the splash of landing and the biting cold of the water, but they never came. He was still falling down the waterfall, but he wasn't getting any closer to the water, no matter how fast he tried to fall.


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IC: Kaerhi would finsd thet the room was a simple enough home - there was enough for a Skakdi to live here, not confortably, mind you, but the cave contained everything Hatann would need to live here, plot his murders and then carry them out. There were plently of curious looking items, which were probably trophies, but there was one thing made conspicuous by its absence: money. Kaerhi could find no trace of any sort of treasure or wealth that Hatann might have recieved in return for his services. other than that, nothing remarkable was immediately apparent.


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By the time hatnn woke from his slumber, several hours had passed and it was morning. Morning didn't exactly mean much in this part of Onu-wahi, where it was just as dark as ever, but morning it was. Hatann rolled out of bed and stretched, before deciding to get breakfast. He retrieved a couple of dikapi eggs, a bowl and some wood, which he set alight by blasting it with his laser vision. Soon, he would have some hot food to fill his stomach.


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IC: Hatann closed and relocked the door in the earth. It merged seamlessly with the surrounding cave wall, so that nobody could see it unless they had been shown it was there. Satisfied his home was safe, he lead Kaerhi back through the twisting maze of tunnels until they came back to the main road between Ta-koro and Onu-koro. After tha, a short walk brought them to the underground village of Onu-koro.


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IC(Kaerhi): Kaerhi followed Hatann along the tunnels and the road that led to Oun-Koro. If he was a normal Skakdi, Kaerhi would have gazed in awe at the village underground. Instead, he was making notes on the way, how to get there, the flow of traffic and other strategic things.


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IC: NexHe was standing near the side of a village eyes closed and leaning back against the side. He didn't even open his eyes.

OOC: Is Nex available to talk to? IC: Hatann moved slowly into the village, keeping to the shadows where the lightstones did not reach. His black armour cast no reflections, making him almost invisable in the twilight village. He was looking for a turaga in black and light blue armour, hanging around the village looking kind and innocent. He did not know if Nex was still in Onu-koro, but it seemed the most likely place, so he came here first. If Kaerhi wasn't particularly impressed by the village, it didn't bother him. In his opinion, the whole of Mata nui was a pit. He didn't say anything to the other Skakdi, and continued his search for Nex. Edited by The Lorax


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IC: Onu-koro storeBrolin: 10 nails, please.Shop owner: here. (Hands over wigits) Anything else?Brolin: No, I'm good. (Gives 10 wigits) Wait, can I have two pieces of ore? Kopeke wants to make ice creations with ore in it to add a small amount of detail.Shop owner: You'd do better-Brolin: I was going to have the craftsman make me a pick.Shop owner: Oh. (Gives ore)Brolin: . . . (Gives 4 wigits)IC:CRAFTSMANS HUTBrolin: Can you make me a pick?Craftsman: I need-Brolin: Here's a pole & ore. (Reaches in bag and pulls out 2 ore & 11 poles) Aah, this one is hardest. (Gives 1 pole & 2 ore)Craftsman: (Crafts) Done. (Gives pick)Brolin: (Leaves)

How do you get the masks

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IC:Miha"And how do you plan to do that?" Miha grumbled. "Throw rocks at the sky? Challenge the wind with disk launchers? All we'd be doing is killing ourselves."

IC: Havon - Onu-koro -For the first time in who knows how long, Havon's normally easygoing and pleasant demeanor seemed to vanish. "Well...I see only two options for us now. One...we go into Kini-Nui and try to rescue the Turaga or die trying, most likely the later, or...." He paused, a look of determination on his face. "We figure out the mystery of these six clues, the ones that Skyra and others have been so keen on finding. Now, we know four of the clues, Kapura's is only known by Makuta, and the status of Taipu's clue is currently unknown. Now we've all assumed because of this that we're all at a dead end, but what if...what if were looking at this the wrong way? Who says we really need to know ALL the clues to explore the temples? Who says we don't have the power in ourselves to figure them out on our own? The Chronicler's Company figured them out somehow, nobody told them what they were as far as we know. I'm tired of just running around and looking for clues. It's time we did something dangerous, risky, and completely insane, like real heroes."Havon turned toward a certain tunnel and pointed at it. "We're going to the temple in Po-Wahi. We at least know that clue for that temple, so we should be able to get somewhere with that." OOC: End pep talk. :) Edited by King Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:MihaMiha grinned as Havon got serious. "Finally!" Miha said, pumping her fist mentally. She wasn't exactly the strongest of the group, heck, despite her boasting, she knew that she was actually probably the weakest member of the Hau Karda, but boy did she know how to get people fired up. Faking despair seemed to get Havon all fired up(and hopefully make him draw more attention from Snelly so that they don't go offline again), and raring to go.FovFov didn't say anything, only nodding to show that he was ready to go.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC (Hatann): As he prowled around the edge of the village, Hatann found no sign of the being he sought. He was about to conclude that the leader of NEX had gone elsewhere when he spotted an objects in the shadow of a building. It was a small stone box with a tablet on top of it. There was nothing written on the tablet, but from the size and shape of it, he knew it to be identical to the one he had left on Garo's body.Knowing that this was meant for him or one of his colleagues, Hatann set the blank tablet aside and opened the box. It contained a bag of widgets as well as another bag containing razor crystals, the kind famous for being able to shred armour if a being were to fall onto them. There were only a few of them here - not enough for a being to fall into and die, but Hatann thought they would be right at home in his explosive zamors. Apparently murdering a member of the guard actually inside Ta-koro payed quite well. It was also fitting of the fact that the victim had been a toa of crystal. The box also contained two more stone tablets, one inscribed with :n: :e: :x: , presumably for their next target, and another, which contained a message."You have done a marvelous job so far, I must commend your work. Perhaps you are interested in another meeting? It seems you work best by finding your own friends, perhaps you should continue, or you could speak to a Toa named Zyckel Kraar. He's at an inn in Ta-Koro, apparently recovering from an attempted murder. perhaps you should go cheer him up a little. The choice is yours."He read it over, smiled, and then handed it to Kaerhi to read.


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