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IC: Fancy.Naara pivoted easily on her light foot just as the other descended. Ducking under the flying kick to let it breeze just pass her cranium, the toa grabbed Dorian's attacking leg with her left hand-driving a fist at his groin as she did so.

Edited by Armadijo



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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)Combat pragmatist. Girl after my own heart.Dorian curled into a ball, letting his injured rib take the hit. He didn't even make an expression as a loud crack! resonated throughout the hut, and he landed softly on his feet. He took a couple steps forward, his eyes slanted, observing Naara. The Toa of Water detected an almost feline quality about him, and when Dorian next moved, feinting a punch to her right thigh while twirling his left elbow into his ribs, it struck her as oddly catlike...-Teezy



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IC: Naara danced back on the balls of her feet to avoid both attacks entirely. She had relinquished her grip on his leg for self-preservation-even a good grip could become a liability when two blows were making their ways towards one's own body.Sacing the rib for protection of the groin, then feinting. Smart.Any attack or defense would become harder with that rib fractured, she reflected. He may have looked cool, but such a blow hurt with every adrenalin-fueled breath...The cracking only aided the things to come.So Naara merely stood back and observed. Whether he attacked or prepared for an assault, she believed Dorian would go down soon.

Edited by Armadijo



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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)Dorian could feel the hairline fracture along his rib pang aggressively against the taut muscles of his abdomen, but all he did was grin, exhilarated. This was what he lived for, his comfort zone, the kind of dance with defeat that he relished all the more when he snatched away from his opponent the beautiful face of victory and made her his blushing bride...He planted his feet and began to ready himself for another jump. After about five seconds, he darted forward - and rolled underneath her legs cleanly, causing his ribs to scream out in pain. Ignoring the wails of his body, he swung a quick chop at the side of her neck.-Teezy



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IC: Naara merely pivoted, lifting one foot from the ground and swinging around as does an opening door. She both dodged the attack and reversed her position in that move-instead of being behind Dorian, she was now to the left of his body facing its direction. Improvisational. Likes feints.Not wasting a millisecond, Naara stepped behind her foe and into a punch at his left kidney. There was no need with feinting from her. Providing a barrage that kept him moving was good enough for the moment.

Edited by Armadijo



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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)Dorian caught her fist before it could land near his kidney and pivoted on one heel, spinning around: their faces were inches apart from one another, and the beautiful, cocky Toa of Iron smirked."Now you're making this interesting," he whispered breathlessly before whipping back his left arm and throwing her.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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OOC: Krayzikk from Ko-KoroAlso, Armadijo, I am having Krayzikk arrive just after Knife's attack. K?Krayzikk warped through the snow, speeding toward the school. While he did need to gather more knowledge, there was another reason for his destination. He needed to get his head together. He had disregarded his own injuries, and attacked innocent Toa in his rage. He needed a break.He arrived at the school, and looked around for Hau. After a time, he found him. And he found him under attack. Knife still hung in the air, her blade protruding from Hau's back. In an instant, Krayzikk deduced what was going on. And in that instant, Krayzikk's rage surfaced once more.The Titan activated his mask, warping to a point just behind Hau. He drew one of his throwing knives, and hurled it at Knife. He drew his morning star up, and into a ready position. "I AM NOT LOSING ANYONE ELSE!" Krayzikk roared.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Toa BrolinIn SanctumBrolin: Hello Nuju.Nuju: Matoro click whirr tweet.Matoro: Matoro will translate for me.OOC: how can you get that much from simple sounds?Brolin: I will go to Ga-wahi to obtain equipment for flags, then go to Onu-wahi for the nails. Matoro shure runs through them fast.Nuju: Click whirr. (Gives Brolin 20 wigits)Matoro: I know. You may go. Here are wigits for the nails. Brolin: Thank you. (Brolin leaves)Nuju: . . .Matoro: Shure was talkative, wasn't he?Nuju: Click tweet whirrMatoro: I know

How do you get the masks

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OOC: Darn. I did forget to mention that Knife's already gone, didn't I?Just assume a short timeskip.IC: Hau blinked as he shifted out of combat mode. Knowing the pang of injury, but not certain just how deep the stab was, he explored the wound with a cautious hand. It came back red.He glanced at Krayzikk. While the toa really wanted to know exactly what the titan meant by that yell, he figured it could wait with a stab wound."Yo, fireflyer!," Hau cried in an attempt to get the titan's attention. "Couldja tell me how bad it is?," Hau called up.Naara landed lightly, rolling with the punches. She sighed into her own smirk by way of response.'Interesting' is one way of putting it.The toa reassumed her defensive position with feet spread apart and arms held at sides of chest. Thus far her applied aim of winning by endurance had worked-she wasn't about to switch gears now.

Edited by Armadijo



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IC: ReaverThe Scarred Toa followed the two other Mark Bearers from a considerable distance. She had heard everything that went on at the old village. Even for a mind as damaged as hers, she felt sick when she heard Tank reading. She had left Yuru in the snow, let him make up his own mind.She crept along on a ridge high above Utu and Tank. 'What are you up to?' Suddenly, she slipped, falling from the ridge, grabbing at the ledge. She managed to find a hold, and pulled herself up, out of sight. But the near-fall had dislodged an icicle. An icicle that was now speeding downwards at Utu's head.

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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IC: Kearrstrun - Ko-WahiKearrstrun was the first to notice the massive icicle. He quickly spun and launched himself at Utu, knocking him down and out of the way.Tank straight up tackled Kearrstrun in response, slamming him into the ground. Kearrstrun simply turned his head away from Tank, refusing to look at him.IC: Utu - Ko-WahiUtu stood back up again to see the large icicle whip past them. He scanned the higher points above.

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IC"I think he overextended his powers. That storm was targeted specifically to Voima, but storms like those tend to need a lot of concentration to focus on a particular spot." said Ire. "He's out, but I don't know how long he would be unconscious. Could be a day, a week or forever." she shuddered. "I hate to think what would happen if he didn't."Trad had done a little experimentation and found that he couldn't go too far from his body. And he could cause things to happen. Maybe......The body of Trad suddenly jerked its head upwards. Ire yelled with shock.

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk slowly scanned for Knife, then heard Hau's words. He put away his morning star, and smiled slightly. "Geez, Hau. I'm gone for what, a week or so, and you go and get yourself attacked!"He knelt down to get a better look at Hau's back, and whistled. "You are one lucky Toa. Just a little bit away from where it hit and it woulda killed you. As it is, you'll live. Might want to get it looked at though. I'm no doctor, I just send people to 'em." He smiled at his own joke, but it was forced just like his humor. It didn't feel quite natural.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Jeeves: Mr. Hubert, you do have a talent for understatements.IC:Trad almost fizzled out, causing him to gasp and lose his concentration, which in turn caused Trad's body's head to drop. Apparently, he couldn't control his body actions as his life force was needed.Ire shook her head. ""I thought he lifted his head. Seems to be caused by the blizzard, though."

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)Dorian gave her about a second and a half to get her bearings before he had leaped into the air, slamming both of his heels together right where her temples should be.-Teezy



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IC: Naara slid under the right ankle while both hands grabbed the second. Spinning the toa with that alone, she flung him at a wall-perhaps his injured rib or nose would hit the structure and cause more damage than light bruising.Uses flying attacks often.She followed it up by skating towards where she had aimed Dorian. The light movement gave her a new point from which to attack or counterattack to the Fe-Toa.Hau back to Krayzikk. He grinned."I've taken stuff a thousand times worse than that. I'll do it again," The toa proclaimed.But the martial artist wasn't all cheer. He had caught on to Krayzikk's fake smile and feeble attempts to joke."What's up, fireflyer?," Hau asked. "You seem distracted."He grinned from ear-to-ear playfully."Daydreaming about pretty doctors?"

Edited by Armadijo



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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)Dorian grinned and slammed his feet into the wall, using an old parkour technique to bounce off the wall and backflip cleanly in midair. He landed on his feet and spun around, ready for Naara's next attack.-Teezy



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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk's false smile vanished, as if it was too much effort to maintain even that. "She's dead, Hau. Riaril is dead. She died three feet away from me before I even realized something was wrong.The Titan sat down heavily, thus rendering approximately eye level to Hau. His shoulders were slumped.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "Oh."Hau's grin disappeared.He suddenly found that almost dying didn't seem so bad.The grin flew back onto the toa's Miru. But the chain of Hau hissed all the same.Naara merely lashed into a hook kick. While Dorian had been re-attaining his bearings, she had been preparing.Airy.With one back covered by a wall and corners not farther along in either direction, Naara knew the Fe-Toa's options by way of dodging were limited. He would probably either block or try for a leap out-both of which she had prepared for.



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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)What she hadn't accounted for, however, was Dorian merely accepting the kick as it flew into his rib, sending out a loud crack and a gasp of pain. It quickly turned into a laugh as he grabbed her still-airborne leg and twisted it, sending her flying backwards. He slammed his knee into hers, aiming to bend her knee back into an L-shape.-Teezy



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IC: Naara dropped her knee, letting the attack make contact with the right leg of her shorts instead as they both crashed down. She'd rather have an (admittedly large) bruise than a sprain.Sacing specialty.Hooking the withdrawing knee with one leg, Naara pushed off with the other. She tried to withdraw both appendages in order to straddle Dorian while sending a barrage of straight punches at his groin and solar plexus. Each was much like her lead-speedy, if not the most powerful.Ground and pound.

Edited by Armadijo



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IC: KrayzikkKrayzikk smiled slightly, a weak sort of smile, barely visible. "I sort of went on a rampage. Attacked a few Toa involved in the incident, chased the Mark Bearer responsible to Po-Koro where I fought him to a stand-still. A group of Toa imprisoned him temporarily, and did the same to me when I tried get to him. Then some Makuta-Followers freed Frieza."He shook his head. "Tillian's dead too. You never met him, though. And my mentor became a pirate."Krayzikk sighed. "The hospital is gone, too. A crazy Ko-Toa came and brought about it's destruction while I was too hung-over to do anything. Massive battle. Nakumiir died.""My week has been karz. How about you?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Hau shrugged. The toa sat down."Been training, mostly. It was going fine 'til that matoran came along," He thought aloud."But that's not much, really," Hau reflected with a slightly sober and self-depecrative grin. "I train daily no matter what...Hospitals don't get destroyed every day."

Edited by Armadijo



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IC: Krayzikk"Thank Mata-Nui they don't. Once was enough." Krayzikk said. "Part of me is glad I couldn't fight. Supposedly that Ko-Toa took on almost a dozen people at once, and they barely took him down."Krayzikk shook his head. "It doesn't help that I am so far out of shape my mentor wiped the floor with me when I payed her a visit."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Hau grinned. This time, however, the expression was playful."Well, then, we'll just have to train harder, yeah?"With any luck the ploy would work. Hau didn't want Krayzikk to become depressed; besides, it wasn't like he had any other idea of how to help the titan feel better anyways.



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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)Dorian almost made a witty one-liner, but bit his lip and caught at Naara's arms with his own, forcing them upwards and drawing them away from her shoulders. The two sat there, staring at one another for two seconds that seemed to drag on forever...And then Dorian darted his wrists, throwing Naara over his head and towards the wall.-Teezy



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IC: Naara's feet made contact with the hut's boundaries first as she flew through the air. Using it as a springboard, she kicked off before she could fall and landed two bio before Dorian in a crouch.Favors throws.The toa stood up. She began to circle him on the balls of her feet, stepping lightly while looking for an opening."Do you wish to stop?," Naara tossed out without warning, utterly cool as she regarded the Fe-Toa before her.

Edited by Armadijo



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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)"Stop...fighting? Why?"Dorian didn't ask the question out of cockiness as much as confusion, as if the thought had never before occurred to him.-Teezy



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IC: Hau grinned. He got up and examined those around him to see if Sucogu was still present."Because," Naara tossed out as she circled, "You have two fractured ribs. Just two more breaks and that'll be a piraka to heal."



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IC: Naara's lazy smirk appeared. In the twinkling of an eye, the toa had slid back onto her bed and configured herself just as she had sat before the fight started."What do you think?," She drawled through the slight facial expression.



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IC: "Long story short or whatever," Naara sighed into another drawl, "I'm serious." popDorian looked in the direction of the soft noise to see that her tank of water had uncorked again. This time, no tendril floated from it."Conserving energy," The I'Rohu said casually. "Those ribs won't heal themselves at any good pace, but it's up to you as to coming over here to get them fixed or not."

Edited by Armadijo



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