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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: A disembodied tentacle of water spouted from the tank. Gliding to Dorian, it made its way through his jacket and armor to his thorax-collecting sweat as it did so-and absorbed itself into his skin.The healing power at work made the toa's wounds itch and burn as the work that would've taken his body months to do on its own was condensed to minutes. Bruising went from black to yellow to nothing at all. Blood coagulated within the fractures, succeeded by the regrowth of blood vessels and disposal of dead material, which was in turn followed by collagen building and then hydroxylapatite desposits to end with the final product of lamellar bone. The process was efficient-if not lacking in mild pain and discomfiture.The tendril withdrew and floated back to the tank. It was sealed within seconds.Naara sighed; not from exhaustion, that much Dorian could tell. She unstrapped the tank and placed it on the ground, then uncrossed her legs and fell back onto the bed with closed eyes."Get a hut. I've got business to take care of."

Edited by Armadijo



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)"I can tell," he said with the slightest trace of a smirk. He walked outside dutifully and put his hands in the pockets of his marching jacket, surveying the campus for several minutes. A hut...somewhere to live.After several minutes of fruitless searching, he dug away a small area of snow and lay down inside of it. He wrapped up his knuckles in gauze (he had scraped most of the skin off of them in most of his landings) and wrapped more gauze around his Mark (didn't want to attract attention, after all) before closing his eyes. It was incredible that he had not slept at all since before he met Utu. How many days ago had that been...?Four? Five. Everything was a memory to him now. Nothing could touch him. Nothing could stop him. He was a copy of a copy of a copy, a small, beautiful inkblot on a barren white landscape so vast it could be considered a sheet of loose leaf paper to the heavens.With that in mind, he closed his eyes a bit more tightly and tried to go to sleep, ignoring the desperate cold of the winter chill.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Wraith - Mt. Ihu, En route to Ta-Wahi -Wraith continued to make his way toward the very place where he'd left his sword...or so long ago. It was on the way to Ta-Wahi as well, despite this, Wraith was not taking his time, he was moving with purpose, a sense of purpose he'd not really felt in a long, long time. There...there it was, looking like an unmarked grave. Wraith raised his hand, palm facing outward. The snow below the marked cave-wall began to churn, and out of the depths of the snow rose a sword, almost as transparent as the ice shard it was encased in. With a flick of his wrist the ice was absorbed into his body back into elemental energy. He grasped the sword by the hilt, and then preformed some warming up stances and maneuvers. Despite how rusty he was, he hadn't forgotten how to use a blade, he'd have to practice with it on the way to Ta-Wahi, he had no time to stand around any longer, he had a promise to keep.

Edited by King Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:Trad was screaming himself hoarse. But no one could hear him as he was a disembodied spirit. "The inn's on your left, you Muaka brains!"OOC: Oh. BZPOWER's back, MY LIFE IS COMPLETE AGAIN!IC:Ire stumbled around, piggybacking Trad's body. She was pushed to the left by a freak wind and fell inside a warm room. "Ah." She pulled the others in with her.

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC: Naara only sighed in response. Then she waited for Dorian to leave.Her intuition and senses telling him to be no longer present, a ribbon of water snaked from her tank. It descended to soak through her quilted shorts, armor, skin, and then to the dully stinging bruise from his knee.Next time go all out. You know what he can do.The ribbon retracted shortly. Naara languidly sat up, strapped on her tank, and walked out.Rannin...Where?



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC:Ire: What is up with you guys and bars? Excuse me, Mr...Publician: Katu.Ire: Mr. Katu, some of your strongest wine, please. I need to warm up. Ha-Nui style.Katu: Very good,ma'am.Trad. (Disembodied spirit): I didn't expect you to copy my worst features! And anyone here who uses an Iden? Hello? Any other ghost or disembodied spirit around? Hello? I think I'm starting to go mad.OOC: Well, any Iden user or ghost or spirit hanging around?

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC(Meja): Meja woke, wanting to get a start on the day. She sat up in the bed and stretched and yawned to her heart's desire. She glanced around the room, the inn room she had purchased yesterday. It was smaller then her hut in Le-Koro, but it was cleaner. She put on her boots and grabbed her gear. The sights of Ko-Koro were waiting for her, but the sun was not. Meja paid for her room and left, planning to head to the Ko-Koro Sactum first.


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IC: Tank - Ko-WahiTank realized why Kearrstrun had hit Utu. To move him out of the way. He stood up, "Sorry. I thought-"Tank was cut off by a loud gasp. Kearrstrun went to get up as well, "Don't move or I'll down you again."IC: Utu - Ko-WahiUtu continued to search for the attacker, "Who are you?" His voice boomed.

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IC: Dorian (CRANE Academy, Ko-Wahi)After about ten minutes of freezing to death, young Master Shaddix pushed himself up with his elbows and sat, brushing a piece of snow away from his cheek and scanning the compound. He stood and walked towards the main building, looking for someone to talk about what this place was.OOC: Dorian open for interaction at CRANE.-Teezy



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IC: ReaverShe held her breath, didn't move. Her hands trembled at her side, poised to grab her Daggers at a moments notice. Then, that voice again sounded in her head.Don't be a coward. Stand up to him. Who knows, you might even get a chance to kill him. Just say the word, and I'll give you that chance.She tried to shut out the Mark, but it managed to slip through the cracks of her fragile mind. A smirk formed on her face, and her voice quivered as the word escaped her lips.'Yes.'Suddenly, her hand went to her Daggers, and she held them in front of her as their shapes twisted and contorted, became sharper, curvier. Runes etched themselves into the cold metal, and glowed with the same blue energy as the Mark. As this happened, her Mark altered its shape, to match the new weapons.She stood at the edge of the ridge, and shouted to Utu below. 'I just couldn't leave without saying goodbye, my dear Utu. In fact, I have a parting gift for you!' She flung the three Talon Blades at Utu, using her Mark and the runes to guide them straight to the Toa of Ice's neck.

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC - Yuru - Ko-KoroAn unexpected player was reintroduced to the game. The game that is, of Reaver's life. That's what it was to Yuru. Another toy. Another extension of his cruelty. Now that she was in with Utu and the other Mark Bearers...she could never get out. She would soon realize that as vines began to curl around her feet, spreading up to her legs, and wrapping around her.Yuru was again playing with Reaver's life."And after what I'd done to get you in with Utu. After how close we came to discovering more about what we really are. I could imagine you as a sister, Reaver. More than that. This is how you repay me?" his words rang through the snow, just as cold as it.She felt a blade against the back of her neck, stinging with her own betrayal. Even as the blade touched her skin, his other hand caressed the side of her head with what felt like care. "Are you sure you don't want to rethink your decision?" he voice had an edge to it that sounded almost like he was begging for her to come back.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Reaver'You don't understand. You are all insects beneath my feet, eventual puppets of my will. I am the Mark Bearer Victorious. All will bow before me.'At the last second, Reaver sent the Talons flying back at her, and had them circle around her legs, cutting the vines. Suddenly free, she grabbed Yuru's arm, and flipped him up over her head... and over the ridge.

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC - Yuru - LedgeYuru used the leverage she offered by counterattacking. He placed his other hand on her arm and twisted, sending her at a slight angle. His other foot flew up, straight towards her face.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Utu - Ko-WahiUtu leapt out of the way of the knives which curved towards him. He rolled to his feet as he saw Yuru thrust a knife to Reavers neck. He held out his hand, "No! Do not kill her!"IC: Tank - Ko-WahiTank stepped forwards, and Kearrstrun took it to his advantage. He leapt up and went once more for the book Tank held. Tank held it out of reach and held his staff threateningly. Kearrstrun did nothing. The two above started fighting. Utu started up the hill-side as Tank stayed to watch Kearrstrun.

Edited by MicroSnipe

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IC - Yuru - LedgeYuru stood still. Reaver charged...charged...her momentum gained every second. Surely she couldn't stop. He flipped around at the last second, dodging, which would send her over the ledge if she couldn't stop, and throwing his sword like a spear at her still-running form...

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC:Ire: I'm not drunk. The Wastes where we lived were as cold as this, and that was how we warmed up, since there was not much wood. It was more economical.Trad: Hello? Anyone up there who can talk to a ghost or at the very least, see me?

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC (Voi, Ko-Koro Inn):"How long are planning to stay here?"IC (Voima, Sanctum):Voima sighed and resumed his journey towards the Drifts. He would find a tunnel that led to Onu-Koro and he would find the next clue.IC (Henkka, Nothingness):"What's happened to you, Trad...?"OOC: :o

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Ooc: I nerfed my earlier post so instead kreigero is coming hereIc:Kreigero entered the Inn and sat down at the table voi and the others were at."So, who are you and why is this treasure you were trying to get", she inquired.OOC: she didn't hear the conversation in the kini

Visit www.BZPRPG.com to view my project of archiving BZPower's RPGs, and also access the BZPower Roleplaying Wiki

BZPRPG Profiles - Ghosts Of Bara Magna Profiles

Exo-Force RPG Profiles - Six Kingdoms: Apocalypse (Knichou, Berys, Arnex, The Taku, Exuze)

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IC - Yuru - LedgeYuru threw his arm over the ledge, almost looking like a lover desperately attempting to stop his love from falling to her death. As if the world was a sad story and he was the tortured protagonist. Then reality kicked in and vines jumped out from the side of the ledge. They reached for her legs, her arms, her head... Anything to bring her back to the ledge. Killing Utu would be a serious problem. Besides, they needed every Mark Bearer for his plan to work.

Edited by Malicious Individual

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC (Voi, Ko-Koro Inn):"The other end of my staff", Voi said, ashamed. "When put together, the two pieces become a powerful tool. In good hands, it could be used to help the Matoran, maybe even defeat Makuta. If it falls into evil hands... it has the power to enslave all Matoran and destroy every single Toa."OOC: Yeah, squee.

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