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Friar Tuck

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You know what I just realized, this RPG's good guys have no direct foils. No enemy that they'd end up facing everytime, no arch nemesis. I mean what's a good hero without a good arch nemesis.

Actually, my main char, Krayzikk (AKA the one Kughii blames everything on. :P ) had a foil in Tarn. Then Tarn died. Or did he? MWahahahahahahah.......



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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@Onarax: That generalization is actually untrue. There is one foil for a hero I've arranged...But I won't reveal it yet directly. If you're keeping track of my chars, you might catch what I'm hinting at.

I never said all the good guys didn't have foils it's just that the Majority don't. Also I personally find it cheap for the arch nemesis to be played by the same player, no offense to anyone.


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@Onarax: That generalization is actually untrue. There is one foil for a hero I've arranged...But I won't reveal it yet directly. If you're keeping track of my chars, you might catch what I'm hinting at.

I never said all the good guys didn't have foils it's just that the Majority don't. Also I personally find it cheap for the arch nemesis to be played by the same player, no offense to anyone.
You said 'this RPG's good guys have no direct foils'. So actually, you did.Glad to not do that, then. But I really dunno how cheap that is...



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Alright, Nuju gave me the okay for Havon to have found the Kapura's mask. Guess it's time to for him to go to Ta-koro.

Be prepared for Jaron to have mental breakdown number two, then...he's going to go ballistic. Then he might cry a little. Then he'll probably blow up a few small huts, chop down a tree with his fists, go lava diving...the sort of thing you might expect.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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I thinkt the Hau Karda page on the wiki needs updating. Could someone weho has been in from the very bginning please edit the history section. Also, As I am not amiliar with Wiki-codeing, could someone create blank pages for my chars? I just want all of the headings set up like a normal page, with the side bar. I can edit all of the info.

I could do the Hau Karda page, if I really wanted to.

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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Well I should have worded that better, I mean Daedra vs Ancora(?).It's just that when you control both chars you can dictate the outcome of all battles, thus taking away the fun and challenge of facing an enemy better than you, multiple times.

To be fair, I'm the only Daedra and Ancora member who controls their own rival. And that was unintentional. :PSpeaking of... I should do some hunting around for the other Daedra members and read what they're up to...

Follow me on YouTube!





~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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Oh no, you two aren't meeting up. I don't want Jaron caught in the middle of that.And, on a sidenote, I made a short story about Jaron if anybody cares. I hope you'll find it a good read if you do look at it. And the title shouldn't be too hard to figure out...it's the only topic there with my name on it.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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I've been thinking, and unfortunately I don't think I'll be coming back to play, not for a while anyway. This, in part, is due to time constraints - exams are still crazy, and I have university later this year, along with many other things to top it off.I also feel like I just wouldn't be able to commit to this community in the way I have done in the past. Part of what made this RPG for me was the deep, involving story, but mostly it was the people, and none of them are here any more. You're all fantastic, of course, but I'd forever be sitting here in the corner as the grumpy, nostalgic old man who claims everything "was better in my day". :P That, and I think Nuju has a great thing going here, and that's one apple cart I don't wish to upset.I'll probably still be kicking around the forum, and any PMs will be received reasonably quickly, but I won't be active in the RPG (as if that's anything new, haha...). So, I wish you a long and happy stay here on the community that's been a huge part of my life for nearly ten years.Last remaining Zyglak, signing off. :)

I urge you otherwise.I may not be a veteran as old as you and your gang, at least here in the BZPRPG, but I do adhere to the old ways. Having been taught by the likes of Crimson Jester and influenced by Seraphim, you could say I was "classically trained," with emphasis to storytelling and interaction elevated to almost literary standards. I stick around here in the BZPRPG as someone who holds those ideals dear and promotes them at almost every opportunity, but despite my zealousness and surveyance of promising next-generation idealists, I am almost alone in the endeavor.People still whisper the names of the Kin, and in some hearts, the word "Santun" fills them with dread on par with what "Locus Abeo" means to us. Seriously, to those who know who and what you and the rest of your kind are, you're paramount storytellers and the stuff of legends. When one of you guys are online, people are hopeful for a revisit. Am I trying to flatter you? Maybe, but I speak truth.The fact is that while you are part of a dying breed, that doesn't make you a gimpy geezer who shakes a cane at the new kids on the block. This game needs people just like you to set an example, raise the curve, show how it's done and be a reminder of what could be done. And this can be beneficial to the game on more than just an exeplary front: With Tuck and Emzee almost never on these days, Nuju's holding the fort, and at times like these, the vets are the vanguard of the enforcement squad. What this game needs is people just like you being a presense, someone to help keep the game true to its roleplaying roots and instilling the wisdom of what is done in these games. I try, but I'm almost the only one who still stick around no matter what.So I urge and encourage you to make just one character and be here for keeps. I know, I know, you crack the window open and a gust will get in, as the saying goes, but I still want to see you try it on for size. And if you'd feel lonely, I'd hang with you here.The Q&A of the game says the veterans are the one who care about the game the most. You don't want to be the geezer who says "back in my day," all the time, but by always coming to the GD topic and saying hi, that's the exact sterotype you fall into. If you really wanna be a boon to the game and a bannerman for your status, then stop popping in like a circut riding preacher and actually contribute to the wellness of the game.

You know what I just realized, this RPG's good guys have no direct foils. No enemy that they'd end up facing everytime, no arch nemesis. I mean what's a good hero without a good arch nemesis.

I think it's more natural if the villain exists first and the hero is created as a foil to him or her. It's the villain who's always scheming, after all; the hero is here to stop him. The villain in a full-time job; the hero: part-time. So go out, find a villain, and latch onto him like a parasite.A good, heroic parasite.
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@ EW: I suppose I needed that, even if it wasn't pointed at me. I admit I feel rather beleaguered at times.I do think I'm going to nix Atiel though, he was fun for a while but it got a tad tedious. I think I'll play with my assassin. I think she's still got some potential. A tabula rasa, as it were.:w:

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EW is correct. As a player with a mid-level of experience, I've always looked with awe at the way veterans play. To match the level of detail, emotion, and skill that went into such posts has been an aspiration of mine for a while.The sheer depth of the RPG veterans like you, Tahakki, helped to create is astonding. Dozens of guilds and organizations with rich histories spanning years, characters more developed then some in mainstream fiction, and grand, spectacular battles.I looked up to the older players for inspiration, and as EW said, this generation needs some too. With the BZPRPG rebooted, this generation is the first in a young, fresh RPG. For them to become the next generation of staffers, the next veterans that newer players look up to, they need an example to follow. They need a guiding light.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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Still. As many can testify, I'm as much of a noob as the next guy, but then sometimes I post like this. It all has to do with his much time you put into it.

Posts like that are cool, but they take forever to read. And even longer to write, if I wrote like that all the time, it would take forever. Actually I don't think I write like that at all. :PWould I like to? Sure, I'm gonna try a different writing approach with The Royal Court thing I'm doing, since it's really less focused on just one character and more of a group thing. Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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All writers have their own styles. Yours may be brief to a degree, Snels, but your posts are still full. That said, I am of the school to create posts as meaty and detailed as possible within limits, both time and logic-wise, and implement real literary tecnique into the work to evoke emotions, though I'm hardly the master of that art. However, what I preach is simply that all players do their best and strive to be storytellers, not just writers. Anyone can write, but it takes effort and skill to effectively tell a story. Twilight versus A Song of Ice and Fire are examples of this contrast.

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Oh boy, way to tempt a flame war... :PAs for me, I like to take the middle road. I try to avoid making my posts seem too much like a wall of text,and at the same time I want to use every word, every sentence, to the fullest of its capability in conveying the story I have created.In other words, my posts end up long and thin. :lol:


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Ah, your just trying to butter me up. :biggrin: Though yes, I do try to make sure there's at least some depth to my posts. I still think I could improve though, there's always room for that.Edit: Just read your jam session, awesome stuff, makes it all the more exciting, I'll see where trying to find Kapura's clue goes on my end of course, maybe Vakama will have a way when he speaks with Havon? Will see...Your post just got me excited....woot!

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Ah, fine then, I guess I'll draw up a couple of new characters, though I doubt I'll do any massive story arcs or anything - Mout I ain't. :P I'll be honest, it's the mention of the Santun that has me coming back - no organisation, whether in books, films or games, has filled me with as much fear, dread and revulsion as Sera managed to pull of with both the Santun and the Roses.Anyway, first post will likely be in Le-Wahi. See you there!

Previously known as tahakki-nuva, Zyglakky Tahakky, Dougal and Mister Brown Sauce. :P
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Aw, where's the love, Katuko?-Mef

My love is either present or not present. I do not need a day devoted to a super-charge of love and peace and happiness, because I believe in spreading that stuff around in moderate amounts every day instead. Besides, in this RPG there is really no place for it, as people are already being lovey-dovey when they want to, and it's impossible to extend it any further. The end result here will be that whomever wants to bring V's Day into this RPG will do so, and the rest will ignore it. Same with every other holiday on the internet. Edited by Katuko
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Ah, fine then, I guess I'll draw up a couple of new characters, though I doubt I'll do any massive story arcs or anything - Mout I ain't. :P I'll be honest, it's the mention of the Santun that has me coming back - no organisation, whether in books, films or games, has filled me with as much fear, dread and revulsion as Sera managed to pull of with both the Santun and the Roses.Anyway, first post will likely be in Le-Wahi. See you there!

Me, I loved the Santun arc, simply because you could get away with stuff you could never do today. Yeah, it's more fair today, but it's significantly less awesome.:w:
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