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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: KrianKrian shook his head. "I don't believe you. I don't believe that is why you did this. Because if it was, you would not have tried to become the very thing you fought."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: (Alrin)When the people a man needs, get taken away from him. You can't ever go back to who you were before.Truer words have never been spoken on this wretched island. A island I had once loved, a people I had once loved. I had seen the true face of this island, that of cowards, thieves, murderers, sadists and masochists. I had traveled all over this island hunting like a Takea shark when it smelt blood in the water. I chased people down, people responsible for that tragedy that happened so many years ago. One that shattered a dame so badly it was better than she didn't remember. The trail went cold eventually and I found myself floating through life like a piece of driftwood on the sea. No direction in particular, no real reason to live. Met a lady, cute one, military type, but things just didn't work out. Back then on Mervik's team I was basically a le-matoran and in Ko-Toa's body. Fun was my forte and people could always count on me for a laugh. A group had passed through my town when I became a Toa, with a Toa of Earth named Mervik and most mesmerizing Toa of Gravity I had ever seen. Her body was lithe and athletic, with armor that showed off such assets quite well. Though that wasn't what drew me in. She was a driven gal, knew what she wanted in life. Wanted to help people, wanted the glory of being a Toa. And then she ended up as the slave of some sicko. Reality had a nasty way of kicking you in the teeth, no middle ground it seemed. I watched as a Toa of Lightning and A Vortixx ripped apart buddies I had gotten to know so well. Girls that had high hopes and dreams but ended up spending them doing the pleasure of a twisted Toa of Lightning by the name of Telric. Piraka carved a mask in my chest, "The Laughing Hau". A mockery of Mata Nui and a sadistic joke to me. I dragged my body across the ground until I was able to find some cloth, ended up in a Ta-Koro hospital with sitches and scars.Something in me broke that day and it was never fixed. I would indulge in vicious and painful deaths of criminals, my blade twisting in their flesh. Bones breaking with that satisfying crack. I eventually found my way for a bit and then lost it again. The gal I met, by the name of Valria she never recognized me and when she did, I knew in the end I was the last kind of man she should be with. A monster, just like the very people I was fighting against, so that's how I found myself heading back to Ko-Koro. Home was the only place left to turn.When I arrived though I had been treated to another sight. It wasn't enough that fate had destroyed me, no, it had to go after my village. Snow had been a constant in Ko-Wahi, like death on this island. My village had been nearly destroy, so much destruction had been wrought on what was supposed to be a peaceful village, I could see a nearly obliterated Sanctum Guard Headquarters in the distance. Criminals looting the village, the guard rushing about with no idea how to handle it all. Well I wasn't going to let this stand, people walked all over my town, my friends and then walked all over me. Now they were going to get a boot to the mask, but someone had to get the situation under better control and unfortunately that meant me. I made my way to the headquarters brushing past men and women I knew from from my brief yet exceptional stint on the force. I headed straight to the armory. The place seemed to be barely together but I still managed to find what I was looking for. Guard armor, a crossbow, and a bigger sword. I tossed my knife to the ground as I replaced my worn, rusted armor. With the white and blue armor of the force. Clipping piece after piece on I soon found myself finished and picked up the large crossbow, slinging it across my back. Thing would be a pain to reload, but it was powerful. I fastened a sheathed and a longsword to my hip, before making my way back out to the main lobby."Wait...I'd recognize that mask anywhere? Is that the 2nd Lieutenant?" I turned around to see Velric, still younger than me but who had also aged in this time."Yes, I'm back. Consider me back on the force, looks like you need the help anyways." I replied, my tone as cold as ice. "Can you tell me what happened here?""It's been Karzahni LT, there was the first avalanche some time ago and now there's this. This place is barely standing since that attack and then there was the other avalanche, there's a temporary hospital setup in one of the inns. And leadership it seems has gone missing."I sighed rubbing my temples, the situation was worse than I thought maybe I died and ended up in Karzahni, I could never tell, and truthfully I stopped caring long ago."Alright, I'm gonna issue you an order. As Acting Captain as of right now, I want you to rely this order to the men and women for me. Any troublemakers, and criminals and vagrants will be brought under heel or taken out. I will not have my village made a mockery of, and none of you should either. So is there anywhere I can start looking into this attack, where did it seem to be concentrated, except for here?" I asked, waiting for Velric, eager to get moving. My village needed me and when I was needed I always came running.OOC: Alrin from Kini-Nui. Also I hope people know that acting Captain means he can easily be tossed out of this role at anytime. It's more like the highest ranking ground ops guy is issuing orders so things get done. Also that's much more readable than that turquoise.

Edited by The Mask


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IC: Endriin, NPC MuakaSeven's fist glanced the Muaka's head, sending it down on its side, dazing it. As it dragged itself upright, its back was coated in ice from Wraith's attack.Endriin calming walked up beside the stunned Rahi, twisted up, and unleashed the full force of the attack onto the Muaka's right thigh. A sickening crunch was heard as the mace impacted, as the creature roared in agony, and began thrashing around. Once it calmed down, it regarded its attackers with a fearful look, and began to limp away.Seven began to run after the rahi, but Endriin held an arm in front of him. He carved into the nearby cliffside.:m_d: :m_o: :n: :m_o: :t: :b: :l: :a: :m: :e: :i: :t:.

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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OOC: Sorry, but he can't exactly carve in Latin script. It builds character :PIC: EndriinHe nodded, and bowed at the Seventh's wisdom. Old habits die hard, it would seem.After a long trek through the thick snow, they arrived at the edge of Ko-Koro. He waved his arm over the village, signing that they were, in fact, in Ko-Koro.

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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OOC: Saporta from Le-Wahi.IC: Reordin (Ko-Koro)My God.Reordin's face remained largely stoic, but his eyes cut deep with pain and sorrow as he examined the ruins of Ko-Koro: the buildings around the Sanctum had been largely obliterated, leaving only the Wall of Prophecies - via divine intervention, most would say, but Reordin had doubts that this explosion would have acted as a suitable alarm clock for the Great Spirit - and the wreckage of the Sanctum Guard HQ. Inns and houses everywhere lay totaled, one particular bar had been converted into a field hospital, and burning wreckage littered the streets: broken Kanohi, discarded weapons, children's toys...His badge.It lay in a drift of snow, next to the body of a Sanctum Guard courier, and the lieutenant moved sluggishly over it and picked it up, examining it as though it had fallen from space. Sure enough, it was his: the name Saporta was carved into the top, and below it was his own design that he'd commissioned custom from the blacksmith that had fashioned it. How much had he and this hunk of medal been through? How many criminals, missions, close scrapes, had this badge suffered along with its owner? Reordin had always taken its meaning for granted: after a while, he had merely considered it a part of his own body, so close was he to the position it had signified. After all, nothing else but him had survived the attack on the Hive...The badge still wrapped in his fingers, Reordin dropped to his knees and unblinkingly watched as slowly, agonizingly, but surely, the burning of Ko-Koro began to slow and cease.-Teezy



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IC:Kai"You just don't understand. The world is not only corrupted by men and women like you, but ones like him." Kai said, pointing an accusatory finger at Savulg. "Ones that tolerate people like you. Ones that tolerate wanton destruction. Ones that just watch as a person kills another person's family.""Everybody is corrupted, and if let unchecked, this island would collapse upon itself. In order to save this island, I have decided to destroy everyone on it, and start anew with uncorrupted beings repopulating this world."He readied his sword. "But now is not the time for words, now is the time for action. I have overstayed my welcome, and am now risking myself by staying here any longer." And with that he charged at Krian, swinging his sword with a fast two handed slash.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: Byraher from Le-Wahi.IC(Byraher): Byraher tried to keep up with Reordin, but he easily outpaced her into the Koro. "Reordin! Sir!" she called out she moved through the village gates. She stopped short at the sight that greeted her. The sight and smell of dead and suffering nearly knocked her to her knees, but she managed to stand. "Reordin! Brakas!" she called she made her way through the carnage filled street. She caught sight of him, by a miracle, and rushed over. "Sir....orders?" What am I supposed to say?


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IC:RetselThe bullets were blocked by a metal disk, which promptly returned to it's sender. "I think someone needs to learn how to count." The Lesterin muttered, having been hidden in the shadows this entire time.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Cikren:The Toa of Ice stood on a ledge a bit of ways from the village, watching all events in and around the village. Things had somewhat settled down, except for the influx of visitors to the village. The explosion/avalanche combination had surprised her, and she considered herself lucky to be alive. For the time being, she would watch over the village, nothing better to do anyway.OOC: Cikren open for interaction.

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IC: TF141 (from Ga-Wahi)Pordal jumped from the Gukko and into the snowy field, his new disk launcher gripped tightly in his hands."Come on," he said.Yerith joined them on the ground, looking around. He saw the building, snug in a snowdrift, just as he remembered."I'm going to go back to base," Altal said. "There are two snipers from a Ta-Koro special forces group on the ridge over there. Good hunting." He hopped on a Gukko and headed back east.Gren was one of the first to run across the field. Two shots cracked out behind him as two guards fell with disks protruding from their heads.Sirron gave the all clear signal, moving up with the team."Let's clear out the building, now," Pordal said.Gren kicked the door open and let the Captains lead.Yerith worked his way through the tight hallways clearing out any guards that crossed his path.Pordal was right behind him, clearing out any rooms on the side. Soon the whole building was clear and everyone had only some minor cuts and bruises. The last room they came to was empty. It was the war room. The target, Codename: Kingfish, was nowhere to be found."Come look at this," Yerith said, signalling for Pordal to come over."It's Team Winged Dagger," Pordal mumbled. "Everyone except Walcroft, Griffen, and us is X'ed out."He heard a rumbling. The room was rigged with traps."GET DOWN!" he yelled.

Edited by Solaris: Electric Sentinel

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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OOC: Arriving from Le-Wahi.IC: Madrihk (A distance down the mountain from Ko-Koro)Madrihk walked alongside those that had accompanied him to the icy wastes. Some, like Reordin, had decided to move out in advance, but the rest of the team moved as a group. They would reach Ko-Koro before long, having marched at a brisk pace to ensure that they would be there in time... if not to fend off attackers, then at least to pick up the pieces. They had passed the green jungle belt, moved across mountainous plains and then reached the ice field that eternally covered the island's colder region. Ko-Koro wasn't even at the top of the great mountain, but lay only about halfway up the glacier that stretched almost to the ocean. The peak of Mt. Ihu itself was continuously plagued by blizzards, where even the Ko-Koronans were wary to set foot."We're getting close," Madrihk said, a puff of frost smoke escaping his mouth as he did. "First one to see anything, give a call. We'll want to get a grip of the situation before charging in, especially if there's fighting still going on. Attacking the wrong people will not earn us any points, no matter if our intentions are to help this place."

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IC: Reordin (Ko-Koro)"Try and make contact with the Sanctum Guard. Move quietly. In its current state, the Guard'll be willing to attack anything."IC: Esao (Ice Howl Inn, Ko-Koro)"Ta-da!" Esao said quietly, popping up behind Amalod. "What do you want to do now?"-Teezy



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IC(Byraher): "Got it." and she was gone. I'll check the headquarters first, or at least a standing building nearby. she thought as she sped through the rubble. She was quick, but silent. The snow helped muffled the noise as well. The streets were not a smart choice, so she went through the half-destroyed buildings instead. OOC: Who's part of the Sanctum?


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(Amalod [Ko-Koro inn, talking to Esao])

"I don't care, Esao," she says before adding,"But, I'd like to know more about you if we're going to be on the same team. I'm sure we have enough time to talk while we wait for Krayzikk."

(Ledzel [Ko-Wahi mountains, talking to Aurel])

"Oh, here, take this," Ledzel says to Aurel as he places his coat around the being.-Mef Man

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IC: Alfon / VolinMan, Ko-Wahi sucks. It's been too long since I've trudged through its harsh conditions, practically freezing myself to karz. I can't even feel my fingers! While I'm cold and grumpy, Volin's just trotting beside me regularly in a happy mood, warm due to his clothing and natural element of plasma. Unfortunately he can't control heat like Ta-Toa do unless I want to melt in a cloud of gas. How people can live here contently completely baffles me.But enough of that. My brother and I decided to stick close to the group Madrihk led, walking in silence. I know the place is usually filled with silence as if someone just died but trust me, with the news of the village's demise, it really felt dead this time. I'm surprised bossman's taking it so well.

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IC: TF141, OziOzi watched smugly as rocks tumbled down the mountainside, crushing the war room. He walked into the forming blizzard, laughing.Luckily, they had escaped. If Kingfish set this trap, he certainly didn't expect Pordal to catch on so quickly."We have to go," he yelled. "Kingfish is not here."Gren wrenched his way out of the hall, following the officers."Come on, guys, we need to move!" Sirron yelled back.Gren, inspired by Sirron's words, ran ahead, giving the cutoff signal to the snipers. He saw the tiny figures run as the cliff crumbled.Pordal turned around, firing into the sudden crowd of Vortixx guards. A Zamor sphere flew through the air, bursting just five feet from him, sending a fragment of metal flying towards his left eye. He turned his face away, but the shrapnel dragged across his mask, cutting into the skin below. He fell down, stunned, holding his eye.Sirron came around and dragged Pordal to the Gukkos.Gren wanted to keep the officers safe, so he fired up at the force on the hill until he had to board the Gukko.Yerith stayed out, firing out at the Vortixx, ignoring Pordal's cries. The Gukkos behind him took off."NO!" Pordal yelled. "We have to go back!""We go back, we all die," the Matoran pilot yelled.Yerith fell, wounded as the Gukko flew back to the east. Vortixx stood over him, carrying him away from the scene.OOC: TF141 to Ga-Wahi.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: Reordin (Ko-Koro)Saporta began to move towards the group at large and signaled over to them."The Sanctum's mostly obliterated," he said, voice tight. "Inns and huts got largely decimated. Domino effect explosives, most likely."IC: Esao (Ice Howl Inn, Ko-Koro)Esao mentally stiffened."What would you like to know?"-Teezy



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IC(Amalod [Ko-Koro inn, talking to Esao])

"Oh, just the usual," she begins. "Just, where you were born and what is was like. And, have you been to many of the different villages? I hear there's on of stone, one of fire, one of...grass (I think), and one of dirt. I've been to Ga-Koro and now I'm in Ko-Koro."-Mef Man

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IC: Esao (Ice Howl Inn, Ko-Koro)Esao decided there was no harm in the question and decided to answer."I spent most of my life in Ga-Koro," he said. "I left there the other day to come here for a while. Vacation of sorts."-Teezy



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IC: Esao (Ice Howl Inn, Ko-Koro)"I actually came because of Flyssa," he said. "One of her favorite bands played in Naho Bay, and she wanted me to go with her to see them play here. Then I ran into Sucogu and his team, and we never got to see them play."-Teezy



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IC: (Aryll/Ko-Wahi Mountains)Even with a thick, military issue long-coat, Aryll was freezing. The wind pierced his coat like spears. His feet, though protected by boots, were numb. But Aryll simply gritted his teeth and trudged on.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC(Amalod [Ko-Koro inn, talking to Esao])

Amalod giggles upon hearing the story. "Who's Flyssa? Was that the other girl who was here a second ago?" she asks the Toa, a smile still on her face.

(Ledzel [Ko-Wahi mountains, talking to Aurel])

"Well, we did rush off rather fast," Ledzel says to Aurel. "There wasn't much time to pack anything really," he says. The coat wouldn't provide enough heat for himself anyway. The rage at hearing the news of the village was heating him up well enough...-Mef Man

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IC: Esao (Ice Howl Inn, Ko-Koro)Esao tensed, visibly this time; his hands were clasped together in front of his well-crafted face in a prayer position, and his muscles were taut with tension and grief. His amethyst eyes darkened as he answered."Flyssa was...I don't know what we were," he said. "We came to Ko-Wahi together and joined Sucogu's team, but she, um...she died in the attack."IC: Reordin (Ko-Koro)"No," he replied. "Just volunteer workers and the injured."-Teezy

Edited by #firstworldtyler



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IC: KrianKrian caught the blow with one sword, and counterattacked with the second.IC: SkrihenSkrihen followed along wordlessly, only a slight shiver betraying the fact that she was quite cold.IC: AlexinAlexin landed wordlessly, a few yards ahead of the ILS. He shifted shapes, and stared at the group. His heavy coat fought off most of the cold, and he was used to the rest. He spied Reordin, and his jaw tightened.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC(Byraher):"Got it." and she was gone.I'll check the headquarters first, or at least a standing building nearby. she thought as she sped through the rubble. She was quick, but silent. The snow helped muffled the noise as well. The streets were not a smart choice, so she went through the half-destroyed buildings instead.OOC: Who's part of the Sanctum?
OOC: Alrin is, and I guess he's basically their only leadership right now, unless we know some Canon character that's higher up on the ranks.IC: (Alrin)I had finally gotten the information I needed, and Velric, well the resourceful little bugger would spreading the word to the guards. If any troublemakers didn't comply, they risked the penalty of death. I was like a Muaka on the hunt, scanning through the village for criminals, looters, anyone who would do this village ill. These looters, were insects that needed to be crushed under heel, and these terrorists, apparently the ones responsible for such wanton destruction. Well the last thing they would see was either a heavy bolt going through their eye socket or a blade in their chest. Scum didn't deserve to breath and I would be choking every last breath out of them. I scanned a building and called out."Sanctum Guard, is anyone here?" So far I didn't see anyone, but the room was dark, and a thought I had seen something out of the corner of my eye, only to see it disappear again, perhaps it was my own shadow. "If you're a friendly just come out, see hand isn't even on the trigger anymore." I let my hand slide to the grip of my crossbow as I waited for an answer. Someone was here, I just couldn't see them.OOC: Well if you want to interact, Cinnamon Grochi, you can. If you slip by him, I'm having him move on. Edited by The Mask


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