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BIONICLE MAFIA XIII: Tower of Trepidation


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Canis: 9

Tyler: 9

Pulse: 3
iBrow: 1
Dapper: 1




“And...we have our killers!”


Detective Baltarc proudly announced from the stand. Tyler and Canis were led up to the gallows.


A murmur went up from the crowd. “Wait a second...two killers? I thought there was only one...”

“Yeah, well, we just wanted to make extra sure that we got him. Now...are you prepared to avenge TBK's death?” he asked, tying a noose around Canis.


“Wait,” Canis said. “I didn't do it!”

“Aw, hush.” Baltarc responded. “It's too late to claim innocence now. You should have actually tried voting to save yourself.”

“...but...but I was asleep at the time! And besides, it's totally Pulse-”

“Quiet.” Baltarc interrupted. “You will pay for your crimes.”


And with that, Baltarc pulled a lever, sending Canis to his death.


Canis, Ko-Matoran, lynched


A disappointed silence fell over the crowd when Canis' body did not transform upon death, proving his villagerness.


“...well...that didn't go spectacularly...but we've got one more chance!” Baltarc continued excitedly, moving over to Tyler. “Now...Tyler...the village has chosen you as well...do YOU have any last words...mister...um...mister...hmm.”

“What is it?” Tyler asked, somewhat angrily.

“...well...it's just um...hmm...here...how can this be?”


Tyler looked at the new detective, confused.


“...I...I must have made some sort of mistake. It appears you didn't have the votes after all.”


“Yeah...I thought you were tied with Canis...but...I guess I was wrong. It seems like you had one vote less than Canis did.”


"Right here," Baltarc said, pointing to the voting sheet, which read clearly:



Canis: 9

Tyler: 8

Pulse: 3
iBrow: 1
Dapper: 1

"...then...I'm not going to die?"

“I guess not. I must've misread. Sorry about that. You are free to go, I suppose.”


Tyler, Man with Bold Claims, Saved by the Secret Role


“...hmm. I guess we still missed the Mafian. Oh well...maybe we'll get him next time.”


Meanwhile, in the corner, a slight chuckle came from a Matoran, holding in his hand the real voting list, which did indeed show Tyler tied with Canis. “Heh...the Dark Hunters were well aware Tyler knew too much...I'm afraid, though, not everything can go exactly to plan, my murderous comrades.”


A fake voting sheet had been easy enough to replicate, and as long as the vote count was similar, no one would suspect anything. The only question was...had this mysterious subverter of democracy saved the right person?




The Matoran once again cleared the traps before them with little effort. By evening, they had reached the stairs to the next floor, and by sundown, they were on the third floor. There was just enough light pouring in from the windows for the Matoran to notice that the floor was designed around the element of earth.




The Shadowy One's Lair

Floor: ???

Floor: ???

Floor: ???

Floor: Earth

Floor: Air

Floor: Water

Outside the Tower


The Matoran settled down for the night, prepared to do whatever was necessary to avoid losing another comrade. Well...all but one did.


On the floor below, TBK's body, which had been stuffed into a makeshift grave by MoC, suddenly ceased to exist. In its stead, a glowing bolt shot up from the second floor, went through the ceiling, and embedded itself in another Matoran.


Perhaps the village was not so doomed after all. The spirit of light...had one final guardian. The previous Av-Matoran had passed his final trial before departing. Along with him, and a secret role working to protect the innocents...the village still stood a chance so long as they could reach the top of the tower before it was too late.






As always, roles/mask users have 48 hours to PM.



Edited by MT Zehvor


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Remember guys, there's a secret role. And he doesn't like democracy. How do we know it isn't him?

Edited by The ShadowVezon


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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All that last second indecision for nothing. :@


Things are getting interesting now, that's for sure.



The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




Check it out for laughs, discussion, and more.

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Remember guys, there's a secret role. And he doesn't like democracy.



Seriously, I'm disappoint. My gut feeling was really going for Tyler, and the voices in my head are agreeing with it.

your gut is wrong.

that is all i shall say.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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Ladies and gentlemen, a new character.


If you're going to call me a communist, at least call me by my name...


Steam name: Ehksidian

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It appears so


You did say that the secret role wasn't partial to democracy


Which theoretically could mean that they like anything other than that, not just communism, but Dapper draws conclusions and

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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It appears so


You did say that the secret role wasn't partial to democracy


Which theoretically could mean that they like anything other than that, not just communism, but Dapper draws conclusions and



Steam name: Ehksidian

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It appears so


You did say that the secret role wasn't partial to democracy


Which theoretically could mean that they like anything other than that, not just communism, but Dapper draws conclusions and

I'm assuming this sentence suddenly being cut off means you were killed mid accusation by Dapper.


EDIT: Also yes. All I said was that the secret role disliked democracy as the method of deciding who should die. And basically everyone took that to mean he was a third party killer.





Edited by MT Zehvor


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Bionicle Mafia 14: Monarchy


Hosted by whoever the secret role is

Hasn't he hosted a game recently?

jk no idea who he is just trying to get people to reveal stuff lol

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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Bionicle Mafia 14: Monarchy


Hosted by whoever the secret role is

Hasn't he hosted a game recently?

jk no idea who he is just trying to get people to reveal stuff lol


Maybe. Also yes I know your true intentions.



Edited by MT Zehvor


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-The Shadowy One

It appears the Shadowy One has been driven insane by Mesonak.


Good work, Toa. The Matoran will be up to rescue you in a bit.




Wait, I was sane? :P


I will let him free if all of you kill him. :P

And give me instruments -RG

-The Shadowy One

Edited by Rahkshi Guurahk

-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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48 hours over!





Nighttime had fallen, and the Matoran were now a frightened bunch of adventurers. They were too far into the tower to turn back, and at this point, an attack from the Dark Hunters seemed un-preventable. The Matoran steeled themselves for the inevitable strike.


Two such Matoran, Portal and Blade, passed the time by playing a game of chess. The two skilled competitors went at it for a good half hour or so, trading pieces and developing their position, until Portal finally gained an advantage.


“Check,” Portal announced, as he went to tap the clock that would start the time on Blade's turn. Only, the clock wasn't there.


It had been smashed.


Into several hundred pieces.


By a very angry looking Dark Hunter that had suddenly appeared right next to the table.


The two Matoran looked up at the Dark Hunter, who growled at Portal.

“You. Time to die.”

“...that was an expensive chess clock...” Portal said, not even bothering to glance at his attacker.


The Dark Hunter ignored the complaint, and continued. “Your horrible wastefulness...your extravagant lifestyle...even your very monicker condemns your actions.”

Portal looked up, now very confused. “I'm sorry...what on Earth are you talking about-”


“DEATH TO PROFLIGATES!” the Dark Hunter yelled, obviously confused as to his target's name. He pulled out a rather large weapon and swung it viciously.




The Dark Hunter went flying backwards and crashed into the ground. He shook his head and picked himself up off the ground.


“...that's what you get for smashing people's chess clocks,” Portal retorted, a shield glowing around him.

“...you...how did you know?”

Portal smiled. “You couldn't have made it much more predictable. I suppose capable planning would be well beyond a group of pathetic Dark Hunters, though.”


Protalfig, Profligate Sound-Alike, attacked by Dark Hunter, saved by Hau


“...this...this is not the end...we will be back!” the Dark Hunter announced, turning to flee the scene.


The Onu-Matoran laughed as the Dark Hunter limped off. The other Matoran had already been alerted by the noise and were coming quickly. This would not take long.


The villagers arrived within a minute. A group of suspects was quickly rounded up, although Portal noticed that, once again, five suspects were on the list.


“...curses. I hadn't accounted for the Master of Illusion being able to respond so soon.”


Nevertheless, the night had, by and large, been a success for the village. The Dark Hunters had failed to account for the use of masks, and one of them was vulnerable for a lynching because of it. Now the responsibility shifted to the whole village...could they finally do what they hadn't done all game, and lynch a Dark Hunter?









Shadow Vezon: Had a rather bent up lead pipe on him, claims it was a souvenir from Mike Haggar

Valendale: Plays way too much Fallout, probably the only one who would know that Lanius reference

Burnmad: A known hater of clocks, sundials, and any other forms of time keeping

MoC: A psychopath who is probably more likely than most to attempt murder for a dumb reason

Jag18: Got checkmated in three moves by Portal the week before, possible revenge?




Voting ends at 3 PM EDT on Sunday. Anyone who wishes to use a mask for the night scene tomorrow, you've got from now until 3 PM EDT on Monday to PM me.


Also here's some music to go along with your questioning of the suspects.



Edited by MT Zehvor


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FINALLY, a positive turn of events. :D


I think I'm going to take Tyler's earlier revelations at face value and see where they lead us. I vote ShadowVezon.



Edited by Mesonak
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The Three Virtues YouTube Channel




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I barely even know who Haggar is, and I certainly wouldn't have a souvenir. Whoever said I said that is obviously framing me.


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"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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