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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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ooC: It's not so much Wraith, yes that contributed, but it's also a lot on Perxin. However the biggest factor is his other personality, that is setting him on edge more than anything.Also @Armadijo, actually everyone is here, plus we need to start eventually, we've wasted a lot of time. In case you didn't notice people are up and leaving the school at this point, because of the lack of activity, it wouldn't hurt to atleast start the meeting, the others who are offline at this moment will jump in when the come online. IC: VernadonVernadon was teleporting, oblivious that this post was a filler.


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IC: Suddenly, Gyren stopped mid-flight. He felt it was a lost cause to even try to take a sample from a beast that he assumed was powerful enough to kill with just a roar. Instead, the young being flew in south-eastern direction towards Ta-Wahi. He seemed to almost grin wider, hoping to find some fresh samples from the rahi that resided in the lava covered region.OOC: Gyren to Ta-Wahi.

Edited by Nebula 2.0

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC:It seemed impossible to believe that Perxin could be even more confused, but it was truly so. The academy seemed to be a minor rush, though panic was too strong of a word. It was controlled chaos as students and teachers walked about, preparing for these so-called "rahkshi". Whatever they were. They certainly seem to have people worried, thought Perxin, blending into the crowd, but I don't understand why. There are so many powerful people here I'm sure. Why would they be concerned about one little Rahi that yells a bunch? It was enough to scare off that would-be bandit. Perxin was having a difficult time wrapping his head around the fact that Toa were just wandering around wherever accosting people like that. Who knows what sort of fight would have ensured if there hadn't been witnesses? Who knows if Perxin would still be living or another victim of these Toa of Ice and Magnetism? The full extent of this conspiracy is mind-boggling, thought Perxin, You'd need to be a pretty hardcore bandit to pretend to be a professor. Maybe this...Paccio guy will know something...unless...Perxin gulped quietly, he's one of them too. Though he had no idea who this mysterious professor was, Perxin continues his search for the mysterious Paccio. He asked a few students, but most either ignored him or gave him incorrect directions, which were utterly useless. No one seemed to know where this man was at the moment.Beautiful, he thought, Absolutely beautiful. Where could he be?

"The only difference between past and present..."

"...is semantics."
"Lives, lived, will live."
"Dies, died, will die."
"If we could perceive time as it truly was..."
"What reason would grammar professors have to get out of bed?"

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OOC: I'unno. By my count we're missing 3 students, which is a rather large amount for its population.And when was it said that the school was actually finished? Heck, I don't even know when it was said that Bruntoa's other obstacle courses were all done!IC: Naara sighed again. "I agree. That one is troublesome..."Let's just continue hunting," she tossed out casually. The warrior shrugged. "If we don't find anything in a day we can always return."Sucogu's bolt leaped forward as his foot rose. Hau relaxed his stance and readied for an apparent grapple with palm ready for absorbtion--Right before said martial artist blurred into nothing.What-?, thought the mildly surprised teacher.And that was about as far as he got before he noticed a hook and chain was wrapping around his lone standing leg. With other just beginning to drop, the move threatened to knock Sucogu off-balance and throw him to the ground.Hau blitzed away from his master. This additional jerking and movement of the chain at high speeds might be enough to cause this desired result in and off itself. And should that happen, it was a very short second of Kakama'd movement back to the target with the maximum length of said chain.Ground to penetrate vital spots unreachable due to height. Half-knuckle and one-knuckle fists only.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC:Nightning"So, you hear the rumors about that school?" Nightning asked Dreenan, hoping to occupy some of the traveling time with a conversation that had no chance of spiraling down into an argument.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC - Naru - HospitalNaru and Savina had carried the mostly unconscious Zauk across the snowy field and back into the hospital they had visited before. This time, luckily, Savina seemed too occupied with Zauk to shut down at the thought of entering. The interior was chilly, though not quite as bad as outside, but the floor felt dangerously slippery with frost in some places. Still, the two female Toa managed to maneuver the electric warrior the front desk without dropping him. The Ko-Matoran clerk raised an eyebrow, but didn't seem too surprised."... Weren't you here recently?" he asked."Yes," Naru answered, adjusting her grip on Zauk's shoulders, "but that was about her arm. This might be a bit more serious.""I see." The Matoran reached out to tap a thick icicle hanging next to him. The high pinging noise functioned very much like metal bell. And surely enough: another Matoran appeared soon after hearing the summons. He moved quickly and silently, taking one look at the newly arrived patient before simply nodding and leaving again. He returned with two Toa, one of them was the healer the trio had met before; still wearing his Akaku."You again?" he frowned. "I barely got done with my other patient. What happened?""A fight," Naru simply said, knowing how the Ko-Koronans preferred short, efficient talks."Fair enough. Leave him to us."He waved away Naru and took over carrying Zauk at her end. The other Toa approached Savina and took her place as well. They then transported the Toa of Electricty down the hall and into another operating room. They dropped him on the ice-cold metal table, and the Akaku-wearer did a quick scan of his internals."Fractured rib. No internal bleeding. Extensive burns on torso and arms, second-degree. Some bruising. Unconscious, obviously. Cause...? No head trauma. Exhaustion."With no further ado, the Toa of Ice summoned some ice into his hand and prepared a scalpel."Burnt tissue must go. Mask accelerates normal regeneration; would be impossible to heal dead cells properly. The armor protected him well, but some muscles are still harmed. Ice will stop the bleeding."He glanced over at Naru and Savina."You may want to leave."The other Toa nodded."Simple procedure," he said, "and it's not too bad. But still, it's not going to look pretty."OOC: I just realized a Ko-Matoran doctor might be much like Mordin from Mass Effect. :lol:

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OOC: Man, they better not mess up his armor. He'll be mad if they do. :lol:Wanna time-skip after the procedure, or write all of the non-pretty looking bits? :PIC: ZaukThe Toa of Lightning wasn't aware of anything that was happening around him.In his mind he was curled up in a ball, waiting for that pain to stop. But it was all in his head. He would just have to wait it out.



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OOC: Eh.... I'll time skip. Not like the operation was gonna do anything important.*shrug*IC: Zauk/NPC doctorAfter a while the Akaku wearing doctor came out."You may come in," he said in the typical Ko-Korian fashion.Zauk was sitting up on the metal table, his hands behind his head, and leaning up against the ice-cold wall. Parts of his armor were scorched and blackened. Some of his arms and chest were bandaged up, although, he looked pretty relaxed for someone who had just lost his temper."Hey," he said, looking over to them.

Edited by Gravity



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IC: Savina"Still I feel somewhat respons-""You may come in." The doctor suddenly said, interrupting Savina. Savina walked inside the room to see how Zauk was doing."You okay now? I'm sorry about Kawuha, I didn't know he would be like that...though, I only just met him yesterday..." Savina wondered how'd she ended up traveling with a cool dude like Kawuha in the first place. ------------------------------------------------IC: Wraith (Spirit Form)Meanwhile, in the room adjacent to where Savina and the rest were. Wraith's Spirit was hovering over his body. I must find my attacker...but, how will I find out where he has gone? Wraith decided to start searching at the school, unfortunately he could be seen nor heard by anyone like last time, at least for now anyway, who knows what might happen after long term separation from his body. He floated through the hospital walls and made his way toward the school. NPC: As Vernadon made his way toward the school, a matoran messenger from the hospital was waiting for him, when the matoran saw him approaching, he began to wave, trying to get his attention.

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:Nightning"You know, I've been meaning to ask about this..." Nightning said, picking his words carefully. "If you are a Toa of Plasma, and Miha and Kirgon are Le-Matoran, how is it that Moylan is a Toa of Magnetism? Was she adopted by your real parents? I asked Miha, but she claims she was too young to remember almost anything about you guys parents."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Zauk"No, its my fault. I could have stopped and tried to reason with him, but I really don't like it when people speak to my friends that way."He streched his arms out, "That mask worked pretty darn well."The doctor spoke up, "He needs rest. No more excitement."The Toa of Ice looked at the three Toa as if he thought they were going to fight Rahkshi at the next chance they got.



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IC: Dreenan"Well, I know she had a different mother than Miha, Kirgon, and Myself. She died when Moylan was still a kid... She was a Toa of Magnetism, while our Father was a Toa of air, my mother was a Toa of plasma." She explained with a slight shrug. "Moylan didn't really like our mom at all."

Edited by Zoma

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: Dreenan"No, that's nothing to do with why we're here. Our father sent us off on a ship to this island... the only one who knew the reason was Moylan, and neither of them told us why. So all I know is that for some important reason, we all ended up on this island." She remarked, trying to think back to any details that might explain it. There were none that could.

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: Dreenan"No, I don't think she could. You know how her 'cuteness' to bend people to her will when she wants to? Well, it doesn't work on the other Visics, including myself. We've grown a resistance against cuteness, and her powers are weakening as she grows older."

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC:Nightning"True true... I figured if she played a baby sibling card... Seeing as I don't think Moylan has seen Miha for a long time..." Nightning said, shrugging his shoulders. "Hopefully Miha will learn to control herself, and not just others." They were nearing the village.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: DreenanShe could see the village on the horizon, it was clear they were getting closer, and the weather had started to clear. "Moylan is immune to the whole Family thing... mostly. She'll still help one of us out if we really need help, but not much else."

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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OOC: These two are hilarious. Not long ago, they were arguing to the extreme. XDIC: Dreenan"I didn't know that you had a sister." Dreenan replied, trying to think back. "Our family is like a bunch of rocks thrown into a lake. They all go in different directions."

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: JothamJotham had been silently watching the exchange with folded arms. Now, however, he spoke up. "The Rahkshi must be found - of that, there can be no question. You know how powerful those things are; we can't just let them run loose. Not to mention that they haven't been seen for a century. The fact that they show up now means the Makuta is up to something. Whatever it is, he has to be stopped."Jotham slowly shifted his gaze from Toa to Toa. He was tired of these Ko-Koronans and their decidedly arrogant personalities. It was time to get something done.OOC: Seriously, every Ko-Koronan Jotham's met has abruptly ended the conversation, causing rapidly increasing boredom and annoyance.


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Ic: Kaccio did what he did best: remain behind, secluded in his hut. He relished the privacy, enjoyed every moment he stent alone, and cherished the solitude, zealously guarding it like a hen protecting its nest. The day prior a student tried to occupy the adjacent room, but Kaccio would hear none of it and promptly gave him the boot, tossing the cot at his head even as the student tumbled onto the mud outside. "And stay out!" Kaccio yelled at him before slamming the doors. The student complained ever since, though to no avail.And now he sat on his porch, walking cane by his side and coat on his lap like an old person's knitted blanket, a sight only more pronounced as he silently rocked to and fro on his chair, only the creak of wood his company. It was from this point that he could hear and see much that occured on the campus. He stayed put when the loud muted cry of the Rahkshi shook the valley with fear, and only observed when students and teachers alike left to find the source of the noise. It was pointless, of course, he knew; They would never catch the creatures unless they were destined to or if they truly had an edge on them, but they were just chasing shadows as it were. Nobody asked him if he was going, too, and he didn't say a word about it -- his scowl of disapproval said it all.And now: the visitor. He could only hear his voice, but it was a curious one at that, sly but confused, wiry and intelligently delicate, but simultaneously unsettled and disturbed beneath. He mentally panned the possible images of him and his life. A writer? he wondered. No, not quite as sophisticated. Cultured, but not professional. An artist of some sort, to be sure. A painter? Possibly. But what does he paint? Unknown. Still art, maybe, but some characteristics of life. Hm. Why is he here?At this, he paused, even in thought.The same reason everybody comes here. To give answers, or receive them.He awaited the inevitable: The visitor would seek him out.

Edited by EmperorWhenua
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IC: AldarinAs they continued trekking, Aldarin watched them. And then a roar. A Muaka cat, or rather, 3 Muaka cats, using their keen smell, had already found the 3 Xanthium. He watched intently.The 3 beasts had positioned themselves for a tactical attack. One of them stood above them, on the slope of the mountain, not moving at all. The other two were holding on to the cliffside of the road. Both of them had their claws in the ice and rock, ready to pounce. The third waited for when the Xanthium passed.And pass they did, because it was the only road. The 2 Muaka who were on the cliff heard the footsteps brought on by the Toa, and launched themselves up. One swiped at Barricade's chest armor, and using its weight, pushed the earth Toa to the ground and started to claw Barricade's face. The other one leapt at Ratchet, and howled at the Toa of Gravity, while its forwards inertia brought its mouth to clamp on Ratchet's arm.The final one simply fell onto Dino, claws positioned to hit them. From a distance, Aldarin watched.Aldarin: Will you kill the innocent Rahi, or will you be able to simply stop them from attacking?

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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