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Friar Tuck

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Speaking of how awesome Snelly is, have you decided who gets to be the Jester? I would PM you, but a think a few others want to know.I read about the Kin! Don't know if I'd ever qualify, though. :l

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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Yes, as soon as you finish your profile, I'll read through both of your's carefully and impartially, and then decided which one I think works the best. And of course, the loser can always make a different character, plenty to choose from. :P

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Ah, Pein. The sarcasm is strong with this one.Anyways, once Gravity finishes up...you'll have another couple coming in, ready to proclaim their happiness to the world...or at least, Jaron will be. Heh.

Here we go... more couples... how absurd! :P
You're just mad because Xibre doesn't have a girlfriend...because he's so...ya know...odd.
No... I'm not mad... I'm only slightly jealous that none of my characters have girlfriends... but what do you mean by "odd"?Also, on the topic of vets, I do believe that having more of them would of be good, since it could teach some of the newer players how to RP better.
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helo frens

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And here I am without a standing relationship and no real desire to achieve this "accomplishment."...Look, I'd much rather be in a revival of the Kin, or the Daedra, or the Royal Court than have two characters kiss their way across the island.

Edited by Shadow Guardian

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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LOVE SHACKBABY LOVE SHACK(DUN-DUN)LOVE SHACKBABY LOVE SHACK...So, how many of you guys are gonna end up pitching in to explain the concept of a "girlfriend" to our favorite martial artist in there, I wonder?EDIT: KNI's got the right ideaDisregard relationships, acquire ADVENTURE

Edited by Razgriz the Dovahkiin

helo frens

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Yes! Please! I need pros to teach me how to RP! :3Why is is that I have over 1,000 posts but am still a newbie?

Because post count is not necessarily related to post quality?X3But I agree. This generation needs more vets to return so that a new generation of THOSE can arise, because if it doesn't, the forum is definitely screwed.YMMV on how correct I am/how much I know. My .02$ is just that it'd be really chill if you, Sera, returned to at least help show this forum's members how it's done so that they can craft new veteranship statuses of their own.As for the Ta-Koro Fortress Hospital being a 'Love Shack': I detest the name, but I have to agree. It's nice that so many people are interacting in it, but how likely is it that so much romance in an island of several hundred people a few hundred kilo square are going to converge on one half a kilo squared worth of complex? Please try to more evenly distribute the romance across MN. If you're really having problems with that, you could always make your own PC-run hospital and have your chars make out/propose/whatever in there.@Onarax: Kughz already did his worst to me. So I'm not too scared.Then again, he's one of my closest things to an online buddy [i don't know offline]...In any case, my plans are changing things around here. Nefarious!Pein is here to stay, diabolically plotting away from his secret lair in the heart of a volcano the fates of his many chars. Bwahahaha. Edited by Pein



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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And here I am without a standing relationship and no real desire to achieve this "accomplishment."...Look, I'd much rather be in a revival of the Kin, or the Daedra, or the Royal Court than have two characters kiss their way across the island.

Yeah, same here... speaking of the Kin, I may be interested in joining, once it's up and running...
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I have to say, it'd be pretty sweet to look back and be called a veteran.Post count means nothing. I believe I'm one away from 3,040 and not exactly revered.@Onarax That'd be pretty cool.

Edited by Shadow Guardian

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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Yes! Please! I need pros to teach me how to RP! :3Why is is that I have over 1,000 posts but am still a newbie?

Because post count has nothing to do with post quality?X3But I agree. This generation needs more vets to return so that a new generation of THOSE can arise, because if it doesn't, the forum is definitely screwed.YMMV on how correct I am/how much I know. My .02$ is just that it'd be really chill if you, Sera, returned to at least help show this forum's members how it's done so that they can craft new veteranship statuses of their own.As for the Ta-Koro Fortress Hospital being a 'Love Shack': I hate that, but I have to agree. It's nice that so many people are interacting in it, but how likely is it that so much romance in an island of several hundred people a few hundred kilo square are going to converge on one half a kilo squared worth of complex? Please try to more evenly distribute the romance across MN. If you're really having problems with that, you could always make your own PC-run hospital and have your chars make out/propose/whatever in there.
It's not my fault. Only Krayzril is my fault. Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Hey, as I said before, I'm clean on romance. Heck, I'm actively counteracting it by forcing them to EXPLAIN it.How's THAT for toning it down, eh?Oh wow I just realized the irony. It's Valentine's Day of all days that my character's lack of educatrion on romance is brought up.Wait, I don't think that is irony per se...

helo frens

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@Onarax That'd be pretty cool.

So it's settle than, we'll both control a Jester. Although I'm thinking of making mine a female and have a sort of Brother-Sister duo. Which would you guys prefer. 2 Brothers or a Brother and Sister.
As long as it's based on Harley Quinn.Sure. Wouldn't be the first time I've had a brother/sister pair.

It's not my fault. Only Krayzril is my fault.

...Krayzil?Is that a German snack?

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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@Onarax That'd be pretty cool.

So it's settle than, we'll both control a Jester. Although I'm thinking of making mine a female and have a sort of Brother-Sister duo. Which would you guys prefer. 2 Brothers or a Brother and Sister.
Just a suggestion, how about twin Jesters, the Harlequin and the Hellequin?

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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For those of you writing romances: I have been fortunate enough to see two successful romances in my time here. One ended in marriage and the other got lost in A: the end of the world and B: the mists of time. The first of those two was between two of Friar Tuck's characters and had been set up for at least a year, if not longer, prior to the actual marriage. The other just sort of developed, as I recall, between Tommi and Alta, two of the Kin.I highly suggest that you check and make sure these come about naturally, instead of going "dohoho, let's do a romance, that'll be cool!" Let the characters get interested in each other, don't force them into it.:w:

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